The Waiting Well - Infertility, Faith-based Encouragement, Trying to Conceive, Fertility

Courtney Duinker, Infertility Warrior, Wellness Coach, Mentor for TTC Women

Are you constantly asking God, why me? Why am I not getting pregnant? Why am I going through infertility? Are you scouring the internet for answers for how to navigate infertility and trying to conceive as a Christian? Are you looking for faith-based support on your fertility journey because no one in your circle really knows what you’re going through? Do you wish you could be at peace with God, your story, and learn to see the goodness of God in your waiting season? In this podcast, you will find faith-based encouragement and support for your TTC & infertility journey, whether you’re navigating IVF, IUI, fertility treatments or simply just waiting, you do NOT have to walk this road alone. Hi, I’m Courtney Duinker, host of the Waiting Well Podcast… I remember how it felt five years in to our infertility story, standing in the aisle of Target right after a failed IUI treatment, holding back tears as I reached for a box of tampons when a couple who was clearly expecting came down the aisle. They were smiling as they talked while holding a new pack of diapers. My heart sank. I couldn’t help the one question bubbling to the surface as my heartache over not conceiving overwhelmed me…. will it ever be my turn? I felt forgotten, lost and wanted to tap out of the roller coaster of infertility we seemed to be stuck on. I didn’t know how to find peace with God. I wrestled to believe or see His goodness. And at one point, my faith felt completely shattered. I felt so alone in our pain & suffering. As we faced questions around treatment options, I was so confused. What was God’s plan? What were we supposed to do? I so desperately wanted to honor God even with our fertility journey. But I wrestled with how. This is what led to creating The Waiting Well. A virtual “well” where TTC women can come together and be equipped with God’s Word, encouraged, challenged and ultimately supported as we learn to wait well on God’s timing. Each week I’ll share faith-based encouragement from my own infertility journey, provide information from expert guests on navigating infertility/TTC, powerful testimonials, answer common questions with scripture and share top tips on stewarding your health through this demanding journey. My mission is to equip you to live an “even if” life… Even if God doesn’t answer my prayer, or grant me this desire to be a mother, I will still praise Him. He is still good. And my life, my identity, my worth is a sure thing I find in Him alone. If you are ready to take back control of your life, find peace with God, joy in the in-between spaces and thrive in your waiting season, then meet me at the well girl. We’ve got some intentional growth to do. Connect with Me: Instagram: @sownwithstrength Work Virtually w/ Me on your Health + Fitness Goals: The Waiting Well Free FB Community Group: Join my Email List & Receive a Freebie (my Fav 5 Bible Verses to Help You in the Wait): Email: read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


47 | Navigating Financial Decisions while TTC: Guest Interview Rachel Cruze from Ramsey Solutions
3d ago
47 | Navigating Financial Decisions while TTC: Guest Interview Rachel Cruze from Ramsey Solutions
Before I met Josh, I worked as a Children's Ministry Coordinator at a church. They offered to pay for us to go through Financial Peace University a program by Dave Ramsey and his team. As a young college graduate with student loans, this was a huge gift to learn how to honor God with my finances. When Josh and I then got married, we went through the videos again as a married couple. The principles we learned in this course contributed to how we made financial decisions regarding our trying to conceive journey.  We had committed to always honor God with our finances, and we take to heart the principles shared in this course. It's one of the reasons we took years before we got to the financial and logistical point of pursuing IVF. I have chatted with so many women who shared how heartbroken they were that they did not consider the financial burden of taking loans out to pay for their treatments only to end up not getting pregnant. This is a very sensitive subject but I believe that this road of infertility and trying to conceive is ALREADY so hard. It doesn't have to be harder because of finances.  I wanted to interview Rachel because I wanted to share the resource of what they offer at Ramsey Solutions (this course: ) but also to shed light that God's word speaks to us with how we are to approach decisions that impact our finances. Because that also impacts our marriages on the back end.  I'm so excited for you to hear from Rachel Cruze, best-selling Author, Ramsey Personality and Certified Financial Coach. You can connect with her here:  Buy her new Children's Book:    Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
46 | 9 Questions to ask Yourself to Determine your Spiritual Health while TTC According to God's Word
May 6 2024
46 | 9 Questions to ask Yourself to Determine your Spiritual Health while TTC According to God's Word
Hi Friend, do you feel at a loss spiritually while TTC? Not sure if you're thriving, surviving or even just at a loss of how to find health in your relationship with God as you navigate the difficulty of your dreams for motherhood? Then this episode is for you!  This week on The Waiting Well we are discussing 9 questions that you can ask yourself that will help you become self-aware with how you're ACTUALLY doing right now as you TTC as a Christian and what we can do differently as a result of how we answer these questions.   If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
45 | 5 Habits to Help You Create Peace while TTC as a Christian
Mar 6 2024
45 | 5 Habits to Help You Create Peace while TTC as a Christian
