Survival Mode Motherhood (Ep. 1 of Behind the Scenes Series)

Start to Stop Toddler Breastfeeding

Jan 8 2024 • 15 mins

If you have longed for a "me too," or an "I get it" for the times when parenting feels like you are just doing what you can to survive the day - this is the episode for you.

2023 was a crazy ride for me.  Launching this podcast was incredible, but a lot was going on behind the scenes - including health struggles for me, which led to a lot of "survival mode parenting".

Over the next month, I'll be sharing shorter, laid-back episodes that explore some of the things that I have experienced personally over my last 6.5 years of breastfeeding - and the last year of utter chaos.

In this first episode of the BTS seried, I share how my own exhaustion and limited capacity have had benefits in my parenting.

(And make sure to subscribe/follow this podcast so you don't miss out on the rest of the episodes in this BTS series.)

Want to learn more from me?
Watch my free, instant access workshop:
Designing Your Pathway to Toddler Breastfeeding Mastery

Grab your free guide to say "No" to the feed while still saying "yes" to the need at

Love this episode?!  Shoot me a DM over on Instagram @own.your.parenting.story and tell me all about it. <3