Hold My Cutter

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Former Big League Catcher, Michael Mckenry & long-time broadcaster, Greg Brown team up for a one-of-a-kind podcast centered around baseball & stogies. Fascinating in-person guests include present & former players, managers, broadcasters, writers & other personalities, from politics to pop culture. Laugh, learn & live a little! with "Hold My Cutter"


'"'Hold My Cutter' is an absolute Smoke
Show"…...Sports Podcast News.
'Hold My Cutter' CUTS to the chase & gets listeners engaged RIGHT OFF THE BAT"
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"If there is a better Podcast out there, we haven't seen or heard it. Hands down, Brown & Mckenry are blazing new trails for the entire industry. I can't recommend, 'Hold My Cutter' enough!" Podcast Entertainment Weekly Magazine.

Email: Holdmycutter@gmail.com
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Behind the Scenes with Joe Block
May 20 2024
Behind the Scenes with Joe Block
Every wanderer has a tale, and Joe Block's is a testament to the unpredictable beauty of chasing a dream. From humble beginnings in minor league baseball to the lively commentary box of the Pittsburgh Pirates, our latest episode offers an intimate glimpse of Joe's incredible journey through the world of sports broadcasting. As we light up a conversation matched only by Joe's choice of cigar, we unravel tales of upheaval and triumph that remind us: it's not just about the destination, but the adventures along the way.Pull up a chair and join us as we honor the legends whose voices have become synonymous with baseball itself. Joe shares anecdotes from his time with icons like Vin Scully, Bob Uecker, and Steve Blass, weaving a rich tapestry of camaraderie that extends beyond the diamond. Our laughter echoes through Pittsburgh's alleys as we connect past and present, celebrating the city's spirit and the narratives that continue to shape the game we love. It's a heartfelt tribute to those who've left an indelible mark on the sport and our hearts.As the play-by-play unfolds, we delve into the craft that brings each game to life, sharing insights into the subtleties of Pittsburgh Pirates players and the art of sports commentary. Whether it's dissecting the unseen elements of the game or sharing the creation of 'Call the Game,' Joe's expertise shines a light on the passion and precision behind every broadcast. Wrap up your day with us as we recount thrilling moments that define careers and revel in the excitement surrounding the Pirates' potential—a journey through the eyes of a man who's seen it all, told from the heart of a true fan.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Joe Block's Journey: From AM Waves to Big League Plays
May 13 2024
Joe Block's Journey: From AM Waves to Big League Plays
Just when you thought the airwaves were only for play-by-plays, Joe Block, one of the esteemed voices of the Pittsburgh Pirates, pulls up a chair and brings with him an aroma of stories as rich as his preferred Andorran-wrapped cigar. As we share a 'Smoke of the Week,' Joe serves up a banquet of broadcasting tales, from the kinship he's found within the booth to the parallels he draws between his Detroit Lions and the Pirates. Imagine sitting in America's best ballpark, PNC Park, where every game is a narrative waiting to unfold, and that's just the start of our journey with Joe.Ever wondered how a love for sports broadcasting is kindled? Think back to the crackle of AM radio and voices that became the soundtrack to our childhood. Like a familiar play unfolding on the field, we recount the moments that shifted our dreams from the stands into the booth. Joe and I don't just reminisce about legends like Ernie Harwell; we reveal the serendipity and the personal milestones that transformed our aspirations into a reality behind the mic. This episode isn't just about the past; it's a living tribute to the voices that still echo in our hearts.But life isn't all home runs and hat tricks; in the world of sports broadcasting, you've got to be ready when a curveball comes your way. Joe and I swing into stories of rapid career transitions, from the unpredictability of calling innings to the resilience needed when the industry throws you a slider. Joe's not just covering bases; he's knocking life's pitches out of the park, from Super Bowl coverage to embracing a new adventure across the states. By the end of our chat, you'll see that Joe's journey to play-by-play announcer is more than a career—it's a testament to the power of adaptability and a love for the game.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Rob King and the Symphony of Sports Broadcasting
Apr 30 2024
Rob King and the Symphony of Sports Broadcasting
