Real Estate AI Flash

Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja

In the exciting world of artificial intelligence (AI), utilizing the technology within the real estate industry can give you an edge. However, using AI technology isn’t that simple. This is why hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja started the Real Estate AI Flash podcast. Jimmy and Rajeev introduce goals that help Realtors leverage advancements in AI to advance their real estate business. In each episode, they demystify AI and provide real estate professionals with actionable strategies to leverage AI, Chat GPT, and other generative AI tools to grow their businesses. Check it out and share it with someone you know who could benefit. read less


REAIF 023: Top Agent Takeaways From Inside Real Estate Unite Conference | Jimmy and Rajeev
4d ago
REAIF 023: Top Agent Takeaways From Inside Real Estate Unite Conference | Jimmy and Rajeev
Welcome to this special episode of the Real Estate AI Flash podcast. Co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja recently attended Inside Real Estate’s KV Core and Boomton Unite conference in Charleston, North Carolina, a conference specifically designed to equip real estate agents with the latest tools and strategies for success in the industry. Since you couldn’t attend this exclusive event, we're here to share the top takeaways real estate agents should know. Here are three of them below! Top Takeaway 1: Bring back Social Have you noticed that no one is really social on social media? Despite its name, some agents forget that you have to engage with others on these social media platforms. Rajeev's first takeaway is the importance of creating engaging content on social media. Ask questions and respond to comments to improve your social media presence.  You'll be surprised by the awards you'll receive from simply having online conversations. Real Estate AI Techonolgy Tip Of course, the episode has to include a tip on AI-powered tools. We won't add it here because you might not want to stay and listen to our wonderful episode.  But it has something to do with CRMs, making your work life less stressful. Click play to hear this awesome tip! Top Takeaway 2: Be a Local Market Expert After having lunch with David Childers, Jimmy realized how important it is for agents to become local market experts.  Those who provide high-quality, accurate information builds client's confidence in making informed decisions.  Real estate agents who can do this have a competitive advantage within the market. Top Takeaway 3: Storytelling in Real Estate Instead of just posting houses on Instagram, tell a story behind it. Rajeev shares a top takeaway from Tom Ferry's session: the power of storytelling in real estate transactions. Sharing the expertise and unique factors that led to a sale can attract more clients and generate leads.  What are the other top takeaways from the KVCore and Boomton conference? You have to click play to find out. Remember, your voice matters. Share, review, and spread the word. AI tools are at your disposal, and we're here to guide you on how to harness their power effectively. “How do you react while under pressure? Are you calm or fearful? When you’re calm and understand exactly what you should be doing, it adds more value to everything else.” - Jimmy Burgess.  Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 022: We're Bringing Social Back: Understanding the Algorithm | Jimmy and Rajeev
May 22 2024
REAIF 022: We're Bringing Social Back: Understanding the Algorithm | Jimmy and Rajeev
If you've ever wondered how to boost your online presence, attract more clients, and create content that resonates and engages, you're in the right place.  Today's discussion will uncover the secrets behind the elusive algorithms and provide practical tips for using them to your advantage. Join co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja to learn the powers of social media algorithms.  Understanding the Algorithm Dive into the heart of social media as Jimmy and Rajeev unravel the mechanisms behind the algorithms that dominate popular platforms.  Learn how these algorithms prioritize content and discover how to leverage this for better content visibility. Optimizing Engagement Jimmy and Rajeev provide actionable strategies to boost engagement on social media. Learn how specific actions dramatically increase your interaction rates, thus effectively feeding the algorithm. Bringing Social Back to Media Rajeev shares a compelling insight from a recent experience on social media that emphasizes the importance of being interactive rather than just broadcasting messages. Listen to discover the key to unlocking social media potential! Practical Tips and Real Examples Receive hands-on advice and see real examples of how to implement these strategies. Here are two examples they share in this episode: Ask for Engagement: Directly ask your audience to comment, share, or DM to create two-way communication. Curiosity Posts: Craft posts that elicit curiosity and prompt viewers to engage or seek more information. When used correctly, social media offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with clients and expand your real estate business influence. Tune in to this week’s episode to discover the powerful connection between social and media. Don’t forget to subscribe for more insights, and leave a review to support the community! “Many people are good at creating media, but they're not good at social media. So the algorithm is about engagement, and comments and replies trigger engagement, and it sort of dovetails from there.” -Rajeev Sajja. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 021: Thriving in an AI-Powered World (Sales Meeting)  | Jimmy and Rajeev
May 15 2024
REAIF 021: Thriving in an AI-Powered World (Sales Meeting) | Jimmy and Rajeev
What’s the best way for real estate agents to drive in an AI-powered world? How can you harness the power of Chat GPT and other AI tools to boost your real estate business?  To find out, tune in to this Real Estate AI Flash episode. Co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja dive deep into the intersection of artificial intelligence and real estate!  Join them as they explore cutting-edge tools and strategies for staying ahead in a rapidly evolving market. Click play now! Leveraging AI for Enhanced Market Insights Discover how AI tools like Chat GPT, ManyChat, and Perplexity revolutionize how real estate agents interact with data and clients.  The hosts discuss the invaluable assets of platforms such as This targeted knowledge allows agents to craft their marketing strategies with unparalleled precision. AI-Driven Content Creation Time is a precious commodity in real estate, and Jimmy highlights how AI can drastically reduce the time spent creating marketing materials.  From MLS descriptions to engaging social media content, AI tools enable agents to produce compelling narratives that resonate with audiences.  Learn about the bespoke GPT plans that streamline the generation of comprehensive marketing kits within minutes. Building Client Relationships Through AI The rise of AI doesn't replace the human element; instead, it enriches it.  Rajeev and Jimmy discuss how AI can streamline operations, allowing agents more time to focus on building meaningful client interactions.  Rajeev shares a touching story about a memorable encounter with a barista, illustrating the lasting impact of genuine relationship-building in any business context. Mastering Social Media with AI Navigate the new terrain of social media, where algorithms dictate visibility. Jimmy explains that artificial intelligence is a core aspect of social media strategies, driving user engagement through sophisticated algorithms.  Discover tips on how to use these algorithms to your advantage, enhancing content visibility and engagement on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Preparing for the Separation Season As the market shifts, those who adapt will thrive. The "separation season," as termed by the hosts, refers to a period where real estate professionals must navigate changes with agility and insight.  Using AI adeptly is a pivotal strategy for agents to distinguish themselves from the crowd. The episode covers the crucial ‘four P’s’: prime, prompt, purpose, and publish—each step leverages AI responsibly and effectively. This episode is about understanding and mastering AI tools to redefine your real estate business. Embrace technology, empower your practice, and make this year a milestone of production and growth in your real estate career. Don’t forget to download the Real AI Playbook, which is packed with actionable insights and strategies!  “If you can free up time using AI to systemize your business, you can invest time to build client relationships and create memorable relationships.” -Rajeev Sajja.  Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 020: AI is your affordable leverage | Carrie Soave
