Recovery Uncensored

Host: Ty Bechel

Welcome to Recovery Uncensored, with your host Ty Bechel, the podcast that plunges head first into the gritty reality of addiction, redemption, resilience, and recovery. Join us as we shatter the silence surrounding substance use and embark on an unfiltered journey alongside our amazing and courageous guests.

In each episode, our host fearlessly engages in one-on-one interviews with real people who have triumphed over the darkest depths of addiction. Brace yourself for raw, unadulterated conversations where no topic is off-limits, and no story is too taboo. From gut-wrenching confessions to heartwarming tales of recovery, we explore the unfiltered experiences that shape the road to redemption.

Family members, too, find solace in sharing their untold stories of navigating the turbulent waters alongside their loved ones. Discover the unvarnished truth about the ripple effects addiction has on relationships, trust, and the power of unconditional love.

Our podcast goes beyond personal narratives. We also bring professionals from the industry into the spotlight, exposing the inner workings of the recovery process. Hear from leading experts, therapists, and counselors as they unravel the complex web of addiction, providing invaluable insights and guidance.

At Recovery Uncensored, we believe in unapologetic authenticity. No sugar-coating, no glossy filters—just real people, real stories, all uncensored. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to be captivated by the unflinching honesty of our guests. It's time to break down the walls of stigma and shed light on the harrowing path to recovery.

Are you ready to confront the truth? Join us on this intense rollercoaster of emotions as we redefine the meaning of resilience, hope, and the indomitable human spirit. Welcome to Recovery Uncensored!

