9. Rough Drafts of Men

The Masters

Mar 4 2023 • 24 mins

Previously—In episode 8, FBI station chief John Spillers arrives at building one of the Grass Cutting Area, and quickly makes it clear to Captain Sepulveda that he and Ramler are there only to interrogate Jesus Santiago. Sepulveda, who’s meeting Spillers for the first time, instantly feels there’s something off about him—he just can’t quite put it into words. After some awkward introductions, Spillers and Ramler leave the captain’s office to confer privately. When they’re gone, Sepulveda calls his old acquaintance Pedro Alvarez, who runs la Princesa prison in San Juan—hoping to learn something that might explain Spillers’ motives in all this. Pedro tells him about the FBI’s aggressive questioning of hospital employees on the day of the break-in, the vast network of informants throughout Puerto Rico, and the arrest of the Ortiz brothers. When Sepulveda learns of Anton Ramler’s involvement in the case, he’s unsure if this is reason enough to distrust everything Ramler told him earlier—about the secret tissue samples and the medical experiments done to his men during the summer. Another thing he can’t quite figure out—what does Spillers really want and what part does Jesus Santiago play in all of this? Just as he’s wrapping things up with Pedro on the telephone, Spillers enters the room, and suggests they go for a walk.

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