When Pittsburgh's own Rob King drops by for a chat, you can bet the conversation will be as riveting as a game-winning home run in the bottom of the ninth. Sit back and absorb the wisdom of this sports broadcasting maestro, as he dissects the meticulous preparation that goes into each broadcast and the art of creating seamless on-air chemistry with co-hosts. As Rob peels back the curtain on the industry, he shares nuggets of wisdom from his mentor Mike Lang, giving us a playbook on how to navigate the peaks and valleys of sports commentary.The journey through and the landscape of sports broadcasting began with a transistor radio and the crackling voices that painted the picture of legendary games. I share heartfelt stories from my youth, when my devotion to the Mets and Giants was as unwavering as a fastball down the middle. From childhood memories to the thrill of my father's shortwave radio bringing distant games to life, these experiences fueled my passion for the narratives that unfold on the field and behind the mic.Join us as we honor the greats of the game, dissecting what it takes for a player to be immortalized in the Hall of Fame. Hear tales of my encounters with baseball icons like Dave Parker and the ever-controversial Pete Rose, as we scrutinize the balance between a player's peak performance and career longevity. We wrap up with a look to the future, speculating on the Hall of Fame trajectories of current stars and pondering the evolving criteria that will shape the legacies of tomorrow's sports heroes.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Embracing Pittsburgh: Rob King and the Heart of Sports Broadcasting
Apr 23 2024
Embracing Pittsburgh: Rob King and the Heart of Sports Broadcasting
Imagine settling into the embracing warmth of Pittsburgh culture, its Northeastern charm interwoven with Midwestern heart. That's precisely where we found ourselves at Burn by Rocky Patel, joined by sports broadcasting icon Rob King, Greg Brown, and former MLB player Michael McKenry. As we lit up our Decade Cameroon cigars, we traversed the distinctive manners of this storied city, from the enigmatic 'Pittsburgh left' to the genuine community spirit that makes it an ideal place to raise a family. Rob's anecdotes, spanning a 23-year career touching every corner of sports, brought to life the city’s ethos—a fusion of respect, dignity, and a love for the game.His journey wasn't without its twists and turns, from the humbling days as an unhurried option quarterback to the life-altering baseball advice that reshaped my grasp of the game. Recounting the path from Hobart College to Washington University in St. Louis, Deep truth was shared on how personal adversity and the pursuit of renewal post-high school sports injuries guided my decisions. This segment peels back the layers on the intersection of sports, education, and the lasting influence of mentorship, while also giving a nod to the importance of evolving and embracing change.Wrapping up our session, we dug into the craft of sports broadcasting—the camaraderie between anchors and analysts, akin to players on a basketball court, and the meticulous preparation that captures viewers' attention. We swapped tales of our industry heroes and the pursuit of authenticity that connects us with our audience as if they're friends sharing a drink. Each story, rich with the ethos of sports and broadcasting, invites listeners to step behind the scenes and discover the profound influence and the creativity that stokes our passion for this vibrant, ever-changing arena.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
A Pittsburgh Sportscasting Legacy Guy Junker
Apr 16 2024
A Pittsburgh Sportscasting Legacy Guy Junker
Ever found yourself reminiscing about the local legends that shaped your own journey? Join us for a heartwarming and insightful conversation with Pittsburgh's own Guy Junker, a broadcasting giant who's shared the airwaves with the city's most iconic figures. We're cracking open the treasure chest of memories, digging into the times Guy set pins in a bowling alley and sold hotdogs during the legendary Immaculate Reception. It's a story that's as much about the man behind the microphone as it is about the sports he's brought to life for countless fans.As we swap tales of friendship and mentorship within the broadcasting realm, you'll feel like you're at the heart of a Pittsburgh sportscaster reunion. Guy's anecdotes of late-night shows and jazz club escapades with industry greats like Stan and Bill Hillgrove will make you laugh and ponder the unique bonds that this field creates. These narratives aren't just a walk down memory lane—they're a testament to the enduring relationships and shared wisdom that keep the sports broadcasting spirit alive.Buckle up for a ride through the dynamic world of sports media, where we not only tackle the evolution of athlete-media relations but also share the personal triumphs and tribulations that come with the territory. Guy opens up about interviewing Michael Jordan and mastering player pronunciations, while I share my own pregame rituals and the rush of calling the game from the stadium. This episode isn't just about looking back; it's about the excitement of what's to come and the winning mindset that drives us all, both in the press box and in life.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Bethany Hallam's Rise: Triumph over Addiction and the Unifying Spirit of Pittsburgh Sports
