Positively Undefeated

Burl Stricker

Open and honest discussions about a wide range of topics including mental health, suicide prevention, business, self-help, and God. Vulnerability at its best. read less
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Jesus and Jujitsu
May 20 2024
Jesus and Jujitsu
This episode of the "Positively Undefeated" podcast features an inspiring conversation with Bianca, a woman who shares her remarkable journey of transformation, perseverance, and finding purpose through community. The episode begins with Bianca reflecting on her struggles with weight and her inability to keep up with her young children, which motivated her to embark on a wellness journey. She discusses losing 170 pounds and how an unexpected opportunity to participate in an amateur boxing competition led her to discover the jiu-jitsu community. Bianca opens up about the profound impact that jiu-jitsu has had on her life, not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. She talks about the importance of surrounding herself with positive communities, such as her church, gym, and various support groups, which have played a vital role in her growth and healing. One of the most poignant moments of the episode is when Bianca discusses the tragic loss of her husband to suicide in 2020. She shares her perspective on coping with grief, finding solace in her faith, and the incredible support she received from the various communities in her life. Throughout the conversation, Bianca emphasizes the significance of routine, self-care, and being open to receiving help and encouragement from others. She offers valuable advice on how to avoid isolation during difficult times and reminds listeners of the eternal perspective and hope found in her faith. The episode also touches on themes of vulnerability, honesty, and the importance of having a strong support system. Bianca's story is a testament to the power of perseverance, resilience, and the transformative impact that embracing community can have on one's life. Overall, this episode of "Positively Undefeated" is a heartfelt and uplifting exploration of one woman's incredible journey, highlighting the role of community in overcoming struggles and finding strength, purpose, and joy in life.    00:00:00 The Gray Outlook 00:00:20 Positively Undefeated 00:00:43 Introducing Burl and Bianca 00:01:37 Jiu-Jitsu Journey 00:02:07 Meeting Chris 00:02:13 Getting into Jiu-Jitsu 00:06:28 Dealing with Injuries 00:09:12 Knowing When to Quit 00:12:12 Importance of Community 00:14:17 The Perfect Placement 00:22:48 The Weight of Loss 00:28:57 Being Honest and Vulnerable 00:31:16 Coping with Loss 00:36:48 Building a Strong Foundation 00:39:18 Embracing Community 00:40:15 The Morning Routine Walk 00:41:20 Connecting with Bianca 00:44:42 God's Purposeful Connections
Path to Empowerment Through Music and Mental Health Advocacy
May 6 2024
Path to Empowerment Through Music and Mental Health Advocacy
The episode features an interview with singer-songwriter Emily Elgin. Emily shares her powerful story of overcoming trauma from an abusive childhood and domestic violence in her past relationships. She talks about how growing up witnessing domestic violence warped her understanding of love and led her to be drawn to violent partners as a young adult, despite the relationships not starting off that way. Emily credits going to therapy as a major turning point that helped shift her mindset, unpack her traumas, and understand what a genuine, healthy partnership looks like. She became an advocate for mental health and sees vulnerability and openness as crucial for destigmatizing mental health struggles. The conversation explores Emily's brave decision to leave her turbulent life in Oklahoma behind and move to Nashville to pursue music full-time. She shares the incredible story of how a stranger gifted her $4,000 to make the move happen after sensing her prayers for guidance. Emily reflects on the daunting challenges of being an independent artist doing the job of seven people but says her worst day in music is better than where she was before. Emily performs a poignant excerpt from her new breakup song "It Should Have Been Raining" and discusses her musical influences like The Steel Drivers, Taylor Swift, and others. Throughout the episode, she emphasizes the importance of embracing one's unique voice and individuality as an artist, rather than chasing trends. Emily advocates for up-and-coming artists to focus on honing their distinctive artistry and being authentic, even when facing discouragement in the industry. The episode also touches on Emily's love of horses, some comical and harrowing horse training experiences, and her thoughts on the "live forever or die trying" cowboy mentality around horseback riding. Overall, it captures Emily's resilience, her commitment to empowerment through music, and positivity in the face of life's struggles. Links Phantom Power Music - https://www.phantompowermusic.io/ Emily Elgin Music - https://www.emilyelginmusic.com/ 00:00:00 Introduction to Positively Undefeated 00:00:19 Welcome to Positively Undefeated 00:01:11 Interview with Emily Elgin 00:02:34 The Music Industry: Independent vs. Record Deals 00:04:02 The Journey in Nashville 00:06:30 Overcoming Domestic Violence Trauma 00:10:29 Coping Mechanisms and Unhealthy Habits 00:13:51 Life-Threatening Wake-Up Call 00:14:30 Turning Point and Self-Discovery 00:18:10 Transitioning from the Ranch 00:20:25 Shared Love for Horses 00:23:49 Challenges Faced by Amateur Horse Riders 00:28:40 The Perils of Horseback Riding 00:30:18 Self-Perception in Music Talent 00:32:03 Finding Unique Voices 00:33:59 A-list Party Encounter 00:37:37 The Dark Side of Notoriety 00:47:14 Connecting Through Music Events 00:49:27 Unveiling New Music 00:54:49 Poignant Song Performance 00:56:36 Discover More About Emily Elgin 00:59:57 Embracing Vulnerability and Honesty