May 8 2024
REAIF 020: AI is your affordable leverage | Carrie Soave
It's difficult to afford all these marketing tools for your real estate business. Let's not even get into paying services for video editors and copywriters. Luckily, there's a secret way to overcome these challenges! Also, it's pretty affordable. So what's the secret? Tune into this "The Real Estate AI Flash Podcast" episode to find out. Co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja speak with AI influencer Carrie Soave. The trio discusses how AI can be used as affordable leverage in the real estate industry for agents eager to scale their business while keeping costs low. Hear how AI tools can help you grow your real estate business. The Journey to AI Mastery Carrie Soave shares her background of 15 years in real estate sales and her extensive experience in social media and content creation.  She explains her transition to AI out of necessity—to streamline content production and avoid the time-consuming aspects of traditional methods.  Carrie also talks about her dive into no-code AI tools, particularly following the release of ChatGPT, to craft comprehensive business plans and workflows. Leveraging AI in Real Estate Carrie points out tools like AnswerThePublic for content ideas and ChatGPT for scripting and content creation. The trio highlights the importance of producing content that engagingly answers the audience's questions and how AI can support this process from brainstorming to distribution. To ensure AI-generated content maintains a personal touch, Carrie recommends teaching ChatGPT to mimic one's own writing tone through prompt engineering. She also discusses the significance of customizing outputs to avoid the recognizable jargon often associated with AI. Carrie also suggests that real estate agents create custom AI bots to offer to their clients, which can analyze investment properties or answer specific real estate questions, providing a direct benefit to the consumers as well. AI as Affordable Leverage Carrie explains how AI is an affordable leverage for agents at all levels. By replacing costly marketing teams or assistants with AI for tasks like content creation, social media management, and automation, even agents with limited resources can significantly scale their operations. For agents new to AI, Carrie emphasizes the importance of learning about prompt engineering and LLMs (Large Language Models). She mentions the availability of programs and teachers to assist those who may not have the time to self-educate intensively. AI Tools and Future Developments Carrie's must-have AI tools list includes a ChatGPT Plus account, Zapier for automation, and AI-powered video editors.  She also shares her excitement for the future of AI in real estate, particularly the developments in video analysis and the introduction of OpenAI's new features, like the actions assistant. Whether you're looking to break through a revenue ceiling, optimize your workflow, or simply add a spark of AI ingenuity to your business model, this episode of "The Real Estate AI Flash Podcast" with Carrie Soave is your guiding star. Don't let the AI revolution leave you behind—embrace it, master it, and watch as it amplifies every aspect of your real estate ambitions. Join us on this episode and learn the incredibly efficient capabilities of AI tools. Click play now! "AI is affordable. If you can accomplish prompt engineering and the art of asking the right questions, then you can get the knowledge and experience of a top marketing team.” -Carrie Soave. Resources Neil Patel AnswerThePublic Zapier ManyChat Carrie Soave’s Instagram Carrie Soave’s Facebook Carrie Soave’s LinkedIn Carrie Soave’s YouTube Carrie Soave’s TikTok  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 019: The AI Showdown: Top Picks for Agent Applications | Jimmy and Rajeev
May 1 2024
REAIF 019: The AI Showdown: Top Picks for Agent Applications | Jimmy and Rajeev
How do you know which AI tool is right for a specific task? The free Chat GPT version doesn't always create the best SEO content or produce AI images. So, what are your other options? In this episode of the "Real Estate AI Flash Podcast," co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja compare the three most popular tools—chat GPT, Claude, and Google's Gemini—to assess which is the best fit for real estate agents.   This showdown provides you insights into these tool's free version features. You'll be able to make informed decisions without spending money needlessly. Tune in to hear which AI tool is best for real estate agents. Comparing The Titans of AI: A Free Version Deep Dive The comparison encompassed different functionalities crucial for real estate agents. Here is a breakdown of the features and the insights provided by our hosts: Context Window Chat GPT Free: Holds 8192 tokens—equivalent to about 30,000 words—after which it begins to 'forget' parts of the conversation. Claude: Initially offered 9000 tokens, expanded to 100,000 tokens, but at the time of the podcast, Claude lifted the limit on tokens. Google's Gemini: Boasts a context window size of 128,000 tokens, significantly more than the free version of Chat GPT. Multimodal Input Chat GPT & Claude: In the free versions, both are primarily text-based. Google's Gemini: It stands out because it allows multiple types of inputs, including images, audio files, video, and text. Internet Access Chat GPT: Free version data is accurate until April 2022 without real-time internet access. Claude: This does not indicate access to real-time internet data. Google's Gemini: With a direct line to Google Search, it can provide real-time data, reflecting current trends and information. Custom Prompt Instructions Chat GPT: Excelling in customizability, it allows users to tailor the bot according to specified roles, which can be beneficial when crafting targeted content. Claude & Google's Gemini: Currently, they lack this feature in their free versions. Content Creation Chat GPT: Reigns supreme in crafting both short-form and long-form content with various tones. Claude: Offers concise and well-formatted responses, ranking just slightly ahead of Gemini. Google's Gemini: It isn’t as refined as Chat GPT’s output, but it does provide multiple options.  Putting AI to the Test: Real-Time Demonstrations Rajeev conducted a live demo, taking a standard prompt across all three platforms to see how they handled it: The task was to map out residential real estate customers' desires, wants, and frustrations in table format. Chat GPT struggled with tabulation but provided detailed content. Gemini's output included a well-laid-out table with the option of exporting directly to other Google apps, such as Sheets and Docs, for added convenience.  Claude provided a brief yet accurate response, staying to the point. In tests involving the analysis of a PDF and interpretation of an image, Claude showed its strength in reading large documents, while Gemini and Claude both efficiently correlated information from the image.  Takeaways For Real Estate Agents While each platform has its strengths, the right one for an agent will depend on the specific task at hand: Gemini's large token context window is advantageous for extensive, ongoing conversations. Gemini's multimodal capabilities shine when tasks call for multimedia inputs like videos and images. Lastly, when it comes to outright content creation, such as drafting articles and social media posts, Chat GPT offers the most robust solutions. Jimmy and Rajeev encourage agents to have all three applications handy, using each where they offer the most value. Listen to the episode, apply the insights, and embark on a journey where your creativity meets AI's capabilities. "Claude does not cite sources or functionality indicating it has Internet access. And this is, again, a win for Gemini because Google owns it. It is connected to Google Search, providing real-time data and Internet connectivity for Internet access." - Rajeev Sajja. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 018: The Complete AI Playbook Every Agent Needs | Jimmy and Rajeev
Apr 24 2024
REAIF 018: The Complete AI Playbook Every Agent Needs | Jimmy and Rajeev
