The Christ Centred Cosmic Civilisation


Rod Dreher wrote “to order the world rightly as Christians requires regarding all things as pointing to Christ”

Christ is the One in Whom in all things consist and humanity is not the measure of all things. If a defining characteristic of the modern world is disorder then the most fundamental act of resistance is to discover and life according to the deep, divine order of the heavens and the earth.

In this series we want to look at the big model of the universe that the Bible and Christian history provides.

It is a mind and heart expanding vision of reality.

It is not confined to the limits of our bodily senses - but tries to embrace levels fo reality that are not normally accessible or tangible to our exiled life on earth.

We live on this side of the cosmic curtain - and therefore the highest and greatest dimensions of reality are hidden to us… yet these dimensions exist and are the most fundamental framework for the whole of the heavens and the earth.

Throughout this series we want to pick away at all the threads  of reality to see how they all join together - how they all find common meaning and reason in the great divine logic - the One who is the Logos, the LORD Jesus Christ - the greatest that both heaven and earth has to offer.

Colossians 1:15-23

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Episode 50 - The Heavenly Ledger: Angels, Justice, and the Eternal Victory of the Cross
5d ago
Episode 50 - The Heavenly Ledger: Angels, Justice, and the Eternal Victory of the Cross
Embark on a celestial journey with PJ from the Global Church History Project as we unravel the mysteries of angels and their place in divine justice. Our latest conversation is a deep dive into the spiritual dynamics of accountability, examining how even celestial beings are not exempt from facing the consequences of their actions. We sift through sacred texts, from the canonical to the apocryphal, to offer insight and comfort in the knowledge that a just God ensures all deeds, heavenly or otherwise, are reckoned with.The enigmatic Book of 1 Enoch takes center stage in our discourse, as PJ illuminates its profound influence on early theological thought and its curious absence from many modern Bibles. While it may not grace the pages of every holy book, its impact on the concepts of messianic expectations and the intricate descriptions of otherworldly realms are undeniable. We traverse its rich narrative to understand why this text, cherished by some yet disputed by others, continues to captivate scholars and believers alike, offering a unique window into ancient understandings of the cosmos.As our conversation ascends, we contemplate the substantial role of angelic principalities and their sway over nations. PJ guides us through scriptural passages that reveal a complex spiritual hierarchy, where divine overseers shape the fate of cultures and regions. Yet, amid these weighty revelations, we anchor back to the triumphant victory of Christ on the cross, which supersedes all earthly and heavenly powers. This discussion reaffirms our true identity in the grand tapestry of the cosmos—our allegiance to Jesus and our heavenly citizenship outshine the transient allegiances of this world. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 49 - Whispers of Enoch, Celestial Lore and the Enigma of Seven
May 16 2024
Episode 49 - Whispers of Enoch, Celestial Lore and the Enigma of Seven
Prepare to cast aside the rigid ladder of angelic hierarchy as we unravel a tapestry of interdependence among celestial beings that's more web than pyramid. Together with PJ, we dissect the traditional Dionysian categorisation of angels, pondering over biblical and extra-biblical texts that suggest a divine order far more intricate and intertwined than previously imagined. We connect the dots between numerology and prophetic times, deciphering the significance of the number seven in the choreography of history and exploring the periods of tribulation as echoes of ancient patterns.Venture skyward with us as we navigate the stratified skies, from the familiar blue to the otherworldly realms beyond our gaze. Our conversation orbits around the mystical number of seven once again, as we hypothesize a septenary structure to the celestial beyond, moving from the atmospheric to the spiritual. We entertain the mathematical elegance of the Fibonacci sequence as a clue to the progression of heavenly realms, and introduce the enigmatic tetramorphs.Our celestial odyssey culminates in a star-studded discussion of the cosmic roles of angels, where planets and stars are more than mere fixtures in the night sky—they're spirited beings with divine duties. We tease apart the threads of the Book of Enoch, where fallen angels and their fates reveal a narrative rich with cosmic consequence. As the mysteries of the universe unravel before your ears, we invite you to join us on this expedition through ancient narratives that bridge the spiritual and the material, leaving you with an eager anticipation for the revelations yet to come. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 48 - Navigating the Angelic Order: Dionysius, Divinity, and the Great Chain of Being
May 9 2024
Episode 48 - Navigating the Angelic Order: Dionysius, Divinity, and the Great Chain of Being
