Reverse, Reset, Restore


This is for all of us who have been wounded by our own (and others) judgements and expectations, who have listened to those inner voices and believed the lies we've sold ourselves and for those who truly want to love and honour who you were always meant to be. If you've struggled with self-acceptance, poor body image and a belief system that is no longer serving you (if it ever did!), then this podcast is your reminder that you're not alone and you can choose to make changes - from your health and wellbeing, to your thoughts and the way you move in the world.

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Stress and Digestion:  How Cortisol Disrupts Your Gut and What You Can Do About It. Unveiling Cortisol Series. Episode 5
Stress and Digestion: How Cortisol Disrupts Your Gut and What You Can Do About It. Unveiling Cortisol Series. Episode 5
Send us a Text Message.Unlock the secrets to better digestive health by understanding the powerful role cortisol plays in your body. Join us as we chat with Dr. Robert Sapolsky, an expert in stress physiology, who helps us unravel the ancient survival mechanisms of cortisol and their modern-day implications. Learn how chronic stress can wreak havoc on your digestive system, leading to issues like acid reflux, abdominal pain, and bloating. By understanding the physiological role of cortisol, you'll gain insight into why your body reacts the way it does and how our modern lifestyles contribute to sustained high levels of this hormone.Discover actionable strategies for maintaining optimal digestive health even under stress. From incorporating regular physical activity and mindful eating practices to the benefits of probiotics and gut-healing nutrients, we cover it all. We'll share tips on staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep, and using relaxation techniques to manage stress effectively. Plus, explore traditional Chinese medicine practices like acupuncture and the therapeutic benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Don't miss this episode if you want to harness stress management techniques for better gut health and overall well-being. And for those eager to delve deeper into the gut-brain connection, be sure to check out episode 78, "Gut Instinct: Harnessing the Power of Your Second Brain.
Unplugging for Wellbeing: Why You Need a Digital Detox and How to Start. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 6
3d ago
Unplugging for Wellbeing: Why You Need a Digital Detox and How to Start. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 6
Send us a Text Message.Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of notifications, emails, and endless scrolling? In today's episode of Reverse Reset Restore, I promise you'll discover the liberating effects of a digital detox and learn practical steps to reclaim control over your time. Join me, Sally, as we delve into the mental, emotional, and physical perks of reducing screen time. From alleviating stress and improving sleep to fostering deeper, more meaningful connections, the benefits are numerous. Let's explore how just one hour a day unplugged can transform your life, and I'll share some easy-to-implement tips to get you started on this journey.Balancing our online and offline worlds is crucial for a fulfilling life. This episode will help you achieve that equilibrium without saying goodbye to technology entirely. We'll discuss how stepping away from screens can create precious moments for self-care and nurture real-world interactions. Plus, I’ll share insights on how to set clear goals, inform your circle, and create tech-free zones that support a healthier lifestyle. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the grand finale of our 7 Days of Wellbeing program, where I'll guide you through a rejuvenating meditation focused on the breath. Get ready to reset and recharge!
Achieving Financial Balance: How Financial Wellness Impacts Your Life. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 5
4d ago
Achieving Financial Balance: How Financial Wellness Impacts Your Life. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 5
Send us a Text Message.Can mastering your finances truly transform your life? Discover how financial wellness can enhance not just your bank account, but your mental and physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life. This episode, which is day 5 in our 7 day Wellbeing Program for World Wellbeing Week,  is packed with actionable insights on creating effective budgets, tracking expenses, setting achievable financial goals, and building a robust emergency fund. These practical steps aim to reduce your stress and anxiety surrounding money, giving you a sense of peace and security. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you'll be well on your way to a more stable and prosperous future.Learn how replacing negative thoughts with love and gentleness through affirmations, can lead to profound personal growth and better financial habits. I'll take you through two rounds of affirmations to help get you started in this powerful practice. Here are the affirmations used in this episode: I am worthy of abundance and prosperity In all areas of my life.  Money flows to me easily and effortlessly, aligning with my highest good.  I release all limiting beliefs about money and embrace a mindset of wealth.  I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me every day.  I attract opportunities that create unlimited income and wealth My actions create constant prosperity and financial freedom.  I am financially secure and my wealth continues to grow.  I use money to create positive change in my life and the lives of others.I deserve to be rich, prosperous and successful.  I am open to receiving wealth in expected and unexpected ways. Money is always attracted to me. I am abundant and I give abundantly. Money comes to me in expected ways and unexpected ways.  I am not afraid of money.  I am a good steward of money, using it to help others and the more I give, the more I receive it back.  What I want, wants me. An abundant person doesn't have any lack. I am abundant.  I am choosing to change my life from the inside.  I am capable of achieving my financial goals.  I enjoy money and money enjoys me.Control your financial well-being today to set the stage for a more secure and fulfilling tomorrow. Don’t miss out on these invaluable tips that can help you build a brighter financial future.
