The Old Grappler


a Podcast about the journey of jiu jitsu and the community jiu jitsu has. read less


Chris's Journey: From Wrestling to a Love Affair with Jiu-Jitsu
Nov 17 2023
Chris's Journey: From Wrestling to a Love Affair with Jiu-Jitsu
Are you captivated by the meticulous art of Jiu-Jitsu? If so, we've got an episode for you that will knock your socks off. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Chris, a passionate brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu, who generously shared his journey in the sport. Chris's charisma lights up the conversation as he explores his training experiences at different gyms, his remarkable transition from wrestling to Jiu-Jitsu, and his love for being more than just a 'wrestler'. His anecdotes about his time at Brujitsu and Judizzi Therapy in Watsonville showcase the impact of diverse coaching styles on his journey. Our conversation takes an interesting turn as Chris reflects on his life in his 40s and his unexpected love affair with Jiu-Jitsu. His stories from the competitive world of Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, and football are riveting, showing how these sports helped to shape him into a resilient competitor. From his days of junior college wrestling to studying hospitality management at San Francisco State University while actively competing, Chris's journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring. We also relive some exciting moments from high school wrestling matches, complete with intense rivalries and unique challenges. Chris's advice for those embarking on their Jiu-Jitsu journey underlines the importance of dedication, having a coach, and the value of physical well-being. This episode is a treasure trove of inspiration, be you a Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast, aspiring grappler, or someone who loves extraordinary journeys. So sit back, relax, and get ready for an unforgettable encounter with Jiu-Jitsu.
Alika Foster's Evolution: From Military to Martial Arts Mentor
Nov 3 2023
Alika Foster's Evolution: From Military to Martial Arts Mentor
Ever wished you could peek into the mind of a martial arts expert ? Today, we invite you into the inspiring world of Alika Foster, a Brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu hailing from Tracy, California. Embark on a captivating journey as he shares his experiences, from his initial foray into boxing to his deep dive into Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling. His narrative of personal growth, honed by the raw mental environment he was raised in, could be the inspiration you need.Transitioning from military to civilian life is no easy feat. But Alika Foster's discipline, inculcated during his time in the military, coupled with his experience and respect garnered through Jiu-Jitsu, helped him face the challenges head-on. His journey from being a regular at the gym to owning one and becoming a head instructor is nothing short of inspiring. Whether it's the fitness goals you're struggling to meet or that dream project you've been meaning to start, Alika's story is a testament to the fact that anything is possible with dedication and hard work.Alika's perspective on competing and training in Jiu-Jitsu is refreshingly unique. With his goals shifting from competing to helping others compete, he offers invaluable insights into the significance of skill development, staying motivated, and ensuring injury-free training. As he shares about his family's journey in martial arts and his approach to parenting, the importance of maintaining mental health despite challenges becomes evident. So, if you're seeking a blend of motivation, discipline, and the essence of martial arts, this episode with Alika Foster is just the ticket!
Bryant Pangelinan: Fusing Jiu-Jitsu and Policing for a Safer Community
Oct 19 2023
Bryant Pangelinan: Fusing Jiu-Jitsu and Policing for a Safer Community
Ever wondered how martial arts can enhance the efficiency and safety in law enforcement? That's the thought-provoking question at the heart of our discussion with Bryant Pangelinan, a man whose life has been shaped by wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu, and law enforcement. As the owner of Saber Jiu-Jitsu in Concord, California, Bryant’s journey has led him from high school wrestling mats to global Jiu-Jitsu competitions and, ultimately, to a role in law enforcement. He's leveraged this unique blend of experiences to offer free martial arts classes to fellow officers and first responders, advocating for continuous training beyond the academy. Our chat with Bryant takes us down the winding road of his martial arts journey, shedding light on the essential role of training and skill development for law enforcement officers. We delve into the potential dangers faced by officers who haven't supplemented their academy training, and explore the potential integration of different martial arts like Judo, Sambo, and Sumo into law enforcement training. Bryant’s refreshing perspective on running a Jiu-Jitsu and wrestling school, the freedom he gives his students to choose their training path, and the value of having experienced practitioners to learn from are insights you won’t want to miss. The conversation doesn't end there. We touch on Bryant’s memorable experiences in Jiu-Jitsu, from mentoring white belts to earn their black belts to competing worldwide. Bryant emphasizes how vital community involvement is, with his contributions to organizations like Black Belts for Butterflies and the We Defy Foundation serving as inspiring examples. And finally, we discuss the incredible importance of finding the right gym - one that offers a sense of family and community. Tune in for a fascinating exploration of martial arts, law enforcement, and community involvement with Bryant Pangelinan.
