Kingdom Living Ministries “The Truth Revealed” Navigating the Truth with Authenticity

Dr Latisha Lewis

Welcome to “The Truth Revealed,” a dynamic and unwavering Christian podcast that invites you to embark on a transformative journey through the depths of God's Word. Join us as we dive into scripture, engage in candid conversations, and strive to establish a rock-solid foundation of faith built on authenticity and unwavering devotion.

In a world filled with uncertainty and confusion, “The Truth Revealed” stands as a steadfast beacon of clarity and authenticity. Our podcast is grounded in a resolute commitment to teaching and speaking the unfiltered truths of God's teachings, providing you with the tools and insights needed to navigate life's challenges and triumphs.

Your host, Dr. Latisha Lewis is a dedicated follower of Christ, leads these enlightening discussions, fostering a sense of unity among believers and seekers alike. With passion and dedication, we tackle relevant topics, address tough questions, and offer practical guidance that empowers you to apply biblical principles to your daily experiences.

At “The Truth Revealed,” we believe that the Bible is a wellspring of wisdom, guiding us through every facet of life. Our episodes are carefully designed to provide you with encouragement, empowerment, and a deeper understanding of scripture. Through candid conversations and heartfelt insights, we are committed to upholding the integrity of God's Word and sharing its life-changing revelations.

Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the depths of scripture, uncover profound truths, and embrace the liberating power of an authentic and unwavering faith. Whether you're a seasoned believer or someone seeking answers, “The Truth Revealed” is your haven for genuine exploration, open dialogue, and an unyielding commitment to living out the teachings of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Tune in to “The Truth Revealed” and embark on a spiritual quest that will not only enrich your understanding of scripture but also empower you to lead a life grounded in authenticity, truth, and a deep and abiding faith.