Wouldn't it be nice to have a comprehensive guide that shows you how to use AI tools in real estate like a pro? Luckily, the co-hosts of Real Estate AI Flash Podcast thought of this! In this special episode, Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja introduce their AI playbook for real estate agents. Tune in to hear the essential details of their ever-evolving AI playbook and pro tips on using AI tools. Click play now! The AI Playbook: A Living Document Jimmy and Rajeev are excited to share their new guide for real estate professionals. It's an AI playbook to help agents learn how to effectively use AI tools, such as Chat GPT, in their business. You'll have access to all of the tricks, tips, and resources discussed within this podcast. Go to and subscribe to the podcast for access. Pro Tips for AI Utilization Rajeev and Jimmy share six pro tips to enhance your AI experience as a real estate agent. Managing ChatGPT Pauses: Jimmy explains how to handle situations where ChatGPT stops responding before completing your content request. Memory Recall: Rajeev's strategy is to review content with ChatGPT to ensure the AI understands the task. Clarifying Requests: Jimmy suggests enhancing prompting for clearer and more specific responses. Accuracy Improvement: They share how instructing AI to take its time can result in precise outcomes. Kindness Matters: Jimmy shares how impactful emotional language is when using AI tools. Custom Instructions: Emphasizing custom instructions for consistency and speed in executing repetitive tasks. Getting the Most Out of Your AI Playbook Jimmy and Rajeev shared that it is better for you to bookmark the playbook instead of printing it. It’s an evolving playbook that will be regularly updated with new tips and resources. Also, this guide is collaborative in nature, and if you have any AI tricks you’d like to share with other real estate agents, be sure to reach out to Jimmy or Rajeev.  The power of AI is within your grasp, and this AI Playbook is your secret weapon. It’s your ever-evolving guide, constantly updated to ensure you stay on the cutting edge of technology. Bookmark the Playbook, make it your digital bible, and watch as it becomes the cornerstone of your business's growth. Subscribe to the Real Estate AI Flash podcast now and join a community where inspiration meets innovation. Let's ride the wave of AI together – because when it comes to success, the future is now, and it's ours for the taking.  “Now, there is actually research that is showing us that when prompted with emotional language, “please,” or “thank you,” or you show it some respect, it actually gives you better results. It gives you something that actually enhances the quality of the results.” - Jimmy Burgess. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 017: Custom GPTs: What You Need to Know and How Agents Can Use Them | Jimmy and Rajeev
Apr 17 2024
REAIF 017: Custom GPTs: What You Need to Know and How Agents Can Use Them | Jimmy and Rajeev
In this “Real Estate AI Flash Podcast” episode, co-hosts Rajeev Sajja and Jimmy Burgess delve into the exciting world of custom GPTs and their implications for real estate professionals. They provide insights into the transition from plugins to custom GPTs, highlighting the democratization of advanced technology and the potential for real estate professionals to leverage these tools for enhanced productivity and efficiency. Discover how these powerful tools revolutionize the real estate industry and provide practical strategies to elevate your business. Click play now! Transition from Plugins to Custom GPTs Jimmy and Rajeev discuss the transition from plugins to custom GPTs, emphasizing the significance of this shift in accessibility and usability.  With plugins requiring development skills, introducing custom GPTs removes the barrier for individuals without technical backgrounds. This empowers real estate agents to harness the capabilities of this advanced technology for various real estate applications. Top Five Custom GPTs for Real Estate Professionals Right Like Me: Rajeev introduces "Right Like Me," a custom GPT that facilitates personalized content generation. He elaborates on its potential for enhancing communication and marketing strategies within the real estate industry. Humanizer Pro: The co-hosts explore the impact of AI-generated content and introduce Humanizer Pro as a tool to humanize content.  Walkscript: They recommend Walkscript as a custom GPT for efficient video transcription and analysis, highlighting its relevance for real estate professionals creating engaging video content. AIPDF: The hosts emphasize the utility of AIPDF for real estate professionals working with extensive PDF documents. Doc Maker: Rajeev introduces Doc Maker as a productivity-enhancing tool for real estate agents. It streamlines transforming content into various formats for seamless integration across multiple platforms and channels, optimizing workflow efficiency. The Future of Custom GPTs in Real Estate The hosts express their anticipation for the continual advancement of custom GPTs, emphasizing the opportunities for real estate professionals to create personalized GPTs tailored to their specific needs.  They underscore agents' potential to build custom GPTs to enhance trust and efficacy in leveraging this transformative technology. As technology advances, the possibilities with custom GPTs are limitless. Whether you're a seasoned AI enthusiast or just starting to explore its potential, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we uncover the power of custom GPTs and how they can empower you in your real estate journey. Subscribe to the podcast and immerse yourself in the world of AI innovation because together, we are stronger. Stay tuned for more insightful episodes, and get ready to amplify your real estate business with the latest AI tools and strategies. "You don't have to have a technology background now to be technologically savvy." - Jimmy Burgess. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 016: Top Takeaways from the BHHS Convention (A Few Surprises) | Jimmy and Rajeev
Apr 10 2024
REAIF 016: Top Takeaways from the BHHS Convention (A Few Surprises) | Jimmy and Rajeev
In this Real Estate AI Flash episode, co-hosts Rajeev Sajja and Jimmy Burgess share their exciting takeaways from the recent Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Convention in New Orleans. From cutting-edge AI tools to invaluable mindset shifts, they delve into the game-changing insights reshaping the real estate landscape. Join Rajeev and Jimmy as they unravel the strategies and technologies propelling real estate professionals to new heights and learn how to harness AI's true potential in your own real estate endeavors. Harnessing the Power of Manychat Jimmy elaborates on the potential of Manychat, an AI tool that enables social media engagement through automated responses. He discusses the impact of using Manychat to engage with Instagram followers and expand reach. He also emphasizes its role in leveraging engagement and growing one's audience in the real estate industry. Depth Over Breadth in AI Adoption Rajeev highlights the significance of mastering specific AI tools rather than getting overwhelmed by many options. He encourages real estate professionals to take the time to understand and utilize AI technologies effectively. Shifting Behavior Towards AI Adoption Rajeev emphasizes the importance of integrating AI into daily routines, suggesting a 30-minute daily investment in learning AI tools. He advises using AI apps like chat GPT instead of habitual Google searches to create an AI-first mindset. Enhanced Productivity with AI in Lead Generation Rajeev discusses the power of AI in interacting with potential customers and overcoming rejection. He showcases the effectiveness of AI calls in engaging and converting leads, highlighting the role of AI in real estate workflows. Bonus: Rajeev shares an intriguing AI call interaction with a customer considering Apple Vision Pro, showcasing the potential of AI in engaging and guiding potential clients through the decision-making process. Real Estate AI Flash Newsletter Subscription Rajeev and Jimmy invite you to subscribe to their weekly newsletter for additional AI tips, prompts, and popular episodes. Support us by leaving reviews to help spread the message of collective strength within the real estate community. In this enlightening episode, Rajeev and Jimmy unravel the transformative potential of AI technologies for real estate professionals. From practical tools like Manychat to the strategic mindset shift toward AI adoption, they provide invaluable insights for harnessing the power of AI while emphasizing the enduring importance of building and fostering genuine relationships in real estate. If you're ready to revolutionize your approach to AI in real estate, this episode is a must-listen. So grab your headphones and prepare to unlock the power of AI in the real estate industry! “But the experience of actually going through it was fascinating. I felt like Alicia Keys was singing in my living room.” - Rajeev Sajja. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 015: Best Lessons from 10,000 Person AI Real Estate Facebook Group | Dylan Lennon
Apr 3 2024
REAIF 015: Best Lessons from 10,000 Person AI Real Estate Facebook Group | Dylan Lennon
