The Masters

Dec 4 2022 • 28 mins

In Episode 7—Captain Sepulveda explains what happened recently to his men at New York Presbyterian hospital. Ramler, who’s being held at gunpoint, has to decide—is it time for an on-the-spot-correction… or something else? He shares some backstory about what’s in the crate, and how its contents overlap with classified Los Alamos research being done in Puerto Rico.

Previously—In episode 6, the Ceramicist, we learn from Dr. Vandyck that Mr. Spillers, in addition to having extremely long life, can revivify people—can literally bring them back from the dead—which he does to Anton Ramler, after crushing his skull. We see this happen in the area J aperture. A few months later, the freshly resurrected Ramler pays a visit to captain Sepulveda at building one. Things start off well, but take a turn for the worse when the captain suspects that Ramler’s stories are flat out lies, and that he’s concealing something about New York Presbyterian hospital. So he calls bullshit—then pulls a gun, and demands to know everything about the mysterious detainee Ramler’s so curious to see—Jesus Santiago.

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