Move Your Way To Wellness: The Power of Physical Activity. -7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 3
6d ago
Move Your Way To Wellness: The Power of Physical Activity. -7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 3
Send us a Text Message.Are you ready to transform your well-being through the power of movement? In this episode celebrating World Wellbeing Week, we uncover the profound impact that regular physical activity can have on both your body and mind. Discover the multifaceted benefits of exercise, from enhancing cardiovascular health to lifting your spirits with the natural high of endorphins. I'll share personal stories about my journey with fitness, offering insights and motivation to help you find activities that bring joy and meaning to your life. Whether it's a brief stroll or a refreshing swim, it's not about the duration but the delight in movement.As part of our 7 day World Wellbeing Week Program, we'll discuss practical tips for incorporating movement into your daily routine, starting with simple, manageable steps. Emphasizing the importance of picking activities you love, we explore how this not only makes exercise a sustainable habit but also enriches your life with a sense of accomplishment and vitality. Remember the wisdom of Robin Sharma: investing time in exercise now can save you from dealing with illness later. Tune in for an inspiring reminder to embrace movement with grace, love, and self-acceptance, and watch the positive transformations unfold.
Enhance Your Wellbeing with 12 Self-Care Rituals You can Start Today - 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 2.
1w ago
Enhance Your Wellbeing with 12 Self-Care Rituals You can Start Today - 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 2.
Send us a Text Message.Welcome to Day 2 of our 7 Day Wellbeing Program as part of World Wellbeing Week, 2024. Ever thought self-care was just a luxury? I want you to think again! Join me, Sally, as I encourage you to embrace self-care rituals that can transform your life. This special World Well-Being Week episode of Reverse Reset Restore promises to reveal how simple practices like morning meditation, bubble baths with essential oils, and dance therapy can dramatically enhance your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.And don't worry if you're not quite sure what a self-care practice looks like. I'm giving you 12 Self-Care Rituals to get you started!We'll explore how these rituals aren't just about pampering yourself—they're essential for reducing stress, fostering self-awareness, and maintaining balance. You'll get tips on starting small, experimenting with different activities, and building a self-care routine tailored to your unique needs. Plus, you'll hear heartfelt reminders on treating yourself with the same love and compassion you give to others. Don't miss this chance to re-evaluate your well-being and commit to nurturing your mind, body, and soul. And if you want to reconnect to your self with cultivating some self-compassion, be sure to check out episode 100 (it dropped the same day!) which is the perfect complement to this episode.Share your own self-care stories and experiences with us on social media as we celebrate this important week together!
The Transformative Power of Self-Compassion -You CAN Learn to Love Yourself
1w ago
The Transformative Power of Self-Compassion -You CAN Learn to Love Yourself
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt that nagging voice of self-criticism, thinking it would keep you humble, only to find it dragging you down? Join us on a heartfelt journey as we celebrate the 100th episode of Reverse Reset Restore by exploring the profound impact of self-compassion. Reflecting on my own path from burnout and perfectionism to embracing self-kindness, we break down Kristin Neff’s essential components of self-compassion: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. Through personal anecdotes, I share how recognizing our shared humanity and practicing mindfulness can transform the way we treat ourselves, fostering true healing and growth.We discuss how self-approval can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while building emotional resilience. We delve into the importance of nurturing a supportive community that encourages self-compassion, creating a safe space for personal growth. By treating ourselves with the same kindness we offer others, we can release resentment, heal from past trauma, and cultivate empathy in our relationships. Tune in to learn how embracing self-compassion can elevate your well-being and enrich your connections with those around you.Self-compassion opens the doorway to healing. And, to quote theL'Oréal commercial, "You're worth it!" Here's this weeks final quote, from  Dr. Chris Germer, a clinical psychologist and co-creator of the Mindful Self Compassion program.“Self-compassion is simply giving the same kindness to ourselves that we would give to others.”
