Your Catholic Corner

Julie South - parishioner of the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary - Hamilton - New Zealand

"Your Catholic Corner" is for you if you're on a Christian spiritual journey.  Especially if you're wondering what's so special about the Catholic faith, maybe even why Christians rave about a man called Jesus, or you want more from your relationship with God.  If any of these fit where you're at, then maybe, just maybe, "Your Catholic Corner" could be for you.

Every Thursday Julie South delves into the richness of each (upcoming) Sunday's liturgical (Bible) readings.  With her as your guide, together, you and she explore the profound teachings from Old Testament prophecies to Gospel parables.

Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, you're welcome at "Your Catholic Corner".

"Your Catholic Corner" is for you if you:

*  have only just met (or perhaps only recently heard of) Jesus,
*  are new to Catholicism, or
*  are a devoted Cradle Catholic.

Julie's prayerful intention is to bring these sacred texts to life through explaining their historical context, her personal insights and practical applications for 21st Century living and understanding.    To give you a more meaningful relationship with God.

Hopefully, you'll be encouraged to actively participate in each Sunday's mass and be inspired to become part of your local parish community.

Join Julie each Thursday, and experience the transformative power of God's Word so you too will want to echo Samuel's call 'Speak, Lord, your servant is listening' (1 Sam 3:9) with her.

"Your Catholic Corner" is generously sponsored by Julie's "home" parish - the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hamilton, New Zealand.

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Hebrews Reveals: Why Jesus' Blood Is the New Covenant
5d ago
Hebrews Reveals: Why Jesus' Blood Is the New Covenant
Exploring the Biblical Roots of Corpus Christi SundayThis week's episode takes an in-depth look at the biblical passages read during the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). We'll examine:The Origins of Corpus ChristiLearn about the Eucharistic miracle in 1263 that led to the establishment of this feast day celebrating Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist.The Typological ConnectionsDiscover how the Old Testament reading from Exodus foreshadows the events of the Last Supper described in the Gospel of Mark, drawing parallels between covenants and sacrifices.The Significance of Exodus 24:3-8Unpack the ceremony where Moses confirms the covenant between God and the Israelites, sealed with the sprinkling of blood.Insights from Hebrews 9:11-15Explore how this passage presents Jesus as the high priest offering himself as the perfect sacrifice, establishing a new covenant.The Last Supper in Mark 14Reflect on Jesus instituting the Eucharist, using bread and wine to symbolize his body and blood of the new covenant.Personal ReflectionsHear personal insights on remembering our covenant relationship with God, recognising Jesus as the mediator, and fully participating in the Eucharist.Whether new to Catholicism or a lifelong believer, this episode offers a thoughtful look at the deep biblical roots underlying our celebration of the Eucharist on Corpus Christi Sunday.We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
From Deuteronomy to Discipleship: Holy Trinity Sunday's Origin Journey
May 21 2024
From Deuteronomy to Discipleship: Holy Trinity Sunday's Origin Journey
Are you ready to uncover the profound connections woven through the Bible, linking the Old Testament to the New? On this Holy Trinity Sunday, embark on the fascinating journey tracing the typological threads from Deuteronomy to the Great Commission in the Gospel of Matthew.Transport yourself back to the time of Moses, as he delivers his farewell speech to the Israelites poised to enter the Promised Land.  