Your Creative & Magical Life

Cecily Sailer / Typewriter Tarot

How do we hold on to creativity and magic in a world that tries to separate us from both again and again? This podcast explores that question through the lens of Tarot, nature, and the lived experience of creative and magical humans who are making art, manifesting their visions, and changing the world as they go. Join creativity coach, Tarot reader, and writer Cecily Sailer on a cosmic, conversational journey to help you embrace you creative and magical life!

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11. Discussing TAROT (the Supernatural Horror Film) w/ The Basement Girls
5d ago
11. Discussing TAROT (the Supernatural Horror Film) w/ The Basement Girls
In this collaborative episode with The Basement Girls podcast, we discuss the recent supernatural / horror film TAROT by Anna Holberg and Spenser Cohen, based on the 1992 novel Horrorscope by Nicholas Adams.I had a great time watching this film in the theater with Bianca Pérez and Steph Grossman, who cohost The Basement Girls podcast, which explores their mutual passion for the horror genre. I expected to hate this movie, thinking it falsely demonized Tarot. And while it wasn’t a mind-blowing, genre-redefining film, it was fun to watch as someone who loves Tarot and scary, supernatural stories. Steph, Bianca, and I had a really fun conversation (with spoilers!) about what we made of the movie, what we loved and didn’t love about it, and our own relationship to Tarot.Have a listen if you’ve seen the movie (or want to), if you love supernatural / horror films, and if you artforms that play with themes of magic and mystery! If you saw the move, let me know what you think at You can listen to The Basement Girls podcast on Apple and Spotify.+ Bianca Pérez is also the guest featured in episode 9 about The Lovers card, if you want to hear more from her. You can also find her poetry chapbook Gemini Gospel here.+ Read “Likeness⁠⁠,⁠"⁠ Steph Grossman's latest horror-tinged short story, published in Joyland Magazine.Thanks to Steph Grossman for editing this conversation, and to Claire Bowman for editing this episode, and to Ami Plasse for our podcast logo!Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
Microdose 4. What's fueling your creative journey and how would you like to travel?
Jun 2 2024
Microdose 4. What's fueling your creative journey and how would you like to travel?
This shorter episode is a follow-up to our conversation about The Chariot, where we apply Chariot-inspired questions to our creative work. I talk about the difference between internal and external motivation, and how the two can fuel our creative journey in very different ways. We also explore a series of questions to help you consider what kind of journey you want to have, and what you need along the way to get you where you want to go.PROMPTS for WHAT'S FUELING YOUR CREATIVE JOURNEY?+ Make a list of the external motivators that are driving your work. List as many as you can think of.+ In a separate space or opposite page, make a list of the internal motivators that are driving your work. List as many as you can think of — big, small, and everything in between. Come back to your two lists over a period of days and continue to add more as you can think of them.PROMPTS for HOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO TRAVEL?+ What kind of container or vehicle would suit you for this journey?+ What kind of emotional fuel will support you along the way?+ What kind of resources will you need as you travel?+ How might your ancestors provide support along the way?+ What will make this journey meaningful for you, beyond the desired outcome?OTHER NOTES:~ Check out some art cars!~ If you'd like to buy Tarot for Creative Spirits, use the code MAGICALLIFE at checkout to save $10.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
10. The Chariot: Moving with Aligned Purpose w/ Hannah Levy
May 22 2024
10. The Chariot: Moving with Aligned Purpose w/ Hannah Levy
In this episode, we explore The Chariot card with Hannah Levy, writer and editor of the Tarot journal The Rebis, which publishes annually, featuring a different Major Arcana card in each issue. The 2023 edition featured creative writing, nonfiction, art, photographs, and essays from more than 25 creators, all illuminating The Chariot archetype.In our conversation, Hannah shares a number of Chariot-related stories and insights — how she left her corporate 9-5 job to find a more suitable and sustainable way of working and living, and what it's like being the charioteer behind a publication that involves lots of moving parts.We also discuss the imagery of The Chariot, traditional meanings, and more subtle meanings that have made themselves known through lived experience. We also discuss rivers and resilience, time travel, getting unstuck, control and surrender, reframing definitions of success, and community and social media. This is a lovely episode for folks who spend time thinking about how we work, how we see ourselves in terms of achievement and accomplishment, and how we choose to move things forward in our own lives.You can learn more about Hannah via her website, on Instagram, and through her Substack //understories//. And you can learn more about The Rebis via its website, Instagram, and Substack. Hannah is also offering listeners 25% off The Chariot issue of The Rebis. Use code TYPEWRITERTAROT at checkout to save!Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
Microdose 3. Your Art is a Transmission & an Act of LOVE!