Tony Caito's Journey: Retracing His Steps Back to Jiu-Jitsu, Strengthening Resilience, and Fostering Community Growth
Oct 5 2023
Tony Caito's Journey: Retracing His Steps Back to Jiu-Jitsu, Strengthening Resilience, and Fostering Community Growth
Facing life-altering health challenges, Tony Cato, the Head Black Belt at Sensei Studio, embarks on an inspiring journey back to his beloved passion – Jiu-Jitsu. Through his eye-opening experience, he recaptures his physical strength, reforging his skill and emerging with an expanded vision of what martial arts mean not just to the individual, but to the community at large. Brace yourselves for an in-depth conversation that delves into the power of resilience, the human spirit, and a unique perspective on the role of martial arts in fostering personal growth and community connections.Tony lays out his vision for martial arts studios, one that extends beyond the realm of physical training into the sphere of personal and societal impact. His mission to transform gyms into platforms for mental health support and community building has unfolded into a myriad of initiatives, from scholarships honoring lost friends to proactive steps towards supporting the youth of Modesto, California. Tony’s narrative is not just about martial arts, but the innate power each gym or studio holds to nurture safe spaces, encourage mental resilience, and provide a haven for personal growth and community enhancement.In the latter part of our conversation, Tony places a strong emphasis on the power of mental resilience in overcoming life’s challenges. From insights drawn from the legendary judo master Kimura to his own experiences, he provides invaluable wisdom on harnessing the power of the mind. With an inviting outlook on inclusivity in martial arts, he advocates for welcoming environments that cater to everyone, elevating martial arts into a medium for personal transformation and community enrichment. This episode is a vibrant blend of life lessons, motivation, and a profound understanding of martial arts' potential to influence personal growth and societal impact.
Grappling with Life and Jiu-Jitsu: Tony's Voyage to the Black Belt
Sep 20 2023
Grappling with Life and Jiu-Jitsu: Tony's Voyage to the Black Belt
Ever wondered what it takes to earn a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu? Come along on a captivating journey with Tony, a dedicated martial artist who shares the trials and triumphs of his path to mastery. From the intense competition circuit to the lessons learned from grappling with opponents, we'll hear about Tony's commitment to the sport and his personal growth along the way. His insights into the contrasting approaches between Gi and No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu, and the advantages of training in both, will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the sport. Not limited to Jiu-Jitsu, Tony's passion extends to the realm of photography. Discover how the white belt mentality of starting fresh and embracing the basics translates seamlessly from martial arts to the creative field. Tony's approach to photography mirrors his journey in Jiu-Jitsu, highlighting the art of documentation and underscoring the necessity of challenging oneself for growth. Don't miss out on the joy he shares about earning his black belt and the importance he places on giving back to the community.Whether you're a martial arts enthusiast or someone seeking inspiration from a compelling personal journey, this episode promises a powerful blend of Jiu-Jitsu stories, life lessons, and strategies for personal growth. From discussing memorable moments in Jiu-Jitsu to exploring the importance of maintaining a balanced training schedule, we dive headfirst into Tony's world. So, tune in as we navigate the challenging yet rewarding path of Jiu-Jitsu, photography, and the pursuit of mastery.