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Season 3

Episode 48: I'm Coming Home
Nov 8 2022
Episode 48: I'm Coming Home
Nate Hartmann, Vice President of Operations at Symetria Recovery, joins host Ty A. Bechel, all the way from Oswego, Illinois, a suburb outside of Chicago, to discuss his personal and professional journey. Nate, an Illinois native from Naperville, Illinois, struggled with drug and alcohol addiction hindered by debilitating depression as a young adult. His parents were concerned, and after seeing a therapist for his depression, later revealing his alcohol and drug habits, he decided to seek residential treatment recommended by his therapist. Nate credits his decision to go to treatment in 2003 after seeing a television show where the rock-n-roll hall of famer, Ozzy Osbourne's son, Jack Osbourne, decided to seek help for his spat with alcohol and drugs. He lived in a halfway house after his first (and last) stay at a treatment center. He later went on to work at a call center in 2008 for an intervention organization where he helped families and individuals find the resources they needed to find recovery. Fast forward a few years and a Master's Degree later, Nate is helping shape the professional world; he is keeping his roots in mind on how he was treated like a human being and had many of his needs met by his therapist and the admissions team at the residential facility he began his recovery journey at. This remarkable transformation leads him to return to Naperville, Illinois, after an 18-year hiatus with his wife and two children. Support the
Episode 56: A Daughter's Rage Turned Forgiveness
Mar 21 2023
Episode 56: A Daughter's Rage Turned Forgiveness
Rhiannon Gancheff joined Ty in the Big Z Media studio from Florida, traveling to Illinois to meet her mother and brother for a week. There is a saying, "Addiction is not a spectator sport, and the entire family gets to play," and Rhiannon was a central teammate in her mother's addiction. Rhiannon recounts the struggles she saw her mother and father experience, from drug and alcohol addiction, toxic encounters, and infidelities, to the separation of her family that led to moving over seven hours away from Colorado to a small town in Illinois. After her mother and new step-father attempted a blended family while her mother focused on drug use, Rhiannon was left to take on the hero role in her family and help raise her younger sister and brother. The annoyance of her mother's constant drug use became full-blown resentment and rage. Eventually, through a series of events over a few years, the momentum of hate, feelings of abandonment, and sadness for her own mother, Rhiannon decided to help her mother find recovery, though, through her own admittance, was not kind to her at all. After a three-hour conversation at the kitchen table with her mom, Rhiannon let a decade of anger, sadness, shame, and resentment out, which ultimately became the pivotal moment of her healing and repairing the relationship with her mother. A true story of how families are affected by addiction and how the power of healing and recovery is possible. Support the
Small Towns Have Heroin Too: Jakob's Story
Aug 15 2023
Small Towns Have Heroin Too: Jakob's Story
Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a small town and then struggle with addiction? This week, we have Jakob Miller shedding light on this very experience. Raised in Union, Missouri, Jakob opens up about the sharp contrast between small town life and the city, and the adjustments associated with returning home after years away. Jakob gives us an intimate look at his battles with drug addiction and how his childhood played a significant role. He bares it all, discussing the impact of his relationship with his father, or lack of, on his self-worth, and the negative self-talk that dominated his thoughts. The conversation takes an uplifting turn as we touch on the essential role of self-love and respect in recovery, emphasizing that overcoming addiction is a journey filled with both trials and triumphs.Wrapping things up, we hear about Jakob’s personal recovery journey and the necessity of reaching out for help. He gets candid about his family's role in his recovery, highlighting their support as a source of strength. He shares the vital role of community support in de-stigmatizing addiction, giving a shout-out to the community shift in Union, Missouri, and what it's like starting a treatment center with friends in the Swansea area. Whether you're on a recovery journey yourself, know someone who is, or just want to gain a deeper understanding, this is a conversation you'll want to tune in for.Support the
Exploring Substance Use Disorders and Therapy with Dr. Ari Lakritz
Aug 22 2023
Exploring Substance Use Disorders and Therapy with Dr. Ari Lakritz
Just imagine the journey one must take to devote their life to the study of the human mind. Dr. Ari Lakritz, our esteemed guest and psychologist at OSF in St. Anthony's in Alton, journeyed to the Midwest from the bustling streets of New York City and New Jersey, before settling in Alton. In our fascinating dialogue, Dr. Lakritz takes us along his educational journey, narrating his experiences from his undergrad studies to securing his doctorate, all while sharing his views on substance use along the way.There is a raw honesty in the world of addiction and recovery, a truth that can be difficult to confront, yet is vital to the healing process. Dr. Lakritz beautifully illustrates this in our discussion. We speak candidly about the challenges medical professionals face when dealing with substance use disorders, and the importance of a holistic approach to healing. Digging deeper into the subject, we explore the intriguing concept of acquired personality pathology and delve into the intricacies of trauma-informed care. It's a conversation that underscores the need for patience, collaboration, and honesty in tackling these complex issues.But what of those who need these services? Dr. Lakritz sheds light on an often overlooked aspect of therapy - the wait times. He outlines the importance of short wait times for therapy services, and how the team at OSF is making a notable effort to reduce the gap between scheduling and seeing clients. This conversation serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of seeking help when you need it, and the possibilities that are available. So, if you're someone in need, or you know someone who could benefit from these services, don't hesitate to reach out to OSF and take advantage of the shorter wait lists.Support the
Humble Beginnings: The Eric Conley Story
Sep 5 2023
Humble Beginnings: The Eric Conley Story
Picture a young boy from Fairview Heights, Illinois, growing up in a small house with his two sisters and parents where life starts to unravel at an early age. That boy is Eric Conley and his story is one of struggle, resilience and ultimately, redemption. He candidly shares his battle with depression and addiction that began in his teenage years, leading to serious medical complications and the desperate need for recovery. His journey is a testament to the power of humility, a strong support system, and the crucial role of recovery centers.Eric Conley, now the founding CEO of the Illinois Recovery Center, paints a picture of his life that’s as raw as it is relatable. From his first run-in with the law at the innocent age of 13, his struggle with substances to manage his anxiety and his mother's battle with breast cancer -- his journey is filled with trials and tribulations. But it's in these challenges where he found strength and purpose. His sobriety journey led him to turn his life around and inspire others through the establishment of the Illinois Recovery Center. Tune in to hear about the importance of humility, resilience, and support in recovery. Eric emphasizes the role of a strong foundation, similar to sports, and progress over perfection. He shares how his love for sports helped him practice patience, a key principle in recovery. The episode closes on a powerful note as Eric reflects on the importance of seeking help and making that life-altering call for recovery. His gratitude for the Illinois Recovery Center is palpable, as it served as a beacon of hope and strength in his journey. Join us as we navigate this incredible story of struggle, survival, and salvation with Eric Conley.Support the