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Don’t Ruin It Part 2: Continuing the Journey: Building and Preserving God's Temple Within
Jan 15 2024
Don’t Ruin It Part 2: Continuing the Journey: Building and Preserving God's Temple Within
Embark on a transformative journey with our latest podcast episode with Dr Latisha Lewis Continuing the Journey: Building and Preserving God's Temple Within - Part 2." Join us as we delve into the wisdom of Solomon and the powerful message from the book of Haggai, exploring the significance of finishing the temple of God within us before building our earthly homes. In this insightful episode, we reflect on key scriptures such as Psalm 127:1, Haggai 1:9, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, and Philippians 4:13, guiding us through the importance of staying obedient and focused on the continuous work of building God's temple within. Discover timeless truths that resonate with the challenges of the new year, encouraging us to maintain momentum in our commitment to God's plan. Engage in a reflective Q&A session, exploring practical steps to stay obedient, focused, and committed to building the temple of God within. The episode concludes with a heartfelt repentance prayer, acknowledging any shortcomings in our commitment, and a salvation prayer for those taking the first steps on this transformative journey. As we close, be inspired by a motivational message, reminding you that your efforts in building God's temple within are not in vain. Philippians 4:13 assures us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and Galatians 6:9 encourages us not to grow weary in doing good. Whether you're seeking spiritual guidance, encouragement in your resolutions, or a deeper connection with God, this episode offers valuable insights and a motivational boost to fuel your journey. Tune in now and be empowered to continue building and preserving God's temple within!
Don’t Ruin It: Rebuilding and Preserving Gods Temple Within
Jan 4 2024
Don’t Ruin It: Rebuilding and Preserving Gods Temple Within
Join us in this transformative episode as we explore the meticulous and intentional process of rebuilding God's temple within us, drawing inspiration from the extraordinary planning of Solomon's Temple. Our spiritual dwelling demands careful planning and devotion, mirroring the precision used in constructing the physical temple to honor God. Delve into the wisdom of Solomon as we uncover the significance behind building the temple and why it was essential for Israel. Solomon's prayer in 2 Chronicles 6 serves as a powerful reminder – if the people repented, worshiped, and prayed in the temple, God would hear, forgive, and fulfill His promises. Discover the parallels between Solomon's journey and our own rebuilding process. Learn how the temple within us is a sacred space, demanding continuous commitment to repentance, worship, and prayer. As we navigate the complexities of rebuilding, we'll explore key scriptures, including Psalm 119:105, Romans 12:2, and Proverbs 4:23, guiding us in aligning with God's unwavering principles. Engage in a reflective Q&A session, exploring practical steps to ensure meticulous planning in our spiritual rebuilding. Whether you're seeking guidance on studying God's Word or guarding your heart against worldly influences, this episode offers valuable insights to align with God's truth. As we conclude, a heartfelt prayer and exciting announcements from Kingdom Living International Ministries await, encouraging you to participate and deepen your walk with Christ. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Don't miss this empowering episode on continuous transformation!
Endure the Race: “Dont Give Up Before the Victory Lap”
Dec 21 2023
Endure the Race: “Dont Give Up Before the Victory Lap”
Embark on a transformative journey with our latest podcast episode, "Endure the Race: Don't Give Up Before the Victory Lap." In this empowering session, we explore the profound wisdom found in James 1:2-4, unraveling the beauty that emerges from trials and the endurance that they cultivate. Dive into the narrative of the Israelites in Numbers 11:1-6, a powerful tale of weariness, murmuring, and the consequences of losing sight of God's promises. Learn from their experiences as we draw parallels to our own lives, understanding the danger of giving up before reaching the victory lap that awaits us. Our engaging discussion extends to additional scriptures, including Hebrews 12:1-3 and Galatians 6:9, shedding light on the importance of perseverance in the race of life. Discover how these timeless verses offer guidance and strength to navigate challenges and avoid weariness. Motivational encouragement awaits as we emphasize the significance of enduring through weariness and doubt. Hear stories of triumph over adversity and gain insights into maintaining faith when faced with life's difficulties. Join us for a reflective time of engagement, as we pose thought-provoking questions: How have you overcome challenges in your life? What strategies can help us avoid murmuring and complaining during difficult times? Our podcast concludes with a prayer of repentance, acknowledging any murmuring, complaining, or doubt that may have crept into our hearts. Don't miss the closing challenge – a homework assignment to cultivate gratitude and curb murmuring in your life. Stay tuned for Kingdom Living Ministries announcements and wrap up your week with renewed inspiration and faith. Subscribe now to "Endure the Race: Don't Give Up Before the Victory Lap" and embark on a journey of endurance, faith, and the promise of victory that awaits every believer.
Jesus Bootcamp: Equipping Warriors for Spiritual Warfare
Nov 27 2023
Jesus Bootcamp: Equipping Warriors for Spiritual Warfare
Welcome to a transformative episode of our podcast with Dr Latisha Lewis where we embark on a journey through the concept of "Jesus Bootcamp." Join us as we explore the parallels between spiritual warfare and military bootcamp, drawing inspiration from powerful scriptures that guide believers in the battle against the enemy. In this episode, we delve into the arsenal of spiritual weapons at our disposal, inspired by Ephesians 6:11-17. Picture the believer's armor—each piece strategically designed for victory in the spiritual realm. Discover the significance of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God as our weapons of choice in the battlefield of faith. Drawing upon Hebrews 4:12, we unveil the transformative power of the Word of God, sharper than any double-edged sword. Explore how a deep understanding and application of scripture become the Christian soldier's most potent weapon. As we navigate the challenging terrain of spiritual warfare, we examine the role of prayer and fasting, echoing the words of Matthew 17:21. These disciplines, like rigorous training in a military bootcamp, prepare believers for the battles they face. Join us in contemplating the faith that conquers the world, as highlighted in 1 John 5:4. Understand how faith becomes the steadfast anchor, enabling soldiers of Christ to overcome adversities and emerge victorious. In this spiritual bootcamp, we explore the concept of praise and worship as weapons, resonating with Psalm 149:6. Learn how these practices not only connect believers with God but also unleash powerful spiritual dynamics in the heavenly realms. Prepare for a podcast episode that offers practical insights, parallels, and encouragement for all those engaged in the Jesus Bootcamp of spiritual warfare. Through vivid comparisons with military training, we unveil the transformative process of equipping warriors for the challenges and victories that lie ahead. Subscribe now for an episode that combines the strength of scripture with real-world parallels, empowering you to stand firm in the spiritual battles of life. "Jesus Bootcamp: Equipping Warriors for Spiritual Warfare" — where faith becomes the ultimate weapon.
“I Can’t Do It Alone!”
Nov 25 2023
“I Can’t Do It Alone!”
Welcome to the Kingdom Living Ministries Podcast with Dr Lewis where we dive deep into the timeless truths of the Bible to explore how they resonate in our lives today. In this powerful episode, join us for a profound Bible study talk titled "I can't do it Alone" Surrendering to God: Breaking Free from the Chains of Pride." Our journey begins with an exploration of the illusion of security found in worldly achievements. Drawing inspiration from Proverbs 3:5-6, we unravel the deceptive nature of accolades, money, and social status, revealing that true security, love, and peace can only be found in God. Discover the enemy's tactics as the father of lies, seeking to lead us away from the source of genuine fulfillment. Through engaging storytelling and insightful reflections, we unveil the destructive spirit of pride and arrogance, exploring the biblical account of Nebuchadnezzar's humbling transformation in Daniel 4. As we bridge the gap between ancient narratives and our contemporary lives, we delve into modern examples of pride's subtle infiltration. Through personal reflections and relatable anecdotes, we expose the dangers of navigating life without acknowledging our dependence on God. This podcast doesn't stop at unveiling the pitfalls of pride; it extends an encouraging invitation to trust and surrender to God. Join us as we explore the scriptures, including John 15:5, to understand the power of collaboration with the Creator. In the concluding segment, we open the floor for a Q&A session, providing an opportunity for further insights and clarifications on the transformative message shared. The episode wraps up with Kingdom Living Ministries Announcements and a heartfelt prayer, seeking salvation and repentance, and surrendering any remnants of pride in our hearts. Join us in this 15-minute journey of self-reflection, biblical wisdom, and encouragement. "Surrendering to God" is not just a podcast; it's an invitation to break free from the chains of pride and experience the true fulfillment that comes through trusting in the Lord. Subscribe now and embark on a transformative exploration of faith with Kingdom Living Ministries.
Running from God: The Story of Jonah Surrendering to His Call
Oct 27 2023
Running from God: The Story of Jonah Surrendering to His Call
Welcome to Kingdom Living Ministries' insightful and inspiring podcast series, where we explore the timeless wisdom of the Bible and apply it to our daily lives. In this episode, we delve deep into the story of Jonah and the powerful message it holds for all believers. Join us as we discuss "Running from God: The Story of Jonah and Surrendering to His Call." In this thought-provoking study, we examine the prophet Jonah's attempt to escape God's divine calling and how this story carries profound lessons for us today. We'll explore the undeniable calling God places on our lives, the necessity of surrendering to His authority, and the consequences of rebelling against His plans for us. We'll also discover the blessings that come from obedience to God's commands and the encouragement to trust in His unwavering support. We'll delve into relevant scriptures, including passages from the King James Version of the Bible, to provide a comprehensive understanding of these crucial concepts. Additionally, we engage in a Q&A session that addresses common questions and concerns that believers have regarding their own calling and faith journey. As we wrap up, we offer a heartfelt prayer for repentance, inviting you to join us in seeking God's forgiveness for any moments when you may have turned away from His calling. Your spiritual journey matters to us, and we believe that this episode will empower you to respond well when God calls you, trusting that He is the author of your story. Stay tuned for more enriching episodes from Kingdom Living Ministries as we continue to explore the profound truths of God's Word and how they impact our lives. Be sure to visit our website,, for more information, donations, and prayer requests. We're here to support you on your faith journey, and together, we can walk in His calling.
Knowing God and His Presence in You
Oct 19 2023
Knowing God and His Presence in You
Podcast Description: In this inspiring episode of Bible Study with Dr Lewis at Kingdom Living Ministries' podcast, we delve deep into the essence of God and His indelible presence in our lives. We explore His omnipotence, omnipresence, and boundless love through a scriptural lens, uncovering the significance of God's creative power in the world. But the journey doesn't stop there; we also investigate the profound concept of God dwelling within us, as beautifully illustrated in the Scriptures. We'll discover how this divine presence empowers and guides us through life's challenges. Our engaging Q&A session delves into essential questions about God's role in our lives, with scriptural answers that shed light on faith, God's omnipotence, His comforting presence in tough times, and the practical application of His indwelling in our daily lives. As we conclude, we offer words of encouragement and daily scriptures for meditation, emphasizing the importance of building faith through God's Word. Join us in prayer and repentance for not investing enough in our faith journey, followed by an opportunity for those seeking salvation to find grace. Don't forget to visit our website at for additional resources and information, and if you'd like to support our ministry, you can do so through the donation tab on our website. This episode is a reminder that God is with you, and nothing is too hard for Him. Tune in and stay blessed!
Halloween Unveiled
Oct 8 2023
Halloween Unveiled
In this eye-opening episode of "Truth Revealed with Dr. Lewis," we delve deep into the heart of the matter, unveiling the truth behind the often-overlooked holiday of Halloween. Dr. Lewis takes us on a journey through history and scripture to expose the origins, significance, and dangers of this celebrated day.With a focus on the Word of God, Dr. Lewis reveals how Halloween's roots can be traced back to ancient Celtic festivals and why its customs carry spiritual implications. This episode explores the dark history of Halloween, emphasizing why Christians should abstain from participating in any form of this holiday.Through a Q&A session, common questions are addressed, providing biblical wisdom and insight into the Christian perspective on Halloween. Dr. Lewis emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong spiritual stance and not compromising one's faith for the sake of worldly traditions.The episode culminates with a heartfelt prayer of repentance for any past involvement in Halloween and an invitation to accept Christ as Savior. Listeners are encouraged to visit for resources to help them live a life that truly honors God.Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of Halloween's true nature and its spiritual implications, and be inspired to walk in the light of Christ.[Subscribe and share this episode with your friends and family to spread the truth about Halloween's origins and its impact on the Christian faith.]