Hi Friend, do you feel a total lack of peace with God's timing and this season of waiting while TTC? Then this episode is for you!  This week on The Waiting Well we are discussing 5 habits that you can DO (yes DO!) to help you begin cultivating peace & health while TTC as a Christian! Sometimes I just want to DO something to feel better - this is exactly that type of episode! Let's DO something and watch God at work!  You can find more info on the 4 Week Gut Protocol Challenge I talk about in this episode by filling out this form with your email:  I will have a TTC focused group only for those who join this challenge walking that path to be connecting specifically with other women too!  Reminder ** I am not a doctor or a medical professional. All thoughts shared on this episode are my personal experience/opinion and in no way am I saying this gut challenge will lead you to a pregnancy but research shows that gut health is PART of the whole that impacts fertility.  If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
44 | Alone in a Sea of Baby Showers: Coping with the Struggle as Everyone Around You Embraces Parenthood
Feb 26 2024
44 | Alone in a Sea of Baby Showers: Coping with the Struggle as Everyone Around You Embraces Parenthood
Hi Friend, are you feeling alone in a sea of baby shower invites? Maybe you're expected to host them for close friends or family and struggling through your trying to conceive journey while everyone around you is beginning to embrace parenting? Then this episode is for you!  This week on The Waiting Well we are discussing how to cope with the struggle of feeling alone when everyone around you is announcing pregnancies, having baby showers and embracing parenthood.  If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
43 | Afraid to Try Again for a Baby? 3 Steps to Overcoming Fear around TTC after Disappointment
Feb 19 2024
43 | Afraid to Try Again for a Baby? 3 Steps to Overcoming Fear around TTC after Disappointment
Have you struggled with fear of trying again to conceive? Maybe fear because you keep feeling disappointed with negative pregnancy tests? Maybe fear because you just experienced a miscarriage?  Maybe fear because your first baby took a long time and hard road to conceive and you're afraid to try for a second?  This week on The Waiting Well we are diving into fear - fear of trying to conceive again, identifying what fear is, and what God's Word has for us here.  If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
42 | Should you move forward with IVF? Q & A from a Christian who did IVF
Feb 12 2024
42 | Should you move forward with IVF? Q & A from a Christian who did IVF
Have you been told IVF might be your best option for conceiving but you're just not sure if it's the right step for you? Are you curious to learn more about IVF because you think it could be something that would be a next step for you?  This week on The Waiting Well we are diving into a little question and answer on all things IVF as well as answering the question should you pursue IVF as a next step on your journey or not? Tune in and let's chat more about it!   If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
41 | Are your Iron Levels Keeping you from Getting Pregnant? Guest Interview with my Naturopath Dr. Zen
Feb 5 2024
41 | Are your Iron Levels Keeping you from Getting Pregnant? Guest Interview with my Naturopath Dr. Zen
In this Episode, I interview Alissia Zenhausern- Pfeiffer, commonly known by her patients as Dr. Zen, who I worked with to get pregnant naturally with our second! We discuss what it looks like to work with a Naturopathic Doctor and how that differs from working with a Reproductive Endocrinologist, what came up specifically on my bloodwork and how iron plays a role in trying to conceive!  Dr. Zen  is a licensed naturopathic doctor board certified in naturopathic endocrinology and the founder of NMD Wellness of Scottsdale, a premier naturopathic medical practice that focuses on helping women to take a proactive approach to their hormone and fertility health. Dr. Zen has been featured as a lead expert in Forbes, Shape Magazine, and Instyle and is deeply passionate about bridging the gap between traditional and natural medicine in the world of fertility. She works with a variety of hormone related issues including PCOS, endometriosis and unexplained infertility. Her goal is to help more women get back into the driver’s seat of their own health to make lasting transformational changes to their health to bring more cute and adorable babies into this world. Originally from Switzerland, Dr. Zen has seen the importance of providing patients with integrative approaches to their health and has helped hundreds of women along their fertility journey with her top rated course, Fertility Foundations. Social Links: Website: Instagram: Tik Tok: mini-course she offers: here   If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
40 | Caroline's Testimony: Overcoming Idolizing having a Baby while still Actively Trying To Conceive as a Christian
Jan 29 2024
40 | Caroline's Testimony: Overcoming Idolizing having a Baby while still Actively Trying To Conceive as a Christian
In this episode, my sister in law Caroline shares her journey with trying to conceive and overcoming idolizing having a baby! Her and my brother are two of the healthiest people I know, and yet they made more changes in their lifestyle to truly open up the path for conceiving in God's timing!  She shares how God changed her heart while still actively trying to conceive and what process worked for her to conceive!    Deodorant: 20% off your first Wild Natural Deodorant Order use code "Waiting Well":   Laundry Detergent I use & love here.  Dish Detergent I use & love here.  If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
39 | How to Improve Egg Quality & Increase Chances of Conceiving
Jan 22 2024
39 | How to Improve Egg Quality & Increase Chances of Conceiving
