The Deep Awareness

Taylor Bowden

If reality gave you a choice to start at the end of existence instead of in the beginning. Would you decline or would you accept? People often wonder if life is meant to be and destiny was created and set. Questioning if we even create our own destiny. Destiny is defined by experience. After you act on a choice it becomes reality. But how can reality be defined? Reality is perceived by a person's mind, and the way they perceive is through awareness. Although a majority of perception is found in the conscious mind, there is still a lot of processing we are unaware of. Understanding a mind and the awareness of it, is like understanding the stars in the universe. When gazing up into the stars can you picture an end.

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The positive conversation. (Open discussion)
Dec 11 2023
The positive conversation. (Open discussion)
Max explains gratitude and positivity and how it transforms reality into its’ better self.Here are the timestamps for easy navigation and to save you your time just in case you are in a hurry. .53 within the first minute max defines positivity with a description that is clever, inspiring, and worth hearing. Within several words he hits it on the spot, revealing the truth about positivity. 2:20 What can positivity do to your world? Positivity should never be underestimated! As we give out our best energy to the world, we will receive back into our minds, bodies, and spirit. 4:35 How can negativity corrupt or destroy our minds? Negativity is a black hole that digs as deep as you dig it. The only way out is through flipping the switch, turning your mind into a positive manner. Both positivity and negativity can be considered like a light switch, there is only one at a time, it's either on or off. 13:49 Each thought will have a collision of emotions, feelings, and opinions! This will engage more of your subconscious as it mellows out into your brain. Thoughts are more powerful then we comrphend. 15:02 How can you reverse negativity in a more positive manner? The answer is narrowed down, explaining in detail how this problem can be solved. If you desire more information, I will recommend listening and absorbing the message around its time frame. (15:02)With no doubt obtaining and maintaining a positive mindset will empower you through yours days, weeks, months, and years.
Holistic living in The Deep Awareness.(open discussion)
Oct 6 2023
Holistic living in The Deep Awareness.(open discussion)
This open discussion was powerful in every way. Although I do understand that the majority of us are busy. For that reason I divided this powerful discussion into sections. Feel free to go through this description to click your desired spot and interest. Although I highly recommend listening to the whole episode when you have the time available. (Introduction/start) Learn more about my friend/guest Rex who has a master degree in psychology from BYU. His intellect on this topic is impressive and enlightening. Rex definitely knows his stuff.(9:24) what is a insource and what is a outsource? I have engaged a deep understanding into this concept to develop it into an interesting discussion. This part of the discussion goes into depth on how each individual contains their own perceptive as their insource. Leaving everything else that is outside that person’s perceptive an out source. (15:00) Understand the truth about how interpret body language. (17:23) when the process of thinking and a current conversation are into two different zone but in the same environment. After listening to the part of the podcast you will understand the meaning behind this idea and how often our attention span transitions into different emotions/perceptions. (19:37) “Hey Rex, what limits the mind?” His answer was significant with logic behind each one of his three answers. The mind uses three resources to fuel its functions to a proper state. These three sources are sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Thank you Rex for being on my podcast and thank you to all that are supporting and watching The Deep Awareness.