Embark on a celestial quest to unravel the angelic hierarchy with the legendary guidance of Dionysius the Areopagite and our esteemed guest, PJ. Together, we dissect the nine choirs of angels and their roles within the cosmic order, juxtaposing biblical roots against the philosophical frameworks of Plato and Aristotle. As we navigate the Great Chain of Being, we critically examine its historical misapplications and current echoes, challenging listeners to reconsider the implications of hierarchical structures in both ancient and modern contexts.Join our conversation as we question the boundaries of celestial classifications, with special attention to figures like Michael, whose roles span across archangels to principalities. Through our discussion, we shine light on the fluidity of divine hierarchy and the closeness of cherubim and seraphim to the ultimate source. We also delve into the symbology of the menorah, as Philo interpreted it, visualizing the organization of the divine realm and contemplating the intricate relationship between the multiple heavens and angelic hierarchies.In our concluding reflections, the theological significance of Jesus's self-identification as the light of the world is explored, drawing a profound connection to the eternal church and the pre-material existence of angels and archangels. We ponder the promise of humanity's future, sharing in the spiritual and eternal ministry of angels. The insightful exchange sets the stage for our next episode, where we'll seek to uncover the purpose of the seven heavens, providing a beacon of spiritual sustenance for our listeners. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 47 - The Divine Balance of Worship and Angelic Reverence
May 2 2024
Episode 47 - The Divine Balance of Worship and Angelic Reverence
This episode promises a profound understanding of the angelic heavenly intermediaries and their role within the cosmic empire of Christ. With our guest PJ Blackham we offer an enlightening discourse on the significance of angels.Respecting the divine and its messengers often treads a fine line between veneration and worship. We tackle this delicate balance by dissecting the language of the Apostle Paul —drawing a clear distinction between the homage we pay to human figures, and the worship that is uniquely reserved for Jesus. This thoughtful examination reaffirms the importance of angels and saints in our spiritual lives without conflating their honor with the adoration due solely to the divine.In a meticulous investigation of historical skepticism, we address the criticisms thrown at Dionysius's works and their alleged Neoplatonic influences. Was Saint Eusebius correct in his claim that the original texts had been tainted with Greek philosophy? The search for textual purity leads us to consider the philosophies of Bardaisan—whose ideas stand in stark contrast with Greek thought—and the potential for future series exploring this divergence. As we conclude, we set the stage for an upcoming journey through the philosophies that have shaped our understanding of angels, archangels, and the spiritual realm. Join us for a series that promises to be as enlightening as it is transcendent. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 45: The Fabric of Faith: Christianity's Imprint on Technological Progress and Human Flourishing
Apr 18 2024
Episode 45: The Fabric of Faith: Christianity's Imprint on Technological Progress and Human Flourishing
Discover the profound relationship between Christian theology and the transformation of the cosmos and society, as articulated by the insightful Vishal Mangalwadi. We examine the biblical view of a pristine creation marred by human transgression, with its present state of death and decay a stark deviation from its intended perfection. This episode will take you on a journey through the rich tapestry of belief that not only shapes a Christian's response to suffering and labour but also drives the relentless pursuit of technological innovation aimed at bettering the human condition. From the genesis of hospitals out of compassion to the rise of machinery for easing toil, we explore the intrinsic value of human life that undergirds these advancements.Vishal Mangalwadi unravels the complex weave of culture, technology, and science—a narrative that reveals a distinct Christian influence on the course of human progress. We reflect on how the physical senses are not constraints but conduits to knowledge, essential for our interaction with the world around us. The episode traverses through history, examining the cultural contexts that spurred technological ingenuity, from water mills in medieval Europe to the architectural wonders of ancient Rome. Amidst the conversation, we ponder the cultural trade-offs of progress, recognizing the losses and gains in our relentless march toward the future. Tune in for a thought-provoking exploration that connects the dots between faith, innovation, and the human experience. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 43:  Echoes of Eternity in Every Drop of Rain
Apr 4 2024
Episode 43: Echoes of Eternity in Every Drop of Rain