Witness his urgings to remember God's mighty acts and miracles that delivered them from Egyptian slavery, setting them apart as His chosen people. Discover how their witness to God's power foreshadowed a greater mission yet to come.Then, fast-forward to the tumultuous days of the early Christian community, facing persecution yet boldly spreading the gospel, as told in Paul's Letter to the Romans. Despite opposition, this new movement continued to grow and impact the Roman Empire.At the heart of this journey stands the pivotal moment when the resurrected Jesus claims supreme authority over heaven and earth. Marvel at His Great Commission to the disciples:  to baptise all nations in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, making them obedient followers of Christ.Discover the typological significance of this charge, fulfilling the Israelites' role as a light to the nations through the work of the Church spreading the gospel globally. Follow this thread from Deuteronomy's old covenant witness to the new covenant's discipleship call, leading to a profound revelation of the Holy Trinity's mystery and significance on this feast day.Join Julie South as she guides you along this typological journey, unlocking the depths of Holy Trinity Sunday through the unbroken tapestry of God's Word.Holy Trinity Sunday Bible Passages - Catholic Church - Year B:Deuteronomy 4:32-34,39-40Romans 8:14-17Matthew 28:16-20We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Pentecost and the Power of the Spirit: Uniting Nations and Hearts
May 15 2024
Pentecost and the Power of the Spirit: Uniting Nations and Hearts
Join Julie South at Your Catholic Corner as she delves into the significance of Pentecost Sunday, exploring the profound connections between the Acts of the Apostles, Paul's Letter to the Galatians, and the Gospel of John. This episode offers a rich tapestry of history, theology, and personal reflection to spiritually prepare Catholics for Sunday's Catholic Mass.Three Takeaways from Today's Episode:The Typological Connection: Julie highlights the typological connections between the Old and New Testament readings for Pentecost Sunday. She explains how the Holy Spirit's descent during Pentecost (Acts 2:1-11) symbolises the Church's birth, how Galatians (5:16-25) emphasises the Spirit's transformative power in believers' lives, and how the Gospel of John (15:26-27,16:12-15) underscores the Holy Spirit's role in guiding believers to truth and testifying about Jesus.Historical Biblical Context: The episode provides historical context for each reading, discussing the significance of Pentecost as the conclusion of Easter and as a moment of cultural and linguistic unity. Julie also touches upon the conflicts addressed in Galatians regarding Jewish law and Christian faith, and she reflects on Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit as an Advocate in John's Gospel.Personal Reflections and Actions: Julie encourages listeners to engage with the readings through personal action: embracing diversity (Acts), practicing virtues like kindness and goodness (Galatians), and sharing personal faith experiences with others (John).Biblical References:Acts 2:1-11: The descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the apostles speaking in tongues.Galatians 5:16-25: Paul's teaching on living by the Spirit and displaying its fruits, such as love, joy, peace, and self-control.John 15:26-27, 16:12-15: Jesus speaks about the coming of the Advocate (Holy Spirit) who will guide believers to all truth.We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Unity, Protection, and Mission - where the connection begins
May 7 2024
Unity, Protection, and Mission - where the connection begins
Do you sometimes struggle to find deeper meaning and connection in the Scripture readings for Sunday Mass? Do the selected passages sometimes feel disconnected or leave you wondering how they relate to your life today?This week your host Julie South walks you through the  unifying themes that tie together the readings from Acts, 1 John, and the Gospel of John for the 7th Sunday of Easter. Julie explains the typological connections between these three biblical passages, revealing how they emphasize the importance of unity, protection, and mission in the Christian faith.  She does this in an easy to understand way.From the apostles' trust in God's plan to replace Judas Iscariot to Jesus' high priestly prayer for his disciples' unity and protection, you'll gain profound insights into the early church's challenges and the timeless wisdom woven throughout these scriptures. Julie provides historical context, prayerful reflections, and practical applications to help bring God's word to life in a way that deepens your relationship with Him.Three Takeaways:Learn to trust in God's divine plan, even when it's difficult, and seek His guidance through prayer.Discover how to love one another as God loves us, seeing His presence in everyone.Unlock the power of united prayer by joining in praying for unity and protection among all believers.Don't miss this opportunity to prepare your heart for the upcoming Sunday Mass and experience the richness of the Easter season. Share the gift of Your Catholic Corner with three friends or family members who could also benefit from Julie's insightful and faith-nurturing podcast. Simply direct them to, where they can access this episode and follow the show for free.Bible Passages:Acts 1:15-17,20-26 1 John 4:11-16John 17:11-19We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
