Military Culture Shift Podcast

Corie Weathers, LPC, BCC

Based on the book, Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers. This podcast offers leaders an opportunity to understand the growing shifts happening within the military culture. This podcast offers an immersive opportunity to supplement what readers will gain from the book based on 15 years of research, counseling, and teaching the military culture across all branches. Gain insights on changing perspectives within the culture, generational shifts in authority, the impact of Department of Defense budget decisions, emerging social trends within the military community, and the cumulative effect of two decades of the War on Terror on military family wellness. Music featured includes service members, veterans, military kids and spouse artists & songwriters! Listen to Corie’s Lifegiver Podcast here: read less


Ch 1 Ground-level Leadership With Matt & Corie Weathers
Feb 15 2024
Ch 1 Ground-level Leadership With Matt & Corie Weathers
Corie sits down with her husband Matthew to talk about the process of writing Military Culture Shift, behind the scenes of being an author, and Matt's thoughts on what it means to be a "ground-level" leader. Matthew, an active duty service member and Corie, a mental health clinician, coach, and consultant, share some of the shifts they have seen over the years. This podcast is based on the book, Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers. This podcast offers leaders an opportunity to understand the growing shifts happening within the military culture as an immersive supplement to the book. Based on 15 years of research, counseling, and teaching the military culture across all branches. Gain insights on changing perspectives within the culture, generational shifts in authority, the impact of Department of Defense budget decisions, emerging social trends within the military community, and the cumulative effect of two decades of the War on Terror on military family wellness. Order your copy of Military Culture Shift here.  Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast here Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie here. Sponsored by New Rez Home Mortgages: Newrez believes the lending business shouldn't just be about home loans - it should be about homeowners.  Ending Credits Song is "Love Like There's No Tomorrow" written and performed by Army veteran Micheal Trotter Jr and his Wife Tanya as War & Treaty.
Ch 2: Honor, Duty & Wisdom with Dr. Edward A. Gutiérrez
Feb 22 2024
Ch 2: Honor, Duty & Wisdom with Dr. Edward A. Gutiérrez
Corie sits down with military historian Dr. Edward A. Gutiérrez who studied the Doughboys from WW1. Dr. Gutiérrez specifically researched how a sense of honor and duty were engrained in the everyday culture of Americans prior to WW1 propelling many of them to enlist in the war. In this talk, Dr Gutiérrez suggests that as a culture moves away from embracing suffering, and even war and death, we lose cohesiveness, our humanity, and resilience as a society. He also shares how key motivations of honor and duty represented something different than it does today.   Dr. Edward A. Gutiérrez | Director, Center for Military History and Grand Strategy Read: Doughboys on the Great War: How American Soldiers Viewed Their Military Experience (Modern War Studies), by Dr. Edward A. Gutiérrez This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers. This podcast offers leaders an opportunity to understand the growing shifts happening within the military culture as an immersive supplement to the book. Based on 15 years of research, counseling, and teaching the military culture across all branches. Gain insights on changing perspectives within the culture, generational shifts in authority, the impact of Department of Defense budget decisions, emerging social trends within the military community, and the cumulative effect of two decades of the War on Terror on military family wellness. Order your copy of Military Culture Shift here.  Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast here Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie here. Sponsored by New Rez Home Mortgages: Newrez believes the lending business shouldn't just be about home loans - it should be about homeowners.  Closing song is Regrets by Moda Spira
Ch 4 Follow the Money with Heba Abdelaal
Feb 29 2024
Ch 4 Follow the Money with Heba Abdelaal
The Defense Budget is not likely part of your dinner table conversations. Yet, the budget impacts the lives of everyday military families in the groceries they have access to, the condition of their housing, and of course their paycheck. I wanted to make the very confusing topic of Congress and Defense Budgets as simple as possible, so who better to invite than Heba Abdelaal, a Millennial military spouse, former congressional staffer, and incredible human to the podcast.  This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers. This podcast offers leaders an opportunity to understand the growing shifts happening within the military culture as an immersive supplement to the book. Based on 15 years of research, counseling, and teaching the military culture across all branches. Gain insights on changing perspectives within the culture, generational shifts in authority, the impact of Department of Defense budget decisions, emerging social trends within the military community, and the cumulative effect of two decades of the War on Terror on military family wellness. Order your copy of Military Culture Shift here.  Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast here Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie here. Sponsored by New Rez Home Mortgages: Newrez believes the lending business shouldn't just be about home loans - it should be about homeowners.