Unlocking Your Passion and Purpose with Glen Gatling
Apr 29 2024
Unlocking Your Passion and Purpose with Glen Gatling
The episode features a conversation between the host Burl and his guest Glen Gatling of Lawton, Oklahoma. Glen is the founder of the non-profit organization "All About Understanding" and the for-profit business "Understood", both focused on teaching social and emotional life skills. Glen shares his very personal story of how his oldest daughter being bullied and attempting suicide prompted him to develop more self-awareness around his own ability to control emotions and communicate effectively. This experience led him to start All About Understanding to help youth and adults build crucial social-emotional skills that are often lacking. The conversation covers many thought-provoking topics related to emotional intelligence, finding one's passion and purpose, and the powerful choices available to young people. Glen emphasizes the importance of truly listening to understand others, accepting their perspectives, and respecting that they may be able to handle difficult situations better than expected. Burl relates his own emotional journey, realizing he was stunted at the maturity level of a 12-year-old and had to learn to process trauma and addiction in a healthier way. Both men discuss spiritual perspectives, finding gratitude in small things, and changing one's mindset from an "employee" to an "entrepreneur" mentality. The episode closes with an invitation for potential collaboration between Burl's non-profit focused on suicide prevention and Glen's organizations. They express a desire to support each other's missions and work together to empower youth and adults through social-emotional development. Links All about Understanding - https://www.allaboutunderstanding.org/  00:00:00 A New Day Begins 00:00:43 Introducing Positively Undefeated 00:02:19 Meeting Glenn Gatlin 00:04:24 About Understanding Organization 00:08:02 The Challenge of Bullying 00:09:16 Emotional Maturity Journey 00:15:33 Listening to Understand 00:18:31 Embracing Uncomfortable Silence 00:22:26 Dealing with Disappointment 00:25:24 Letting Go and Trusting 00:29:06 Discovering Your Passion 00:33:16 Pursuing Education and Passion 00:34:36 Finding Purpose and Profit 00:37:39 Starting Your Own Business 00:42:16 Empowering Young People 00:48:34 The Power of Choice 00:59:51 Finding Gratitude in Small Things 01:02:45 Spiritual Journeys and Perspectives 01:07:41 Reaching Out and Collaboration
Overcoming the Darkness
Apr 22 2024
Overcoming the Darkness
The episode features a conversation with Whitney Foster, a woman from Lawton, Oklahoma who opens up about her personal struggles with mental health, suicide attempts, and finding healing. The episode begins with Whitney sharing a vulnerable audio clip she had previously recorded about feeling hopeless and unmotivated. This led to the host learning about a traumatic incident Whitney experienced where she witnessed a fatal car accident and tried to help the victim, which deeply impacted her. Whitney then provides background on her life - growing up as a preacher's daughter, moving around frequently, and eventually taking a job at her husband's family's eyeglasses business. She explains how her mental health challenges have affected her throughout her life, including panic attacks, depression, and even attempting suicide on multiple occasions. A key turning point was when Whitney experienced a very dark period recently, to the point of planning to take her own life. However, she was stopped by seeing a meaningful tattoo she had gotten, reminding her of her children. This led to a breakthrough where her mind finally allowed her to confront long-repressed childhood traumas. Whitney credits her faith in God, the support of her husband, and the community at her church as crucial factors that have helped her on her healing journey. She emphasizes the importance of being open about mental health struggles, rather than trying to hide them, in order to break the stigma. The conversation explores how Whitney's personal experiences have given her a unique perspective and passion to share her story to help others who may be suffering in silence. She provides advice and encouragement for those struggling with mental health challenges, emphasizing that they are not alone and that healing is possible. Overall, the episode is a powerful and vulnerable exploration of one woman's battle with her inner demons, and how she found the strength, faith and support to overcome them and discover a renewed sense of purpose. 