Of Course You Can

Stevie Wright

The Of Course You Can Podcast is about possibility, permission, and the willingness to soak up all that the universe has to offer us. We'll use this time we have together to seek a deeper state of havingness.

Ultimately, this show is all about supporting you. Each week, I provide guidance and hold space for your most intimate questions.

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A step by step process on working with shame + my best holistic marketing advice
May 14 2024
A step by step process on working with shame + my best holistic marketing advice
We have 2 amazing listener questions about healing deep rooted wounds.I am also excited to share the marketing strategy that has worked best for me since starting my business. As someone who is not at all interested in marketing, this has been invaluable in growing my business.Skip to the good part:[4:24]  I'm wanting to learn how to embody enoughness, but I'm realizing that I've never actually physically felt like enough, at least not that I can remember right now. What does enoughness feel like and how can I physically embody it? [16:02] I'm dealing with a very painful wound around being left out. I feel fire in my body and I get pissed off.  I know this is a wound and I know I don't need to know where it started. I just don't know how to move this. It's causing havoc in my body. [21:55] The #1 marketing strategy that has worked for me -- from someone who is not at all interested in marketing.**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
On being hard on yourself + what if my clients aren’t having breakthroughs?
May 14 2024
On being hard on yourself + what if my clients aren’t having breakthroughs?
I have some very exiciting new offerings to share with you today, think medicine assisted work, neuriplacticity, and life changing growth.I’ll also be answering two amazing listener submitted questions around self-confidence and forgiveness.Skip to the good part:[0:41] Let’s talk about some exciting new offerings![9:49] How do you hold onto your confidence in healing work when you feel like the client isn't enjoying the work or getting the proposed impact from the work?[18:46] Where does being hard on yourself come from? I'm so hard on myself about everything, it's a loop I'm stuck in and it's hard to forgive myself and just start again.**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Coming Out of Smallness Around People You’re Intimidated By
Apr 2 2024
Coming Out of Smallness Around People You’re Intimidated By
I’m back with a new episode after taking a month off to revamp The Breath Channel. I am so excited about the changes to The Breath Channel and how much more supportive and aligned the community feels. I am back answering some of your questions today and we have got some good ones. I’m excited to share my thoughts with you and inspire you to overcome your self doubt.Skip to the good part:[9:02] How can you overcome feelings of insecurity and shrinking in the presence of admired individuals, and confidently share your own light and divinity despite fear of judgment and comparison?[17:01]  I feel like I need more training and more things before I can call myself an expert, even though I have two breathwork certifications. I’m struggling with feeling stuck. I get overwhelmed and go into, do I even want this? How do I overcome these feelings?**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
A Vulnerable Share on a Current Process I’m in Around My Worth
Feb 20 2024
A Vulnerable Share on a Current Process I’m in Around My Worth
No questions on the show today as I'm diving deep into my recent experiences with a plant medicine ceremony and sharing my journey of confronting and embracing my self-worth and confidence. This was a transformative journey recognizing my inherent value beyond my accomplishments to strengthening my inner core—both physically and energetically. This process of acknowledging and nurturing my worth has been both challenging and rewarding, leading me to develop practices that foster a deep, intrinsic sense of self-esteem. I'm sharing how these insights have profoundly impacted my life and work, and the importance of self-acceptance and the embodiment of confidence. I'd love to invite you to join me in this life-changing exploration of self-worth, a promising journey toward realizing your desires from a place of genuine self-esteem.**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
How to Move Through Procrastination and How to Do Embodied Manifestation
Feb 13 2024
How to Move Through Procrastination and How to Do Embodied Manifestation
From battling procrastination to navigating overwhelming dreams and ambitions, we will explore techniques to overcome mental blocks and find clarity in your life. I’ll share actionable advice on channeling focus towards meaningful goals while remaining grounded in the belief that success is attainable. We’ll discuss embodied manifestation and provide insights on bridging the gap between visualization and emotional alignment to manifest desired outcomes. Discover practical strategies for conquering procrastination, honing focus, and fostering a deeper connection between mind and body on the journey towards personal fulfillment.Skip to the good part:[3:41] I struggle with procrastination. There's a project that I've been wanting to do and get done for so long. but I just can't seem to get myself to do it. Do you have any advice on how to help me work through this?[10:36] There is SO MUCH I want out of life, so many big dreams I want to bring to life. I feel so confused on where to focus my time and which to give my attention. How do I get super focused on the big vision and remain grounded in my belief that it is all working out in my favor?[15:09] I have a question on embodiment. When I envision what I want to manifest, specifically for me it's career success, I can visualize where I want to be, but when I drop into my body to try to feel those emotions, I'm met with feelings of doubt and just overall bad feelings. How do I overcome this?**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