Disclaimer: The information provided in this episode and in this podcast are for educational purposes and sharing my personal experience only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider if you're seeking medical advice, diagnoses or treatment support.  We dive into the topic of Egg health on this episode! I share a few ways I was educated how to improve egg health via health supplements that my naturopath advised and a course I'm currently taking! There are so many holistic approaches to your fertility and the smallest changes can make a big difference! I hope this episode gives you some helpful education to take to your provider to discuss what you can do from a holistic perspective to make your eggies the best eggies for conceiving!!  20% off your first Wild Natural Deodorant Order use code "Waiting Well":   If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's on discount right now for only $25 to snag today! Grab that here:    Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
38 | Is God withholding Good from you? 3 Ways to Overcome that Lie
Jan 16 2024
38 | Is God withholding Good from you? 3 Ways to Overcome that Lie
In this Episode, we discuss the feeling that God is withholding good things from you because you are not yet conceiving and 3 ways to overcome this lie.    20% off your first Wild Natural Deodorant Order use code "Waiting Well":   If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
37 | How to Seek God for a Baby in the New Year: Two Things You Can do in January
Jan 2 2024
37 | How to Seek God for a Baby in the New Year: Two Things You Can do in January
Is your dream and deepest desire to conceive in 2024? Then this episode is a must listen! We discuss two things you can do as we start the New Year to set you up for success in seeking God for this desire of your heart!  January 8th, I will be leading a FREE community of women who are TTC through a 14 day Prayer & Fast Challenge to kick off the New Year with the right heart and mind position on our TTC journey!  Sign up for the 14 day challenge by clicking here. As we shared in this episode, you can fast something of your choosing during the 14 days! This is going to be such a special time! I hope you join us!    If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
36 | How to Face Resentment when Another Year Passes without a Pregnancy: The ONE thing to leave behind in 2023
Dec 25 2023
36 | How to Face Resentment when Another Year Passes without a Pregnancy: The ONE thing to leave behind in 2023
Do you find yourself resenting God or resenting your circumstances? Maybe you just took a pregnancy test and it's negative, Maybe you just got your period after it was late a day or two, And you're waking up on Christmas day, walking toward the final countdown of 2023 with a heavy disappointment that another year is passing and you're not pregnant. In this week's episode, I discuss the resentment that builds in our hearts when we have prolonged disappointment. Causing us to miss out on the healing that God offers us as his child. I share how to begin healing this resentment according to God's Word and what to leave behind in 2023 as we step into the New Year trying to conceive!    If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
35 | Navigating TTC as a Military Spouse - Guest Interview Heather Demers
Dec 18 2023
35 | Navigating TTC as a Military Spouse - Guest Interview Heather Demers
In this week's episode, I am interviewing Heather Demers who is a content creator, and military spouse currently in her second year of navigating trying to conceive! I have loved witnessing God's work in her heart, and I can't wait for you to hear our conversation - as I know hearing from someone in the trenches with you can be so encouraging!    If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
34 | Are you avoiding God’s plan for your Fertility & TTC Journey? Learning how to Identify God’s will for your Conceiving journey
Nov 28 2023
34 | Are you avoiding God’s plan for your Fertility & TTC Journey? Learning how to Identify God’s will for your Conceiving journey
In this episode, we dive into the question: are you avoiding God's plan for your TTC journey? We dive into the story of Jonah in the Old Testament- Looking at how we can know when we are avoiding God's call or plan for our conceiving journey vs. being IN God's plan. This is important component of FOLLOWING Jesus even in the waiting.   If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
33 | How to Navigate Conversations during the Holidays when No One Knows the Difficulty of Your Conceiving Journey
Nov 21 2023
33 | How to Navigate Conversations during the Holidays when No One Knows the Difficulty of Your Conceiving Journey
In this episode, we discuss how we can apply God's word to navigating difficult conversations with friends or family that don't know you're currently TTC. They have the best intentions, but make comments or ask questions about when you will start having kids. Little do they know you've been trying and it's not always as easy as some think.  If you are dreading holiday parties or get togethers because of inevitable nosy comments or questions, this is a great episode to really equip you with how to navigate those conversations while also encouraging you with a fresh perspective of God's calling on us as his followers.    If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
32 | When You Feel like God has Forgotten You
Nov 15 2023
32 | When You Feel like God has Forgotten You
In this episode, we answer the question I got on my Instagram recently: what if I feel like God has forgotten me??  Tune in if your waiting journey through trying to conceive has caused you to feel like God has forgotten you - I pray this encourages you!    If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
31 | What is God’s Design for Marriage while Navigating Infertility and Trying to Conceive?