From "Drunk Jitsu" to Black Belt: A Jiu-Jitsu Journey of Endurance and Entrepreneurship
Sep 6 2023
From "Drunk Jitsu" to Black Belt: A Jiu-Jitsu Journey of Endurance and Entrepreneurship
Ever wondered what it’s like to train in the vibrant heart of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? Pull up a chair and join me, Joey Garcia , as we take you on a rollicking journey from humble beginnings in a garage, fondly known as "drunk jitsu". Joey share tales from the mats, the thrill of tournaments and the camaraderie of the jiu-jitsu community. Not to mention his escape in Brazil, training amidst the energy of the Contagalo favela, soaking up sun on the beaches and living to tell the tale of a near robbery at Copacabana beach!But life’s not all about Jiu Jitsu - follow along as we discuss the balance between passion and daily life. I’ll share how I juggled owning a brewery, running a BBQ catering business, and managing a barbershop with my wife - all while becoming a black belt! Together, we’ll explore the importance of patience, celebrate the joy in small wins, and appreciate the unique bonds formed on the jiu-jitsu mats.As we wrap up, let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of consistency in training, the satisfaction of small wins, and the unique relationships built. Hear how I encouraged my wife and children to step onto the mats, and the importance of understanding that jiu-jitsu is my passion, and not something I can force on them. Join us as we also discuss the need for training regimens in law enforcement, with a special focus on the role of BJJ Cops in providing seminars to first responders. So, whether you’re a jiu-jitsu enthusiast, an entrepreneur, or simply someone who loves a good yarn, this episode promises something for everyone!
Mastering Jiu-Jitsu for Police Work: An Inside Look
Aug 24 2023
Mastering Jiu-Jitsu for Police Work: An Inside Look
Have you ever wondered how law enforcement officers can handle themselves in close-quarters situations, without the aid of their weapons? Drawing from my personal experiences, this episode exposes the necessity for combat sports training, such as Jiu-Jitsu, kickboxing, wrestling, and boxing, within the ranks of the law enforcement. My journey to earning a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, with all its challenges and triumphs, has given me unique insights into how crucial this skill set is for officers, keeping them safe and prepared for every challenge that rises in the line of duty.From the gritty streets of crime-ridden cities to intense encounters with armed suspects, a lack of close-quarters combat training puts officers at more risk than one might imagine. As we delve into my experiences and training sessions under the tutelage of boogie, the head instructor at 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu in San Diego, you'll get a glimpse into the demanding world of law enforcement training and how it can be improved to ensure their safety. Embracing techniques from different combat sports, and mastering them, forms a crucial part of this training, including learning to use one's strengths and flexibility to gain an advantage.We conclude the episode by discussing the importance of setting achievable goals, and aiming to get better every day. For those of you who are grappling with the idea of starting your journey in combat sports, or are already on the path, remember that the journey is the reward. It's not just about Jiu-Jitsu or reaching a particular belt, but about the human connection of strength and power in effectively protecting and serving our communities. Tune in and join us as we explore and advocate for the importance, and the beauty, of close-quarters combat training for law enforcement officers.
A Wrestling Coach's Take on Training, Combat Sports and Parental Guidance
Aug 10 2023
A Wrestling Coach's Take on Training, Combat Sports and Parental Guidance
Buckle up as we embark on a road trip with Buck Watkins, the head high school wrestling coach at Fraser High School. Buck shares the tale of his wrestling camp journeys across the United States over the past five years, a narrative that showcases his dedication and love for the sport. From 20-hour drives to Colorado to nights spent sleeping in his truck, these adventures have not only expanded his worldview but also created unique cultural experiences for his grandson.As we move forward, Buck reveals how he brings wrestling to life in small towns, emphasizing the crucial role of community support in the sport's growth. He shares his transition to Jiu Jitsu training, the lessons he's learned along the way, and his approach to coaching his athletes. We dive deep into the significance of emotional control, proactive strategy, and a strong grasp of basic techniques in achieving long-term success in wrestling.In the final stretch of our conversation, we venture into the world of combat sports, with Buck offering valuable advice for parents supporting their children in this arena. He shares the physical and mental benefits of training in different realms of Jiu-Jitsu, and the importance of thorough research before choosing a combat sport for your child. As we cross the finish line, Buck provides information for those interested in attending one of his fall clinics. Brace yourself for an engaging and enlightening conversation with Buck Watkins on wrestling, grappling, and Jiu-Jitsu.