How to Give Yourself Permission and Creating a Routine You Can Stick To
Jan 23 2024
How to Give Yourself Permission and Creating a Routine You Can Stick To
Being self-employed can bring on strong emotions, both positive and negative. Human nature leads us to be stuck in the negative and overlook and fail to celebrate the positives. I am sharing some insight today to allow yourself to move stuck energy and believe in yourself deeply to follow your dreams and feel empowered while doing it.Skip to the good part:[10:38] How do you deal with procrastination and feeling stuck in your business or work when self-employed? How do you motivate yourself to create and get stuff done and discipline yourself?[17:25] Permission. How do you give it to yourself fully? You often find yourself playing the cheerleader for others, encouraging them and expressing belief in their dreams. However, when it comes to your own aspirations, doubt creeps in, accompanied by a voice dismissing the possibility. How do you give yourself permission to dream boldly and believe in your own potential to pursue what you truly desire?**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Gaining Confidence as A Leader and Healing The Gaslighting Wound
Jan 16 2024
Gaining Confidence as A Leader and Healing The Gaslighting Wound
Today's discussion dives into personal growth, self-improvement, and healing. I'll address three amazingly thoughtful questions that touch on different aspects of the human experience. We'll explore the transformative power of somatic healing, navigate the challenges of confidence and leadership in the entrepreneurial space, and address the complexities of healing from the wounds of gaslighting. I aim to unravel insights and perspectives that can inspire growth and resilience. Skip to the good part:[6:44] Is it possible to do somatic healing/somatic work on your own, or is it more transformative when you have a guide/facilitator? [10:45] How have you improved your confidence in showing up as a teacher/guide in the entrepreneurial space? I'm less confident being seen when it comes to stepping into my leadership archetypes.[14:31] Stevie, do you have any advice on healing the gaslighting wound? I have a lot of gaslighting in my childhood and it has made me not trust myself. I find myself often questioning myself, which is so frustrating because I think I actually have quite a bit of insight and intuition.**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
How to Call in Your Soulmate and My Advice on Becoming a Healer
Jan 2 2024
How to Call in Your Soulmate and My Advice on Becoming a Healer
The themes in the questions today are personal and relational growth, spirituality, and self-discovery. I’ll discuss manifesting a soulmate and offering tips on embracing the healer archetype based on my own experiences. I’ll share insights from somatic work, highlighting the transformative power of these experiences and my reflections on the vital connection between embodied confidence and meaningful connections in my life. Ultimately, I encourage you to explore the intertwining between personal growth and relationships.[2:49] How do you manifest a soulmate?[8:01] What are some tips on how to step more into the healer archetype?[14:59] How did Patrick and I begin doing somatic work together?[18:31] Would embodied confidence help you with finding your soulmate?Listen to the Episode with Patrick here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/from-toxic-to-ultimate-safety-my-patricks-relationship/id1700699811?i=1000629170784**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Somatic Work - What it is and How it Can Support Your Life and My Advice on Chasing Your Dreams When You Think You Aren’t Qualified
Dec 19 2023
Somatic Work - What it is and How it Can Support Your Life and My Advice on Chasing Your Dreams When You Think You Aren’t Qualified
I am breaking down somatic work, what it is, and why it matters. This is the practical side of somatic practices to give you a clear understanding of the impact it can have on your life. Somatics have been an integral part of my life and I love sharing how influential they have been for me, and my relationships.I also offer my advice on navigating the visceral pull you feel to chase your dreams versus the ego to obtain credentialing before taking these steps.Skip to the good part:[3:18] What exactly is somatic work and what does it do? People hear it so much in the online space but don't feel that they have a full grasp of it. [20:16]  How do you navigate the visceral pull I feel in your body when you think about your passions and pursuing them?**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
How Do I Connect with Abundance When Others Have So Little? And My Thoughts on Posting How Much Money I Make Online
Dec 12 2023
How Do I Connect with Abundance When Others Have So Little? And My Thoughts on Posting How Much Money I Make Online
Embracing your authentic self is crucial for welcoming abundance into your life and fostering a supportive environment for others. Engaging in chakra work serves as a transformative path towards achieving this inner harmony.The ability to manifest, receive, and share abundance, as well as openly discuss your personal achievements, all originate from a balanced chakra system. Here, I recommend focusing on centering your chakras as a means to unlock the flow of abundance into your life.Skip to the good part:[3:37] When you love the concept of manifestation, why might you be having a hard time knowing what to manifest?[8:10] How do I overcome the idea of personal abundance when others have so little?[11:11] My personal experience with speaking directly about how much money I’ve made online and why I am not currently sharing this information.**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Coming Out of Struggle and How to Do Deeper Work with Your Clients
Nov 28 2023
Coming Out of Struggle and How to Do Deeper Work with Your Clients
We have some great questions to discuss today. We discuss everything coming out of struggle and suffering, from what I plan to do with my music going forward, to how to deepen your support with your clients. I believe this episode has something for you.Skip to the good part:[3:44] After realizing that a lot of your identity has been around struggling and suffering, how do you honor the sadness of traumatic events and tell the universe you want something different, better, or more?[8:58] How do you support your clients when you sometimes don't know how to help them to their next level? How can you create a container that allows for more depth?[12:38] What is the plan with my music? [16:59] How do you deepen ownership both in yourself who you are and the work that you put into the world? What are some tips or prompts you can use to allow more of that energy into your body and life?Trainings that I referenced in this episode:Stacy Matulis Somatic Healer Training: https://www.beencaughthealing.com/alchemy-somatics-healer-trainingSamantha Skelly Breathwork Program: https://www.pausebreathwork.com/facilitator-training-program/**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Feeling Better Than Others, How to Let Down Walls in Social Situations, Plus How to Know When to Invest
Nov 21 2023
Feeling Better Than Others, How to Let Down Walls in Social Situations, Plus How to Know When to Invest
Defense mechanisms form an integral part of our human nature. However, why permit them to have such influence over our lives? Confronting these mechanisms directly empowers us to unabashedly live as our authentic selves, leading to a more genuine and fulfilling existence.In addition to addressing two questions entwined with defense mechanisms, I am also sharing my perspective on the deliberate choice of engaging a mentor from a position of power, as opposed to uncertainty.Skip to the good part:[1:05] Can you please help me with this feeling like I'm better than other people? I secretly think I'm better than my clients, and that I'm above them. There's so much shame attached to it, and I don't even know how to move through it. Would love your guidance.[13:32]  I feel safest in my body when my heart is a little bit protected and closed off. I'm a very sensitive person and can get my feelings hurt really easily, even when it's not intentional. So I just keep my heart closed, but I don't want to live my life in this place all the time. I want to connect to people, but I feel more safe when I have a wall. Any advice?[21:05] How can I get clear on whether or not investing in a specific mentor is right for me?**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Balancing Masculine/Feminine Energetics in Business, Clearing Sexual Shame, and Overcoming Self Doubt
Nov 14 2023
Balancing Masculine/Feminine Energetics in Business, Clearing Sexual Shame, and Overcoming Self Doubt
The questions today discuss challenges that I think many people struggle with at some point: balancing emotions in business, gaining sexual confidence, and overcoming self-doubt in decision-making. I am sharing my personal experiences and advice to leave you feeling empowered and ready to overcome these challenges.Skip to the good part:[0:27] How do you balance feminine and masculine dynamics in business? Sometimes emotions can drive my business actions but this can lead to situations where you don't post on social media or follow up with a client inquiry until you’re feeling better. [6:55] How do you become more confident sexually? As someone who grew up in a family environment where sex was taboo and not talked about, the message that was portrayed is that sex is dirty and wanting it is shameful. Also, struggling with body image issues has not helped.[16:39] How do you deal with self-doubt, particularly around making business decisions? After sharing how to build self-trust, would you handle self-doubt similarly since the two are so closely related?**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
What is the Core of Cultivating Confidence?
Nov 7 2023
What is the Core of Cultivating Confidence?
We're diving deep into the heart of emotion and discovering the complexities of deciphering feelings without judgment. Ever wondered how setting boundaries rooted in self-love can empower your life? We'll unravel this together. Plus, we'll delve into the patterns that shape who we are and how to share our feedback for others with love, paving the way for genuine connection. Skip to the good part:[4:45] When manifesting, how do you decipher if a negative feeling is coming from a trauma or from your gut instinct?[10:04] In Embodied Confidence, I speak a lot about taking a stand for yourself. As I've expanded into higher versions of myself, how has my practice of taking a stand for myself evolved? [17:06]  If you notice a pattern that isn't serving someone, what would it look like to reflect that with love?**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Repairing Relationships, How to Build Self-trust & What to Focus on When You're First Starting a Coaching Business
Oct 17 2023
Repairing Relationships, How to Build Self-trust & What to Focus on When You're First Starting a Coaching Business
The questions today are varied but all point back to self-confidence, self-trust, and personal healing. I'm sharing my advice on repairing a damaged relationship when you care deeply about the other party, building self-trust when you're struggling to embody it, and what I would do if I were starting a new coaching business today.The short answer to all of these questions is to turn your focus inward. The long answer...you'll have to tune in to hear those juicy details. Skip to the good part:[0:32] Two offerings that I am very excited about right now[5:50] How do you overcome deep remorse, shame, and fear about the impact you've had on your children due to a difficult relationship with your spouse in the past? And how do you begin to heal the relationship and navigate this difficult situation?[13:28] How to build self-trust where you're struggling to truly embody it.[18:39] What are the three things that I would focus on if I were just starting a new coaching business? **SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Shifting Your Energy Around Debt & What to Do When the Same Wound Keeps Coming Up Even After You've Worked on It
Oct 10 2023
Shifting Your Energy Around Debt & What to Do When the Same Wound Keeps Coming Up Even After You've Worked on It
Embracing your emotions is pivotal in overcoming them and progressing forward. Yet, we often find ourselves trapped by repetitive triggers, fostering a sense of stagnation and shame. That's why I want to share how I was able to overcome this in my own life and what tactics you can use in yours.Learn to invite abundance into areas where you currently face challenges. Humans naturally adopt an abundance mindset in areas of plenty, but it becomes daunting where scarcity lingers. Explore ways to shift this mindset and pave the way for our prosperity.Skip to the good part:[1:14] How should you work through recurring triggers in your life and overcome the shame spiral that results from being unable to move beyond them?[8:35] If your life outside of finances is overflowing in abundance, you feel so lit up in your work, you love your relationships, and you have freedom in your days, why does receiving money to overcome debt still feel hard?[15:08] What does my day-to-day look like, personal and business? How do I map out and structure my days as a business owner to optimize my time and energy? [23:11] What was the number one thing that caused shifts and leaps in my life?[25:40] Where is the best place to start with breath work on my channel?**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Wealth Energetics and Becoming the Woman Who Can Hold It All with Melanie Ann Layer
Oct 3 2023
Wealth Energetics and Becoming the Woman Who Can Hold It All with Melanie Ann Layer
I have the honor and privilege of welcoming my second guest on the show, Melanie Ann Layer, founder of Alpha Femme, a global Coaching and Mentoring company. A large part of the teachings she brings to the world supports women in matters of emotional intelligence, world-class communication, feminine leadership, wealth energetics, and remodeled belief systems and self-trust.Melanie walks alongside her clients who grow heart-centered companies of all sizes. Although wealth creation is a significant pillar of the Alpha Femme brand, more importantly, and at every level, they celebrate their lives, their sovereignty, their freedom, and their womanhood.It isn’t possible to describe this woman and her achievements accurately in a short biography. I am beyond thrilled to have her with me today to share some absolute gold as to how she’s used energetics to build her business and help thousands of others around the world.Skip to the good part:[1:15] Revelations from my medicine retreat this past weekend.[9;54] Introduction to this week's guest.[13:44] How has Melanie's business evolved and expanded with her?[18:02]  How does Melanie connect with ease and flow when creating her vision?[25:35] How did Melanie cultivate the energetics in her life and business?[31:35] How do you hold your energy and vibration while also allowing yourself to honor your feelings?[39:25] What were some of the pivotal moments for Melanie when she made the decision to start coaching?[47:11] Did your mantra of "what I teach is idealistic to some and they probably won't get it, but I'll never stop” help you through your recent challenges with people trying to take you down?[1:00:38] As Melanie’s income has grown, how has she continued to expand herself to be able to continue holding and growing?Connect with Melanie: @alphafemme **SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
