Being Better Everyday Podcast

Julie Wenzlick | Intentional Productivity for Working Moms

Welcome to the Being Better Everyday podcast. I’m your host, Julie Wenzlick, a millennial mom, finance professional and founder of PNW Designs. I know that as a mom, business owner, corporate girly or a combination of all three like myself, sometimes life can feel like a lot days can feel like they speed by from one required activity to another, where you sit down at the end of the day and go, What the heck just happened? It’s time to change that. It’s time to feel alive in your life. I’ve spent the better part of the last five years learning and being intentional about working on myself, awakening my life, and learning how I need to grow. Those intentional action steps were a lot. I learned a lot. I studied a lot and I tried and failed. For me, my teens and 20s were hard. My 30s is for growth and for believing in my work. Being better every day isn’t about negativity for where you are or where you’ve been. It’s about choosing you, choosing happiness and choosing to live a life with intention. Through this podcast, we will explore the habits, routines and systems that craft the vision you want for your life without the overwhelming chaos of the everyday. I do not believe in the hustle. I believe in creating systems to support your life that you desire while supporting also your mental health. I’m about taking small steps every day. I want you to feel alive, happy, fulfilled and peaceful. The cornerstone of the Being Better Everyday podcast are the five Daily Habits movement. 30 Move your body intentionally for 30 minutes a day, tidy 15 Tidy up a space in your home for 15 minutes a day. One thing for you do one thing for you every day. Thankful 24 which is show gratitude each day for something that happened in the last 24 hours and your daily big three, your top three productivity focus items for the day. These habits can set the foundation for simplicity and systems to own your every day. Have you ever felt a passion for something outside of your career or as a mom but were unsure of how you could build it on the side we’ve ever felt like you wanted more intention around your days instead of just moving mindlessly from one task to another. Have you ever felt like there wasn’t room in your day to put you first? I’m here to unpack it all and how systems can help you be better. What does time blocking really look like in your season of life? What does presence look like for your family? What do healthy and sustainable habits have to do with your mental health? How does human design recycle and your Enneagram impact your productivity? I am on a mission to say goodbye to your overwhelm while helping you create a life that you feel like you’ve chosen. I’m so glad you found me. Let’s get started. Hit, follow and look forward to a high quality episodes on a biweekly basis. One last thing. You will hear me say it. Grab your headphones and put on the shoes at the beginning of each episode. Here’s a secret just for those who listen to the trailer. It’s because walking is a great, simple, foundational habit that not only gets your movement in, but centers your nervous system. And I found it to be a great tool in my life. So grab those headphones, lace up those shoes, and tune in to the Being Better Everyday podcast. Connect with Julie: read less


37 \\ Living in Sync…Why We Feel Different During the Phases of Our Cycle with Joelle Suess | Living Better Everyday Series
May 8 2024
37 \\ Living in Sync…Why We Feel Different During the Phases of Our Cycle with Joelle Suess | Living Better Everyday Series
In this episode of the Being Better Everyday Podcast, I am bringing on my friend and someone I have learned a lot from Joelle Suess to talk about living in sync with your cycle. Understanding and learning about hormone health has made a huge difference in my life and I have talked to so many others about it that I wanted to bring her on here to talk about the how and why of understanding our cycle phases better.  We talk about how this approach can enhance daily life by acknowledging the body's natural rhythms, leading to better health, fitness, nutrition, productivity, and self-care. Joelle shares her personal journey of discovering the benefits of cycle syncing and how it helped her understand her body's signals, leading to improved well-being. The conversation also touches on the impact of hormone imbalances and the importance of self-awareness and grace during different phases of our feminine cycle.   Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Shop Planners & Systems    Episode Outline:  Introduction to Living in Sync (00:01:13)Personal Experiences with Cycle Syncing (00:06:03) Tracking and Awareness (00:07:12) Impact of Hormone Imbalances (00:12:50) Birth Control and Hormone Balance (00:15:05) Understanding Female Hormones and Moods (00:25:38) Connect with Joelle:  Follow On Instagram Episode on Understanding Your Cycle Birth Control Episode
35 \\ Financial Systems (Part 3) | Tips for Small Business Financial Management
Apr 24 2024
35 \\ Financial Systems (Part 3) | Tips for Small Business Financial Management
In this episode of the Being Better Everyday Podcast, I am talking about the ins and outs of managing small business finances, stressing how crucial it is to get a grip on profitability, to be diligent about setting aside money for taxes, and to keep a close eye on all expenses. Disclaimer once again, as someone with a finance degree and somebody that is securities licensed, nothing on this podcast is investment or financial advice or tax planning advice, nor is it affiliated with any organization other than P&W Designs. I'm coming at you as a bestie, sitting across from you with a hot cup of coffee, talking to a friend, and geeking out about finances.   I share my personal tips about leveraging accounting software like QuickBooks to streamline the process, using a bookkeeper, and the importance of regularly reviewing subscriptions to ensure they're still serving the business and the wisdom of making strategic investments.    Throughout our conversation, I drew from my own experiences and the systems I've put in place in hopes to help you streamline your financial systems as a small business owner.    Small Business Planning Workbook    Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Shop Planners Here Episode Outline:  Small Business Finances (00:00:59) Tracking Systems (00:03:12) Tax Reporting and Profitability (00:11:04) Subscriptions and Business Investments (00:17:31) If you enjoyed this episode please share with you work/business bestie and leave a rating & review! This helps the show reach more working millennial moms that are looking for systems, habits, and routines to become more intentionally productive!