Discover the extraordinary way the biblical worldview intertwines with our understanding of science and civilization as we traverse the narrative of creation, guided by the cosmic significance of Jesus as the high priest. Together, we'll uncover the divine intricacies of the universe, manifested through the meticulous design of the hydrologic cycle and the careful curation of life as depicted in the timeless scriptural insights from Job. Our insightful journey is further enriched by the harmonious blend of divine word and world, a testament to the power and presence of the Trinity in sustaining all things.As the heavens declare the glory of God, so do the mysteries of snow and rain, lightning and lions, reflect His meticulous care for creation. In this episode, Elihu's wisdom in Job becomes our compass, leading us through the hydrologic cycle's divine choreography and God's intimate involvement with nature's rhythms. I invite you to reflect on the profound connection between the natural phenomena we often take for granted and the deliberate intentions of the Creator. Through this lens, every droplet of rain and each flake of snow takes on new meaning as an act of divine sustenance and a call to refocus our attention on the works of the Almighty.Join us as we stand in awe of the majesty of God's creation, exploring the vastness of the cosmos and the intimate details of the animal kingdom through the poetic imagery of Job. The universe, often perceived as a self-regulating entity, is revealed to be actively upheld by the word of Christ. This revelation invites us to shift our perception and appreciate the everyday divine intricacies with fresh awe and reverence. As we discuss the role of Christ as the sustainer of all things, we're reminded of the enduring truth that every aspect of the world around us is not merely a product of natural law but a canvas painted by the hand of God, where His sovereignty and love are displayed in every brushstroke. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 42 - Miracles Revisited: The Intertwining of God and Nature
Mar 28 2024
Episode 42 - Miracles Revisited: The Intertwining of God and Nature
Have you ever pondered the divine brushstrokes that painted the universe into being? This episode takes you on a profound journey through creation theology, contrasting the serene Christian narrative with the tumultuous tales of ancient mythologies and the Islamic view of earthly existence. We navigate the waters of divine love and will, weaving through the rich tapestry of a cosmos crafted with intentionality and governed by the intricate dance of the Trinity. As we dissect these narratives, we uncover the profound impact they have on our perception of the universe's inherent value, casting ripples through the realms of science, art, and the essence of what it means to be human.Prepare to challenge your understanding of the laws of nature as we question the very fabric of miracles and divine intervention. With a nod to David Hume's historical skepticism, we scrutinize the modern myth of a self-sustaining cosmos and redefine the boundaries that separate the natural from the supernatural. Miracles are reimagined not as violations of natural laws, but as the hand of God momentarily revealed in exceptional clarity—a concept that reshapes our relationship with the everyday. Join us for a thought-provoking session that promises to stir the soul and invite a deeper appreciation of the miraculous interplay between the celestial and the terrestrial. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 39 - Navigating a Post-Truth Era and the Quest for a Christ-Centered Cosmos
Mar 7 2024
Episode 39 - Navigating a Post-Truth Era and the Quest for a Christ-Centered Cosmos
Are we at the brink of moral chaos, and has the quest for truth become a mere shadow game played by those in power? This episode wrestles with the postmodern challenge to what we've long considered solid ground: the realms of truth and morality. We navigate the murky waters where personal experiences eclipse scientific facts, and even the possibility of a universal moral compass seems to wane. Delving into Friedrich Nietzsche's prescient critiques of Christianity and the implication of "nothing is true, everything is permitted," we confront the eerie silence that may follow the death of God. The power vacuums and the rise of tyrannical forces are not just theoretical; they are tangible dangers in a society that forsakes its connection to a transcendent framework. Join me as I argue for realigning with a Christ-centric vision to stave off the disintegration of objective truth and the rise of authoritarian control over the very thoughts we hold private.Venture further into the episode, and we probe the symbiotic yet strained relationship between science and society. Here the idealism of scientific pursuit clashes with the realpolitik of funding, political interests, and cultural expectations. We reflect on the bygone era when science sought to decode the mind of Christ, and how the shift in modern priorities has boxed in scientific inquiry. No stone is unturned as we discuss how the weight of tradition and peer pressure can stifle innovation within the scientific community. Yet, it is within this very tension that the episode finds hope, drawing from the conviction of the Modern Scientific Project's pioneers who believed in our God-given potential to understand the universe's mysteries. Together, we contemplate the limits of human cognition, inspired by the awe that comes from acknowledging both our smallness and our capacity for cosmic understanding. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 38 - Galileo's Legacy and the Church's Role in Enlightenment Thought