The Real Presence Explained: Shedding Light on the Catholic Eucharist - ep 042
Apr 30 2024
The Real Presence Explained: Shedding Light on the Catholic Eucharist - ep 042
Why can’t my Protestant friend come to mass with me and take Communion just like I do...? Julie South shines light on the Catholic Church's teachings and traditions surrounding Holy Communion, providing clarity on why only Catholics are permitted to receive the Eucharist during Mass. Speaking with a professional yet engaging tone, she methodically unpacks the core Catholic beliefs that form the foundation of this sacred ritual.Julie begins by emphasising that while non-Catholics are welcome to attend Mass, there is a distinct reason why they cannot partake in Holy Communion. She explains that for Catholics, the Eucharist is not merely a symbolic representation but rather the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ made present through transubstantiation during the consecration by the priest.Drawing from biblical passages in the Gospels of John, Mark, and Luke, as well as the writings of Paul, Julie reinforces the Catholic belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.   She contrasts this with the views held by other Christian denominations, which regard the bread and wine as symbols or spiritual representations.Julie then outlines three key reasons why only Catholics receive Holy Communion:The Eucharist is seen as the ultimate way to be united with the Real Presence of Christ, and only those who fully believe in this teaching are considered prepared to receive it.Holy Communion represents the unity and oneness of the Catholic faith, and since non-Catholics are not fully united with the Church's beliefs, they are typically not allowed to receive it.Catholics undergo specific preparations, such as confession and reconciliation, to be properly disposed to receive the body and blood of Christ, which they believe they are truly partaking of.Throughout the episode, Julie emphasises that these reasons stem from a place of reverence and respect for the sacred meaning of Holy Communion within Catholic teaching, rather than exclusion or judgment of others. She highlights the Church's acknowledgment of different Christian traditions while upholding its own beliefs and practices surrounding the Eucharist.Biblical Passages in support of the Real Presence of Christ:John 6: 51-58Mark 14:  22-24Luke 22:  19-201 Corinthians 11:  23-26We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Bringing "Hidden Sins to Light": The Catholic Theology Behind Striking Your Chest
Apr 16 2024
Bringing "Hidden Sins to Light": The Catholic Theology Behind Striking Your Chest
Have you ever wondered why Catholics strike their chest at Mass?In this eye-opening episode, we look into the ancient Biblical roots and deep spiritual meaning behind the gesture of striking the chest during the Catholic Mass.What seems like a simple motion is actually a powerful act of contrition directly linked to biblical practices and teachings from early Church theologians like St. Augustine and St. Jerome.You'll discover:The specific moments when striking the chest is prescribed in the Mass liturgyHow this ritual connects to the story of the tax collector and Peter's denial of ChristWhy the new Mass translation reintroduced the triple chest strikeSt. Augustine's interpretation of the gesture as bringing "hidden sins to light"How this practice spoken of in the Psalms is an "act of humiliation" before GodInsights from St. Jerome on using it to "dispel evil thoughts and purify the heart"Whether a lifelong Catholic or just curious about the "why" behind sacred rituals, this fascinating look at the history and theology of the chest-striking tradition will enrich your understanding.Join host Julie South as she unpacks this deeply meaningful act of humility, repentance, and desire for God's forgiveness that continues in Catholic worship to this day.We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
The Cornerstone, The Shepherd, The Father - Life Altering Revelations of God's Heart
Apr 16 2024
The Cornerstone, The Shepherd, The Father - Life Altering Revelations of God's Heart
