8. Spillers

The Masters

Jan 2 2023 • 23 mins

In Episode 8—Spillers arrives at building one of the Grass Cutting Area, a secret interrogation facility nestled in the middle of Ramey Air Force Base. Spillers, who earlier killed Ramler, then reanimated him, seems unsure about whether or not he can count on the man’s loyalty. Sepulveda, having just found out from Ramler the unbelievable story of an indestructible uterus being kept in a jar… doesn’t trust anyone, and begins to wonder how Jesus Santiago fits into all of this.

Previously—In episode 7, PORTREX, Captain Sepulveda revealed to Ramler that earlier in the year, several of his men died under mysterious circumstances during a work detail at New York Presbyterian hospital, and that he himself is dying of cancer. Ramler, who had briefly considered killing the captain while being held at gunpoint, instead decided to share bits and pieces of classified information regarding medical experiments that were being done at the hospital under the direction of the war department. He explained that in 1941, after a young Puerto Rican woman underwent an involuntary hysterectomy, her excised uterus was discovered to possess remarkable properties—namely, that the cells didn’t seem to age or die. Through a series of New York contacts, this information wound up catching the attention of the Los Alamos medical research group, at which point, the tissue samples were subjected to more thorough analysis. As Ramler was about to explain how all of this relates to captain Sepulveda’s men, in walked John Spillers.

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