34 \\ Financial Systems (Part 2) | Understanding Debt: Tracking, Paying Off, & Staying Motivated on Your Financial Goals
Apr 17 2024
34 \\ Financial Systems (Part 2) | Understanding Debt: Tracking, Paying Off, & Staying Motivated on Your Financial Goals
What are your thoughts, feelings, or emotions that come up when you think about DEBT?   In this episode of Being Better Everyday Podcast, we are continuing our financial series and today I talk about valuable insights into managing debt. I highlight the importance of understanding debt's impact on my financial health and provide actionable tips such as tracking my debt with spreadsheets, comprehending loan amortization, and employing strategies like the snowball and avalanche methods. I also underscore the importance of calculating interest to grasp its effect and share motivational resources for debt repayment. My advice is aimed at helping you create effective systems to improve your financial standing.   As somebody with a finance degree and somebody who is securities licensed, I need to say first and foremost, nothing on this podcast is investment finance or tax planning advice, not affiliated with any other organization other than P&W Designs. I'm coming at you as a bestie, sitting across from you with a hot cup of coffee or in my case, a hot cup of water, talking to a friend and geeking out about finances. So no, don't roll your eyes. I really love empowering people to talk about their finances and making people feel informed so that they understand where they're at.   Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Shop Planners Here Episode Outline:  Understanding Debt (00:00:58) Debt Statistics (00:02:10) Impact of Debt on Income (00:03:09) Long-Term Impact of Debt (00:04:21) Creating a Debt Spreadsheet (00:07:25) Loan Amortization Schedules (00:08:38) Debt Payoff Methods (00:11:48) Playing with Numbers (00:13:50) Considering Interest Rates (00:16:55) Motivating Debt Payoff (00:18:40) If you enjoyed this episode please share with you work/business bestie and leave a rating & review! This helps the show reach more working millennial moms that are looking for systems, habits, and routines to become more intentionally productive!