Besides this podcast, where's the best place for real estate agents to learn more about AI technology? In this Real Estate AI Flash podcast episode, co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja introduce their special guest, Dylan Lennon, a real estate agent and administrator of a Facebook group dedicated to real estate agents leveraging Chat GPT and AI in their businesses. Dylan shares his journey of building a thriving community of over 10,000 real estate professionals and provides valuable insights into the practical applications of AI in the real estate industry. If you're curious about how AI can enhance your real estate endeavors, this is the episode you won't want to miss. Tune in to this enlightening conversation with Dylan Lennon, Rajeev, and Jimmy as they decode the power of AI in real estate and unveil the endless possibilities it holds for your business. Dylan Lennon's Background Dylan Lennon is a seasoned real estate agent from Keller Williams in Asheville, North Carolina. He runs a human-powered, AI-enabled real estate business.  With a background in academia and clinical trials, Dylan has become a leading figure in the real estate community in terms of leveraging AI tools. The Evolution of Real Estate Agents and Technology Rajeev and Jimmy discuss how Dylan embodies the growth of agents utilizing technology to enhance client service.  They highlight Dylan's initiative in building a Facebook group that facilitates discussions and learning about integrating Chat GPT and AI into real estate practices. Exploring the Facebook Group Dylan explains the origin and growth of the Facebook group "Chat GPT and AI Mastermind for Real Estate."  Starting with just 50 members, the group has organically expanded. It now serves as a platform where real estate agents can learn, share ideas, and address common questions and concerns about implementing AI in their businesses. Common Questions and Pain Points Dylan reveals that the most common query from agents revolves around getting started with AI, particularly Chat GPT.  He emphasizes the importance of addressing the everyday challenges and pain points that real estate agents encounter, such as managing time, scheduling, communication, and client interactions. The Power of Chat GPT in Communication Dylan elaborates on the effectiveness of using Chat GPT to enhance communication in real estate.  He emphasizes how AI tools can help refine and personalize communication, ultimately aiding agents in improving client interactions and addressing challenges related to overwhelmed schedules and sensitive conversations. Practical Applications in Marketing Dylan discusses how AI tools empower agents to create personalized, brand-specific marketing content without the need for extensive resources or large marketing teams. He shares examples of agents using Chat GPT to create tailored Instagram posts and engaging in video challenges driven by AI-generated content topics. Taking AI to the Next Level Dylan provides valuable insights into enabling agents to take their AI usage to the next level without feeling overwhelmed.  He emphasizes staying updated with technological advancements, documenting business systems for AI integration, transitioning into automation, and incorporating advanced tools like Zapier for seamless integration with existing systems. Dylan Lennon provides an in-depth exploration of AI integration in real estate, offering practical strategies, real-life examples, and expert guidance for agents at all levels of familiarity with AI technology. The episode is a valuable resource for real estate professionals looking to elevate their practices through AI and stay ahead in an evolving industry. Listen to the full episode now to embark on a transformative AI journey in real estate! “One of the things that I think most people learn very quickly, whether they're new or have been using chat GPT for a short period of time, is that it is really effective in helping you hone and craft your communication with the people in your world.” - Dylan Lennon.  Resources Chat GPT and AI for Real Estate Facebook Group Rowan Chung on X  Dylan Lennon on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 014: How to Utilize AI to Generate Photos That Tell a Story | Jimmy and Rajeev
Mar 27 2024
REAIF 014: How to Utilize AI to Generate Photos That Tell a Story | Jimmy and Rajeev
How can artificial intelligence transform the way we create and share images? "Real Estate AI Flash Podcast" hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja discuss using artificial intelligence to create powerful photography and compelling stories behind the images. They share practical strategies for real estate professionals to harness the potential of AI in their businesses. Join us to explore the future of visual content creation through the lens of artificial intelligence. Take advantage of this exciting conversation that will inspire and inform! Exploring Image Generation with AI Tools The episode delves into the demonstration of various AI tools and their capabilities for image generation. Rajeev and Jimmy navigate through the utilization of Chat GPT, Meta (Facebook), and Gemini to create realistic pictures of downtown Philadelphia in the fall, highlighting the vibrant foliage, city skyline, and the Delaware River.  They emphasize the convenience and efficiency AI tools offer, eliminating the need to hire a photographer or worry about licensing and copyright issues.  The demonstration showcases the evolving nature of AI-generated images and their potential for real estate marketing. Practical Applications and Marketing Strategies The hosts discuss the significance of AI-generated images for real estate marketing and engagement.  They highlight the potential for agents to use AI-generated photos to create engagement on social media, encouraging agents to leverage the technology to differentiate themselves and communicate their innovative approach to the market.  Moreover, they emphasize the value of community sharing and invite listeners to contribute their experiences and insights on using AI-generated images in their real estate businesses. Enhancing Image-Driven Content with AI Storytelling The episode further explores integrating AI tools to enhance image-driven content with compelling stories.  Rajeev demonstrates the creation of SEO-optimized Facebook posts from images, allowing agents to craft engaging and informative social media content that resonates with the audience.  With insights into AI tools' deep analysis and storytelling capabilities, the hosts emphasize the potential for real estate professionals to expand their reach and impact through AI-driven content strategies. Practical Demonstration and Audience Engagement A practical demonstration of AI-generated content's versatility is illustrated by creating a recipe for an image prompt, showcasing the applicability of AI storytelling beyond real estate-related content.  The hosts emphasize the underutilized potential of AI in vision-based applications and encourage listeners to explore the diverse possibilities AI offers in content creation. Rajeev and Jimmy's insights open up a world of opportunities for leveraging AI to elevate your real estate marketing and client engagement efforts. So, if you're ready to revolutionize your approach to real estate marketing and storytelling, tune in to the full episode to discover how AI and images are transforming the industry.  Subscribe to the podcast, and be prepared to take your real estate business to new heights with the power of AI. Listen now and unlock the potential of AI and images in real estate! "A picture is worth a thousand words." - Rajeev Sajja. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 013: How to Generate Leads Utilizing AI | Jimmy and Rajeev
Mar 20 2024
REAIF 013: How to Generate Leads Utilizing AI | Jimmy and Rajeev
With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), real estate professionals have incredible opportunities to maximize their past client connections for business growth. In this episode of the "Real Estate AI Flash Podcast," co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja discuss the topic of lead generation in real estate.  They emphasize the importance of utilizing Chat GPT to maximize lead generation from one's sphere of influence and past clients. With practical strategies and actionable steps, they aim to help real estate professionals grow their businesses through innovative AI lead-generation techniques. Listen to the full episode for insightful tips and a special reveal towards the end that you won't want to miss! The Power of AI in Lead Generation Rajeev and Jimmy highlight the transformative impact of Chat GPT in streamlining lead generation efforts.  They stress that with the right approach, real estate agents can leverage AI to communicate effectively with their sphere of influence and past clients, thereby boosting their business growth. Optimizing Email Communication The hosts emphasize the significance of well-crafted email subject lines in engaging with the audience.  They reveal how Chat GPT can generate compelling subject lines with high open rates.  