00:00:00 Introduction to Positively Undefeated 00:00:23 Sharing Empowering Ideas 00:00:42 Beryl Stricker's Background 00:02:18 Whitney's Eyeglasses Business 00:03:28 Witnessing a Traumatic Accident 00:05:19 Assisting at the Accident Scene 00:06:41 Discovering the Outcome 00:07:03 Meeting the Victim's Husband 00:09:04 Impact of Suicide Experience 00:10:56 Reflections on Suicide and Closure 00:12:23 Providing Closure to the Husband 00:14:22 Whitney's Mental Health Struggles 00:20:02 Importance of Faith in Healing 00:21:19 Key Factors in Whitney's Recovery 00:24:42 Impact of Family Support 00:26:58 Struggling with Illness and Identity 00:29:35 Healing Through Church Community 00:33:09 Finding a Healthy Version of God 00:34:40 Overcoming Struggles with Different Perspectives 00:37:35 Healing Mental Illness: A Real Disease 00:38:57 Supporting a Spouse Through Mental Health Struggles 00:41:06 Small Acts of Love: Building Emotional Support 00:44:51 Leading by Example: Healing for Future Generations 00:48:30 Navigating Vulnerability Hangovers 00:53:43 Allowing God to Speak Through Vulnerability 00:55:30 Finding Purpose in Pain: Sharing Stories of Hope 00:58:27 Connecting for Support: Reaching Out for Help 01:00:24 You Are Enough: Encouragement for the Struggling
Undefeated Spirits
Apr 15 2024
Undefeated Spirits
In this episode, we have a candid conversation between the host, Burl, and his guest, Pete. The discussion delves into their personal struggles with depression, addiction, and traumatic experiences that have shaped their lives. Burl starts by opening up about his own silent battles with depression and the challenges he faced in seeking help. He notes how many men tend to suffer in silence, not wanting to acknowledge or discuss their internal struggles. Pete then shares three pivotal moments in his life that tested his resilience - his time in the army, battling alcoholism, and contemplating suicide. He describes the feelings of desperation and isolation he experienced, not knowing how to get the help he needed. Pete also reveals a history of childhood sexual abuse that deeply impacted his mental health and relationships as an adult. The conversation shifts to exploring the emotional immaturity they both grappled with, feeling disconnected from their peers and unable to healthily cope with life's difficulties. This often led them to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse and promiscuity, further exacerbating their problems. A key turning point for Pete was when he attended a men's retreat and had a revelation about the permanent harm his suicide attempt would have caused. This sparked his commitment to getting sober and seeking professional help through counseling and support groups like AA and SLAA. Burl and Pete discover striking similarities in their experiences, from their time in the military to the trust issues they developed. They emphasize the importance of finding a community of people who truly understand the depths of their struggles, rather than just relying on traditional therapy. The discussion highlights how the journey to healing can take a lifetime, but there is hope in leaning on supportive networks and embracing vulnerability. Burl and Pete express their desire to continue their newfound friendship and support one another in their ongoing recovery. Ultimately, this episode provides a raw and empowering look at the battles many men face, while offering inspiration in the power of shared experiences and the belief that brighter days lie ahead.  00:00:00 Introduction: Struggles and Demons 00:00:19 Welcome to Positively Undefeated 00:01:08 Conversation with Pete 00:23:28 Seeking Help: Talking to a Counselor 00:29:44 Reflecting on Childhood Trauma 00:31:46 Starting Therapy Journey 00:35:07 Embracing AA Meetings 00:37:09 Journey to Sobriety: Two Years Later 00:39:21 Battling Inner Demons 00:42:40 Seeking Solace in Retreat 00:52:00 Finding Hope in Unexpected Places 00:54:15 Embracing a Lifetime of Healing 00:56:40 Building Bonds Through Shared Struggles 01:02:47 Unraveling Interconnected Struggles 01:05:45 Extending Empathy in Shared Spaces 01:09:41 Navigating Loneliness and Trust 01:14:46 Embracing Divine Connections 01:15:33 Extending Support Through Email
Going from Being Broken to Unbreakable
Apr 1 2024
Going from Being Broken to Unbreakable
The episode features an interview with Jerry Essary Jr., a published author who has written two faith-based books sharing his powerful personal testimony. Jerry opens up about the traumatic events and struggles in his life that ultimately led to his spiritual awakening and conversion to Christianity.  Jerry discusses the challenges of writing his first book "When Faith Comes to Town", which took him 7 years due to the emotional difficulty of revisiting painful memories. He had to take breaks from writing as reliving the trauma would trigger depression and darkness. However, he persisted because he felt compelled to share his story of how God radically transformed his life. Jerry vividly recounts the pivotal moment when he experienced a profound spiritual encounter with God while admitted to a mental health hospital after hitting rock bottom. In that moment, he had a warmth and loving presence envelop him, leading him to fully surrender to Christ. This marked the start of his new life in faith. Throughout the conversation, Jerry emphasizes the power of humility, vulnerability, prayer, fasting, and staying grounded in Scripture during seasons of struggle. He acknowledges it's not easy, sharing his own ongoing battles, but stresses the importance of persevering and keeping your eyes on God.  