33 \\ Financial Systems (Part 1) | Practical Tips for Managing Personal Finances
Apr 10 2024
33 \\ Financial Systems (Part 1) | Practical Tips for Managing Personal Finances
In this episode of The Being Better Everyday Podcast, I am starting a series on finances. This is part 1 and full disclosure, as someone with a finance degree and somebody that is securities licensed, nothing on this podcast is investment or financial advice or tax planning advice, nor is it affiliated with any organization other than PW Designs. I'm coming at you as a bestie, sitting across from you with a hot cup of coffee, talking to a friend, and geeking out about finances.   You'll get the inside scoop on how we keep track of bills and transactions with our trusty spreadsheets. I'll walk you through our cash-based approach for handling those unpredictable expenses that pop up, and I'll stress why setting up automatic savings is a game-changer for us. Plus, I'll touch on the sneaky subject of subscription costs and how keeping an eye on them can make a big difference.   But it's not just about the tools and tactics; it's about the mindset. I'll dive into how sticking to consistent financial habits has been key to our long-term stability and growth. So, if you're looking to get your financial systems in order, this episode is packed with practical advice to help you do just that. Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Shop Planners Here Episode Outline: ​​Managing Fixed Expenses with Excel (00:03:02)Weekly Spending and the Cash Method (00:11:32) Automatic Savings and Interest Rates (00:16:38) Tracking Subscriptions and Expenses (00:18:41) Blending Old school Tracking with Modern Automation (00:20:36)     Referenced Resources:  Episode 4: Systems & Routines I Will Teach You to Be Rich Podcast
31 \\ You Are More Than Your Career… How to Find Fulfillment Mid-Career
Mar 27 2024
31 \\ You Are More Than Your Career… How to Find Fulfillment Mid-Career
In this episode of Being Better Everyday Podcast, I'm diving deep into the twists and turns of mid-career life. I've been doing some serious reflecting on the highs and lows of my own journey, and I've realized just how crucial it is to find out who we are outside of our jobs. I'm a firm believer in striking that sweet spot between our careers and the things we're passionate about.   I want to get real with you all and talk about the power of taking a good, hard look at our lives. It's time to set some solid boundaries and make space for the things that light us up inside. I'm all about aligning what we do with what we believe in, to carve out a life that's not just about being “successful”, but truly fulfilling. So, let's get into it and figure out how we can all be a little better every day. Questions to Reflect On:  What can you do everyday that makes you feel like yourself?What do you want more of in life?What's working for you right now? What's not? Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Shop Planners Here Episode Outline:  Early Career Achievements and Challenges (00:01:53)  Disconnecting Identity from Career (00:05:14) Questioning Career Growth and Identity (00:07:13) Embracing Growth Outside of Career (00:09:15) Boundaries and Career Cap (00:12:07) Gender-Based Issues and Identity (00:16:28) Realizing I am More Than My Career (00:18:25) Resting and Leaning into Feminine Energy (00:21:24) Balancing Professional and Personal Life (00:22:27) Daily Habits Outside of Career (00:23:22) You Are More Than Your Job (00:25:14)  Referenced Resources:  Episode 6 \\ on Corporate Boundaries I hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did please share with a friend & also leave a rating and review!
30 \\ Hormones, Hashimotos, & Functional Medicine with Melissa Mangan from Minneapolis Integrative Medicine Center
Mar 20 2024
30 \\ Hormones, Hashimotos, & Functional Medicine with Melissa Mangan from Minneapolis Integrative Medicine Center
In this episode of Being Better Everyday Podcast, I am bringing on Melissa Mangan, MSN, CNP,  from Minneapolis Integrative Medicine Center. Going the holistic health route in 2023 was the best thing I did for my health. We dive into the fascinating realm of integrative and functional medicine, contrasting it with conventional Western medical practices. We discuss why it's crucial to aim for optimal hormone levels rather than just settling for what's considered average, and we consider how hormonal imbalances can impact our overall well-being. I open up about the significant improvements in my own health after I tackled issues with my hormones, hashimotos, and iron levels.    Melissa highlights how health issues are often interrelated and underscores the value of having a care plan that's tailored to the individual. We also cover how to find functional medicine experts and share exciting news about the Minneapolis Integrative Medicine Center's growth, which is set to make integrative healthcare more widely available.   Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Shop Planners Here Episode Outline:  Melissa's Background and Integrative Medicine (00:02:05) Personal Experience with Hashimoto's Disease (00:12:28) Autoimmune Diseases and Postpartum Experiences (00:16:43) Hormone Testing Methods (00:18:48)Ranges vs Optimal (00:21:47) Impact of Diet on Hormonal Health (00:26:18) Challenges with Hormonal Therapy (00:35:49) Finding Functional Medicine Practitioners (00:42:15) Minneapolis Integrative Medicine Center (00:45:06)  Referenced Resources: Minneapolis Integrative Medicine Center  Follow Minneapolis Integrative MC on Instagram Episode 13: My Functional Medicine Journey Part 1 on Apple Episode 13: My Functional Medicine Journey Part 1 on Spotify   I hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did please share with a friend & also leave a rating and review!