May 18 2024
Microdose 3. Your Art is a Transmission & an Act of LOVE!
This shorter episode is a follow-up to our conversations about The Hierophant and The Lovers, where we turn those cards into guides for our creative work. Here, I'm sharing about how your art is a transmission — a broadcast of sorts, a message, a way of beaming something from inside of you to someone else. And even if no one sees what you create, your art can be a way for you to transmit something to your Future Self! I talk about why that's important, and how your art is also an act of love — for yourself and for others. Love is why we're here, my friends, and creativity is one way to express that. I explain how that works, and how this perspective can help us take the emphasis off perfectionism and imposter syndrome, so we can show up and CREATE!Mentioned in this episode:Check out Shanalee Hampton's embroidery work.Check out Ami Plasse's illustration work.Explore creativity coaching with yours truly.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
9. The Lovers: That Much Closer to Madness w/ Bianca Alyssa Pérez
May 12 2024
9. The Lovers: That Much Closer to Madness w/ Bianca Alyssa Pérez
In this episode, we explore The Lovers card with poet, teacher, and lover Bianca Alyssa Pérez, whose poetry chapbook Gemini Gospel dances with themes of this card deeply and beautifully, touching on self-love, grief, family, and romance. Our conversation starts with the imagery and symbolism of The Lovers, and unfolds into an exploration of Bianca's journey toward self-love as someone who struggles with anxiety and panic disorder. Bianca also shares what it's like being a Gemini and the challenge of making choices. She also shares her own beautiful love story — how she met her husband, Nick, in the midst of grieving her father, who she still feels connected to after his death. Throughout the episode, Bianca reads several poems from her book.We also get into...+ the rich symbolism and iconography of Catholicism+ how Bianca manifested a front porch through her poetry+ La Llorona, the mythical "crying woman" of South Texas lore+ how healthy relationships actually trigger us more+ pretending to feel good and protecting people from our feelings+ Bianca's love of horror films and the podcast she cohosts on this topic+ the up/downsides of creative writing MFA programs+ Bianca's advice to anyone pulling The Lovers card frequentlyTo connect with Bianca and learn more about her work, visit her website, follow her on Instagram, order her poetry chapbook Gemini Gospel, and check out her horror-film appreciation podcast The Basement Girls.+ Meet Chantal deFelice, our sound designer. + Meet Claire Bowman, our episode editor.+ Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
8. The Hierophant: I Am a Messenger w/ Becky Bullard (aka Democrasexy)
Apr 27 2024
8. The Hierophant: I Am a Messenger w/ Becky Bullard (aka Democrasexy)
In this episode, we explore The Hierophant with guest Becky Bullard, the creatrix, messenger, and megaphone behind Democrasexy, a project that aims to engage more people in the democratic and civic process by making it easier, more fun, and... sexy!In our conversation, Becky shares how her disappointment after the 2016 presidential election spurred to do more, and how a workshop on "awakening your highest self" led her to invoke the archetype of the messenger, which she embodies daily in her Democrasexy work.Our conversation also explores: overcoming the fear of speaking up and raising our voices, committing to a passion project whether it pays the bills or not, embodying our messages, how Becky decides which content to share and when, Becky's witchy work at the graveside of Ann Richards, boobs, costumes, "being from the future" and having to live in the present, and the dilemma of voting in a presidential election during a time of American-backed genocide.This episode will inspire you to claim your voice, consider what kind of messenger you are and want to be, and how The Hierophant may be inviting you to step into your own powerful voice.You can support and learn more about Becky's work via Democrasexy on Instagram, Substack, and via the Democrasexy website. Other resources mentioned in this episode:Pleasure Activism by adrienne maree brown+ Meet Chantal deFelice, our sound designer and episode editor. + Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
Microdose 2. Why you need CREATIVE SPACE & how to get it…
Apr 20 2024
Microdose 2. Why you need CREATIVE SPACE & how to get it…
