The Masters

Sep 1 2022 • 28 mins

Previously, in episode 1, we got a glimpse of 1950 Puerto Rico, as seen from the eyes of special agent Anton Ramler of the FBI. We learned that his boss, station chief John Spillers is not at all what he appears to be. In fact, after killing Ramler's partner with his bare hands, Spillers makes the shocking admission that he's been alive for hundreds of years. Then he grabs Ramler by the head and squeezes, until his brains shoot out of his ears.

In episode 2, we meet the operators of Area J—mysterious observers whose business is to exhaustively explore, analyze, and document the human layer of something they call "the event stream". Dr. Jamal Esteberger of Area J walks us through a presentation of point clouds and FOJIP polyhedrons, describing the workings of human brains, using the language of symbolic logic, machine learning, and neuroscience. He then draws our draws our attention to the fact that FBI station chief John Spillers was one of the 39 men left behind at La Navidad in 1492 by Christopher Columbus.


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