Ch 5 Perspective From The Top- Former Joint Chief of AF
Mar 7 2024
Ch 5 Perspective From The Top- Former Joint Chief of AF
In the Army, there is an old saying that the commander is responsible for everything the unit does or fails to do. When morale begins to fail in the institution, the culture looks to the top. When the Afghanistan exit began to unravel, veterans and even some active duty looked to top military leadership, mainly the Joint Chiefs of the branches as well as the Chairman for responsibility and accountability. Some were even angry that stars were not put on the table in the name of protecting and serving the people in the fight. The more I dug into the frustration felt by those boots on the ground and leveraged curiosity for those carrying the weight of hard decisions at the top, the more messy accountability became. I found that most people, regardless of role, rank, or responsibility were genuinely doing the best they could in the circumstances they found themselves in. It turns out, the messy part is choosing to believe it. I knew it would be helpful to hear from one of those Joint Chiefs from that season, to not only get his lessons on leadership but more importantly, to share what it is really like to make tough decisions at the top that will impact an entire branch.  So I invited retired General Norton Shwartz, or Norty as he likes to be called, and his wife Suzie to share some of their story. He became the 19th Joint Chief of Staff of the Air Force in 2008 after his predecessor was fired for misplacing nuclear weapons. They served in that role until 2012 as sequestration and exhaustion rippled throughout the military culture. Both Boomers, they have continued to invest in their community since then.  This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers. This podcast offers leaders an opportunity to understand the growing shifts happening within the military culture as an immersive supplement to the book. Based on 15 years of research, counseling, and teaching the military culture across all branches. Gain insights on changing perspectives within the culture, generational shifts in authority, the impact of Department of Defense budget decisions, emerging social trends within the military community, and the cumulative effect of two decades of the War on Terror on military family wellness. Order your copy of Military Culture Shift here.  Final Credit song is "I Just Don't Get It", written, produced, and performed by veteran James Corbin (Spotify: James Corbin, "I Just Don't Get It")   Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast here Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie here Sponsored by New Rez Home Mortgages: Newrez believes the lending business shouldn't just be about home loans - it should be about homeowners.
Ch 6 First Impressions with Amy Bushatz
Mar 14 2024
Ch 6 First Impressions with Amy Bushatz
Starting in 2008, cell phones and social media quickly escalated into our daily lives. Millennials filled the lower ranks of the force while op-tempos reached exhausting levels and sequestration tainted the beginning of a second decade of war as it forced us to dangerously downsize. The “halo effect” left many Gen X and older Millennials, confused- trying to reconcile their positive expectations of the military with reality. Technology provided a megaphone to an eager and fearless generation that had a lot to say, and access to influential leaders who, they felt, needed to hear it.    In Chapter 6, I shared the story of Amy, a millennial, a journalist for, and a military spouse who gave voice to the betrayal she and other families felt as service members were handed pink slips instead of promotions. Amy was just one of many examples of how Millennials aimed to bring about change. Amy later became an editor for and is known as one of the most competent voices on a lot of military issues, including understanding the Tricare system. I asked Amy to come on the podcast to share what she remembers from that decade, but also the shifts she saw in the culture as she covered it over the years.  This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers. This podcast offers leaders an opportunity to understand the growing shifts happening within the military culture as an immersive supplement to the book. Based on 15 years of research, counseling, and teaching the military culture across all branches. Gain insights on changing perspectives within the culture, generational shifts in authority, the impact of Department of Defense budget decisions, emerging social trends within the military community, and the cumulative effect of two decades of the War on Terror on military family wellness. Order your copy of Military Culture Shift here.  The final credits song is "Bang" by Moda Spira. Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast here Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie here. Sponsored by New Rez Home Mortgages: Newrez believes the lending business shouldn't just be about home loans - it should be about homeowners.