Apr 9 2024
Bethany Hallam's Rise: Triumph over Addiction and the Unifying Spirit of Pittsburgh Sports
Have you ever witnessed a phoenix rise from the ashes? Allegheny County Council Member Bethany Hallam's life story is the embodiment of that very transformation. From the grip of heroin addiction and the shadows of homelessness, she emerged to stand in the light of public service and advocacy. Our conversation peels back the layers of her journey, revealing the critical interplay of family support, personal choice, and the oft-overlooked privilege that navigates the murky waters of our correctional system. Bethany's tale is not just one of survival, but a testament to the human spirit's indomitable resilience.Strap in as we navigate the intricate dynamics that define overcoming addiction, with our guest sharing the raw, unfiltered challenges she faced while incarcerated. The presence of drugs behind bars, the temptation to cheat drug tests, and the profound realization that recovery hinges on the individual's desire for change – these are the realities that Bethany lays bare. On a lighter note, we weave through the communal tapestry of sports fandom in Pittsburgh, celebrating the Pirates and the unbreakable bond with their city. Sports, as we discover, can be both a refuge and a rallying point for identity and community.This episode is a rollercoaster of emotions, moving from the despair of addiction to the highs of fandom, from the urgency of reform to the quirks of game day traditions. We probe into the unwavering loyalty of fans, dissect the nuanced world of sports business, and even muse on how the length of a pitcher's nails might influence their game. Join us for this compelling narrative ride, where Bethany Hallam's story is a beacon of hope, and a reminder of the shared human experiences that unite us all.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Bethany Hallam's Victory Over Addiction: From Despair to Council Chair
Apr 2 2024
Bethany Hallam's Victory Over Addiction: From Despair to Council Chair
Settle into your seat as you're about to be whisked away through the intense, yet hopeful world of Allegheny County Council Member Bethany Hallam. In a cozy corner of Bern by Rocky Patel, we unwrap the complex layers of addiction and triumph. Bethany, a figure of resilience with deep Pittsburgh roots, shares her life's stark realities—from an injury that shuttered her lacrosse aspirations to her descent and subsequent uprising from the clutches of heroin addiction. It's a conversation that will challenge your perspectives, inspire a deeper understanding of the opioid crisis, and redefine what it means to listen and engage across the divide of political beliefs.Could you imagine battling heroin addiction while pursuing a bachelor's degree? Bethany Hallam doesn't need to imagine; she lived it. Her story defies the stereotype of a life tarnished by substance abuse, as she emerged from the throes of addiction with an academic accolade in hand. This episode peels back the curtains on the silent struggles that many endure, offering a raw look at the manipulation of healthcare systems and the societal failings that perpetuate the cycle of dependency. But it's not all despair; Bethany's journey is also one of hope, showcasing the power of human resolve and the profound potential for personal rebirth.Wrap up your experience with a lighter note as we talk baseball and the curious link between the cutter pitch and lacrosse. With playful jests and anticipation for future discussions, Bethany's story stands as a testament to the unexpected paths life can take us on. This episode serves as an intimate portrait of a public servant's path lined with hardship, determination, and a dedication to enacting change. From passionate debates on the field of politics to the personal victories that shape our leaders, join us for a conversation that's much more than meets the eye.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Infield Dreams: Jack Wilson (Part 2)
Mar 29 2024
Infield Dreams: Jack Wilson (Part 2)