Jerry's second book consists of poetry focused on praise and worship, written from the perspective of grappling with modern-day issues like anxiety and depression through the lens of faith. His goal is to provide hope and inspiration to others facing similar dark valleys. The host and Jerry also discuss relatable topics like avoiding discouragement when you haven't had a radical salvation experience, dealing with addictions prominent in certain industries like the oil field Jerry works in, and being an example of vulnerability and openness as a man. Jerry's authenticity and passion shine through as he shares his desire to potentially start a trauma ministry. Overall, the episode is a powerful, honest discussion about one man's journey from brokenness to unbreakable faith, offering hope through the realities of spiritual struggle and ultimate transformation. Books By Jerry  When Faith Comes to Town: How Broken Became Unbreakable https://a.co/d/85agOoi Spiritual Symphony: The Resonance of Psalms, Proverbs, and Prayers https://a.co/d/iNUtFie 00:00:00 Introduction to Positively Undefeated 00:00:42 Meeting Burl and Discussing Published Books 00:02:30 Challenges and Triumphs in Publishing 00:07:05 Family History in the Oil Field 00:08:17 Lessons Learned from His Father 00:10:33 Second Book: Praise and Worship Poetry 00:13:21 Safety and Changes in the Oil Field 00:14:42 Preaching the Gospel in the Oil Field 00:16:08 Finding Strength in Adversity 00:21:31 Spiritual Awakening in a Mental Health Hospital 00:23:44 Encouragement for Those Seeking Spiritual Experiences 00:27:20 The Power of Fasting 00:31:14 Inspiring Personal Stories 00:35:34 Overcoming Struggles 00:40:31 Finding Strength in Scripture 00:42:10 Weather Chit-Chat 00:44:44 Connecting with Jerry 00:50:44 Breaking Down Walls 00:55:12 Wrapping Up with Positively Undefeated
How Southwest Oklahoma is Combating Substance Abuse
Feb 19 2024
How Southwest Oklahoma is Combating Substance Abuse
The podcast episode focuses on the issue of substance abuse, particularly the dangers of the opioid crisis and the prevalence of fentanyl. The guest, Steve Berry, is a certified alcohol and drug counselor who shares his insights from 15 years of experience working in substance use treatment programs. Berry discusses his own personal struggles with alcoholism, recounting how he would drink to the point of blacking out and then drive, putting himself and others at grave risk. He expresses gratitude for making it through that difficult period by the "grace of God" without any major legal troubles or fatal incidents. Berry's story highlights the desperation that can come with addiction and the need to find hope. The conversation covers the spiritual and mental aspects of recovery. Berry explains that maintaining a strong "spiritual condition" through practices like prayer, meditation, and making amends can provide a "daily reprieve" from cravings. He emphasizes the importance of humility in recovery, recognizing that one cannot control everything. Building healthy relationships and a supportive community is also crucial, as isolation often exacerbates addiction. Berry provides a poignant definition of addiction as "a sick love and trust relationship with an object" where one sacrifices freedom, health, and relationships for a fleeting high. However, he stresses that this condition is not permanent, and recovery is possible through willingness to seek help and make positive changes. The episode delves into the alarming rise of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid 50-100 times more potent than morphine. Its high potency and low production costs have made it a profitable choice for drug traffickers, leading to a surge in overdoses as users are unaware they are ingesting fentanyl-laced substances. Berry highlights the need for education and harm reduction measures like providing fentanyl test strips and the overdose reversal drug Naloxone (Narcan). Local treatment resources in southwest Oklahoma are discussed at length, including inpatient and outpatient programs, medication-assisted treatment clinics, and support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. Berry emphasizes that licensed providers will not turn people away if they cannot offer the right treatment, instead referring them to more suitable options. He also commends the role of lay people and community organizations in providing support and guidance. The significance of the recent SWOTA (Southwestern Oklahoma Development Authority) town hall meeting is highlighted, where local residents courageously shared their stories of addiction and recovery. This public vulnerability is praised for reducing stigma and offering hope to those still struggling. SWOTA's diverse initiatives aimed at combating substance abuse in western Oklahoma are outlined, including a mobile treatment clinic in partnership with Red Rock Behavioral Health, prevention grants, and distribution of harm reduction supplies like Narcan. The organization's mission is to prepare communities for the opioid crisis and provide resources before addiction leads to despair or loss of life. Throughout the dialogue, Berry and the host emphasize that recovery is possible, people are "worth the effort," and positive changes can reshape one's future. They encourage listeners to have courage, seek help from professionals or support groups, and remember that transformation stories prove there is hope beyond the darkness of addiction. 