Nov 7 2023
31 | What is God’s Design for Marriage while Navigating Infertility and Trying to Conceive?
Welcome to our series into Marriage while navigating Infertility / TTC! This episode kicks off the conversation by diving into God's Word to answer the question what is God's design for family/marriage? Especially for those of us in the waiting room of trying to conceive.    How do we live out God's calling when we're not "being fruitful and multiplying"?  What does this mean for us if we never do get pregnant? In this episode, I break down God's call to us as married couples navigating this waiting season!    If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
30 | Navigating Secondary Infertility: Sierra’s Story Part 2
Oct 4 2023
30 | Navigating Secondary Infertility: Sierra’s Story Part 2
In this episode, Sierra shares part 2 of her personal testimony walking through TTC baby #2. Catch part 1 of her testimony in Episode 29! This episode is specific to secondary infertility and the lessons God taught her in the waiting outside of the miscarriages she experienced and discussed last episode. She shares how trying to conceive consumed a part of her mind that left her struggling to live in the present God had her in and how she fixed her focus. Tune in today to hear her powerful story part 2.    If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
29 | How to Heal after Two Miscarriages: Sierra’s Testimony Part 1
Sep 18 2023
29 | How to Heal after Two Miscarriages: Sierra’s Testimony Part 1
In this episode, Sierra shares her personal testimony walking through TTC baby #2. After getting pregnant without issues with her first daughter, she walked through two miscarriages as they TTC their second. She shares how she navigated not just one miscarriage but a second, how God met her and what she did to heal and grow through the heartache. This is part 1 of Sierra's Testimony. Tune in today to hear her powerful story  ** we did have some editing/tech issues so the sound is a little less clear - we are working on that for next episode thank you for your grace **   If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!
28 | When You Don’t Understand Why & Finding Jesus in the Midst of the Trial (Diving into Daniel 3:8-25)
Sep 11 2023
28 | When You Don’t Understand Why & Finding Jesus in the Midst of the Trial (Diving into Daniel 3:8-25)
In this episode, I dive into Daniel 3:8-25... and what we can glean from Jesus showing up for Shadrach, Meshach and Abendago in the fiery furnace. Press play on this episode to tune in and hear what God has for you today as you continue on your TTC journey while walking with the Lord.    If you are struggling with your thoughts and emotions around your TTC journey, I highly recommend snagging my  Finding Hope through Infertility / TTC Masterclass - This masterclass will walk you through what you can implement today to start living in peace and joy during the waiting season - really growing closer to God despite the journey. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's only $37 to snag today! Grab that here:   Or snag our 2nd Masterclass focused on MARRIAGE through TTC! Thrive in Marriage through TTC Masterclass can now be purchased and accessed as well for $37! ^^ you can also snag the Finding Hope through TTC (transforming your thoughts while waiting) Masterclass for only $20 extra instead of the original $37 cost when you enroll for the Marriage Class as a discounted bonus! Instagram: @courtneyduinker Connect:  website:    If today's episode inspired, equipped or challenged you in anyway, please consider leaving a review on Apple Podcasts! This helps to show this podcast to other women who are alone in navigating infertility. I also send out a fun package to someone who leaves a review each week! Leave a review here, please!