Ch 7 The Millennial Response to Crisis with Shannon Razsadin, MFAN
Mar 21 2024
Ch 7 The Millennial Response to Crisis with Shannon Razsadin, MFAN
As a Gen X, I wish I could say that it was my generation that was the Hero generation. However, Millennials swung away from independence and invited our multi-generational nation into a giant family meeting. With their signature question “why”, they have challenged us to talk about the many elephants in the room, making all of us a little (or a lot) uncomfortable. As conversations became public around diversity, mold in housing, and food insecurity many millennials found ways to advocate for government response.  Shannon Razsadin, a millennial military spouse helped found Military Family Advisory Network, a non-profit that provides research on these topics. MFAN helped expose the model crisis in 2019 and are currently tackling food insecurity.  I wanted to bring Shannon on the podcast to share more about her motivations before and during those years as well as her own first impressions of the military community when she came in.  This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers. This podcast offers leaders an opportunity to understand the growing shifts happening within the military culture as an immersive supplement to the book. Based on 15 years of research, counseling, and teaching the military culture across all branches. Gain insights on changing perspectives within the culture, generational shifts in authority, the impact of Department of Defense budget decisions, emerging social trends within the military community, and the cumulative effect of two decades of the War on Terror on military family wellness. Order your copy of Military Culture Shift here.  Final Credit song is "Still" written, produced, and performed by active duty service member Tyler Smith (Spotify: Tyler Smith "Still")   Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast here Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie here Sponsored by New Rez Home Mortgages: Newrez believes the lending business shouldn't just be about home loans - it should be about homeowners.
Ch 10 The Multi-Generational Roundtable
Apr 4 2024
Ch 10 The Multi-Generational Roundtable
While the military culture is a subculture of America, the military spouse community is a subculture of the military. Similar to our military kids, these subcultures experience a unique perspective separate from what service members and government employees experience. While they are not employees and (mostly) aren’t regulated by the institution, their relationship with the Department of Defense has a history of confusion, expectations, entanglement, and deeply personal experiences. It is unfortunately too easy to make their voice secondary, secondary to the mission, and secondary to our priorities and interests. And yet, we are told we are the backbone of force readiness. To skip over the spouse chapters in the book as well as this episode only enforces that narrative. So I’m inviting you to lean in. The best way to discuss the spouse chapters of the book was to bring in a multi-generational spouses roundtable with various experiences. Ending Credits song is "Cool" by active duty Army service member Tyler Smith. This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers.  Order your copy of Military Culture Shift Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie
The Seesaw of Distrust with Gen Z Matthew Weiss
Apr 11 2024
The Seesaw of Distrust with Gen Z Matthew Weiss
In 2023, Gallup reported that America’s confidence in major institutions such as banking, education, religion, and government was historically the lowest it has ever been. Like a see-saw, trust has been declining for decades but there was always enough trust in the older or youngest generations to keep the see-saw somewhat balanced and institutions funded and functional. As confidence has steadily declined, some have said that the see-saw is finally tipping with more generations distrusting than ever. It isn’t helping that Gen Z has been watching evidence of institutions mismanagement in real time online and in social media.  With so much speculation around Gen Z, I wanted to bring on Matthew Weiss, a Marine Corps Intelligence officer, Gen Z, and author of the book “We Don’t Want You Uncle Sam” to help us understand what Gen Z is really asking. Through the lens of his motivations for personal service, as well as connections to peers and his previous experience with a cutting-edge defense technology company, his book has sparked conversations on the highest levels.  Final Credit song is "I'll See You Someday", written, produced, and performed by military teen Harlan Adams.   This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers.  Order your copy of Military Culture Shift Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie
Gen Z at Abbey Gate with Aidan Gunderson
May 2 2024
Gen Z at Abbey Gate with Aidan Gunderson
As our military valiantly scrambled to leave Kabul airport, the explosion at Abbey Gate killed 13 of our service members. All but one were Gen Z. For much of the older generation, war was all we knew but Gen Z  had only been coming in for a few years, the oldest of them only four when 9/11 happened. Losing them this way, for this reason, at the end of our very long and painful chapter, yet at the beginning of theirs seemed even more wrong.  With all this talk about Gen Z motivations and the recruiting crisis, I wondered about the Gen Z that entered the force before the end of those two decades of war. What motivated them to come in and how did the Afghanistan exit impact their very fresh perspectives on this career and lifestyle?  I invited Aidan Gunderson, a Gen Z Marine deployed to Afghanistan during the withdrawal to share his deeply personal story of what happened at Abbey Gate as well as how it has affected his view of service.  Find out more about Operation Allies Refuge:  This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers.  Order your copy of Military Culture Shift Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie Final Credit song is "Hey America", written, produced, and performed by veteran James Corbin.