Trauma of the Worst Kind
Sep 12 2023
Trauma of the Worst Kind
Meet Bonnie Goodwin, a woman who's journey through recovery has not only transformed her life but has also become a beacon of hope for others battling addiction. With eight years, eight months and one day of recovery under her belt, she travels to the town of Vandalia, sharing her unique insight on her growth in recovery. Sit tight as we delve into her personal experiences and thoughts on the power dynamics that have been at play.Brace yourself as we navigate through the tumultuous teenage years of Bonnie, marred with substance abuse, traumatic encounters, and a desperate suicide attempt. Revisit the school halls where smoking and drinking culture took root, experience her intense loneliness amidst a crowd of 2,500, and bear witness to a distressing car ride that ended in a horrific violation of her safety. Her path to self-destruction and her turning point to seek help, a story of resilience and redemption, are testimonies of her courage.In the concluding chapters, we shift focus to Bonnie's time in prison, her recovery journey, and the invaluable life lessons she learned along the way. From the impact of her arrest, the heart-breaking loss of her children, to the commencement of her time in Chicago, her tale is a testament of her strength and resolve. Currently, she works with Amare, extending her hard-won wisdom and serving as a recovery coach, providing a lifeline to others on a similar path. Join us as we celebrate her incredible story.Support the
Her Name is Heather Thompson
Sep 19 2023
Her Name is Heather Thompson
In this episode, we hear some of the last recorded moments of Heather Thompson. We recorded this episode on Sunday, September 3rd, 2023, and she tragically passed away on Thursday, September 7th, 2023 - 4 days later. Heather and her husband, Joe Thompson, are residents of Coffeen, Illinois, a small village in Central Illinois with an approximate population of 700. When asked if Joe would like me to publish the episode or give it to them to be shared with family, he said Heather would have wanted us to publish the episode for others to hear. In this interview, happy and excited to share about her life, experiences, children, parents, and husband, Heather shares about becoming a mother at 17, what is was like being a bartender, and how she was a high school achiever. But drugs came into the picture as an adult and everything changed. Heather takes us on an emotional roller-coaster as she opens up about her multiple arrests, relapses, and the life-altering moment she was denied communion in church. These hardships, although traumatic, served as inspiration, pushing her to turn her life around. She shared with jubilation about planting her roots of recovery in Montgomery County and that she loves her job and her life. Her heartfelt story underscores the importance of cherishing our time with loved ones, reminding us all of the fragility of life and the crucial role of love and support in our lives. Join us on this intense journey of Heather's life, from addiction, recovery, to redemption.It was difficult to listen to this full interview and edit the little that I did. To hear her laugh and discuss how much she loved to help people and how much she adored her children and husband was extremely tough knowing she is no longer with us. In her honor, we will always miss her. And remember, her name is Heather Thompson. Support the
From Dusk to Dawn: A True Tale of Redemption
Oct 31 2023
From Dusk to Dawn: A True Tale of Redemption
Have you ever found yourself in a place so dark, you couldn't imagine a way out? Join us in a heartfelt conversation with Christina Foster-Beagle, who candidly shares her journey from the depth of addiction to the pinnacles of redemption. Listen as she takes us back to her small-town roots in Roxana, Illinois. Here, she paints a picture of a young woman who put aside her Navy dream for a love that ended just days after the wedding bells rang, followed by the devastating loss of her beloved brother. The story of Christina is a stark reminder of the lasting effects of addiction and relationships on our lives.Christina's life took a dramatic turn when her son made a gut-wrenching request for her to plan her own funeral. This proved to be the wake-up call she needed to break free from her drug addiction. Navigating through a manipulative ex-husband and a near-death car crash, Christina emerged stronger and more determined to conquer her demons. Overcoming her tribulations, she transformed her life in a powerful testament to resilience and the human spirit.Now, Christina is a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of recovery. We explore her journey to sobriety and her empowering work with Foster's Light in the Dark, an organization she founded to give back to the community to help families impacted by losing a loved one to suicide or an accidental overdose. We delve into the importance of future planning, the role of God in her recovery, her gratitude for the support of her family and the balance between productivity and busyness in recovery. Listen in as we illuminate the path to recovery, community building, and finding light even in the darkest moments. This conversation is a testament to Christina's unshakeable spirit and a reminder that it's never too late to turn things around.Support the
Drug Court Shenanigans with Judge Napp and Kim Clark
Nov 7 2023
Drug Court Shenanigans with Judge Napp and Kim Clark
Have you ever wondered what the journey from addiction to recovery looks like, particularly from the unique perspective of those who have been on both sides of the drug court system? Ever thought about the real-life stories behind the faces of those tasked with the immense responsibility of turning lives around? This episode promises to take you on a profound journey with two inspiring guests, the honorable Judge Kyle Napp and Ms. Kimberly Clark, who transitioned from pre-med studies to a crucial role in mental health and drug court.As you listen, you'll be moved by their personal stories, the hurdles they overcame, and the growth they experienced. Judge Knapp shares her inspiring journey from corporate law to a key player in criminal justice. On the other hand, Ms. Clark speaks about her fascinating transition from pre-med to a critical role in drug and mental health court. The resilience, the professional development, and the transformative leadership they've experienced is nothing short of inspiring.The riveting conversation doesn't stop there. Our guests delve into deeply moving experiences; Judge Knapp's recounts her challenging yet rewarding journey that led up to becoming the Judge of Madison County Drug Court, highlighting the critical role her mother played in her life and why she works so diligently. Kim Clark, too, lends her voice to the importance of self-investment and the gratification derived from positively impacting others' lives. Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain fresh insights into recovery, redemption, and making a difference from people who've helped those deeply impacted by addiction. Support the

Season 2