13. A Game of Pool

The Masters

Mar 18 2024 • 34 mins

Previously — In episode 12, Vandyck reveals her misgivings about Area J operator procedures — specifically, the over reliance on aperture screen technology. She mockingly compares this to Santiago’s no-frills demonstration from earlier, when he took control of a recorded session to directly address a room full of operators from his stone dungeon in Puerto Rico. Privately, she admires the old man, and wonders if she might be able to duplicate his results — essentially creating a bridge between her world and his.

Back at the Grass Cutting Area, there’s a catastrophic descent into chaos shortly after machine gun fire erupts. Communications have been cut off. JTF Alpha is inside the wire. In the confusion, the men of building two rush to the armory to gear up for a fire fight. Meanwhile, Captain Sepulveda takes a two-man detail to collect Santiago from his detainment cell, but when they hear the explosions and gunfire above, they realize building two is lost. The captain leads the group to cell number 3, locks the door, and orders his men to leave through the secret evacuation hatch built into the floor. When they’re safely gone, he draws and uncocks his sidearm, prepared to join his men upstairs. Santiago prevents him from leaving, tell him he’ll die if he walks out that door. They argue a while, but when Dawkins shows up, wiping his bloodied hands along the walls of the hallway outside and loudly boasting of his kills, Sepulveda realizes everyone he cares about is dead. Moments later, just as Dawkins kicks the door in, the air of the room folds over on itself. And Sepulveda and Santiago vanish in a pinwheel of blue sparks.

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