Rajeev discusses successful subject lines, such as "Did Your Home Equity Grow in 2023?" and "2023 Real Estate Boom: How Much Value Did Your Property Gain?" showcasing the potential of AI-driven content creation to captivate recipients' attention. Refining Email Subject Lines Jimmy highlights the effectiveness of refining email subject lines to amplify curiosity and increase click-through rates.  He discusses requesting AI to create and refine subject lines directed at the sphere of influence, enabling real estate agents to fine-tune their communication and enhance audience engagement. Personalized Appreciation Strategies The hosts underscore the importance of expressing appreciation to past clients and sphere of influence.  They reveal how AI can assist in brainstorming creative and unique ways to demonstrate gratitude and foster strong client relationships.  By sharing examples, such as sending personalized gifts and organizing luxury brand appreciation events, they illustrate the potential of AI in generating innovative appreciation strategies. Utilizing Data to Tell a Story Rajeev delves into the significance of utilizing data to craft compelling subject lines that resonate with the audience.  He highlights the use of Chat GPT to extract market data and personalize subject lines to create engaging content that captures recipients' attention. Expanding Lead Generation Strategies Jimmy emphasizes the role of AI in not only expressing gratitude but also in encouraging client reviews.  By leveraging AI to design custom instructions for viral marketing, real estate professionals can enhance their lead-generation efforts and cultivate long-term client relationships. We've just scratched the surface of leveraging the power of Chat GPT for lead generation. The potential for growth and success in your real estate business is unlimited when you tap into the resources available. We're committed to providing practical strategies you can apply directly to your business. Subscribe to the Real Estate AI Flash podcast to ensure you don't miss out on our future episodes. "When you've identified your subject line, you spent 80% of your effort." - Rajeev Sajja. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 012: How He Used AI to Win a $6M Listing | Jimmy Moscoso
Mar 13 2024
REAIF 012: How He Used AI to Win a $6M Listing | Jimmy Moscoso
How can AI set you apart when competing for a high-end listing? In this episode of the Real Estate AI Flash podcast, co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja delve into leveraging AI to stand out in the real estate industry. The special guest, Jimmy Moscoso, a realtor with Keyes Realty, shares insights and practical strategies on how he utilized AI to win a six-plus million-dollar listing. Join us as Jimmy Moscoso shares his insights into the power of AI and its impact on the real estate industry. Discover how AI technology, when applied strategically and thoughtfully, can give you the edge you need to succeed in the competitive world of real estate. Jimmy Moscoso's Background Jimmy Moscoso is an accomplished realtor with a background in digital marketing.  As a realtor, he aims to bring stories of extraordinary human beings to life.  Leveraging his expertise in digital marketing and a passion for technology, Jimmy has successfully integrated AI tools into his real estate business, especially in securing high-value listings. Exploring AI Tools Jimmy Moscoso discusses his journey with AI tools, specifically OpenAI's GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model.  He emphasizes the impact of leveraging GPT, particularly version 4.4 or 4.5, in generating accurate and valuable information through prompted questions.  Furthermore, he highlights the use of Perplexity AI for obtaining accurate answers by combining AI with real sources. Winning a $6M Listing with AI The episode focuses on Jimmy Moscoso's successful acquisition of a six-million-dollar listing using Real Reports' AI tool named Aiden.  Real Reports perform comprehensive data aggregation, providing valuable insights such as historical data and neighborhood information, which are more specifically tailored to the property in question.  Aiden effectively provides contextual answers to specific queries.  Jimmy shares the strategic approach he took by presenting AI-generated data and insights during the listing presentation, ultimately securing the lucrative listing against the seasoned competition. Implications of AI in Real Estate The hosts and Jimmy emphasize the transformative potential of AI in real estate, particularly in empowering agents to provide comprehensive, data-driven insights.  They elaborate on how AI tools like real reports aid in creating an informed consumer base, leading to better decision-making and enhancing the overall value real estate professionals provide. Use of AI in Content Creation Jimmy Moscoso discusses the future of AI integration in real estate, focusing on creating hyper-local and neighborhood-specific content using AI tools.  He stresses the importance of utilizing AI for content creation and distribution on platforms like YouTube, X, and LinkedIn to reach prospective clients seeking localized information effectively. Community Engagement via AI An intriguing aspect of Jimmy Moscoso’s strategy involves hosting an open house for the $6M listing, accessible only by boat on a private island.  He describes his innovative approach to engaging local businesses and enhancing community support, demonstrating the potential of integrating AI-driven strategies with traditional real estate initiatives. Jimmy's success in winning a $6 million listing using AI tools is a testament to the transformative potential of technology in real estate. His innovative use of AI is an inspiring example of how the technology can revolutionize real estate marketing. As the real estate landscape evolves, agents can glean valuable insights from Jimmy's experiences and strategic use of AI technology. Tune in now to unlock the potential of AI in real estate and discover the fascinating journey of winning a $6 million listing using cutting-edge technology. "With so much technology and information out there, it can become overwhelming. One of the things that will be a big push on my end is to leverage AI content creation and as well as local visits to the different neighborhoods." - Jimmy Moscoso.  Resources Real Reports Jimmy Moscoso on X Jimmy Moscoso on LinkedIn Jimmy Moscoso on Instagram Jimmy Moscoso on Facebook  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 011: How This Top Producer is Uniquely Using AI  | Robert Allen
Mar 6 2024
REAIF 011: How This Top Producer is Uniquely Using AI | Robert Allen
Have you ever wondered how artificial intelligence can transform how real estate professionals do business?  Imagine having a personal assistant who can analyze data, provide valuable insights, and even help shape your mindset for success. In this episode of the “Real Estate AI Flash Podcast,” co-hosts Rajeev and Jimmy are joined by special guest Robert Allen, a top-performing realtor from Atlanta, Georgia.  Robert shares how he leveraged AI technology to streamline tasks, analyze past sales data, and develop a proactive mindset for success in the real estate industry. Dive into the fascinating world of AI in real estate and discover the practical strategies you can apply to take your business to the next level. Utilizing Chat GPT for Mindset and Visualization Robert emphasizes the importance of mindset and visualization in real estate success, drawing inspiration from his father's experiences as a broker.  He discusses how he has utilized Chat GPT to explore visualization and seek mentoring to overcome mindset challenges.  By tapping into the writings and teachings of influential figures through Chat GPT, Robert has gained personalized advice and insights.  He shares how this approach has not only helped him shape his own mindset but also has the potential to impact future generations by utilizing AI and data from his current activities. Task-Driven Exercises and Smart Assistance Robert discusses how he has employed Chat GPT as a smart assistant to tackle mundane or challenging tasks, effectively optimizing his productivity.  He provides examples of leveraging Chat GPT to formulate effective follow-up strategies for expired listings and sale-by-owner leads.  As a result of delegating the analytical and creative aspects of these tasks to artificial intelligence, Robert has improved the efficiency and effectiveness of his real estate operations. Analyzing Past Sales Data and Visualization Robert shares how he utilized Chat GPT to analyze past sales data. By uploading sales data into the platform, he was able to extract valuable insights regarding sales trends, pricing, and seasonal variations.  