Kiko's Koffee Krew: Building a Jiu-Jitsu Community
Jul 27 2023
Kiko's Koffee Krew: Building a Jiu-Jitsu Community
Ever dreamt of rolling with the best in the world of Jiu-Jitsu? This episode, we sit down with Keeko, a black  belt in Jiu-Jitsu and a true testament to the power of dedication and perseverance. The journey he started in a garage with his friend Big Ben has now metamorphosed into the birth of a commendable community, the Koffee Krew. Kiko also gives an insight into his boxing training under Clint Coronell and his black belt journey under Caio Terra.We get gritty and grapple with the nuanced differences between no-gi and gi jiu-jitsu and how we've successfully meshed elements of both into our training. But don't worry, it's not all theory. Kiko shares his hands-on experience of setting up a new training spot and his resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. He reveals secrets of the trade, from recognizing different positions in a fight and transitioning from defensive to offensive to avoiding moves that could potentially cause harm.As the chat progresses, we delve into the competitive world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. From his evolution from white belt to brown belt, Kiko shares the changing landscape of his competition perspectives. We underscore the significance of physical conditioning, coaching, and the need for occasional breaks from the competition circuit. From memorable Jiu-Jitsu moments to community building, this conversation serves as a treasure trove of knowledge for both seasoned martial artists and fans alike. So, tune in and let’s explore the fundamentals, the impact of age on play style, and the sheer beauty of Jiu-Jitsu together.
Bridging Jiu-Jitsu and Policing: Ed's Vision for Law Enforcement
Jul 13 2023
Bridging Jiu-Jitsu and Policing: Ed's Vision for Law Enforcement
When you hear the name Ed, you may not immediately think of a purple belt martial artist with a deep love for Jiu-Jitsu. But once you hear his story, you'll be captivated by his journey from initial reluctance to passionate advocate for the art. Tune in as we chat with Ed about his unique journey in the world of Jiu-Jitsu, his intriguing training group, 148 Jiu-Jitsu, and how it all connects back to law enforcement. Ever wondered how Jiu-Jitsu could be integrated into police training methods? Ed shares valuable insights on how this martial art can reshape the police force’s approach to combat training. We take a deep dive into the nuances of understanding the mechanics of movement, controlling a suspect effectively, and managing intimidation. But it's not just all work and no play. We also discuss Ed's thrilling journey competing in Jiu-Jitsu tournaments and the unexpected friendships that blossomed from there.We wrap things up with a heartfelt story about Duke, Ed's K9 companion, and his incredible journey from pet to police dog. Ed doesn't stop at personal achievement; he's on a mission to promote Jiu-Jitsu within law enforcement with his dream of a police department full of blue belts. Get a glimpse of his collaborative efforts with his wife running the 148 Jiu-Jitsu account, and join us as we explore the importance of setting goals and daring to dream big. This conversation is a unique blend of martial arts, law enforcement, and inspiring personal stories that you won't want to miss!
The Art of Jiu-Jitsu: Lessons from Professor Josh
Jun 29 2023
The Art of Jiu-Jitsu: Lessons from Professor Josh
Ever wondered what it's like to journey through the world of Jiu-Jitsu, MMA, and wrestling? We will give you an insight into this adventure, starting with my guest, Professor Josh. He's not only an expert in martial arts but also an engaging storyteller. We'll learn about his eighth-grade wrestling days, inspired by the allure of the WWF and how that grew into a life-long passion. The significance of Jiu-Jitsu as a form of therapy and the mental conditioning of the Marine Corps also form a part of our discussion. The adrenaline rush of starting new ventures such as this podcast is something we both share.Imagine stepping into an arena, your heart pounding, butterflies fluttering in your stomach, getting ready to compete. This is familiar territory for most martial artists, including our guest. He shares his thoughts on maintaining focus, the power of muscle memory, and confidence in the competitive landscape of Jiu-Jitsu. We also delve into the different belt levels and what sets them apart. The converse about the jitters before a competition is sure to resonate with many. We go a step further and talk about how teaching Jiu-Jitsu can help overcome these nerves. The emphasis is on belief in one’s capabilities and embracing the idea that there are only wins and learning experiences, no losses when it comes to training in Jiu-Jitsu.Wrapping up our enlightening discourse, we focus on the continuous learning aspect of Jiu-Jitsu. The importance of mat time, learning techniques, and the nuances of implementing them into the game are addressed. We also talk about the impact of visiting different schools and how it could bring added value to your martial arts journey. We also share our experiences and how we have been able to improve our technique through trial and error. And for those just starting on their journey, we have some invaluable advice from Professor Josh, who emphasizes patience, listening to coaches, and not being too hard on yourself. So whether you're a seasoned martial artist or a curious beginner, tune in, you're in for a treat!