In this shorter episode, I stay with The Emperor just a moment longer (see previous episode), and invoke his energy to talk about creative space and why Creative Spirits need it — and deserve it!I talk about The Emperor's relationship to space as a container for his leadership, just like Creative Spirits need containers to move and hold their creative energy.I also talk about different forms and kinds of creative space, what that can look like, and I share a story about recently giving up creative space, feeling pretty twisted up about it, and how I claimed a new space once again. Finally, I share simple steps for increasing your creative space, while acknowledging that space is at a premium in late-stage colonial capitalism. But it's worth fighting for!If you'd like me to speak to a creative challenge you're wrestling with, please use the form below and share your questions! I'd love to bring them on the show.+ Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
7. The Emperor: Power Beyond Patriarchy & Embodying Nonbinary Daddy Energy w/ Kelly Marshall
Apr 11 2024
7. The Emperor: Power Beyond Patriarchy & Embodying Nonbinary Daddy Energy w/ Kelly Marshall
In this episode, we explore The Emperor with Kelly Marshall, a nonbinary writer and yoga therapist who supports people with nervous system recalibration, embodiment, and trauma-informed approaches to yoga, teaching, and community-building. Together, we examine the imagery of The Emperor card and the energies and meanings conveyed by the visual composition of the archetype. We question why female and femme-identifying folks might struggle to connect with this card (idk, could be THE PATRIARCHY?!). Kelly also shares how they have personally experienced embodiment with Emperor energy in a way that's been healing for them and others — through presence in academia, community, and kink and BDSM spaces. We also look at presentations of masculinity through the lens of The Emperor, exploring questions of responsibility and responsiveness. And we can't talk about The Emperor without discussing themes of organization, structure, energy leaks, allocation of resources, and breaking down big visions into smaller steps. We also get into sovereignty and self-determination as trauma-informed perspectives, Daddy issues, The Emperor's relationship to The Empress, and we pull cards to ask The Emperor a question. You can learn more about Kelly and their work on Instagram at @spectrumwellness or via their website.Other resources mentioned in this episode:+ Fight Right by John Gottman+ The Brady Tarot+ Fyodor Pavlov Tarot+ Meet Chantal deFelice, our sound designer and episode editor. + Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
Microdose 1. You "abandoned" a creative project and you have FEELINGS about that...
Apr 7 2024
Microdose 1. You "abandoned" a creative project and you have FEELINGS about that...
This first shorter episode is for Creative Spirits who've abandoned, ghosted, or otherwise fallen out with a creative project they used to love. What's often standing in the way of a reunion with an abandoned project isn't just time, space, and a long to-do list. Usually, there's FEELINGS involved, and this tends to perpetuate avoidance. But all those feelings are NORMAL, and we're gonna normalize them! I share theories on why this happens, questions you can use to explore what's creating the distance, and how you might reconnect with your project, or determine if you want to!Here are questions I pose in the episode, should you want to journal or explore:What's the project? Give it a cute name and a little description.What felt good about the project? Why were you interested in it?Are you still interested in those things now? What are you into these days? What good came from working on this project to the extent you did? What did you learn or gain by starting?What thoughts or stories do you have about not working on the project? Be really honest here. (Write down all the ugly, outlandish things!)Read over what you've written for #5 and see what you notice. Are you sure these thoughts and stories are true?Is there a way to revise your stories around this "separation," and relieve any harsh feelings you're holding towards yourself? What would it be like to be gentle with yourself around all this?Sit and "commune" with the project (whether physically or in your own imagination).  Revisit the experience of getting started on the project... Then imagine yourself working on the project now. Notice how your body and spirit respond to visiting the past and and the future. After reconnecting, what do you think: Do you want to reconnect with this project? Possibly later? Or bring it closure?You could write a letter to your project, sharing your enthusiasm and gratitude, and stating what you'd like to do going forward.Got a project you're torn about? Reach out to, and share a little bit about what's going on... Maybe I can answer your question — and pull some cards — to explore your situation on a future quickie-sode!+ Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
6. Divination Cross-Pollination: Tarot & the I Ching (Heaven & Earth) w/ Kat Hosoo Lee
Mar 30 2024
