That's Pretty Dark: An '80s & '90s Nostalgia Podcast

Kalyn Andrews & Christian Baxter Mott

Here for the '80s & '90s kids who still long for the safe, spooky glow of the TV screen in a dark room, Kalyn Andrews and Christian Baxter Mott take a nostalgic look at the grittier side of the children's entertainment that ruled our adolescence and moulded our generation. Our show features every-other-weekly discussions ranging from movie nights and season-long binges, to spooky specials of shows and other traumas... (ahem, memories). So, grab your flashlights and join us as we go searching for and researching what exactly it was that happened to us in the dark all those many moons ago. Indulge the collective nostalgia and follow us on Instagram and Facebook @thatsprettydarkpodcast. Tell us about your childhood experience, frightful or otherwise, at Peruse merch options and more at read less

Our Editor's Take

That's Pretty Dark: An '80s & '90s Nostalgia Podcast revisits pop culture from the end of the 20th century. The podcast discusses the entertainment of many listeners' childhoods. The hosts discuss TV shows, films, and strange memories from the past. Christian Baxter Mott and Kalyn Andrews host this show. Together, they explore scary things from their youth. They take memories from movie nights and late-night stories. Years later, many of these things seem stranger than they did at the time.

Christian works in the film industry and Kalyn works in PR. In their spare time, they investigate weird pop culture moments from the '80s and '90s. All cultural moments have a spooky theme. The shows and films discussed are strange and sometimes watched with the lights out. Often, the hosts ask, "How were kids allowed to watch this?"

The hosts remember the shows they watched on Nickelodeon and Disney and recount ghost stories. In one episode, they remember Zeke the Plumber, a children's TV character. Zeke was a masked character who read children's thoughts using a toilet plunger. Other episodes feature scary moments from Hey Arnold! Christian and Kalyn discuss an episode where the characters encounter a ghost bride. They also discuss superstitions such as stepping on cracks and spilling salt.

Elsewhere, the duo talks about Courage the Cowardly Dog ). The TV show featured a dog defending its owners from bizarre supernatural forces. Christian and Kalyn interview the creators of the show as well. On some episodes, they speak to head writer David Steven Cohen and cocomposer Jody Gray.

Other episodes remember big music moments, such as Michael Jackson's Thriller. The hosts also discuss weird children's toys, such as Furbys. They find out more about the origins of spooky children's culture. Christian and Kalyn explore the origins of marketing to children. The cohosts explain why the results could be so unsettling. Any American child of the '80s and '90s may recognize some of these cultural moments.

The That's Pretty Dark: An '80s & '90s Nostalgia Podcast releases new episodes several times a month.

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