Listener Question of the Week looks at the Origins of "Protestant" Dive into the volatile religious movement that radically changed Christianity forever. Martin Luther's defiant act sparked a powder keg - find out why and how new denominations were born. A must-listen for anyone seeking clarity on this complex chapter of history!3 Bible Passages Revealing Jesus' Sacrifice and God's Heart for YouUnlock the meaning behind Jesus as the rejected cornerstone, the nurturing Shepherd who lays down His life for us, and God's profound love calling us adopted children. Feel Scripture come alive through vivid imagery that still resonates powerfully today. Discover incredible insights into God's passionate devotion for you!Making Faith Practical for Real LifeJulie shares three thought-provoking applications for connecting these passages to your daily life.  From centring decisions on Christ to embracing God's fatherly care during storms - you'll be challenged and inspired. Join Julie at the intersection of biblical truth and Catholic faith. God's living Word still cuts to the heart with uncanny relevance for our lives. Whether you're exploring faith or want to ignite your spiritual growth, this podcast delivers. Immerse yourself in His life-giving message of love and redemption - speaking right to the core of who you are.4th Sunday of Easter - Year BActs 4:8-12 1 John 3:1-2 John 10:11-18We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
50 Days of Transformation: The Extended Celebration of Easter Explained
Apr 8 2024
50 Days of Transformation: The Extended Celebration of Easter Explained
Are you seeking a deeper understanding of your faith? Have you ever wondered how the scriptures from Sunday's Mass are interconnected? Join Julie South on "Your Catholic Corner" as she looks into the connections between the Acts of the Apostles, the First Epistle of John, and the Gospel of Luke for this Third Sunday of Easter in Year B.This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to enrich their spiritual journey and grasp the full significance of Easter's 50-day celebration in the Catholic tradition.QUESTIONS JULIE  ANSWERS IN THIS EPISODE:Why is Easter celebrated for such an extended period in the Catholic Church? (Listener Question of the Week)What are the common themes or connections between this Sunday's Bible passages from Acts, 1 John, and Luke?How can understanding these scriptural connections enhance our spiritual preparation for Mass?What personal message does God have for us in these readings?What Hidden Messages Do This Sunday's Scriptures Hold?What if the key to unlocking your spiritual growth was hidden in plain sight, within the Sunday Mass readings? Julie invites listeners into an enlightening Q&A session, exploring the intricate tapestry woven by this Sunday's passages. Discover how each reading from Acts, 1 John, and Luke's Gospel resonates with themes of resurrection, repentance, forgiveness, and the transformative power of Easter.The Resurrection: A Continual Call to TransformationJulie shares her personal reflections and insights, guiding listeners through the powerful messages God has nudged her about. She opens up about the resurrection of Jesus as a catalyst for change—not just a historical event but an ongoing invitation to transform our lives today. The episode promises to leave you with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the Easter season.The Season of Easter: A Time for Deepening FaithListener Question of the Week:  Why do Catholics celebrate Easter for an entire 50 days? Julie unveils the historical and spiritual reasons behind this extended period of joy and gratitude. She introduces listeners to "Mystagogia," a term that encapsulates the journey of the newly baptised as they deepen their understanding of Catholicism. This episode is not just an answer to a listener's question but an exploration of how prolonged celebrations can lead to profound spiritual renewal.Bible Passages for 3rd Sunday of Easter Year B:Acts 3:13-15,17-19 1 John 2:1-5 Luke 24:35-48We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
From Doubt to Belief: Divine Mercy and the Easter Message
Apr 2 2024
From Doubt to Belief: Divine Mercy and the Easter Message