From Toxic to Ultimate Safety: My & Patrick's Relationship
Sep 26 2023
From Toxic to Ultimate Safety: My & Patrick's Relationship
Let the Love In: https://www.stevie-wright.com/let-the-love-inThis episode is very special with someone near and dear to me, my husband of 7 days (at the time of this recording), Patrick. We are going to share the journey of our relationship with you. I want to share this story because we have both experienced significant transformation since the inception of our relationship. We've both been through individual healing, healing together as a couple and had many breakthrough experiences that we’d love to share with you.Our hope is that our story is able to help others move closer toward the depth that gets to exist in your more intimate relationships. We pray that everyone can experience the self-confidence, personal fulfillment, and love that Patrick and I have together.[0:40] Welcoming my very first guest on the podcast[3:42] The start of my and Patrick's relationship and the trauma we both brought[15:20] A major initial turning point for us in our relationship[21:33] Where Patrick was mentally leading into our first medicine journey[32:48] Where I was mentally when Patrick and I began couple's work[34:17] The first time in our relationship that Patrick stood firm the way I'd always hoped[41:22] Why expressing your hurt resulting from an encounter with your partner can be so beneficial[54:32] Support, support, support for the deeper intimacy, safety, and becoming in your relationship. Let the Love In.**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
How to Come Out of an ‘I Don’t Deserve This' Mindset
Sep 12 2023
How to Come Out of an ‘I Don’t Deserve This' Mindset
Internal peace and comfort with your identity are more important than the perception of others. Understanding and owning your own self-worth opens up opportunities to expand and deepen beyond your current reality.If you ever struggle with feelings of unworthiness and insufficiency, you will feel the answers to this episode's questions deeply in your soul. I pray these answers will spark new growth in your perspective. Because to become the highest version of yourself, you need to look inward, spend time connecting with your soul, and boldly illuminate your new truth into the world. Skip to the good part:[5:10] How do you transform your coaching offerings and step into more connected clients and higher ticket prices?[13:20] How do you approach a situation where you feel like the actions you are taking are to rebel against something because you don’t agree with the underlying reason, but you yourself may actively want what you are rebelling against?[24:00] How do you not allow yourself to go into an "I don't deserve this" mindset when your life is expanding and all the things you've been working towards are starting to come forward into your life?Related Episodes:"Processing Emotions, Holding Your Vision, Creating Safety in Decision-Making" via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/processing-emotions-holding-your-vision-creating-safety/id1700699811?i=1000625231622**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...
Embodied Selling and What to do When Your Dreams Aren’t Working YET
Sep 5 2023
Embodied Selling and What to do When Your Dreams Aren’t Working YET
FOUR YEARS. It took me 4 years to grow my business to the point that it was able to support me financially. My journey has been marked by struggles with identity, self-worth, and questioning my path.The questions you'll hear answers to here are all related to different aspects of growing something powerful, like your business.You'll learn about the techniques I used to maintain alignment with Self while learning to hold authenticity, clarity, and becomingness in the growth of my business. Get ready to step into your own successes in an entirely new way. Why? Because OF COURSE YOU CAN!Skip to the good part:[0:56] A special announcement[5:38] As someone who is not naturally comfortable with sales, how should you draw people into what you are offering?[16:30] When you are doing work that you know in your body you are meant to do, but not having financial success, how should you move forward?[25:48] What are my thoughts on the "fake it till you make it" strategy for building confidence?Related Episodes:"From Driving Uber to Being the Owner of a Million-Dollar Brand, and the Confidence That Got Me Here" via Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/from-driving-uber-to-being-the-owner-of-a/id1700699811?i=1000626050765**SUPPORT MY DEBUT ALBUM**Go Fund Me: https://gofund.me/9d246d44**EXPERIENCE** Join The Breath Channel: https://www.stevie-wright.com/the-breath-channelBloom - A Somatic Microdosing Program: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/bloom/4-Week Private Microdosing Protocol: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/4-week-microdosing/Women’s Retreat & Medicine Ceremony: Email steviewrght@gmail.com (notice there is no "I" in wrght) **WORKSHOPS** The Power of Somatic Breath: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/somatic-breath/ Embodied Evolution: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/belief-change-workshop/ Save $: Get BOTH Workshops: https://steviewright.thrivecart.com/workshop-bundle/ **CONNECT WITH ME** Instagram @stevielwright_: https://www.instagram.com/stevielwright_/ TikTok @stevielwright: ...