00:00:00 Introduction to Positively Undefeated 00:00:43 Midland Mixer Event Announcement 00:01:59 Meet Steve Berry, a Certified Alcohol Drug Counselor 00:03:48 Personal Experience with Alcoholism 00:05:09 Spiritual Condition and Growth in Recovery 00:07:34 Understanding Spiritual Growth in Recovery 00:09:33 The Importance of Humility in Recovery 00:10:53 Appreciation for SWOTA Town Hall Meeting 00:13:39 Rise of Fentanyl and Substance Abuse 00:17:35 Substance Use Disorders and Overdose Risks 00:19:26 Addressing Pain and Addiction Connection 00:20:51 Community Collaboration for Substance Abuse 00:21:35 Breaking Stigma and Offering Hope 00:23:11 Impactful Stories of Transformation 00:23:33 Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Desperation 00:24:27 Definition of Addiction 00:25:55 Overcoming Stigma and Seeking Help 00:28:46 Investing in Yourself 00:29:32 Holistic Approach to Recovery 00:30:10 Importance of Community Support 00:31:00 Impact of Legal System on Recovery 00:32:12 Finding Healthy Relationships 00:33:02 Medication-Assisted Treatment 00:35:05 Local Treatment Providers 00:40:42 Utilizing Lay People Resources 00:43:05 Additional Treatment Providers 00:45:37 SWOTA's Diverse Initiatives 00:47:15 SWOTA's Contribution to Western Oklahoma 00:48:13 Gratitude for Support and Encouragement
A Little Connection to Joy
Feb 5 2024
A Little Connection to Joy
On the podcast "Positively Undefeated," Burl Stricker and Emily Tuck discuss their struggles in daily life and express a hope for finding the strength to start the day positively. They share excitement about an upcoming event in Midland, Texas, with live music, a live auction, and inspiring speakers. Listeners are encouraged to follow and review the podcast on various platforms. The topic of relationships is explored, with the speakers interpreting a quote from a book about the lingering attachment to physical beauty in past relationships. They discuss the connection between beauty and honor in a biblical context and emphasize the importance of understanding love outside of its biblical instructions. The speakers reflect on the role relationships play in their lives and the flawed understanding of love shaped by unhealthy family dynamics. The speakers discuss the need to wait and find true love as defined by the Bible. The podcast also delves into the importance of prayer and meditation in seeking a deeper connection with God and gaining wisdom. They highlight the significance of dependency on God and the need to let go of fear and embrace a spiritual routine. The speakers acknowledge their own abandonment issues and the importance of self-awareness. They emphasize the value of experiences, both good and bad, in shaping personal growth and meaningful connections with others. The podcast emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment, relying on God's power and guidance, and seeking wisdom in areas such as sexuality and relationships. The speakers encourage seeking guidance from God in order to have integrity in our lives and not solely relying on cultural norms. They conclude by acknowledging that the church is made up of imperfect human beings who may struggle, and it's essential to focus on Jesus and our dependency on Him. They invite listeners to explore these topics further at an event in Midland, Texas, on February 24th at 6 p.m. 00:00:00 Waking up with a heavy heart and uncertain outlook 00:00:44 Introducing Positively Undefeated podcast with Burl Stricker and Emily Tuck 00:10:30 Understanding Love and Dysfunctional Family Dynamics 00:14:29 The Influence of Past Relationships on Current Dynamics 00:18:17 Embracing Responsibility and Pursuing Knowledge of God's Love 00:23:25 Listening to God and the role of the Holy Spirit 00:26:35 The importance of maintaining connection in relationships 00:29:54 Dealing with abandonment issues and irrational thoughts 00:32:59 Feeling Disconnected from God and the Solution 00:36:27 The Simple Steps to Reconnect with God 00:40:49 Embracing growth and understanding in relationships 00:44:13 Acknowledging the need for help and growth in life 00:47:39 The power of mechanical prayers and intentional inspiration 00:50:52 Thankful for the Women in My Life 01:01:47 Vulnerability and Intimacy with God and Others 01:10:22 Loss of Identity and the Importance of a Strong Foundation 01:15:00 Embracing a Codependent Relationship with God 01:18:02 Taking Sexual Integrity to God and Finding Balance 01:21:12 The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil 01:29:26 The Power of Love Planted by God 01:38:51 The Power of a Little Connection to Joy
Overcoming Isolation Through Community Support and Spiritual Growth
Jan 29 2024
Overcoming Isolation Through Community Support and Spiritual Growth