Feb 29 2024
Episode 38 - Galileo's Legacy and the Church's Role in Enlightenment Thought
Embark on a journey through time as we unravel the pivotal transformation from the celestial contemplations of Aristotle and Ptolemy to the heliocentric breakthroughs of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo. We'll navigate the entwined paths of ancient cosmology and Christian theology, revealing how a millennium-old synthesis of ideas was challenged and reshaped by the scientific revolution. Witness the tension between persistent beliefs and the burgeoning quest for empirical evidence, as we uncover the pivotal moments that redefined our understanding of the universe and our place within it.Our conversation takes a compelling turn as we examine the nuanced interplay between religion, science, and the emergence of post-modernist thought. The Protestant Reformation, often misconstrued as an adversary to scientific progress, is revealed in a new light, underscoring its unexpected role in propelling rational inquiry. We'll discuss the impact of Christian scientists on the heliocentric model and the scientific method, dispelling myths of ecclesiastical antagonism toward reason. As notions of truth and certainty are increasingly questioned in today's society, we ponder Nietzsche's prescient insights on the post-Christian world, exploring the evolving landscape of rationality and identity. Join us for this thought-provoking examination of the shifting sands of belief, knowledge, and the very essence of truth. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 37 - The Celestial Covenant: Uniting Science and Faith in the Tapestry of Creation
Feb 22 2024
Episode 37 - The Celestial Covenant: Uniting Science and Faith in the Tapestry of Creation
Could the study of science be one of the most profound acts of Christian worship? We're venturing into a conversation that bridges the gap between divine reverence and empirical discovery. In a world where the quest for knowledge often seems at odds with spiritual belief systems, we're turning the tables to show how the pursuit of science can be a testament to the grandeur of God's creation. I'll be guiding you through the age-old narrative that paints science and Christianity as adversaries and revealing a far richer tapestry of collaboration and wonder. From the Logos to the Holy Spirit, we'll examine the theological underpinnings that make scientific inquiry an extension of faith itself, while dismantling the 'God of the gaps' fallacy that limits the divine to the realms of the unknown.As we traverse the historical landscape of celestial mechanics , we encounter a neglected ally in our journey towards truth: the Church itself. The episode unpacks the myth of a flat Earth belief and rectifies the misconception about Christianity's resistance to a heliocentric solar system. We revisit the contributions of early thinkers who set the stage for Copernicus and share how the Church's liaison with Aristotelian philosophy was not as rigid as often portrayed. Hear how Christian scholars like Galileo and Kepler advanced our understanding of the cosmos, prompting a fusion of faith and science that continues to inspire awe and curiosity. This episode is not just a lesson in astronomy; it's a pilgrimage to the heart of where science and sacred wonder meet. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 36 - A Sacred Spark Igniting the Flame of Reason
Feb 15 2024
Episode 36 - A Sacred Spark Igniting the Flame of Reason
Could the very foundations of modern science be deeply rooted in Christian thought? Prepare to have your perspective broadened as we journey through the profound interplay between faith and reason, with a spotlight on Robert Boyle—one of the intellectual titans of the Royal Society. This episode peels back the layers of history to reveal a time when Christianity was not merely a backdrop but the heartbeat of scientific advancement. We discuss the fascinating transition of rationalism within Puritanism and its influence on the scientific community, guided by the insights from Klaus Scholder's seminal work "The Birth of Modern Critical Theology."Witness the intellectual seismic shift of the Enlightenment, where autonomous reason began its ascent, overshadowing Christ as the cornerstone of human thought. This chapter in history marks a pivotal moment where the divine gift of reason, once celebrated as a reflection of the Creator, found itself redefined as an entity unto itself. We reflect on this profound transformation and its implications for the Christian tradition. The episode concludes by challenging the popular narrative that depicts the modern age as the peak of reason, instead proposing that we may be experiencing its unraveling. Join us in exploring the indispensable role of Christian faith in the pioneering days of scientific discovery, and consider how those early scientists saw their quest for knowledge as an act of worship, intimately connected to comprehending the divine. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 35 - The Sacred Roots of Science: Tracing the Christian Influence on the Birth of Modern Knowledge