6. Divination Cross-Pollination: Tarot & the I Ching (Heaven & Earth) w/ Kat Hosoo Lee
We continue our exploration of Tarot and I Ching with Kat Hosoo Lee, a business mentor for spiritual entrepreneurs, Daoism nerd, and I Ching practitioner. In our last episode, Kat and I laid out the basics, so if you haven't heard it yet, I recommend you hop over to episode 5. In this episode, we explore four hexagrams within the heaven / earth pairing — Hexagrams 1, 2, 11, and 12. Kat shares about the energetic interplay between elements when heaven and earth combine and diverge. I bring in Tarot cards that coincide with these hexagrams — Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, 10 of Wands, and 10 of Swords (but there are other good candidates for comparison!). In addition, Kat and I talk about how we can look beyond the gender binary in our divination work, the practical applications of divination, and how self-regulation and co-regulation support healing work.We also talk about the relevance of all this for space-holders,  how mall-walking can be life-saving, and our own true-life experiences of recently feeling out of sorts in reaction to our living situations. You'll also hear words like yin and yang, inhale and exhale, initiation and response, void and spark. You can find Kat's work and learn  about her Business Alchemist Mentorship program (highly recommend!) on her website or Instagram.  Check out her Rooted Business Podcast on Apple or Spotify, and her free Daoist Lunar Wisdom course.Other resources for this episode:+ Shop Typewriter Tarot's curated Tarot deck collection+ Kat's favorite IChing translations+ "Exploring Gender Representations in Tarot " by Robin Gow+ Meet Chantal deFelice, our sound designer and episode editor. + Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
5. Divination Cross-Pollination: Tarot & the I Ching (the Basics) w/ Kat Hosoo Lee
Mar 23 2024
5. Divination Cross-Pollination: Tarot & the I Ching (the Basics) w/ Kat Hosoo Lee
In this episode, we explore divination more broadly, focusing on Tarot and I Ching. This is the first in a year-long series cohosted with Kat Hosoo Lee, who helps spiritual entrepreneurs connect with their purpose, build sustainable businesses, and attune to intuition and nature. She's been using I Ching as a divination tool for years.In this conversation, Kat and I explore the history of I Ching and Tarot, how the two systems are structured, and how the elements play an essential role in both. We also share how we approach divination as a practice, centering intention, stillness, and time to connect with Self and Spirit. We also discuss how to choose a Tarot deck, Kat's favorite books on I Ching, and how divination can help us track our lived experience and find meaning in our hardships and triumphs. If you're already wandering into Divination Land (or careening down the rabbit hole), this episode will help you explore different systems from different eras and cultures. Stay tuned for more on specific hexagrams and Tarot archetypes.Find Kat's work and learn more about her Business Alchemist Mentorship program on her website or Instagram.  Check out her Emotional Alchemy Podcast on Apple or Spotify. Check out Kat's free Daoist Lunar Wisdom course and her favorite I Ching translations.Other resources in this episode:+ Typewriter Tarot's curated Tarot deck collection+ The Pagan Otherworlds deck by uusi+ "Animism is the Normative Consciousness" (The Emerald Podcast)+ Meet Chantal deFelice, our sound designer. + Meet Claire Bowman, our episode editor.+ Meet Ami Plasse, who designed the YC&ML logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
4. The Empress: Resting in Power w/ Christina Rosales
Mar 15 2024
4. The Empress: Resting in Power w/ Christina Rosales
In this episode, we explore The Empress, the vast creative force that moves through nature and gives us LIFE! Our guest is an Empress herself — Christina Rosales, a journalist-turned-activist who developed a video game about housing justice, which she turned into a stage play. Christina also sews her own clothes, is raising a young son, and has two artistic passions I didn't even know about until late in our conversation!Christina and I talk about the many faces of The Empress and what she teaches us about creativity, interconnectedness, rest, receiving, biodiversity, and collective action. Christina also shares about her Mexican and Catholic roots in South Texas, her organizing with Power Switch Action, "the how-hard-can-it-be?" bone in her body that keeps her doing incredible things, and her journey toward claiming her own power. We ask The Great Empress of the Cosmos (by pulling a Tarot card): How can we find peace within our family?Christina shares a lot of wisdom in this episode, and her words are likely to inspire you to create in a new way, take action for your community, or take a creative stance toward something that challenges you.Follow Christina's sewing adventure on Instagram. Download Dot's Home in the Apple App Store, or here, where you can also learn more about the game. Hear the NPR Marketplace story about Dot's Home. Learn more about Power Switch Action on Instagram or via their website. Learn more about the Rise-Home Stories Project here. Learn more about A Host of People here. And about Detroit Action here. + Meet Chantal deFelice, our sound designer and episode editor. + Meet Ami Plasse, the artist who created YC&ML's logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