In this conversation, we discuss the upcoming events and the importance of peer support in mental health. We are excited about our event in Midland, Texas, where we aim to raise awareness about suicide and provide support to survivors. Suicide rates in Oklahoma and Texas have been alarming, and we recognize the need to make an impact in these areas. We encourage donations to help us spread our message nationally and provide local support. Peer support plays a crucial role in recovery, and we draw inspiration from the success of programs like 12-step groups. Breaking the stigma and achieving emotional sobriety are essential for everyone. Our organization focuses on providing multiple tools and approaches, such as counseling, meditation, support groups, and spiritual practices, to address various struggles people face. We acknowledge the interconnection of mental health with other aspects of life and aim to facilitate holistic healing and transformation. We emphasize the importance of taking action and trying new things to elevate our mood and counteract depression. We encourage shifting our language to remove guilt-inducing words and thoughts. The uphill journey of life, though challenging, offers opportunities for growth and personal development. We discuss the upcoming survivor's hike up Mount Scott, emphasizing how it builds resilience and the importance of making progress without comparing ourselves to others. We explore the connection between mountains and healing, as well as the need for greater healthcare accessibility in mountainous regions. We stress the courage required to seek help and the benefits of finding community outside of our comfort zones. Self-perception and the roles we identify with in society greatly influence our relationships and overall well-being. We encourage aligning our values with our actions and recognizing the effects of past traumas on our psyche. Believing in God's plan and asking for His guidance can help navigate life's challenges. Compassion towards ourselves and others is essential, as is understanding the effects of trauma on our responses. We remind listeners that their stories are not over and that God cares about them more than they care about themselves. Love, as exemplified by God, requires patience, kindness, and forgiveness. Balancing our plans with God's will leads to a more meaningful life. We discuss the power of meditation in retraining our minds and filling them with positive thoughts. Building a supportive community and seeking counseling are important for resilience. We invite listeners to visit our website and social media platforms for more information and to get involved in our upcoming events and projects. 00:00:00 A Gray Morning: Battling Negative Outlook 00:00:44 Introducing Positively Undefeated podcast and website launch 00:02:16 From Weatherford to Oklahoma City: A Move and a Reunion 00:06:09 Exploring the Power of 12-Step Programs in Mental Health 00:09:25 The Importance of Asking for Help and Embracing Support 00:12:02 Considering the Whole Picture: Mental, Spiritual, Physical, and Material Health 00:16:09 Letting Go of the Past to Be Present 00:19:34 Uphill vs. Downhill: The Choice to Improve in Life 00:23:17 The Impact of Isolation in Mountain Communities 00:26:10 Overcoming Stigma and Seeking Help 00:29:32 Relatability and Building Bonds in Communities 00:32:55 Impact of Relationships on Quality of Life 00:35:56 The Importance of Aligning Values and Identity in Relationships 00:36:56 Defining Love and Roles in a Relationship 00:41:04 Recognizing the impact of past trauma on our reactions and fears 00:44:07 Embracing faith and surrendering to God's plan 00:48:08 God's Patience and Kindness 00:51:02 Retraining the Brain to Focus on the Positive 00:56:53 Embracing Rock Bottom and Rebuilding Stronger
Fitness, Friends, and Faith, The Tools to Battle Life's Demons
Jan 8 2024
Fitness, Friends, and Faith, The Tools to Battle Life's Demons
In this episode of Positively Undefeated, we are joined by Melissa Boecker, the owner of an online training and personal training business. Melissa is passionate about making fitness accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation or location. She runs challenge groups and offers both in-person and online training to motivate and support individuals through their fitness journeys. Support our podcast production by making a donation to Even One Less here.  Visit our website for more information at www.evenoneless.com   00:00:00 Struggling with a gray outlook, searching for motivation 00:03:54 Discussion shifts to nutrition and meal planning 00:08:16 The impact of gluten intolerance on digestive health 00:11:17 From CrossFit to Bodybuilding: Finding Strength and Empowerment 00:22:13 The Bikini Girl Diet: Tilapia and Asparagus 00:24:13 Fitness and Mental Health: CrossFit as a Lifeline 00:29:22 Tools for Mental Health: Friends, Church, Music, and Family Bonding 00:35:14 Overcoming Challenges: From Quitting Drinking to 75 Hard 00:38:46 Finding Balance and Avoiding Burnout in Fitness Journey 00:40:55 Customized Workout and Nutrition Plan for Accountability 00:44:39 Morning and Evening Workout Routine and Success Stories  00:51:39 Physical Activity and Mental Well-being 00:56:34 Finding Joy in Accomplishments and CrossFit Scalability 01:00:50 Finding uplift in prayer and gratitude during morning workouts 01:04:02 Encouragement to reach out and connect with others 01:07:46 Overcoming Obstacles in the Selection Process
The Complex Truth Behind Pain Management
Jan 1 2024
The Complex Truth Behind Pain Management