Feb 8 2024
Episode 35 - The Sacred Roots of Science: Tracing the Christian Influence on the Birth of Modern Knowledge
Explore the untold story of how the Christian faith profoundly influenced the birth of modern science. With a narrative that travels from the echoes of divine truth perfected in Jesus Christ to the secularization that reshaped our approach to the natural world, we promise a captivating journey. This episode peels back the layers of history to reveal the medieval roots of knowledge and the profound transformation during the scientific revolution, guided by seminal figures like Francis Bacon. You'll see how the pursuit of truth, once intertwined with moral and spiritual values, has evolved into a more ambiguous realm, where ethics and science don't always align as they once did.Witness the Royal Society's rise from its pious beginnings to a beacon of empirical evidence and innovation. We pay homage to devout Christians such as John Willis, whose faith in empirical observation led to groundbreaking advancements in medicine and atomic theory. Their legacy, captured in the society's motto "Nothing by mere authority," serves as a testament to the enduring power of observation and evidence over mere tradition. This episode is not just a history lesson; it's an invitation to reflect on the relationship between religion and science and how faith once shaped the quest for understanding our world — an intellectual tapestry that continues to influence science and society to this day. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 34 - From cave to Cosmos: the obstacles to Science in Greek and Hindu Traditions
Feb 1 2024
Episode 34 - From cave to Cosmos: the obstacles to Science in Greek and Hindu Traditions
How often do we tread the fine line between shadows and reality? In an exploration of Plato's Allegory of the Cave, we unravel the skepticism that has seeped into Western thought, challenging the perceptions of the physical world's reliability. Grappling with these ancient doubts, we reveal how the transformative power of Christian teachings brought about a robust pursuit of scientific inquiry, steering us away from the siren call of Greek pagan philosophies. Our discourse digs into the necessity of Christ's perspective for a truthful engagement with our surroundings and the monumental impact this had on Western civilization.Venture with us as we contrast this with the Hindu concept of Maya discussed by the philosopher Sankara, where the material world is regarded as an elaborate illusion. Through the analogy of mistaking a rope for a snake and a yogi's parable, we examine the profound implications this view of reality holds for spiritual enlightenment and scientific development. We ponder how this perception of the physical realm may have shaped the trajectory of scientific endeavor within Hindu culture, offering an insight into the complex relationship between spirituality and empirical study.Concluding our journey, we scrutinize the symbiotic relationship that once existed between Christian theology and the ascension of science and technology. Reflecting on India's historical contributions to mathematics and astronomy, we discuss the Bible's role in inspiring systematic exploration and dominion over nature. As we navigate the shifting dynamic of theology from the 'queen of the sciences' to a compartmentalized branch of knowledge, we confront the fragmented modern understanding of reality. Join us as we dissect the evolution of science and our duty to relay refined truths to the minds and hearts of those who follow. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore
Episode 32 - The Divine and the Data: How Theology Influences Scientific Theory
Jan 18 2024
Episode 32 - The Divine and the Data: How Theology Influences Scientific Theory
We are exploring the profound role of Christian theology in the realm of scientific discovery. In our first segment, we unpack the notion that the physical world, the human body, and our minds are intricately designed for us to comprehend the mind of God. We challenge the common perception that scientific theories are solely data-driven, revealing how they are profoundly influenced by our existing beliefs, and the power of imagination. We can't overlook the recent devolution of science from a noble pursuit to a strictly practical, cash-driven endeavor - a shift that demands our attention.Strap in as we venture further, examining the symbiotic relationship between the Christian doctrine of creation and the evolution of science. We're turning the pages of the Bible to uncover how its vision of the universe as a divine creation, designed for human understanding, has been a catalyst for scientific progress. Contrasting views of the universe, such as the belief in a divine or demonic cosmos, have the potential to stunt scientific exploration. But don't lose heart - the Christian perspective of creation as rational and good reinforces our confidence in studying the world, fostering a serious dedication to unearthing its mysteries. Prepare for a thrilling voyage of discovery that promises to expand your horizons and challenge your beliefs. The theme music is "Wager with Angels" by Nathan Moore