My Nursing Aversion & Mental Health Struggles (BTS Bonus Episode 3)

Start to Stop Toddler Breastfeeding

Jan 22 2024 • 27 mins

Welcome to episode three of this Behind the Scenes series!
In this candid conversation, I'm opening up about my mental health journey, embracing the highs and lows of anxiety, and depression, and sharing how it all ties into my experience with nursing aversion.

This episode isn't just about my journey; it's an invitation to explore the intersection of mental health, motherhood - and of course, breastfeeding.

I also dip into the things that have supported me through the most intense periods of emotional and mental struggles in my life and are still supporting me now.  My hope is that they offer you support as well.

I do share a few details around the trauma I experienced with my daughter's birth.  If you would like to skip that part - jump ahead to 9:56 when I give the warning (at around 7 minutes.)

Want to learn more from me?
Watch my free, instant access workshop:
Designing Your Pathway to Toddler Breastfeeding Mastery

Grab your free guide to say "No" to the feed while still saying "yes" to the need at

Love this episode?!  Shoot me a DM over on Instagram @own.your.parenting.story and tell me all about it. <3