29 \\ Juggling Corporate Jobs, Side Hustles, & Family | Being Interviewed by Kayla from Leadership Unveiled
Mar 6 2024
29 \\ Juggling Corporate Jobs, Side Hustles, & Family | Being Interviewed by Kayla from Leadership Unveiled
In this episode of Being Better Everyday Podcast, I am resharing a podcast interview that was on Leadership Unveiled with Kayla Fahey-Ahrndt because this conversation was so great that I knew you would enjoy it too!    We talk all about juggling our corporate jobs, our passion projects on the side, and our family lives. We dive into our own stories and the tactics we've found helpful for managing our time, like blocking out specific chunks of time on our calendars and being diligent with our schedules. We also touch on how crucial it is to take care of ourselves and to draw clear lines to protect our mental and physical health.    We both stress that it's more important to be intentional than to be perfect, and we encourage everyone listening to stick with their routines and habits, even if they slip up now and then.   Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Shop Planners Here   Episode Outline:  Introduction and Background (00:00:30) Balancing Work and Side Hustles (00:07:09) Growing a Side Business (00:08:04) Planning and Time Management (00:17:11) Communicating and Time Management (00:20:31) Better Everyday Five (00:21:58) Balancing Responsibilities and Prioritizing (00:25:23) Starting a Side Hustle and Planning (00:31:22)   I hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did please share with a friend & also leave a rating and review!
28 \\ Lessons in Leadership and Productivity from Two Working Moms | Conversation with Kayla Fahey-Ahrndt
Feb 28 2024
28 \\ Lessons in Leadership and Productivity from Two Working Moms | Conversation with Kayla Fahey-Ahrndt
In this episode of Being Better Everyday Podcast, I had the pleasure of hosting Kayla Fahey-Ahrndt from Leadership Unveiled Podcast. We dove into the nitty-gritty of what it's like to juggle motherhood with our careers and exchanged some valuable strategies for leadership, staying productive, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Kayla opened up about her own journey, detailing her corporate experiences and the insights she shares on her podcast to help others climb the career ladder and stay organized.   We also touched on how the pandemic has reshaped the concept of remote work, and we stressed the significance of always striving to improve oneself. Kayla was candid about how she handles feedback and used the opportunity to introduce her Leader Standard Work system, which is a game-changer for efficient leadership. Throughout our conversation, we kept coming back to the themes of self-improvement, the need for transparency in management roles, and how crucial planning is to achieving peak productivity. Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube   Episode Outline:  Personal and Professional Background (00:01:59) Challenges and Growth in Leadership (00:07:34) Shift in Leadership Practices (00:15:32) Strategies for Personal Improvement (00:16:29) Handling Feedback and Triggers (00:20:10) Self-confidence and Self-Awareness (00:22:16) Gaining Confidence Over Time (00:23:12) Weighing Opinions and Seeking Feedback (00:24:26)Transparency and Accountability in Management (00:32:23) Connect with Kayla:  Follow Kayla on Instagram Leadership Unveiled Podcast on Apple Leadership Unveiled Podcast on Spotify  I hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did please share with a friend & also leave a rating and review!
26 \\ Overwhelmed? 8 Tips for Moms Carrying the Mental Load of Motherhood
Feb 14 2024
26 \\ Overwhelmed? 8 Tips for Moms Carrying the Mental Load of Motherhood
Let's talk about how to handle that feeling when everything is just too much. I have felt myself and talked to other moms about the mental load of motherhood. If you are a mom juggling work, life, and all the things there are going to be times of overwhelm. I've got some tricks up my sleeve, like sorting out what's important with a good old task prioritization, letting it all out with a brain dump, and zeroing in on those top three things to tackle each day. I am sharing with you 8 tips to support you in moments of overwhelm so you have these tools handy when you need them. Keep these things in mind and the next time you are feeling overwhelmed choose one to rely on for support. Depending on what you need you will gravitate more towards some over others.    Join me as I open up about my own ups and downs, and together, let's find that sweet spot of balance and bounce-back strength in our everyday mom lives. Can't wait to share and grow with you all!   Show notes the Blog - Overwhelmed? Ways to Work with Me: Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Free Workbook    Episode Outline:  Prioritizing your to-do list (00:01:49) Finding your zen music (00:03:56) Scheduling time for yourself (00:06:05) Daily movement and its benefits (00:07:04) The benefits of getting outside (00:08:08) The importance of checking your health levels (00:10:15) Voicing your needs in a partnership (00:12:40)   I hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did please share with a friend & also leave a rating and review!