How To Eat Your Way To Wellness -7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 1
Jun 24 2024
How To Eat Your Way To Wellness -7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 1
Send us a Text Message.All week long on the Reverse Reset Restore podcast, we are celebrating World Wellbeing Week with a special 7 day program that  is designed to empower you with practical tools and insights to enhance your overall wellbeing. Here’s what you can expect over the next 7 days: Day 1: Healthy Nutrition Fuel your body with nutritious choices that support vitality and long-term health.Day 2: Self-Care Rituals Discover personalized self-care practices that rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.Day 3: Physical Activity Explore enjoyable ways to stay active and boost your physical resilience.Day 4: Reflection and Gratitude Practice Cultivate a mindset of gratitude and reflection to foster inner peace and resilience.Day 5: Financial Wellness Unlock the secrets to financial freedom and security with expert tips and actionable strategiesDay 6 Digital Detox Learn how to disconnect to reconnect with mindfulness and balance in the digital age.Day 7: Breathwork Meditation Experience the transformative power of breath to calm the mind and heal the spirit.We are kicking off our very first episode of our 7 day program right now and I gotta question for ya!Could your eating habits be the key to unlocking your best life?That's a question we're gonna explore as we uncover how your food choices deeply influence your physical, mental, and emotional health. Discover the profound connection between your gut and brain, and learn how to identify and overcome emotional eating triggers. We'll share ten actionable tips to improve your diet, such as forming a hydration habit and embracing a colorful plate, to help you cultivate a healthier relationship with food. These small, consistent steps can lead to significant improvements in your health and happiness over time. This episode is packed with practical advice and insights that can inspire you to prioritize your well-being, reminding you that your health journey is achievable one small step at a time.
You Can't Feed A Feeling With Food: How To Let Go Of Your Emotional Eating Habits
Jun 18 2024
You Can't Feed A Feeling With Food: How To Let Go Of Your Emotional Eating Habits
Send us a Text Message.Ever wondered why your emotions dictate your eating habits? Join us as we unravel the complex relationship between our feelings and food, shedding light on how emotional eating stems from learned behaviors rather than mere cravings. We'll explore how both overeating and undereating become coping mechanisms for dealing with emotional turmoil, and how this can lead to poor emotional regulation, negative body image, and decreased self-esteem. Through shared personal stories and relevant research, we emphasize the importance of recognizing and addressing the emotional triggers behind our eating behaviors, urging listeners to understand that true change is an inside job.Learn about 10 different types of emotional eaters and reflect on your patterns, understanding that behavioral change is a journey requiring repetition and perseverance. Just like a baby learning to walk, adopting new, healthier habits takes time and effort. Take our test to work out which of the 10 Emotional Eater types could be your current eating pattern:The Comfort SeekerThe Nostalgic EaterThe Social FeasterThe Learned EaterThe Stress SurvivorThe Biochemical CraverThe Coping Challenged EaterThe Self-Esteem SnackerThe Boredom BingerThe Feelings AvoiderWe offer 12  practical steps for breaking the harmful cycle of emotional eating that you can employ today.  Discover the power of mindful eating and the benefits of keeping a food journal, as we introduce strategies to help you cultivate a healthier relationship with food and emotions. You can't feed your feelings with food, but you can find healthier ways to nourish them. Our feelings matter. You matter!We wrap up the episode with this quote from Margaret Thatcher, reminding us that consistency is the key to meaningful and lasting change."You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
Healing Through Humor: The Power of Laughter for Wellness
Jun 11 2024
Healing Through Humor: The Power of Laughter for Wellness
Send us a Text Message.What if laughter could be the key to transforming your life, even in the toughest moments? Join me, Sally, on this heartfelt episode of Reverse, Reset, Restore as I share a  personal story about finding humor shortly after my father's passing, illustrating how laughter can be a guiding light during our darkest times. We'll take a nostalgic trip back to the innate joy of childhood laughter and explore how consciously seeking moments of humor can boost our emotional resilience, fortify connections, and enhance overall well-being.We'll track the journey of a laugh,  beginning  with the moment something sparks our stimulus perception (the thing that we find funny,) all the way through the journey from brain to our facial muscles, respiratory system and the chemical reactions that help the moment of laughter and joy be sustained. We'll talk about how shared laughter enriches our relationships, creating a sense of belonging and bridging emotional gaps, and break down the physiological and emotional benefits, from the release of mood-lifting chemicals like dopamine and serotonin to the stress-relieving effects of a good belly laugh. Learn practical tips for weaving more laughter into your daily routine, making it an indispensable part of your wellness toolkit. Laughter isn't just a feel-good experience; it's a universal language that transcends cultural barriers and connects us on a deeper level.