Furthermore, Robert discusses how Chat GPT facilitated the visualization of this data, enabling him to make informed decisions based on the analysis. This approach streamlined the data analysis process and empowered Robert to anticipate market trends and strategically plan his real estate activities. Personal Reflection and Vision for the Future Robert reflects on the transformative potential of AI in empowering real estate professionals to achieve their goals.  He emphasizes the importance of leveraging AI as a time machine, enabling individuals to expedite their journey toward success.  Robert encourages real estate agents to embrace AI to accelerate progress and reach their objectives more efficiently. The episode delved into Robert's innovative AI methods to enhance personalized client interactions, streamline business processes, and gain a competitive edge in the industry. His forward-thinking approach serves as a testament to the transformative potential of AI in real estate. If you're ready to gain a fresh perspective on the intersection of real estate and AI, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we uncover the strategies and insights reshaping the real estate landscape. Tune in to the full episode to discover Robert's inspiring journey and learn how AI can empower you to reach your real estate goals!  "When it comes to Chat GBT, I'm a little bit of a geek in that. I just like technology, but ultimately, I would say use it as a time machine if it's something you can lean on to speed up getting to where you're ultimately going to go." - Robert Allen. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook  Robert Allen on LinkedIn Robert Allen on Instagram
REAIF 010: 4 AI Apps for Your Phone That Agents Should Be Using | Jimmy and Rajeev
Feb 28 2024
REAIF 010: 4 AI Apps for Your Phone That Agents Should Be Using | Jimmy and Rajeev
One of the best things about your smartphone is the different apps you can download. However, there are specific apps real estate agents need to help them succeed. What are those? In this Real Estate AI Flash Podcast episode, co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja explore the artificial intelligence (AI) world and its practical applications for real estate professionals. They discuss four AI apps realtors can download to enhance efficiency, elevate business operations, and better serve clients. Tune in to discover four powerful mobile tools real estate agents need to boost their productivity and business efficiency. 1. Perplexity: Unlocking Effortless Research and Content Creation Rajeev highlights Perplexity, an app within Chat GPT, which provides accurate references for researched topics.  Jimmy shares how he maximizes Chat GPT's mobile app to enhance engagement on social media, particularly for writing Instagram real descriptions.  Both hosts emphasize the convenience of utilizing AI capabilities on their phones, emphasizing the increasing influence of mobile AI integration for on-the-go professionals. 2. ChatGPT: Mobile AI Integration for On-The-Go Professionals Jimmy shares how he maximizes Chat GPT's mobile app to enhance engagement on social media, particularly for writing Instagram real descriptions.  Both hosts emphasize the convenience of utilizing Chat GPT on their phones. It’s ideal when you can’t be at your computer and need help to develop content ideas.  3. Copilot: Harnessing the Power of OpenAI and Bing Copilot is a Microsoft app that seamlessly integrates GPT-4, providing realtors with powerful AI capabilities free of charge. Rajeev underscores the value of Copilot for non-paid subscribers of Chat GPT, making AI-driven research and content creation accessible to a broader audience.  The hosts emphasize the importance of cost-effective AI solutions for real estate professionals, urging them to explore the potential of AI in their daily operations. 4. Captions: Embracing Multifaceted Video Capabilities Captions is an AI-powered app transcending typical captioning functions. Jimmy discusses its diverse features, including AI eye contact, multilingual conversion, and enhanced video engagement.  The hosts draw attention to the vital role of video content in modern real estate marketing, emphasizing how AI-driven tools like Captions can elevate the impact of Realtors' video communications.  They also discuss the potential for multilingual outreach and the profound impact of personalized, language-specific video messages in fostering meaningful client connections. Jimmy and Rajeev discussed four applications for real estate agents in the episode. Do you know any more?  Real estate professionals must embrace and leverage these technology advancements to thrive in a dynamic industry. The best way to do this is by collaborating and sharing knowledge. If you know other apps real estate agents should be using, contact the hosts and let them know. “AI doesn't have to remain at a computer. It will travel with your phones, and we're seeing more and more of that.” - Rajeev Sajja. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 009: AI Doesn't Suck, Your Prompts Do (8 Ways to Fix the Problem) | Jimmy and Rajeev
Feb 21 2024
REAIF 009: AI Doesn't Suck, Your Prompts Do (8 Ways to Fix the Problem) | Jimmy and Rajeev
You tried Chat GPT once to create content for your real estate business, but the copy didn’t turn out how you wanted. AI technology is worthless, and you’re better off doing everything yourself. Before you do, listen to this Real Estate AI Flash Podcast episode first. Co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja discuss the practical strategies for real estate professionals to leverage AI, particularly Chat GPT, to enhance their business operations.  They provide valuable insights into eight key ways agents can maximize the potential of Chat GPT. Discover Chat GPT prompts in this episode to help you utilize this AI technology effectively. 1. Be Specific and Clear Jimmy emphasizes the importance of being specific and clear when interacting with Chat GPT.  He advises real estate professionals to articulate their prompts with precise details, ensuring that they provide specific instructions and questions tailored to the desired outcomes.  By doing so, agents can enhance the quality of the responses they receive from Chat GPT, thus optimizing its efficiency. 2. Setting Context and Scope Rajeev emphasizes the significance of providing adequate background information and context when engaging with Chat GPT.  Real estate professionals can guide Chat GPT to deliver relevant and accurate responses aligned with their objectives by outlining the task at hand and the intended scope of the conversation. 3. Utilizing Relevant Jargon and Keywords Jimmy and Rajeev highlight the importance of using industry-specific jargon and keywords when communicating with Chat GPT.  With language and terms that resonate with the real estate industry, agents can ensure that AI technology understands their queries and delivers tailored, industry-relevant analysis. 4. Leveraging Brainstorming Rajeev encourages the use of Chat GPT for brainstorming purposes.  Real estate professionals can harness the AI's capabilities by posing open-ended questions and seeking innovative ideas and suggestions.  Engaging in dialogue with Chat GPT can help agents generate fresh and valuable business ideas by tapping into their creativity and problem-solving abilities. 5. Step-by-Step Instructions Jimmy emphasizes the value of seeking step-by-step instructions from Chat GPT, particularly when learning new processes or outlining strategic plans.  Agents can benefit from the AI's ability to provide structured and actionable recommendations tailored to their specific objectives by requesting detailed, sequential guidance for tasks. This is great for making content such as marketing campaigns or property listings. 6. Leveraging Examples and Scenarios The discussion underscores the significance of requesting examples and scenarios from Chat GPT.  Real estate professionals can gain practical insight into complex concepts by provoking AI to elucidate abstract concepts and provide examples. 7. Seeking Clarifications and Follow-Ups Jimmy highlights the value of seeking clarifications and follow-ups in interactions with Chat GPT.  Through iterative dialogues and refined responses, agents can better use AI's ability to adapt and respond, ultimately improving the quality of the information provided. 8. Feedback and Iteration Rajeev discusses how to provide feedback and iterate the conversation with Chat GPT.  Real estate professionals can effectively guide the AI's learning process by offering feedback on its responses, refining their prompts, and engaging in an iterative exchange. This will foster continuous improvement and alignment with their specific preferences and objectives. Using these eight strategies above, real estate agents can harness the power of Chat GPT to enhance their decision-making, creative imagination, and strategic planning process. As a result, you’ll increase your business performance and productivity.  Subscribe to Real Estate AI Flash for more practical insights and strategies to leverage AI technologies for your real estate business. Leave a review and share this episode with fellow agents to empower the real estate community with actionable AI-driven solutions. "The world in the future is not as much for intelligent people, but people that can ask the right questions." - Rajeev Sajja.  Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 008: Next Level Productivity With ChatGPT's Custom Instructions | Jimmy and Rajeev
