Crime Waves: Renaissance, TX

Faceplant | QCODE

Season 2 of Crime Waves tells the story of The Texas Renaissance Festival, the largest — and rowdiest — ren fair in the nation. A place where reality and fantasy are blurred. You may think it’s all tights and turkey legs, but what if we told you that the festival has a dark side, too? Over the years, this ren fair has been the scene of murders, assaults, and other assorted crimes. We went to the fair to investigate this place where people live out their carnal fantasies and figure out just exactly how that could become so dangerous. But we didn't expect to find danger for us.   Crime Waves is developed and produced by Faceplant and QCODE, in association with No Smiling.    Follow the show now for the strangest true crime stories you’ve never heard of, told by the people who were there — and the ones who picked up the pieces. read less

Our Editor's Take

The Crime Waves: Cold Truth podcast is a true crime series. Host David Kushner explores the complicated life and death of Eugene Mallove. The American scientist and engineer was an outspoken proponent of cold fusion as an energy source. Mallove's controversial work put him at the center of a plot more extensive than he could imagine. How could an innovator working on unlimited renewable energy become a murder victim? This eight-episode podcast aims to reveal the shocking truth.

Kushner is a journalist and author. His written works include graphic novels, books, and editorial columns. He has written for publications like Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, and Rolling Stone. He also adapted his own memoir, Alligator Candy, into an award-winning podcast. With Crime Waves: Cold Truth, Kushner narrates Mallove's remarkable career and tragic death. Kushner's journalistic background makes him a natural storyteller and fantastic researcher.

Mallove was a physicist and engineer with higher degrees from MIT and Harvard University. After working with several engineering companies, he became a professor of science journalism. As a science writer, he proposed an alternative fuel source: cold fusion. He claimed the greater scientific community discredited his research in an organized campaign. In 2004, authorities found Mallove murdered in a seeming robbery. Many suspect there is much more to his death.

The Crime Waves: Cold Truth podcast combines documentary, audio drama, and true crime. The show uses a combination of existing recordings of Mallove and reenactments. Listeners will hear much of Mallove's story in his own words. Kushner also gets the perspective of people who were closest to the scientist. The result is an intriguing view of the contentious figure from every angle. Those interested in climate science and true crime will find both in Crime Waves: Cold Truth.

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True CrimeTrue Crime

Season 2

Season 1