Introduction:Julie South offers an enlightening exploration of Divine Mercy Sunday, a pivotal day in the Catholic faith dedicated to contemplating God's immense compassion and forgiveness. You're invited to deepen your understanding of the divine mercy that flows from the heart of the Easter season.Listener Question of the Week:Julie answers an intriguing question that connects individual faith with the broader Catholic community.The inquiry leads to a meaningful discourse on the significance of the red sanctuary lamp.ACTS 4: 32-35:Discover the early Christians' embodiment of unity and selflessness.Discuss the Apostles' profound witness and its relevance today.Consider modern examples of communal sharing reflective of early Church values.1 JOHN 5: 1-6:Examine the defining qualities of faith that conquers the world.Explore the symbiotic relationship between love for God and adherence to His commandments.Contemplate the testimony of water, blood, and the Spirit in affirming Jesus as the Christ.JOHN 20: 19-31:Reflect on Jesus's appearance to His disciples and Thomas's journey from scepticism to belief.Delve into the personal implications of Jesus's message of peace and the impartation of the Holy Spirit.Encourage listeners to find their own 'Thomas moment' of faith amidst doubt.Your Catholic Corner is more than a podcast; it's a spiritual companion guiding you through Divine Mercy Sunday and beyond. Join Julie South in this episode as she brings to light the scriptures that shape this solemn feast. Let your heart be touched by divine mercy and your faith strengthened by the shared reflections and insights.We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Easter Sunday - the Day that Transformed the World
Mar 27 2024
Easter Sunday - the Day that Transformed the World
This week's Your Catholic Corner podcast episode is essential listening for anyone seeking to understand the deeper meaning behind the Bible readings used in Catholic Easter Sunday Mass. Host Julie South unpacks why the Church chooses to focus on the Acts of the Apostles instead of Old Testament passages during the Easter season and explains how all three passages in this week's episode point towards the joyous celebration of Jesus' resurrection.Key PassagesActs 10:34,37-43This passage highlights the inclusiveness of God's salvation for all people through Jesus' resurrectionIt sets the stage for spreading the gospel message to all nationsColossians 3:1-4Focuses on the new transformed life believers gain through unity with ChristEncourages listeners to set their minds on heavenly things rather than earthly desiresJohn 20:1-9Retells the Resurrection through the empty tomb and burial clothsEmphasises the importance of faith in Jesus' resurrection and its transformative powerMetaphors in the Passages"Hanging on a tree" refers to Jesus' crucifixionEating with Jesus after his resurrection emphasises his real physical presence"Hidden with Christ" means our lives are safeguarded by being united with JesusWe'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
The Significance of Palm Sunday for Catholics
Mar 19 2024
The Significance of Palm Sunday for Catholics
Your Invitation to Holy WeekPrepare for a profound journey through Holy Week with this week’s Your Catholic Corner. Host Julie South reveals the deep significance of Palm Sunday and provides a stirring invitation to mark Jesus’s final days alongside fellow Catholics.A Listener’s Question on ReconciliationDiscover how other denominations practice reconciliation compared to the powerful Catholic sacrament of Confession.Palm Sunday Begins Christ’s Final WeekPalm Sunday recounts Jesus’s triumphant last entry to Jerusalem amid waving palm branches. This epic moment marks the start of Holy Week - relive the Biblical events in this episode.Reflect More Deeply Through AttendanceBy participating in Palm Sunday Mass, Catholics connect far more intensely with the Easter story. Let scripture, ritual and community worship awaken stunning new insight.An Uplifting Call to ParticipateJulie warmly calls all listeners to attend Palm Sunday Mass at their local parish. Allow this profoundly moving service to transform understanding of the most sacred week in the Catholic calendar.Enrich faith this Holy Week - listen to the full episode now. Discover just how deeply Palm Sunday intertwines with the Easter miracle.Bible Passages for this Sixth Week of Lent - Palm Sunday - in Year B:John 12:12-16  Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Jeremiah 31: Inner Renewal Promised - God in Your Heart
Mar 12 2024
Jeremiah 31: Inner Renewal Promised - God in Your Heart