Feb 14 2024
REAIF 008: Next Level Productivity With ChatGPT's Custom Instructions | Jimmy and Rajeev
Do you want to know some Chat GPT prompts to take your real estate business to a new level? In this episode of "The Real Estate AI Flash Podcast," hosts Rajeev Sajja and Jimmy Burgess delve into the innovative use of ChatGPT custom instructions to enhance productivity in artificial intelligence. They share practical insights and strategies to optimize AI usage and streamline real estate professionals' workflows. Tune in and discover how to boost your AI-powered real estate practices. Unlocking Efficiency with ChatGPT Custom Instructions Rajeev and Jimmy emphasize the transformative power of ChatGPT custom instructions in improving efficiency when interacting with AI.  They highlight the tangible impact of custom instructions in elevating the quality and output of AI-generated content. Understanding Custom Instructions The hosts provide a comprehensive breakdown of custom instructions, elucidating the two key sections: "What would you like ChatGPT to know?" and "How would you like ChatGPT to respond?"  They emphasize the significance of creating context-specific instructions tailored to diverse roles and responsibilities within the real estate industry. Practical Examples and Application Highlighting the versatility of custom instructions, Rajeev presents practical examples, such as creating custom instructions for various roles, including social media management, email marketing, and property marketing.  He underscores this approach's ease of implementation and scalability, urging real estate professionals to leverage custom instructions for diverse tasks. Maximizing Efficiency Through Role-Specific Custom Instructions Rajeev and Jimmy discuss the potential for streamlining workflows through role-specific custom instructions.  They share the process of creating custom instructions to cater to specific roles, facilitating swift and precision-based interactions with ChatGPT.  The hosts stress the importance of building custom instructions for distinct functions, enabling seamless adaptation and reusability. Optimizing ChatGPT Interactions The hosts delve into the nuances of creating tailored responses using custom instructions, emphasizing the significance of tone, formality, and clarity in communication.  They underline the value of crafting responses that align with individual preferences, ensuring that ChatGPT delivers insights and solutions effectively. Implementing Custom Instructions in Real Estate Practice Rajeev and Jimmy explain how real estate agents and coaches can use custom instructions to enhance client engagement, marketing strategies, and problem-solving approaches.  They stress the potential of custom instructions in fostering agility and precision in addressing diverse real estate requirements. Real estate professionals should take the time to explore the practical applications of custom instructions within Chat GPT. You can use the approach within this episode to elevate your productivity.  Do you need more advice on optimizing Chat GPT interactions? Subscribe to this podcast to learn how to leverage AI technology and grow your real estate business. “If you just listen to this one episode and put this one thing into practice, you have begun to outperform 90% of the people using Chat GPT and your competition.” - Jimmy Burgess. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook ChatGPT Next Level Productivity Via Custom Instructions
REAIF 007: How to make ChatGPT write like you | Jimmy and Rajeev
Feb 7 2024
REAIF 007: How to make ChatGPT write like you | Jimmy and Rajeev
What AI technology can do is impressive, but it's only as good as you train it.  One problem many people have with Chat CPT is its robotic writing style. However, they just need to learn how to use Chat GPT plugins correctly. In this episode of "The Real Estate AI Flash Podcast," co-hosts Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja explore the invaluable potential of ChatGPT in real estate businesses. They discuss the significance of training ChatGPT to write in your voice, offering practical tips and strategies to create efficiencies in content creation. If you want less dry and dull content from AI technology, listen to this episode to help you train Chat GPT effectively. Understanding the Right Mode and Plugins Rajeev emphasizes the importance of utilizing the right mode and plugins within ChatGPT to achieve optimal results.  He compares GPT 3.5 to high school writing and recommends using GPT 4 with plugins for an advanced, tailored experience.  Jimmy and Rajeev delve into the significance of plugins, drawing an analogy with smartphone applications to highlight their role in maximizing ChatGPT’s potential. Training ChatGPT in Your Writing Style Rajeev discusses feeding ChatGPT articles you've written to help it learn your writing style.  He stresses the significance of providing consistent articles in a specific writing style to avoid ambiguity.  Jimmy highlights the potential cost-saving benefits, comparing the expense of hiring a copywriter to the modest $20 monthly fee for ChatGPT's paid version. Leveraging Plugins for Efficiency Rajeev discusses the significance of using plugins such as Browser Op, AI PDF, and The Bold to streamline the process of training ChatGPT to write in your style.  He shares his recommended plugin pack and discusses the practicality of saving writing styles for future use, emphasizing the long-term efficiency benefits. Practical Applications and Benefits Jimmy elaborates on the practical applications of leveraging ChatGPT to streamline content creation in various real estate contexts.  He highlights how AI technology can create email series, newsletters, community letters, market updates, and LinkedIn articles.  Rajeev shares a real-life example of how an agent utilized ChatGPT to establish herself as a neighborhood expert, showcasing the versatility and potential impact of the technology. Chat GPT is a superb AI tool to reduce time and effort in content creation. You don’t have time to create content for your website and social media accounts.  This is why you must leverage Chat GPT to write in your own tone of voice and enhance its overall efficiency. Of course, learning how to do it on your own is a headache.  However, hosts Jimmy and Rajeev are here to help you. Subscribe to The Real Estate AI Flash podcast for more ChatGPT tips. "The more you give it, the more it can learn your writing style, but give it enough. I'd say five to seven articles." - Rajeev Sajja.  Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 006: Growth Against the Grain! How This Team Leader Leverages AI | Earl Endrich
Jan 31 2024
REAIF 006: Growth Against the Grain! How This Team Leader Leverages AI | Earl Endrich
Understanding the power of AI tools is easier when you hear a success story. If you've been skeptical about using Chat GPT for your real estate business, you must listen to this week's Real Estate AI Flash episode.  Hosts Rajeev Sajja and Jimmy Burgess invite Earl Endrich, a top-performing real estate team leader based in Delaware, to share insights on leveraging AI to drive productivity and business growth. Earl's team achieved nearly 100 transactions totaling $43 million in 2023 and is targeting over 20% growth for the coming year. Discover how AI revolutionizes his team's business planning, lead generation, client communication, and client appreciation events. Harnessing AI for Business Planning and Lead Generation Earl emphasizes the importance of thorough business planning and property lead generation in achieving consistent growth.  He shares how his team used AI to streamline their business planning process and develop an annual business planning session agenda.  By asking key questions to understand the behavior of a $100 million producing team, the AI-powered agenda helped them formulate a strategic plan to achieve their ambitious goal of $50 million in sales for the year.  Earl also highlights how they utilized AI to analyze their database, extract client information, and create avatars representing their target clients, enabling them to personalize their marketing strategies and effectively reach potential leads. Enhancing Client Communication and Personalization AI has significantly enhanced Earl's team's client communication and personalization approach.  The AI platform allowed them to identify commonalities and extract key phrases from client reviews to understand their client base better.  