We sat down with Jack Wilson, the former Pittsburgh Pirates all-star, and what unfolded was more than just a trip down memory lane; it was an examination of the heart and soul of America's pastime. Jack regaled us with tales of the electric partnership he shared with Pokey Reese, a duo that epitomized infield magic. As we cozied up to the tales of turning two, Jack also peeled back the layers on his defensive philosophy. It's about developing a backbone of confidence on the field and turning mistakes into masterclasses—a philosophy he's ingrained in his son, Jacob, now a first-round pick for the Oakland Athletics. The synergy of a team, the pride of a father, and the evolution of a career all intertwine in this heartfelt discussion.Remember Freddie Sanchez? That name takes on new depth as Jack recounts the strategic decisions and serendipitous high school friendship that set the stage for Freddie's rise to a batting title. It's a powerful reminder of the bonds that form the backbone of baseball, where the chemistry of teammates can spark personal triumphs. There's an element of nostalgia, certainly, as we revisit the moments—like Rob Mackowiak's unforgettable day—that remind us why we fall in love with the game. But beyond the nostalgia, we delve into the complicated emotions surrounding trades, career paths, and the remarkable ways personal and professional lives intersect, echoing the timeless adage: baseball is life.Our conversation takes a turn towards the poignant and profound as we reflect on facing legends like Greg Maddux and the collective journey through the tragedy of September 11th. The baseball diamond becomes more than just a playing field; it emerges as a space of healing and humanity. As we wrapped up, we couldn't help but tip our hats to broadcasting greats "Brownie" and "Mikey," whose narrative prowess has elevated the game for us all. And as we look to the horizon, the pulse of excitement is undeniable for the future of the Wilson legacy in baseball. These stories are a testament to the resilience, greatness, and deep connections that define the sport—and remind us why we always come back for one more inning.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
The Heart and Hustle of Jack Flash Wilson: A Baseball Life Unveiled
Mar 25 2024
The Heart and Hustle of Jack Flash Wilson: A Baseball Life Unveiled
Every crack of the bat tells a story, and few can weave those tales like Jack Wilson, the revered Pirates' shortstop who slides into our latest episode. We're camped out at LeCom Park, the site of countless memories for Jack, and now the stage for a fascinating trip down the basepaths of baseball history. From the familial bonds entrenched in Pennsylvania soil to the echoes of Fantasy Camp laughter, Jack's narrative is as rich in passion as the sport itself. We also cheer on as he recounts the pride of watching his son Jacob step up to the plate as a first-round pick.But this isn't just a trip down memory lane; it's a masterclass in the makings of a pro athlete. Jack swaps his cleats for a moment to share the pivotal switch from soccer prodigy to baseball prospect, tracing the thread from stomping the grassy pitches of Las Verges to stitching together a career on the diamond. The camaraderie of the game, the mentors who shape destiny, and the undeniable spirit of community service—Jack paints every inning of his journey with the vivid hues of hard work and heartfelt dedication. His stories are a testament to the indelible impact of sports on life, both on and off the field.Now, for the grittier side of glory—navigating trades, battling injuries, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Jack doesn't hold back in sharing the tumultuous tales of misdiagnosis and the silent struggle through pain, offering a raw glimpse into the life of a major leaguer. From the euphoric rush of a home run to the grueling road to recovery, his experience is a powerful reminder of the resilience needed to stay in the game. Join us as we unpack these chapters, each a storied lesson in overcoming adversity, and discover what it truly takes to keep swinging for the fences.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Dan Zangrilli's Broadcast Dreams and Baseball Tales
Mar 23 2024
Dan Zangrilli's Broadcast Dreams and Baseball Tales
Embark on a sensory exploration and heartfelt nostalgia trip with Dan Zangrilli, the sartorially savvy guest who guides us through the rich flavors of the Rocky Patel 60 cigar and the riveting tales of his broadcasting ascent. From the earthy undertones of a San Andreas wrapper to the vibrant spice of red pepper, this episode is a fusion of taste and storytelling. Dan unveils his Pittsburgh beginnings, his love for the Pirates, and how seizing every opportunity from high school football commentary to thriving in broadcast journalism has shaped his career. You'll hear how mentorship and hard work can make all the difference in the competitive world of media.Step into the dugout of memories where we celebrate the unsung heroes and the camaraderie that define minor league baseball, from clubhouse living to the quirky characters that bring the game's history to life. We laugh and reminisce with Dan about the relationships built within the minors and how those connections morph as careers advance to the majors—from Steve Balboni's loyalty to the mutual respect shared between up-and-comers like David Carpenter and Adam Ottavino. We also touch on the significance of preparation and how it intertwines with unforgettable moments in the broadcast booth.Finally, join us as we peel back the curtain on the art of sports commentary, where every game is a tightrope walk between meticulous prep and spontaneous play-by-play. We dissect the value of defensive players like Austin Hedges, debate the evolving strategies of the game, and examine how changes in the media landscape are shaping careers in broadcasting. Whether you're a lifelong baseball fan or a connoisseur of behind-the-scenes stories, this episode is a home run of insights, laughter, and a testament to the love of the game.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Extra Innings with Bob Walk
Mar 19 2024
Extra Innings with Bob Walk
Ever wondered what it feels like to hurl a fastball through elbow pain, or the split-second decisions that define the outcome of a baseball game? Bob Walk, the Whirly Bird himself, joins us with a trove of stories from his days on the mound, including one harrowing start against the Dodgers just five days post-injury. Laugh and wince with us as Bob takes us behind the scenes of the humor and the grit that comes with playing professional baseball at the highest level. Step up to the plate and prepare for a deep dive into the world of baseball strategy and the unseen dance between pitcher and catcher. We explore everything from the clandestine use of visual signals to the prospect of having an eye in the sky, akin to football's coordinators. Bob and I share our perspectives on hitting, the sheer velocity of events on the diamond, and how technology like FlightScope and TrackMan is rewriting the rulebook on how the game is played and analyzed.In our candid conversation, we don't shy away from the shadowy corners of baseball's unwritten rules – from the use of scuffed balls to sticky substances, and how these dark arts are being policed in the modern game. Reflecting on the new rules aimed to quicken the pace of play, we question their impact and muse over the future of baseball as technology continues to reshape the old-school instincts that once dominated the sport. Join us for this full-count pitch of an episode, where we discuss the evolution of baseball with humor, nostalgia, and a keen eye on where America's pastime is heading.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Bob Walk's Odyssey from the Mound to the Mic
Mar 15 2024
Bob Walk's Odyssey from the Mound to the Mic
Stepping up to the plate, Bob Walk, the former Pirates pitcher with a tale that's more twist-filled than a knuckleball,  joins us for a  great episode of Hold My Cutter. We're not just talking curves and sliders; this is about Bob's incredible leap from local Little League to World Series starter. Sit back and soak in the stories as we cover Bob’s unexpected rise, the passion that fueled his career, and the unpredictable nature of life in the major leagues. His journey is a poignant reminder that sometimes, the last one picked can end up leading the pack.Our trip down memory lane doesn't stop at the batter's box. We explore the hallowed halls of Hart High School and the fertile grounds of California baseball that shaped us into the players and fans we are today. Remember when rookies winning World Series games was unheard of? We revisit that too, along with some high-stakes banter and a dash of nostalgia that will have you recalling the scent of ballpark hotdogs and the roar of the crowd during an epic ninth inning.But it's not all peanuts and Cracker Jack. We also peel back the curtain on the nitty-gritty of contract negotiations and the stark reality of being traded. From a player's perspective, we examine the heartfelt advice and pivotal moments that can change the trajectory of a career. And for those who dream of managing a team one day, Bob shares his aspirations and insights on the transition from the diamond to the broadcast booth. It's a full count of emotions, strategy, and the undeniable love for the game that keeps us coming back for more.CHAPTERS0:04 Baseball Journey of Bob Walk13:16 Baseball Memories and Nostalgia26:51 Professional Baseball Player Negotiates Contracts39:19 Johnny's Advice Changes Career Path51:51 Bob's Dream of Managing Pittsburgh PiratesTHANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