Join Julie South as we uncover an astounding promise of inner renewal directly from God in Jeremiah 31. Through the prophet Jeremiah, God foretells a new covenant where he will write his law on the hearts of his people. This points to a future of profound intimacy with God through an inner spiritual transformation.Listener Question of the WeekOur question this week continues a multi-part exploration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Specifically, we examine where reconciliation is mentioned in the Bible. As Julie highlights, there are over 100 references to "reconciliation" in Scripture! Key passages establish the framework for confession, including Christ commissioning his Apostles to forgive sins (John 20:21-23), believers confessing transgressions and praying for healing (James 5:15-16), and the ministry of reconciliation between God and humanity facilitated by the Church (2 Corinthians 5:18). Next week we compare reconciliation across Christian denominations.Jeremiah 31:31-34Foretells new covenant written on the hearts of God's peopleContrasts inferior, external old covenant with the significant inner renewal of this very personal new covenantWith God's law guiding internally, obedience will flow naturally from the transformed heartHebrews 5:7-9Jesus learned obedience through suffering, cries and tearsHis perfection enables Christ to bring about new eternal covenant between God and humanityJohn 12:20-33Imagery of Jesus' death like seed falling and bearing abundant fruitHis sacrifice brings forgiveness, inner renewal, deepest knowledge of GodConcluding ReflectionsJulie encourages us to prioritise inner transformation by letting our faith shape our decisions and actions. We can also find meaning amidst struggles, uniting our suffering to Christ's. And we are called to self-sacrificial love, putting others' needs first.Your Next Step(s)We hope these passages have spoken powerfully into your life this week. Be sure to follow, tune in and share this episode with friends to continue the conversation!Websites mentioned in this episode:Your Catholic CornerOpen Bible - >100 biblical "reconciliation" referencesWe'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
From Destruction to Rebirth: The Cycles of Spiritual Growth
Mar 5 2024
From Destruction to Rebirth: The Cycles of Spiritual Growth
This week, host Julie South answers a listener question on the Catholic sacrament of Reconciliation. She explores this ritual of repentance, confession and absolution, rooted in Jesus' ministry of forgiving sins.Stay tuned as Julie explains the Catholic emphasis on admitting fault, making amends, and receiving God's boundless mercy. Discover how this act reconnects Catholics spiritually.Hear Scripture readings from 2 Chronicles, Ephesians and John that Julie will link through poignant themes: the people's sins and punishment, yet God's relentless compassion in exiling then redeeming them. She'll connect this narrative of destruction and restoration to the Gospel's message of condemnation versus salvation.Julie will highlight the common thread across passages - despite human disobedience, God persistently reaches out with forgiveness and redemption. His divine love offers a path to rebuild even the most broken of relationships.Join this illuminating dive into a core Catholic sacrament and its motivations of mercy, grace and hope. Let Scripture nourish your own story of reconciliation with the Divine.This week's Bible Passages:2 Chronicles 36:14-16,19-23  Ephesians 2:4-10 John 3:14-21In Catholic "speak" this is the Fourth Week of Lent in Year B.We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
The Spirituality of Stillness: Genuflection, Prayer and Preparation
Feb 20 2024
The Spirituality of Stillness: Genuflection, Prayer and Preparation
Introduction to Tradition:Embark on a spiritual journey with Julie South in this week's episode of Your Catholic Corner, where tradition meets personal faith. Discover why Catholics perform the reverent act of kneeling and crossing themselves before taking their seat in church, as we address our Listener Question of the Week.Scriptural Exploration:Dive deep into the Lenten season's reflection with an exploration of the connecting themes between three pivotal Bible passages. From the obedience of Abraham in Genesis 22 to the hope in Romans Chapter 8, and culminating with the revelation in Mark Chapter 9, uncover the threads that weave through Scripture and into our daily lives.Metaphors and Reflections:Julie South brings to light powerful metaphors and personal reflections drawn from these sacred texts. Engage with thought-provoking insights that resonate with our own experiences and challenges, providing a roadmap for spiritual growth and understanding.Invitation for Preparation:Whether you're a newcomer to the faith or a devout Catholic, this episode is crafted to assist you in preparing for Sunday's Mass. Join Julie in anticipation as she lays the groundwork for a transformative worship experience, guided by the rich narratives of the Old Testament prophecies and Gospel parables.Community and Sponsorship:Your Catholic Corner is proudly supported by the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hamilton, New Zealand. Conclusion:Press play to embark on this enlightening path, as we navigate the sacred practices that shape our worship and fortify our faith during this Lenten period. Your Catholic Corner is more than a podcast; it's a sanctuary for those seeking to enrich their spiritual life and connect more deeply with God's teachings.Scriptural Exploration:| Genesis 22:1-2,9-13,15-18 | Romans 8:31-34 | Mark 9:2-10We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Lent, Baptism, and Temptation: Insights from Genesis, First Peter and Mark's Gospel
Feb 13 2024
Lent, Baptism, and Temptation: Insights from Genesis, First Peter and Mark's Gospel
Here are three key takeaways for you from this week's episode:GENESIS 9: 8-15 1 PETER 3: 18-21 MARK 1: 12-15Lent and its presence in the Bible: Lent, although not strictly mentioned in the Bible, is deeply rooted in the biblical themes of training, testing, and preparing, closely associated with the number 40, which holds significant symbolic value throughout the Bible.  Your Host Julie South includes Fr Mike's answer to "where is Lent mentioned in the Bible" (Fr Mike - Ascension Presents).Symbolism in Bible passages: Julie shines some light on the intriguing metaphors in this week's passages:  Genesis - highlighting the timeless spiritual messages they offer. The rainbow as a sign of God's covenant with Noah, the comparison of the flood to baptism [in]  1 Peter - Jesus' wilderness experience as a period of purification in Mark's Gospel painted a vivid picture of spiritual significance.God's Ongoing Plan of Redemption: The episode beautifully illustrates the interconnectedness of God's promises, referred to as covenants, with his people.  This emphasises the themes of:salvation, renewal, and spiritual preparation across the Old Testament and the Gospels.Tune in to Your Catholic Corner for enriching insights, reflections, and practical applications that deepen your relationship with God, preparing you spiritually for each Sunday's mass. Join host Julie South and the parishioners of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hamilton, New Zealand, to embark on an inspiring journey through God's word. Don't miss out on this powerful opportunity to nurture your faith and share in the blessings of God's everlasting love.We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Purity, Community, Conduct - Connecting Threads: Leviticus, Corinthians, Mark's Gospel
Feb 6 2024
Purity, Community, Conduct - Connecting Threads: Leviticus, Corinthians, Mark's Gospel
🔹 As Catholics start preparing for Lent, this week Julie South digs into the biblical gems hidden in the books of Leviticus, Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, and Mark's Gospel. These insights help prepare Catholics spiritually for the 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time in Year B.  🔹 Today's Listener Question of the Week was "What is Lent?" - Julie delved into the significance of Lent, a 40-day period of prayer, fasting, and helping others. Lent is a time for Christians to align themselves with Jesus, deepening their relationship with God, and reflecting on their baptism promises. It's not just about giving up treats but about changing our hearts to follow Jesus more genuinely.🔹 The passages from Leviticus, Corinthians, and Mark's Gospel share underlying themes of purity, community, conduct, and the example set by Jesus. They beautifully illustrate the importance of caring for others, seeking good for others, and following Christ's example of love and service.Join Julie South in preparing for Mass this week and deepening your spiritual journey with Your Catholic Corner. Please feel free to share the podcast with friends and family who could benefit from these insights! Peace be with you, and God bless.Today's Bible Passages:LETIVICUS 13: 1-2, 44-46 1 CORINTHIANS 10:31 – 11:1 MARK 1: 40-45We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
From Struggle to Hope: Biblical Gems in Job, Paul, and Mark's Gospel
Jan 30 2024
From Struggle to Hope: Biblical Gems in Job, Paul, and Mark's Gospel
In this episode of Your Catholic Corner, host Julie South unpacks the biblical gems hidden in the Book of Job and continues reading from Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, as well as Mark's Gospel. The focus is on the upcoming Fifth Week of Ordinary Time in Year B. Listener Question of the WeekJulie starts off by addressing a listener's question about the significance of Ash Wednesday and Lent, diving into the biblical origins and practices associated with these important observances.   The listener asks:"What is Ash Wednesday? ""What is Lent? ""Where are these mentioned in the Bible? "Bible Passage Readings:Job 7: 1-4, 6-7 1 Corinthians 9: 16-19, 22-23  Mark 1: 29-39Julie then leads listeners through an exploration of the readings for the week, drawing parallels between the struggles of Job, Paul's dedication to sharing the gospel, and the healing actions of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark. Julie's reflections offer insights and practical applications to help deepen the listener's relationship with God as they prepare for the coming Sunday's Mass.She ends the episode by encouraging listeners to share the podcast with their friends and family and extends an invitation to partake in Holy Communion at their local Catholic parish. The episode is a thoughtful and enriching journey into the depths of scripture, providing spiritual guidance and a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith.We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Understanding Authority and Power from Moses to Jesus
Jan 22 2024
Understanding Authority and Power from Moses to Jesus
In this thought-provoking episode of "Your Catholic Corner," join host Julie South as she guides listeners through the deep spiritual waters of Catholicism, preparing hearts and minds for the upcoming Sunday Mass. As part of our journey, we delve into the treasures of the Bible, uncovering wisdom in the texts of Deuteronomy, finding guidance in Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians, and witnessing the compelling authority of Jesus in Mark's Gospel.Listener Question of the Week - How does Catholicism differ to other Christian faiths?This episode tackles a vital question for both newcomers and seasoned Catholics alike: How does Catholicism differ from other Christian faiths? We explore the unique Catholic understanding of the seven sacraments, all instituted by Jesus, and compare this with the diverse sacramental views of other denominations. Furthermore, Julie explains how scriptural passages from both the Old and New Testaments connect with each other and our daily lives — from the messianic prophecy in Deuteronomy to Jesus's powerful actions in Mark.Whether you're married, single, or discerning your vocation, we discuss how one's state in life impacts their devotion to the Lord's affairs, inspired by Paul’s wisdom to the Corinthians. With Julie's signature blend of insightful biblical analysis and practical advice, you'll find inspiration to make wise choices, prioritise effectively, and grow in assertiveness in your faith journey.Tune in to this episode of "Your Catholic Corner" for a refreshing look at the Bible's relevance today. Enrich your understanding of Catholicism, strengthen your faith, and be part of a community that seeks wisdom and deeper connection with God. Don't miss out on these essential reflections — listen, be uplifted, and share the journey with fellow believers.Deuteronomy 18:15-20  |  1 Corinthians 7: 32-35  |  Mark 1:21-28We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Repentance and Redemption - Jonah's Lesson for the Modern World
Jan 17 2024
Repentance and Redemption - Jonah's Lesson for the Modern World
Julie South delves into the timeless story of Jonah. Discover the profound lessons of repentance and God’s limitless mercy. Tune in for a journey through the heart of scripture. 📖✨ Questions Julie answers today:1️⃣ What is the significance of being prepared for Jesus' second coming?2️⃣ Can you provide historical context for the story of Jonah and its 8th-century BC setting?3️⃣ How does the story of Jonah challenge the idea of limited divine mercy? 4️⃣ What does Jonah's story teach us about second chances?5️⃣ How does St. Paul in 1 Corinthians advise us to live in anticipation of Christ's return?6️⃣ What does "living in Kairos time" mean for our spiritual lives?7️⃣ How does the metaphor of "fishers of people" describe the disciples' mission?8️⃣ Why does the Catholic Mass involve actions like standing, sitting, and kneeling?9️⃣ What are the two main parts of the Catholic Mass, and why are they significant?🔟 How do the themes of repentance and urgency connect the readings from Jonah, Corinthians, and Mark?Join Julie as she unearths biblical insights that can transform our lives in the light of God's word. 💡✨ Listen now, be inspired, and don't forget to spread the word about *Your Catholic Corner*!We'd love for you to connect with Your Catholic Corner:FacebookYour Catholic Corner websiteCathedral of the Blessed Virgin MaryYour Catholic Corner is sponsored by the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Hamilton, New Zealand.