The Millennial Commander at Kabul Airport
May 9 2024
The Millennial Commander at Kabul Airport
Shortly after I recorded the Spouse’s Roundtable, Jessica- the millennial spouse whose husband Andrew served on the ground during the Afghanistan exit, reached out to me to say that Andrew was ready to share his story. Still serving, Andrew felt limited in what he could say as well as whether he was ready to share. None of us could forget the powerful images of the chaos at the Kabul airport in August 2021. It is seared into our minds, much like the stories from the fall of Saigon in 1975, and what many compared it to. Stories like these are nothing short of remarkable. Similar stories from Afghanistan, like the one you are about to hear, are still surfacing. They reveal the incredible training of our US and allied partners but also the wounding of moral and ethical decisions that are difficult to make sense of and challenging to heal from.  Rather than being a voyeur as you listen, I hope these episodes invite you to think about how you might bring purpose from your own story and how they can inspire you to be a leader others want to follow. This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers.  Order your copy of Military Culture Shift Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie Final Credits song is "Time To Be Me" by veterans Sally Griffiths & Will Kimbrough with Songwriting with Soldiers. SW​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​S October 2023, Crawford, TX by SongwritingWith:Soldiers Watch the clip "Fall of Saigon: 40 years later":
The Integrity of a Promise, Scott Mann and the Pineapple Express
May 16 2024
The Integrity of a Promise, Scott Mann and the Pineapple Express
I will never forget the feeling that rushed over me when I heard about the Pineapple Express during August 2021. Scott Mann, a retired Lieutenant Colonel and former U.S. Army Green Beret joined with other veterans who resolved to fulfill their promises to the Aghan allies for protection. The efforts of Scott and other veterans through the Pineapple Express and other civilian-led efforts were nothing short of heroic. But their commitment to find and fund their own way back to Afghanistan illuminated a whole other level of integrity, leadership, and “What right looks like”. Against the backdrop of what Gen Milley has since called a “Strategic failure”, the Pineapple Express shook me and many others in the country awake, revealing the startling breakdown of the institution’s hierarchy, a shift in the future of humanitarian aid, and the power of human kindness.  For more information on Scott Mann:  Website and "Last Out": Rooftop Leadership: This podcast is based on the book Military Culture Shift by clinical consultant and SME on military family culture, Corie Weathers.  Order your copy of Military Culture Shift Listen to Corie's Lifegiver Podcast Find out more about how you can work with and contact Corie Final Credits song is "Rules of Engagement" by Anthony Wheeler / Maia Sharp with Songwriting with Soldiers. ( Scott's Full testimony before Congress:
Healing Collective Moral Injury with Dr Timothy Mallard
May 23 2024
Healing Collective Moral Injury with Dr Timothy Mallard
Over the course of writing Military Culture Shift and especially present in the last three episodes, the phrase “moral injury” has come up again and again. Brought into mainstream awareness by Jonathan Shay in the 90s and early 2000s, his first book Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character introduced moral injury as a distinct second syndrome from PTSD.  As progress continues to evolve on the individualized treatment modalities for PTSD and moral injury, the Afghanistan exit, and its eerily similar characteristics with Vietnam, brings up the question of "How does an entire culture heal when it feels betrayed and morally injured?" Surely the Afghanistan veterans and families that came out of two decades of war are not destined to carry similar burdens as our recent Vietnam veterans have. I asked our good friend and mentor, Dr. Timothy Mallard, Chaplain, and Assistant Professor and Director of Ethical Development at The United States Army War College, and subject matter expert on moral injury to sit down with me just 60 days out from his own retirement. Still on his own journey of healing from his response to the 9/11 attack at the Pentagon, he has been a pillar of strength, wisdom, and comfort for many over the last several decades. Final Credits Song: "There Is Always Hope" by Human Is Alive, Kieldfal, Silent Travelers Arch Bishop Tutu Forgiveness Project: Recommended resources from Dr. Mallard:  Veteran's Association: Jonathan Shay: Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character: The (Twin) Wounds of War, by Timothy Mallard: The Moral Injury of the Cross, by Timothy Mallard: