6. The Ceramicist

The Masters

Oct 21 2022 • 35 mins

In episode 6—We find out about one of Spillers additional capabilities, alluded to by Dr. Vandyck in the previous episode. We also watch as Captain Sepulveda greets a visitor to building one—an FBI interrogator sent by station chief John Spillers. On the face of things, the purpose of this man’s visit is to demonstrate interrogation techniques, but Sepulveda doesn’t quite trust him. For good reason.

Previously—In episode 5, The Hawk’s Bells, we learned that in 1518, John Spillers went to a small Taino village in Aymamio to collect gold (what is now Aguadilla, Puerto Rico). When he discovered there was none to be had, he killed every man, woman, and child. Brutally. All except the young boy Hayuya, who we learn, is actually the young version of Santiago (the old jibaro who was held in the calabozo of la Princesa). Observing the events of 1518 through an aperture portal at Area J, Dr. Vandyck explains that the event stream is not simply a mathematical construct, but a highly complex system—what she calls a consciousness producing biome that behaves exactly like an organism. Further, that some humans have the ability to alter their energetic luminescence in ways that are not fully understood. One example of this is Spillers, who she describes as an aberration threatening to destabilize the event stream. Another example is Santiago, who she mentions is a shape shifter. Her theory is that these two men are on a collision course, and that the event stream has deployed Santiago as a sort of countermeasure to Spillers, in an attempt to set itself back into equilibrium.

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