In this episode, I start off by sharing my own personal struggles with feeling unmotivated and gray. However, we quickly shifted the focus to the podcast positively undefeated, which aims to highlight the strength of ordinary people in the face of daily struggles. We speak with Dr. Lyden Odukwu, a board member at Even One Less, about the topic of chronic pain and its connection to mental health. Dr. Odukwu explains that pain management is a complex issue that goes beyond simply relying on medication.  Support our podcast production by making a donation to Even One Less here.  Visit our website for more information at www.evenoneless.com 00:00:00 A Gloomy Morning and a Sense of Hopelessness  00:00:42 Introduction and Appreciation for Dr. Lyden Odukwu 00:02:05 Link Between Mental Health and Chronic Pain 00:03:42 Complexities of Pain Management 00:05:14 Determining the Origin of Pain and Providing Relief 00:09:14 Challenges in Managing Pain Medications for Certain Conditions 00:11:36 Doctors' Fear and Balancing Act in Prescribing Pain Medications 00:12:57 Managing Pain with Medication and Surgery 00:15:08 Pain Management Specialists and Drug Testing for Narcotics 00:17:02 Encouraging Patients to Bring All Medications for Proper Assessment 00:19:51 Importance of Reviewing Medications with General Practitioners 00:21:06 Everyone's Different in Their Beliefs 00:21:36 Exploring the Role of Spirituality in People's Lives 00:22:40 Early Aspiration to Help People 00:23:57 The Joy of Helping Others as a Doctor 00:25:21 Inspiring Story of Overcoming Challenges and Pursuing Education 00:29:58 Importance of Honest Communication with Your Physician
Building Unity Through Open and Honest Relationships
Dec 25 2023
Building Unity Through Open and Honest Relationships
Donny Liles and I discussed the importance of vulnerability and humility in building fellowship and unity among believers. We emphasized the power of prayer and shared personal experiences of praying for others. We highlighted the need to prioritize the needs of others in our prayers and stressed the significance of having a supportive community. We also talked about the impact prayer can have on people's lives and how it can bring about positive change. We encouraged listeners to be honest with themselves, with God, and with at least one other person, as this openness can release tension and lead to greater unity and trust. Support our podcast production by making a donation to Even One Less here.  Visit our website for more information at www.evenoneless.com 00:00:00 Seeking answers: The quest begins 00:01:00 Enjoying Nashville with Family and Christmas Celebration 00:04:02 Discussing the New Covenant and Proclamation of the Gospel 00:08:06 Understanding the Finished Work and Power of Prayer 00:11:56 Position vs. Person: The Power of Authority 00:12:52 Men's Insecurity in the Church 00:14:29 Our Position in Christ and Seated with Him 00:17:30 Changing Perspective on Spiritual Warfare 00:24:17 The Power of Ignoring Negative Thoughts 00:28:57 The Sermon on the Mount as a Burial of Expectations 00:32:26 Using the Physical to Point to the Spiritual 00:35:16 The Physical and Spiritual Aspects of Jesus' Ministry 00:41:00 Balancing the Physical and Spiritual in Healing 00:45:36 God's Message of Encouragement for John's Grandson 00:49:30 The Power of Unity and Anointing in the Church 00:51:47 The Sweetness of Unity and the Misery of Disunity 00:57:29 Focusing on Others to Build Fellowship and Church 01:03:18 The Power of Praying for Others 01:07:33 Impact of Vulnerability on Building Relationships 01:10:13 The Importance of Honesty with Oneself and Others 01:14:32 The Blessing of Giving and Receiving 01:19:06 Workshop Outline and Request for Input
Understanding Our Shared Humanity in the Journey to Forgiveness
Nov 6 2023
Understanding Our Shared Humanity in the Journey to Forgiveness
In this episode, Emily and Burl delve into the importance of vulnerability and creating safe spaces for sharing our stories. They discuss the fear of judgment and the masks we wear to protect ourselves from being made fun of or seen as inadequate. They emphasize the need for courage to be vulnerable and choose appropriate places to open up. They share personal experiences of being more open and vulnerable, and the positive responses received. Support our podcast production by making a donation to Even One Less here.  Visit our website for more information at www.evenoneless.com   00:00:00 Unleashing the Inner Chaos 00:00:20 Introducing Positively Undefeated Podcast 00:01:41 Connecting Communities with Untapped Resources 00:07:31 The search for answers in dealing with depression and addiction. 00:17:57 Inserting Our Will Instead of Listening to God 00:21:21 Praying for Relationship to Work Out for Personal Redemption 00:22:06 Finding Meaning in God's Response to Prayer 00:24:12 The importance of rest and spiritual matters 00:34:45 Shifting from blame to self-reflection and healing 00:36:31 The Importance of Confession and Safe Spaces 00:42:02 Challenging the Christian belief of perfection and worthiness 00:42:43 Finding God's Perfection in Imperfection 00:53:25 Doubts About God's Care 01:02:46 The Importance of Being Open and Vulnerable 01:06:24 The Role of Intimacy and Honesty in Relationships 01:12:48 Understanding and acknowledging negative emotions 01:16:27 Continuously working through emotions until healing is achieved 01:19:43 Developing empathy, compassion, and forgiveness
Reconnecting with Donny Liles
Oct 2 2023
Reconnecting with Donny Liles