25 \\ GIRL CHAT: Quality Family Time, Traveling to Florida, Hormone & Health Update, Feeling Overwhelmed and MORE!
Feb 7 2024
25 \\ GIRL CHAT: Quality Family Time, Traveling to Florida, Hormone & Health Update, Feeling Overwhelmed and MORE!
In this episode of Being Better Everyday Podcast, I am going to be talking about a recap of January. First off, I spent some amazing time with my family. There's nothing quite like those moments, and I recharge my battery by spending time alone and with my favorite people. Then, I had this incredible trip to Florida. It was such a refreshing getaway, and I came back feeling recharged. I also had my annual physical this month. It's so important to keep tabs on our health, right? Speaking of health, I've been thinking a lot about the quality of the food we eat and the personal care products we use. It's become super clear to me that these things play a huge role in our overall well-being.   Now, let's get a bit personal. I've been dealing with hormone imbalances, and it's been quite the journey. I actually wrote a letter while I was in late luteal phase. It's been a part of my quest for wellness, and I'm learning to live a life that's not just about being alive, but being present and finding joy in every moment.   So, that's a wrap on my January experiences. I'm really looking forward to continuing this journey with you all, and I hope my stories resonate and help you in your own pursuit of being better every day. Thanks for tuning in, and I can't wait to catch up again soon!   Letter I Read in the Episode Show Notes on the Blog: January Recap on the Blog Ways to Work with Me: Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube   Episode Outline:  Month of January Recap (00:01:00) Trip to Florida (00:09:01) Conversations Around Health and Wellness (00:12:50) Quality Skincare and Makeup (00:17:06) Hormone Imbalances and Late Luteal Phase (00:20:22) Feeling Overwhelmed (00:21:27) Late Luteal Phase Experience (00:23:23) Reflection on January and Moving Forward (00:27:55) If you enjoyed this episode and you found it helpful, please share this with a friend and leave a rating & review.
24 \\ Motherhood & Anxiety: A Conversation About Social Media & Balancing Business While Being A Working Mom with Kayla Brugger, PILATESBODY by Kayla
Jan 31 2024
24 \\ Motherhood & Anxiety: A Conversation About Social Media & Balancing Business While Being A Working Mom with Kayla Brugger, PILATESBODY by Kayla
In this episode of the Being Better Everyday podcast, I have a heart-to-heart with my friend, Kayla Brugger, who is an entrepreneur, Pilates Instructor, and Minnesota mom of 2. We get real about the challenges we face juggling motherhood, our businesses, the pressures of social media, and dealing with anxiety. Kayla shares her story of a TikTok post during her pregnancy and the other time in summer of 2023 that unexpectedly went viral, leading to some pretty intense online harassment. This opens up a candid conversation about the need for privacy and how to set healthy boundaries.   We also tackle the tough topic of the stigma that still clings to anxiety medication, and we stress how crucial it is to look after our overall well-being. As we wrap up the episode, we focus on the importance of mobility and breath work, and we discuss how to strike that perfect balance in our self-care routines.   We hope you enjoyed this episode and if you did please share with a friend & also leave a rating and review! Ways to Work with Me: Follow Me on Instagram Watch on Youtube   Episode Outline:  Transition to Pilates and Business Journey (00:02:08) Positive and Negative Aspects of Going Viral on Social Media (00:08:36) Challenges of Motherhood and Social Media (00:12:44) Protecting Personal Privacy and Well-being (00:18:45) Stigma and Medication for Anxiety (00:20:38) Support and Communication (00:24:20) Parenting and Anxiety Triggers (00:27:46) Therapy and Self-Care (00:30:06) Spousal Support and Communication (00:31:39) Our Anxiety Medication Experience (00:36:09) Tools for Managing Anxiety (00:41:00) Breathing and Movement (00:43:37) Pilates Strength Training Challenge (00:45:19) Connect with Kayla:  Follow Kayla on Instagram  Follow Kayla on TikTok PilatesBody by Kayla on YouTube
21 \\ Hack Your Productivity with Understanding Human Design with Lauren Francois
Jan 10 2024
21 \\ Hack Your Productivity with Understanding Human Design with Lauren Francois