3. The High Priestess: Unclench Your Butt Cheeks w/ Ebony Isis Booth
Feb 29 2024
3. The High Priestess: Unclench Your Butt Cheeks w/ Ebony Isis Booth
In this episode, we explore The High Priestess with Ebony Isis Booth, a coach who supports primarily Black and Indigenous folks in transformation, leadership, and emotional alchemy. Our conversation explores the second Major Arcana card through the lens of intuition, self-trust, and Spirit, and we talk about internal and external resistance that arises when intuition delivers its wisdom.Ebony also teaches us about "unclenching our butt cheeks" and takes us through an exercise to experience this act of full-body softening, which helps The High Priestess connect with us.Ebony also shares about growing up Southern Baptist and finding her way to a personal spirituality that draws on African and other mystic traditions. She also talks about receiving an intuitive hit, and how she wrestled with that knowing before the follow-through. We also talk about alcohol (and quitting!); The Matrix, The Color Purple, and Goosebumps; a drunk man in a banana suit who wanted a Tarot reading; taint-hairs and buttholes; being human as a revolutionary act; going outside; and more!Here's an incomplete list of time codes for this delicious & juicy episode:+ How Tarot came into Ebony's life (18:30)+ Who is The High Priestess & where can we find her (31:45)+ How to unclench your butt cheeks & connect with The High Priestess (1:20:45)+ Submissions from the community on experiencing intuition (1:49:33)+ A creative prompt for The High Priestess (1:58:04)Follow Ebony's work:+ Check out her website Follow her on Instagram @coachebonysaid.+ Listen to her podcast What Would It Look Like?+ Read her Substack newsletter Ebony Imago: A Black Womanist Gaze.+ Meet Chantal deFelice, our sound designer and episode editor. + Meet Ami Plasse, the artist who created YC&ML's logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at
2. The Magician: Bringing Something Into Existence That Wasn't There Before w/ Jessica Jernigan
Feb 15 2024
2. The Magician: Bringing Something Into Existence That Wasn't There Before w/ Jessica Jernigan
Since this show is just getting started, and this episode focuses on THE MAGICIAN, I spend a little time explaining what I mean by Your Creative & Magical Life, and I share about my theory of creativity and how magic can how up in different ways and how we can invite it into our lives.Then I talk with writer, zine-maker, and postmodern witch Jessica Jernigan all about The Magician archetype. Jessica and I co-teach this card and riff off The Magician's energy — how "manifestation mindset" and "create your own reality" thinking can be dangerous, the trickster side of The Magician, different ways of defining magic, and magic within and beyond certain cultural frameworks.Jessica also shares about the year she went all-in on witch life, her journey towards Tarot (which starts in the 80s with "Mists of Avalon), the witchy zines she creates, and what it's like launching and running her Substack and writing cover copy for Harlequin romance novels.We also get into the relationship between The Magician, The High Priestess, and The Fool; Tarot's recent expansion into the mainstream; bringing social justice into Tarot readings; offering readings through different formats;  the magic and (anti-magic) of aging; plus labor unions, Starhawk, and more! The episode closes with a creative prompt for working with The Magician.+ Subscribe to Jessica's Substacks: Postmodern Witch & Croning, buy her zines, and follow her on Instagram.+ Meet Chantal deFelice, our sound designer and episode editor. + Meet Ami Plasse, the artist who created YC&ML's logo.Find more for your creative & magical life at Typewriter Tarot:+ submit your creative challenge to the show + follow us on Instagram+ sign up for the Typewriter Tarot newsletter+ purchase a copy of Tarot for Creative Spirits+ join the Creative Magic Collective+ explore one-on-one coaching & mentorship+ request a Tarot reading+ attend the next Creative Coven+ read our blog+ check out this month's Tarot-scopes+ order Mystic Messages and Mystic Message decks+ make a donation to support to our work+ explore our reading lists at