Whispers from the Dugout with Rick Cerrone (Part 2)
Mar 11 2024
Whispers from the Dugout with Rick Cerrone (Part 2)
When Rick Cerrone, the revered editor-in-chief of Baseball Digest, joins us for another Episode, he brings more than just stats and stories; he brings the heartbeat of baseball history to our show. As we light our Rocky Patel cigars and settle into our chairs, Rick transports us from the Pittsburgh Pirates' PR office to the inner sanctum of the New York Yankees under George Steinbrenner. His tales of innovation, like initiating Pirate Fest, and the nostalgia of Turn Back the Clock Day, remind us that baseball is a tapestry of tradition and transformation. Ever wondered what it would be like to witness Barry Bonds toss his glove onto the field in true 1939 fashion, or to overhear a heated exchange between Bonds and Jim Leyland during spring training? Rick Serone shares these moments with the vividness of a seasoned storyteller, offering a glimpse into the personalities and tensions that shaped an era. He also peels back the curtain on the life of a baseball PR director, from handling managerial fireworks to navigating the complexities of media relations—all while keeping the game's legacy alive.But it's not all fastballs and field drama; Rick recounts a heartwarming story of Oscar-winning actress Teresa Wright, whose love for baseball was sparked by a simple first pitch at a Yankees game. Her journey from silver screen to diamond enthusiast, culminating in a cherished encounter with Derek Jeter, is a poignant reminder that baseball is more than a sport—it's a series of human stories, each with the power to inspire and connect. Join us for an episode that captures the soul of America's pastime through the eyes of one of its most dedicated chroniclers.CHAPTERS0:00 Career Highlights of Baseball Digest Editor7:55 Barry Bonds and the Pirates20:05 Meeting Jim Leland, Landing Yankees Job29:04 The Secret Relationship With Steinbrenner43:17 Teresa Wright's Love of BaseballTHANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
The Art of the Diamond and the Press with Rick Cerrone
Mar 7 2024
The Art of the Diamond and the Press with Rick Cerrone
When Rick Cerrone, the esteemed editor-in-chief of Baseball Digest, opens up about his journey, even the air in Burn by Rocky Patel seems to hang on every word. Graced with the scent of fine cigars and the spirit of America's pastime, Rick weaves tales of his New York Yankees days and the path that led him back to the heart of Pittsburgh. This episode is a love letter to the city, the sport, and the art of storytelling, as Rick reveals the intricacies of helming a revered publication and the poignant moments behind Baseball Digest's most prestigious awards.Navigating the tectonic shifts of the journalism landscape, Rick Sarone stands as a beacon for resilience and adaptability. With Baseball Digest's evolution from a pocket-sized periodical to a full-size sensation, we probe the challenges of keeping a niche sports magazine thriving in an increasingly digital world. Rick's personal anecdotes underscore the sentimental value of print media, while his insights into the business side of running a publication shed light on the delicate dance between passion and pragmatism.Culminating with a suspenseful account of a public art fundraiser, we're reminded that the drama of baseball isn't confined to the diamond. Rick’s tales of statues and last-minute fundraising triumphs are a testament to community spirit and dedication. This episode is a homerun for anyone drawn to the sound of the bat, the smell of fresh ink on paper, and the collective history woven through Pittsburgh’s streets. Join us for an unforgettable conversation with a man whose life is as rich and compelling as the sport he represents.CHAPTERS0:04 Media Giant Returns to Pittsburgh5:45 The Evolution of Baseball Digest18:49 Career Journey in Journalism Industry30:23 Baseball Honors and Hank Aaron37:48 Baseball Digest46:05 Costs and Contributions in Baseball Digest54:06 Pittsburgh Pirates1:03:37 The Statue Fundraiser Successhttps://baseballdigest.com/THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
The Grand Slam of Grit: John "The Rock" Wehner
Mar 1 2024
The Grand Slam of Grit: John "The Rock" Wehner