Utilizing the synthesized client avatars and client preferences, they personalized their communication, crafting emails and messages that appealed to specific client segments. Additionally, AI facilitated the creation of efficient and personalized client appreciation events by providing ideas and suggestions, ultimately enhancing client engagement and satisfaction. Expanding Referral Networks and Market Share Earl's team has capitalized on the power of referrals, with 87% of their business originating from referrals and agent-to-agent referrals.  Leveraging AI, Earl has analyzed event data and successfully stayed in touch with industry contacts, resulting in a remarkable 21% of business coming directly from events.  Furthermore, he details using strategic postcards and email campaigns to maintain communication and visibility within his network.  Looking ahead, Earl plans to enhance his outreach efforts further through video content and social media engagement, recognizing these avenues as crucial for expanding market share and strengthening client relationships. This week's episode provides insight into how AI technology can transform one's business. Earl's innovative application of AI in real estate business is a compelling example for industry professionals seeking to harness technology for sustained growth and client-focused strategies. His success story inspires real estate professionals looking to incorporate AI into their business operations effectively. Tune in to gain actionable insights into leveraging AI to drive business growth, deliver personalized client experiences, and expand referral networks. "Every year, we try to take a day as a team and review our business goals, reflect from the previous year, but plan for what we're doing for the next year. This was the first year we used AI to plan the agenda, which took a lot off our plates.”- Earl Endrich. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook Earl Endrich on LinkedIn Earl Endrich on Facebook Earl Endrich on Instagram Fox & Roach Realtors: Earl Endrich
REAIF 005: Responsible AI: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself | Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja
Jan 24 2024
REAIF 005: Responsible AI: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself | Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja
Do you take the time to change what Chat GPT gives you? If not, then you’re making a huge mistake. Chat GPT is a great writing tool, but you must see it as an assistant. There’s a chance it will produce listing descriptions violating the Fair Housing Act.  In this Real Estate AI Flash episode, hosts Rajeev Sajja and Jimmy Burgess delve into the crucial topic of responsible AI in real estate listing descriptions. With a focus on ensuring compliance with regulations and ethical considerations, the hosts provide valuable insights and practical strategies for real estate professionals to responsibly elevate their AI-powered marketing efforts. Understanding the Importance of Compliance The hosts emphasize the significance of real estate professionals ensuring that their AI-generated content adheres to legal and ethical standards. Highlighting the example of the Fair Housing Act, they underscore the necessity of avoiding language that violates anti-discrimination regulations. The Role of Real Estate Professionals Rajeev and Jimmy stress that while AI technology can assist in generating listing descriptions, it is ultimately the responsibility of real estate agents to review and refine the content to ensure compliance. Drawing parallels to providing guardrails for AI, they emphasize the need for agents to guide and validate AI-generated output to align with professional standards. Framing AI Prompts for Compliance The hosts discuss the importance of framing AI prompts effectively to guide the output towards compliance with regulations. By providing specific examples, they outline how real estate agents can structure prompts to emphasize adherence to laws such as the Fair Housing Act and RESPA. Strengthening Client-Centric Service Rajeev and Jimmy highlight that responsible AI usage ultimately enhances the ability of real estate professionals to serve their clients at the highest level. Emphasizing the need for agents to personalize and validate AI-generated content, they stress the importance of maintaining the professional and ethical integrity of the real estate industry. Rajeev Sajja and Jimmy Burgess underscore the critical importance of responsible AI usage in real estate listing descriptions by offering practical guidance and thought-provoking insights.  Tune in to this enlightening episode to gain a deeper understanding of responsible AI usage and learn actionable strategies for ensuring that your real estate marketing efforts align with legal and ethical guidelines. "When you ask it to write a listing description, it may not understand the Fair Housing Act. And you, as a real estate agent, have spent about 160 hours getting your license. And part of that education was to ensure you don't use words violating the Fair Housing Act." - Rajeev Sajja. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook
REAIF 004: AI-Powered Listing Presentations That Are on Lock | Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja
Jan 17 2024
REAIF 004: AI-Powered Listing Presentations That Are on Lock | Jimmy Burgess and Rajeev Sajja
It can be frustrating when Chat GPT gives you a completely different idea than what you requested. Remember that these artificial intelligence (AI) writing tools are robots. If you're not providing the right prompts, it won't produce the copy you want. But what type of writing prompts should real estate agents use? In this Real Estate AI Flash episode, hosts Rajeev Sajja and Jimmy Burgess dive into the powerful strategies for leveraging Chat GPT to elevate your listing presentation. They share practical tips and insights for utilizing this AI writing tool to create impactful marketing materials and impress potential clients.  Tune in and hear their insightful advice on using Chat GPT prompts for real estate agents. Creating Compelling MLS Descriptions The hosts delve into the process of using Chat GPT to craft MLS descriptions that stand out.  Real estate agents can generate conversational, professional, and luxury-toned descriptions for potential listings by providing a detailed prompt to AI. This allows agents to impress clients with tailored descriptions that showcase the property's unique features and appeal to specific buyer preferences. Here is the AI writing prompt Jimmy provides in the episode: “Acting as a top-producing real estate agent, provide me with an MLS description in a conversational tone for the home located at one, two, three main streets. Highlighting the following attributes.” (He discusses the features you should include within the episode.) Rajeev further states that you should share your expertise as an agent within the prompt and exclude specific buyers' criteria or circumstances.  He also shares more ideas you can use in Chat GPT for listings. Expanding Marketing Efforts with AI Rajeev and Jimmy discuss the potential of AI in broadening marketing efforts for listings. They emphasize the importance of adapting MLS descriptions for various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. They also share how you can use Chat GPT for SEO optimization and engaging content.  With AI, real estate professionals can generate diverse marketing materials and incorporate unique strategies to reach a broader audience. Addressing Market Challenges Rajeev and Jimmy provide practical guidance on using AI-powered strategies to address market challenges.  They highlight the potential of AI-generated materials in reinvigorating stagnant listings, particularly in the context of price adjustments.  Advantages of AI-Enhanced Listing Presentations Rajeev and Jimmy highlight the transformative impact of embracing AI to secure more listings and establish lasting client connections.  They emphasize the potential for AI to enhance agents' professional image, elevate their marketing capabilities, and ultimately pave the way for more listing opportunities. AI is a powerful tool to help revolutionize listing presentations, capitalize on diverse marketing channels, and adapt to an evolving market dynamic. Real estate agents can differentiate themselves, build credibility, and achieve more success by harnessing the capabilities of AI. Join Rajeev and Jimmy as they demystify AI and provide valuable strategies for real estate professionals seeking to elevate their practices with cutting-edge technology. "Do not talk about specific types of buyers or buyer circumstances. Do not reference age, race, color, religion, family status, disability, et cetera." - Rajeev Sajja. Resources  Jimmy Burgess YouTube Channel Jimmy Burgess on Instagram  Jimmy Burgess on LinkedIn Rajeev Sajja on LinkedIn  Rajeev Sajja on Instagram Rajeev Sajja on Facebook