In this episode of the Being Better Everyday, I am bringing on an expert to talk about human design, this is something that has been very impactful for me and it was a total foreign concept. Lauren and I talk through the Human Design types and how it relates to productivity. We dive into the concept of human design and its impact on both our personal and professional lives. Lauren also opens up about her shift from the corporate world to becoming an entrepreneur, and how understanding her human design was pivotal in that transition.   Together, we explore the five types—Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector—and their unique energy patterns that influence our productivity and satisfaction in the workplace. Lauren stresses the significance of staying true to one's human design for achieving success and happiness, while I share my own insights and experiences as a Projector. Throughout the episode, we emphasize the role of self-awareness and acceptance in harnessing human design to navigate life more effectively.   Ways to Work With Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on Youtube   Episode Outline:  Lauren's Background (00:02:32) Understanding Human Design Types (00:12:00) The 5 Types and their Energy Levels (00:23:25) Projectors and reflectors: non-energy types (00:25:50) Productivity and Managing Energy Based on Type (00:29:41)Corporate America and Human Design Types (00:34:09)Aura and its Impact on Interactions (00:35:36) Ego Center and Self-Worth (00:39:32) The Uranus Opposition and Life Purpose (00:47:48) North Node and South Node (00:49:59) Alignment and Self-Discovery (00:51:37) Feminine Essence and Self-Reflection (00:52:04) Referenced Resources:  Follow Lauren on Instagram Human Design Chart Reading   If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend and leave a rating & review!
20 \\ GIRL CHAT: Favorite Things & Moments of 2023 and December Reflection
Jan 3 2024
20 \\ GIRL CHAT: Favorite Things & Moments of 2023 and December Reflection
In this episode of Being Better Everyday Podcast, we reflect on December. I run through the 5 questions I use to reflect each month and then I really want to share with you some of the moments that have meant the most to me, how I've grown personally, and some of the special times I've had with my family.    I am sharing with you a lot of my favorite things from 2023 that range from my new favorite jeans to what I am doing for workouts to unwinding techniques and more! I love these episodes because it feels like a conversation between the two friends! And as we wrap up, I just want to say a huge thank you, your support means the world to me.  If you've been enjoying the podcast, please share it with others and join me on this journey towards being intentionally productive! Places to Connect with Me:  Join PW Insiders Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube   Episode Outline:  Winter Coziness (00:01:15) Holiday Recap (00:02:14) Monthly Reflection (00:05:56) Business Updates (00:11:09) Personal Challenges (00:14:44) Favorite Products (00:17:01) Movement and Wellness (00:21:00) Fitness Platforms (00:21:59) One Thing for You (00:24:06) Reading and Calming Techniques (00:26:12) Meditation and Accountability (00:27:09) Looking Ahead to 2024 (00:29:12)   Referenced Resources:  My Planner Brain Dump Pad PUR Tinted Moisturizer Velvet Skin Drink Fenty Lip Gloss KUT Jeans Northern Ties  BODi Pilates by Kayla
19 \\ 5 Steps to Set Up Your Business for the New Year | Annual Business Planning for Your Side Hustle
Dec 27 2023
19 \\ 5 Steps to Set Up Your Business for the New Year | Annual Business Planning for Your Side Hustle
In this episode of the Being Better Everyday podcast, It is the end of 2023 and before you bounce into 2024 I wanted to guide you on reflecting on your past business year and setting intentional goals for the new year! I will walk you through practical steps such as gathering financials, defining your purpose, identifying your target markets, analyzing your offers and services, and setting revenue targets to set yourself up for success in 2024. While making a plan is great I also want to emphasize the flexibility of these plans and the importance of adapting to changes. Not everything is going to go as planned and that is ok! I am a mom, I work in corporate finance, and run a side hustle and while I walk you through systems and strategies to streamline all of these areas of your life, pivots are going to happen.    Listen all the way through because, I also share advice on social media strategies, the importance of systems audits, financial checks and balances with a reminder to take care of yourself and revisit your plans regularly.    Grab the Vision & Planning Resources Here!    Ways to Work with Me:  Follow Me on Instagram Watch on YouTube Episode Outline:  Reflection and Strategy (00:02:00) Gathering Financials (00:03:04) Identifying Target Markets (00:04:57) Mapping Out Your Year (00:10:50) The How: Social Media and Systems (00:11:45) Investing in Growth (00:15:35)   If you enjoyed this episode please share with a friend and leave a rating & review!