Burl and Donny discuss their own experience with suicidal thoughts and the spiritual battle they faced, emphasizing the need for empathy and acknowledging that anyone can be affected. They expresses their love for the idea of focusing on similarities rather than differences and finds it heartbreaking to witness children struggling with mental health. They mention reaching out to their conversation partner to explore the spiritual aspect of their work and highlight the significance of prayer in daily life. They recommend starting with the New Testament to understand the new covenant before delving into the Old Testament and emphasize the power of prayer. Support our podcast production by making a donation to Even One Less here.  Visit our website for more information at www.evenoneless.com 00:00:00 Seeking Answers to the Questions That Plague Our Mind 00:06:56 Connecting through TikTok and Flying W Ranch 00:10:42 Discussing Expansion to Midland, Corpus Christi, and Ardmore 00:16:38 A Ministry of Outreach and Support 00:19:28 Two different groups: those who understand and those who don't. 00:22:31 The importance of spiritual growth for overall well-being. 00:25:59 Different approaches to spiritual growth, reading scriptures as foundation. 00:26:14 Understanding the New Covenant: Foundation for Spiritual Growth 00:35:41 Knowing God Intimately vs Knowing About Him 00:38:50 The Purpose of Church: Encouragement and Building Up 00:42:06 Importance of Seeking Information from the Source 00:47:30 Youth Experience: Vicious Cycle of Rededicating and Doubt 00:47:37 Feeling the need to redouble efforts in performance 00:48:49 Feeling like I don't fit in, struggling with identity 00:51:52 Traditions can become bondage, affecting one's sense of belonging 00:56:14 Anger and Pressure in Church Youth Group 01:00:05 The Treadmill of Performance and Leaving Results to God 01:05:23 Different Perspectives on Righteousness and Sin 01:09:31 Lightening Up on People and Recognizing the Difference Between Bad and Evil 01:13:16 Embracing Different Approaches to Fitness and Exercise 01:23:08 Finding Freedom through Personal Testimonies 01:24:11 Pastor's Son's Spiritual Journey
Jeremy Gray and Overcoming the Addiction
Sep 25 2023
Jeremy Gray and Overcoming the Addiction
In this episode of "Positively Undefeated," we have a casual conversation with guest Jeremy about our experiences living in Western Oklahoma and our love for the windy environment. We mention the video we shot at a location with crosses and the peaceful feeling we experienced there. We clarify our involvement in Rob's Ranch and Path to Miracles and discuss our positive impressions of a rehab facility we have visited. We go on to emphasize that people's preconceived notions about rehab centers can be inaccurate and express how important it is to expose oneself to different environments. Support our podcast production by making a donation to Even One Less here.  Visit our website for more information at www.evenoneless.com     00:00:00 Introducing Positively Undefeated Podcast 00:03:28 Sharing moments in Western Oklahoma and the feeling of community 00:05:01 The Misconceptions About Rehab and Treatment Centers 00:11:57 The Struggle to Seek Help 00:21:13 Lost Identity: Basketball, Substance Abuse, and Searching for Purpose 00:24:41 The destructive influence of addiction takes hold 00:28:19 Reluctant acceptance of treatment and surrendering to recovery 00:31:22 Embracing spirituality and finding a new purpose 00:35:14 Trusting in God's Provision: A Ministry of Faith and Service 00:39:08 Ministry Beyond Addiction: Making a Difference in the Lives of Others 00:42:09 Finding Connection in Shared Experiences and Stories 00:46:03 When Drinking Becomes a Problem 00:49:35 Supportive Father and Impact of Personal Transformation 00:50:32 Struggling with My Relationship with God 00:51:22 Discovering the Power of God's Grace and Forgiveness 00:59:22 Recognizing the Impact of Sharing Personal Stories 01:04:53 Escaping Problems: Coping Mechanisms and Alcohol 01:05:51 Struggling with Prayer and Spirituality 01:09:23 Struggling with Church and Building Connections 01:12:02 Struggling with addiction? Here's how to reach out for help. 01:12:48 Willingness and Surrender: The Key to Seeking Help
Eric Easter and The Path to Miracles
Sep 18 2023
Eric Easter and The Path to Miracles
Burl speaks with Eric Easter about his involvement with Path to Miracles and his relationship with Sarah. He explains that he and Jeremy Gray, both with a history of addiction, serve at Trinity Fellowship's Path to Miracles. Eric is the chaplain and spends time with the men in the program, leading worship, reading devotionals, and offering one-on-one support. We discuss the positive impact the program has had and the importance of making people aware of the resources it provides. Support our podcast production by making a donation to Even One Less here.  Visit our website for more information at www.evenoneless.com     00:00:00 Introducing Positively Undefeated Podcast 00:01:56 A Wife's High Praise and Desire to Connect 00:11:40 Finding Recovery and Turning Life Around 00:15:44 Helping Those Struggling with Disappointment in God 00:18:23 Surrendering to God's Power for Transformation 00:20:26 Surrendering to the Father and staying on course 00:25:18 Learning to think differently and seek God for coping 00:27:48 Enduring the initial challenges of withdrawal and surrendering to God 00:28:40 Finding Purpose Through Faith and Service 00:29:21 The Struggle to Find Community and Spiritual Growth 00:30:30 Struggling to find spiritual connection and growth 00:39:34 The Importance of Community and Trust 00:42:02 Finding Real People and Seeking Help in Your Journey 00:45:07 The Role of Relationships and Asking for Help 00:48:23 True Friendships Formed in Recovery 00:52:40 Forgiving Ourselves and Restoring Relationships 00:56:39 Overcoming Fear and Worry