You Can Calm Your Mind: Affirmations for Inner Peace and Stress Relief
Jun 4 2024
You Can Calm Your Mind: Affirmations for Inner Peace and Stress Relief
Send us a Text Message.Tired of letting stress and anxiety overwhelm you?  I know the daily battle that can come with feeling overwhelmed, overworked and over everything! The amazing news is that you don't have to stay that way!  Today, let me be your guide towards reclaiming your inner peace. In this bonus episode, which serves as a complement to episode 95, Mind Matters: How Cortisol Can Hurt Cognitive Function like Memory and Concentration, I'll  arm you with affirmations and mindful insights that will help you dissolve stress and amplify your inner strength. This is an affirmation episode crafted to guide you in reducing your stress and your cortisol levels, promoting a sense of self-love and proactively protecting your mind and body. Imagine a space where every word spoken is a step toward self-empowerment, a simple breath away from tranquility.  For the next 22 minutes, let's  journey together through empowering affirmations for stress relief, harnessing the power of self-love and acceptance. These are not just words, but tools to help you let go of the need for control, silence the voice of comparison, and reshape your perception of stress as something within your power to soften.This affirmation episode will also be available for you as a YouTube video on the Reverse Reset Restore YouTube channel, in a slightly longer format should you wish to spend more time affirming these powerful soul messages. Follow the link to go to the video. Remember, every problem bears a solution and within you lies a wellspring of resilience, love, and the capacity to find balance. Join me on this voyage of discovery, and together, let's affirm our readiness for whatever life presents, grounded in the knowledge that we are, indeed, enough.
Mind Matters: How Cortisol Can Hurt Cognitive Function like Memory and Concentration. (Cortisol Unveiled Series)
Jun 4 2024
Mind Matters: How Cortisol Can Hurt Cognitive Function like Memory and Concentration. (Cortisol Unveiled Series)
Send us a Text Message.Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your brain's performance under stress? Discover how chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels could be sabotaging your memory, concentration, and overall cognitive function. We'll reveal the differences between eustress and chronic stress, and how each uniquely impacts your brain. We delve into the critical role of the hippocampus in memory and learning, and examine how prolonged stress can lead to structural changes and deficits. Plus, we'll discuss the detrimental cycle of stress, cortisol, and cognitive impairment, and emphasize the importance of sleep in memory consolidation. Tune in for our bonus segment (episode 96: You Can Calm Your Mind: Affirmations for Inner Peace and Stress Relief) where we share powerful quotes and affirmations to help you manage stress more effectively. Engage with us by sharing your personal experiences on stress and cognitive function on our social media platforms. Here are the earlier episodes from our Unveiling Cortisol series: Episode 1: Unveiling Cortisol: Exploring its Impact on the Immune SystemEpisode 2: Shifting the Scale: How Stress Hormones Influence Your Waistlineepisode 3: Beyond the Beat: How Cortisol Interacts with Your Cardiovascular System. Don't miss out on our review of "Burnout: Unlocking the Stress Cycle" by Amelia and Emily Nagoski in Foundation Friday episode 94, which is packed with practical self-care advice. We close with an inspiring quote from David Rock of the NeuroLeadership Institute, “May your cortisol levels stay low, your dopamine levels high, your oxytocin run thick and rich, your serotonin build to a lovely plateau, and your ability to watch your brain at work keep you fascinated until your last breath. I wish you well on your journey.”
Foundation Friday: Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski
May 31 2024
Foundation Friday: Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski
Send us a Text Message.Imagine a life where stress no longer dictates your every move and burnout is a distant memory. That’s what we aim to uncover in today's episode, drawing wisdom from the influential book "Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle" by Emily and Amelia Nagoski. I’ll be sharing my own journey through the emotional, physical, and mental labyrinth of burnout, shedding light on how recognizing and managing it can transform your well-being. Together, we’ll dissect the very essence of burnout, its components, and its staggering impact on our lives, all while arming ourselves with the Nagoski sisters' invaluable insights.We tackle the top 10 stressors that fuel burnout, from the relentless pressures of work to the often-overwhelming personal expectations we set for ourselves. Distinguishing between stressors and our physiological responses, we emphasize the crucial role of completing the stress cycle to stave off long-term burnout. Physical activities like walking and dancing emerge as powerful tools to help discharge pent-up stress energy. Moreover, we delve into the concept of "Human Giver Syndrome," exploring how the compulsion to prioritize others' happiness can leave us neglecting our own needs.Rest and self-compassion are explored as we delve into  the science behind why our bodies require around 42% of time dedicated to rest. We'll debunk the myths that rest equates to laziness and instead, argue that true resilience stems from kindness and proper recovery. By incorporating practices of gratitude and self-kindness into our daily lives, we can shift our approach to stress, fostering a more resilient and authentic existence. Join us as we redefine wellness, moving fluidly between life's adversities and moments of peace, and discover how collective care can be the key to overcoming burnout.The 2 practices we review in this episode: Gratitude For how Things Happen.  "At the end of each day, think of some event or circumstance for which you feel grateful, and write about it: 1. Give the event or circumstance a title, like “Finished Writing Chapter 8” or “Made It Through That Meeting Without Crying or Yelling.” 2. Write down what happened, including details about what anyone involved, including you, did or said. 3. Describe how it made you feel at the time, and how you feel now, as you think about it.4. Explain how the event or circumstance came to be. What was the cause? What confluence of circumstances came together to create this moment? If, as you write, you feel yourself being drawn into negative, critical thoughts and feelings, gently set them to one side and return your attention to the thing you’re being grateful for.”Breathing Exercise "A simple, practical exercise is to breathe in to a slow count of five, hold that breath for five, then exhale for a slow count of ten, and pause for another count of five. Do that three times—just one minute and fifteen seconds of breathing—and see how you feel.”We share plenty of quotes from both Amelia and Emily. Here's the final one I'll share:“The cure for burnout is not ‘self-care’; it is all of us caring for one another. So we’ll say it one more time: Trust your body, Be kind to your
Cultivating A Peaceful Practice: World Meditation Day Special
May 21 2024
Cultivating A Peaceful Practice: World Meditation Day Special
Send us a Text Message.Discover the transformative power of meditation as we celebrate World Meditation Day with an episode designed to enhance your inner peace and awareness. Together, we'll delve into the ancient practice that unites generations and cultures, bringing to light the countless benefits meditation offers for both mind and body. Whether you're new to meditation or have been finding solace in this practice for years, this session promises to introduce heart-centered meditations and techniques that will enrich your daily life, providing tools to spread and receive love, and nurture compassion and empathy within ourselves and towards others.Because this episode falls on World Meditation Day, May 21, 2024, I have collated five different meditations for you to engage with. Do one, do them all...come back any time you want to take a moment. Each of these practices will also be on our Reverse Reset Restore YouTube Channel - collectively and on their own as a video resource so be sure to add them to your favourites playlist. I've linked each one below: The Five Meditations included in this episode are: Give Love and Receive Love MeditationWater MeditationFive Senses MeditationThe Mindful Wander (walking meditation)Meditation for Love and Kindness We begin our journey with a brand new mediation I created for World Meditation Day. This meditation , Give Love and Receive Love, invites you to breathe in love and send love back out to the world.  Through deep breathing and visualization, immerse yourself in a warm, golden light, radiating peace and compassion within and beyond. Reflect on personal peace and embrace the power to spread love wherever you go.Our second meditation is a Water Meditation. This meditation is best enjoyed if you can do it by a body of water, be it ocean, lake, river, stream, pool, or heck, fill your kitchen sink or use a rain puddle!  Water meditations allow us to 'wash away' our worries by symbolically releasing them to the ebb and flow of the current. It also serves to bring energy and new life to you as well. A water meditation can not only take away your cares and worries for this moment, but return to you a sense of peace and hope. Prepare to engage your senses  with our guided Five Senses meditation. We'll start with the soothing rhythm of your own breath and move through all five of our senses. It's an experience that will leave you more connected to the world around you, more present in every moment, and equipped to transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary mindful adventures.Come along with me for a Mindful Wander for our fourth meditation. We'll connect to nature, and to ourselves, in this unique meditation which asks you to take notice of the world around you. What whole new worlds might you awaken to, right in your neighbourhood?Our meditation episode concludes with an act of shared humanity, as we collectively embrace  a Loving-Kindness meditation. We'll set forth intentions of joy, health, and happiness not only for ourselves but for beings all around the globe, reinforcing the importance of universal love and compassion. This episode isn't just a meditation session; it's a hea
Rejection is not a Reflection: How to Let Go of Your False Narrative and Build Resilience
May 14 2024
Rejection is not a Reflection: How to Let Go of Your False Narrative and Build Resilience
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever been haunted by that inner voice telling you you're not good enough? I've wrestled with that demon myself, and it's a battle I know all too well. On this transformative episode of our podcast, I, Sally, share my personal journey through the pain of self-rejection, the physiology of our primal reaction to being turned away, and the ways it can wreak havoc on our physical and emotional well-being. I'm opening up about the isolation that follows and revealing five empowering strategies that helped me break the chains of self-doubt, reclaim my self-esteem, and emerge stronger. We'll take a hard look at the fear of rejection, its impact on mental health, and how maintaining high personal standards might inadvertently affect those around us. It's an episode filled with candid reflections, practical advice, and an invitation to share your own experiences on our Facebook page—because while rejection may close some doors, it also opens the path to new beginnings and self-discovery. Join us, and let's turn rejection into a stepping stone for growth together.This episodes closing quote comes from Steve Maraboli and doubles as a great mantra (at least that's how I've been using it! :P ) “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”
Beyond the Beat: How Cortisol Interacts with Your Cardiovascular System.  (Cortisol Unveiled Series)
May 7 2024
Beyond the Beat: How Cortisol Interacts with Your Cardiovascular System. (Cortisol Unveiled Series)
Send us a Text Message.Discover the unseen dangers of stress on your heart as we examine the influence of cortisol, the body's stress hormone, on cardiovascular health. Imagine cortisol as the overzealous first chair, our hormones making up the other musicians and instruments in the orchestra and our body as the symphony upon which their hormonal music is played.  When cortisol gets out of whack, it can lead to a potentially discordant rhythm that heightens the risk of hypertension, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome. By the end of our discussion, you’ll grasp how crucial it is to keep your body’s cortisol levels in check to maintain a healthy heart and prevent life-threatening conditions.Striking a chord with anyone concerned about their heart health, we reveal the power of stress management through practical and effective strategies. This isn't just about the science; it's about transforming knowledge into daily habits that safeguard your heart. Learn how to embrace mindfulness, meditation, and dietary choices that stabilize blood sugar to keep cortisol at bay. We also shed light on how small lifestyle adjustments can bring about monumental changes in your overall well-being. As we prepare for our next conversation on the cognitive effects of cortisol, remember cardiologist Michael Blaha's words and consider the profound link between stress and your health."Too often, people consider their stress as almost separate from their health,”
Mirror Magic: Empowering Self Love with Affirmations
Apr 30 2024
Mirror Magic: Empowering Self Love with Affirmations
Send us a Text Message.Embark on an empowering journey toward self-love with our latest bonus installment of Reverse Reset Restore, where we employ the transformative power of affirmations. I'm your host, Sally, and I'll be guiding you through this special list of affirmations designed for your mirror work practice.  It's my hope that by the end of our time together, you'll be armed with a collection of deeply resonant mantras that are designed to fortify your sense of self-worth and beauty. Picture yourself in a tranquil space, reflecting on your inner strength and potential, and allow these affirmations to guide you to a place where self-love is not just a concept, but a deeply rooted practice.This episode is a tender nudge towards recognizing that joy, peace, and happiness are your birthrights. As you hear each affirmation, imagine unlocking the doors to a newfound patience and acceptance for yourself.  Whether you absorb these words while on the go or meditate on them in front of a mirror, they are crafted to echo the beauty, strength, and confidence that reside in you. So tune in, trust in the process, and let's manifest a self-love that is inherently yours.If you'd like a video version, I got you covered! Head over to the Reverse Reset Restore YouTube channel for a 30 minute magical mirror session. Here's the list of affirmations:I love who I amI am patient with myselfI am enoughWhat I want wants meI accept myself for who I am.I deserve good things, like happiness and joy.The universe always seeks my goodI release the need to judge myself or othersI am powerfulI believe in myself.I choose to speak lovingly about myselfWho I am is amazing Everything I ever want to be is already within meI do not have to earn my self-worth; it is there simply because I exist.I already am who I need to beI am worthy, whole, and complete as I am.I am compassionate and loving towards myselfI release myself from all things that do not serve meI have control of my thoughtsI am beautifulI trust that everything is going to work out for me.I am lovedI am grateful for everything that I amI trust myselfI deserve to be here.It is in my power to choose happiness, to choose joy, to choose positivity, to choose to love myself.My space and boundaries are important.I accept myself right here, right nowI deeply, unconditionally love and trust myself.I make the decisions.I can fill my mind with peace.I choose to speak lovingly over myselfI matter; my life matters.I can manifest joy and healing.I listen to my bodyI release the need to judge myself negatively I am worthy of loveI already have everything I need within meI let my inner wisdom guide me to self-loveMy health and healing matter.I am strong, beautiful and confidentI deserve to make myself a priority in my own lifeI don’t need validation from others I am worthy of a self-expressed lifeI am deeply in love with and accept all of me.I am allowed to take up spaceI give myself permission to heal.I have the power within me to changeI let go of my past hurtsI nourish my mind, body and soulPlease  let me know what you think of this practice and any future affirmations list you might lik
Mirror, mirror on the wall: Transforming Self-Perception for Self-Love
Apr 30 2024
Mirror, mirror on the wall: Transforming Self-Perception for Self-Love
Send us a Text Message.This episode of Reverse Reset Restore explores the profound practice of mirror work for fostering self-love and acceptance. We'll delve into the history and cultural significance of mirrors, touching on their origins, symbolism,  mythologies and roles in various traditions and rituals. And then we'll look at how we can utilise the magic of mirrors in our modern age practice of mirror work. The  act of using mirrors for therapeutic and self-improvement purposes, first championed by the inspiring Louise Hay,  is explained as a method to forge a new, positive relationship with oneself. The episode discusses the benefits of mirror work, including self-reflection, self-awareness, healing emotional wounds, building confidence, changing negative self-perceptions, and enhancing body image. I'll take you  through a practical mirror work exercise, complete with affirmations aimed at fostering self-love and combating inner criticism. The practice is presented as a journey towards personal reclamation and empowerment, encouraging consistent engagement for transformative results.Step into the world of mirror work,  and uncover its potential to revolutionise your daily routine. Feel the discomfort but embrace the growth as we navigate the practicalities of affirming and nurturing your inner self. This episode not only offers guidance through mirror exercises but also serves as a companion in your journey toward self-love and healing from emotional wounds. Prepare to complement these insights with a bonus episode of extended affirmations, designed to support and elevate your mirror work practice. Remember, it's not just about changing your reflection—it's about transforming your life.The bonus episode is episode 89: Mirror Magic: Empowering Self Love with AffirmationsYou can also listen to a n extended video version of these mirror -work inspired affirmations on our Reverse Reset Restore YouTube Channel. The quote for rounding out our episode comes from New Thought author, Don Miguel Ruiz, who writes: “When you look at yourself in a mirror, do you like what you see, or do you judge your body and use the word to tell yourself lies? If you believe that you are not attractive enough, then you believe a lie, and you are using the word against yourself, against the truth.”