When the odds seemed stacked against him, John Rock Wehner emerged from Carrick with little more than a Greyhound Bus pass and the support of his grandmother, stepping into the limelight of professional baseball with stories that resonate with the heart of Americana. His voyage is a testament to the power of perseverance, and we're thrilled to share his candid recollections with you. From the culture shock of an empty college dormitory to the pressures of a major league debut, John peels back the curtain on the transformative moments that define a ballplayer's journey.Navigating potholed fields and overhanging fences, the city athlete's ingenuity takes center stage as Rock reminisces about the rough charm of urban baseball. His tales of homemade field maintenance and unconventional gameplay underscore the resilience and mental toughness needed beyond natural talent. In this episode, we get an intimate view of how pivotal a player's intelligence and adaptability are when facing adversity, and why these attributes often carry more weight than the stats on a player card.Finally, we celebrate the strategic ballet of baseball with a nod to its unsung heroes—the mentors who guide players like John through the nuances of the game. We reflect on the evolution of coaching, the nuances of outsmarting defensive shifts, and the significance of tactical decision-making. It's a journey through 13 professional seasons, culminating in a profound love for the game that shines in every anecdote, from the thrill of rookie excitement to the pride of a major league at-bat. Join us for an episode that captures the essence of baseball and the undying passion that fuels those who play it.CHAPTERS0:08Journey From Carrick to Indiana7:25Urban Baseball Field Stories18:05The Importance of Mental Toughness22:30The Lost Art of Baseball Strategy33:55John Wainer's Baseball JourneyTHANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
The Renegade!!! (Part 2)
Feb 26 2024
The Renegade!!! (Part 2)
I still remember the buzz in the stands when David Bednar, now a two-time All-Star closer with the Pittsburgh Pirates, was once just a hopeful name awaiting the draft call. That same electrifying sense of anticipation fills our latest episode as Bednar himself recounts the very moment his Major League dreams began to come to life, all while keeping a stealthy eye on the draft behind his glove. It's not every day you get to sit down with a big leaguer who vividly shares his rise from a college pitcher to a revered closer, complete with the emotional rollercoaster of his trade to the Pirates—a revelation he first saw unfold on social media. Baseball isn't just a game of runs and hits; it's woven with stories of resilience, camaraderie, and those personal rituals that turn players into legends. Bednar opens up about the surreal reality of training during the pandemic, the mental agility it demanded, and the brotherhood that kept him grounded when the stands were empty. From Michael McHenry celebrating the pitcher-catcher connection to the quirky traditions that bond teammates, we trace the lines of friendship and respect that run as deep as the love for the game itself. Wrapping up our heart-to-heart, David dives into the sentimental side of baseball, sharing his tradition of collecting game balls—a practice spurred on by his teammate Bones. The tales of these cherished mementos bring us closer to the human side of the sport, where success is marked not just by statistics but by the stories tethered to each triumph. And if you've ever been curious about the grip of a cutter, you'll want to stick around for the unofficial pitching lesson that caps off this conversation. Join us for a chat that's as much about the spirit of baseball as it is about the game itself.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com
The Renegade!!!
Feb 23 2024
The Renegade!!!
Pitching isn't just about speed; it's a dance of strategy, precision, and mental agility. Pull up a chair and join us as we unpack the nuances of baseball with Pittsburgh's own David Bednar, the two-time All-Star closer with a splitter that's as sharp as his wit. This episode is a treasure trove for fans and an intimate portrait of an athlete whose heart beats in sync with the city he loves.Step into the bullpen with us as David cracks open the playbook on his pre-game rituals and the split-second decisions that define a game. The magic happens when a pitcher and catcher's confidence align, and Bednar takes us behind the scenes to reveal how this partnership dictates the flow of the game. From choosing the perfect walkout song to the psychology of a save opportunity, this conversation is a masterclass in the artistry of pitching that transcends the stats and scores.There's nothing quite like the camaraderie of the bullpen or the surge of energy from a blackout crowd on opening day. As we wind down, David shares anecdotes that highlight the Pirates' profound connection to their community, a relationship that goes beyond baseball. Whether it’s the infectious spirit of a bobblehead night or the impact of meeting a young fan with dreams as big as his, you'll feel the pulse of Pittsburgh in every story. So, settle in and let's celebrate the city, its team, and the pitcher who embodies the indomitable spirit of both.THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!!!www.holdmycutter.com