The Christian Faith Podcast

David Canfield

The Christian Faith Radio Hour exists, along with website, to help address the need for a healthy word of ministry among God’s children today. read less
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The Seven Churches (8): Why “Philadelphia”?
3d ago
The Seven Churches (8): Why “Philadelphia”?
Among the seven churches in Revelation 2-3, it is the church in Philadelphia that fulfills the Lord’s desire. But, why did the Lord, under His sovereignty, name this city so that the church there would be “the church in Philadelphia,” and not “the church in Agape?” In other words, why is this church called “the church of brotherly love,” rather than, “the church of divine love?” (That’s what the Greek words mean, respectively.) We might expect that, since the divine love is so much richer and higher than brotherly love, it should be the church in Agape that fulfills the Lord’s desire, not the church in Philadelphia. But in fact, in our experience, the divine love can only grow and develop within us in the environment of brotherly love (2 Peter 1:7). It is because the church in Philadelphia provides the environment for us to love the brothers and sacrifice ourselves for their sake, so that we enter into the experience of the divine love, that this church fulfills the Lord’s desire. =========== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube ===========                                                                   RESOURCES Books Watchman Nee The Orthodoxy of the Church E.H. Broadbent The Pilgrim Church Bible Verses See  Episode #92: “The Seven Churches (8): Why “Philadelphia”? =========== Recording Recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Tuesday, 28 May 2024
The Seven Churches (6): Sardis, the Reformed but Dead Church
May 10 2024
The Seven Churches (6): Sardis, the Reformed but Dead Church
Understanding the Lord’s word to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3 will greatly help us to see where we need to be in terms of our own church fellowship. So, in this edition of the podcast we come to His word to the church in Sardis, which is found in Revelation 3:1-6. Just as during His earthly ministry, the word the Lord speaks to the seven churches is not at all political; rather, He gives a very strong, direct, and frank word of judgment to deal with so many of the negative and harmful things that had come in among the churches. And yet, at the same time, it is a word of love, for as the Lord says in Revelation 3:19, “As many as I love, I rebuke and discipline.” As we saw in the previous episode, the Lord would not even speak directly to Thyatira, which signifies, prophetically, the pagan, apostate, Roman Catholic church; He would only speak to the remnant of His people there. When we come to Sardis, however, which signifies the Protestant church of the Reformation, we see that, on the one hand, He does speak directly to this church. But, on the other hand, the Lord has nothing good to say about it; He only appreciates a “few” there who have not defiled their garments. To the church itself the Lord says, very simply, “You are dead!” (Rev. 3:1). Considering such a sober word will help us to realize that, while Sardis was indeed a real improvement over Thyatira, it still falls far short of the Lord’s desire. Thus, we still need to go on until we arrive at the church in Philadelphia. =========== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube ===========                                                                   RESOURCES Books Watchman Nee The Orthodoxy of the Church E.H. Broadbent The Pilgrim Church Bible Verses See  Episode #90: “The Seven Churches (6): Sardis, the Reformed but Dead Church” =========== Recording Recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Thursday, 9 May 2024
The Seven Churches (5): "Thyatira," or, Seeing the Roman Catholic Church for What It Truly Is
May 2 2024
The Seven Churches (5): "Thyatira," or, Seeing the Roman Catholic Church for What It Truly Is
As the followers of Christ, it is important for us to not only love what the Lord loves, but also to hate what the Lord hates; otherwise, it indicates that our love for the Lord may not be so genuine, or at least, not so enduring. So, in this episode of the podcast we consider the Lord’s word to the church in Thyatira in Revelation 2:18-29. To this church the Lord says that He has “the eyes like a flame of fire,” because in His word here He burns away all its false, outward appearance to expose this church for what it truly is. In brief, Thyatira prefigures the Roman Catholic church; the Lord’s word here corresponds to His Parable of the Tares in Matthew 13:33, and also to the vision of the Great Harlot of Revelation 17. All of these passages make it very clear that the Lord considers the Roman Catholic church to abomination. Far from being the one true church, as it so strongly claims for itself, it is the continuation of the pagan system of worship found in ancient Rome, which in turn was a continuation of so much of the paganism of the ancient Middle East. While this is a very negative topic, if we see the real nature of the Roman church, it will be a great protection to us, to keep us from being deceived by that evil religious system as we seek to follow Christ today. We will also appreciate much more fully the Lord’s desire to have the one true church, which is composed of all the genuine believers in Christ, as His spotless bride. Length: 1 Hour =========== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube ===========                                                                   RESOURCES Previous Episodes The Seven Churches (4): Thyatira, the Apostate, Pagan, Roman Catholic Church Websites Wikipedia: The Pontifex Maximus Wikipedia: Pope Damascus Bible Verses See  The Seven Churches (5): Seeing Thyatira, the Roman Catholic Church, for What It Truly Is” =========== Recording Recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, 1 May 2024
The Seven Churches (4): Thyatira: The Apostate, Pagan, Roman Catholic Church
Apr 25 2024
The Seven Churches (4): Thyatira: The Apostate, Pagan, Roman Catholic Church
As we study the prophecy of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3, which shows us the seven stages of the history of the church, we will gain a clear view of where we should seek to be in terms of our church fellowship, namely, in the fellowship of the church in Philadelphia. In this episode we consider the fourth of these churches, the church in Thyatira. This signifies the apostate, pagan, Roman Catholic church, beginning from the last part of the sixth century and remaining until the Lord’s return. This is the “Jezebel” of Revelation 2:20 and also the “Great Harlot” seen later in the book of Revelation, in chapter 17. This stage of the church is also depicted in the Parable of the Leaven in Matthew 13:33. While this is a very negative topic, if we see the real nature of the Roman church, it will be a great protection to us, to keep us from being deceived by that evil religious system as we seek to follow Christ today. We will also appreciate much more fully the Lord’s desire to have the one true church, which is composed of all the genuine believers in Christ, as His spotless bride. =========== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube =========== SUMMARY Seeing the Roman Catholic church for what it really is will be a protection to us, keeping us from being deceived by it as we follow Christ today =========== RESOURCES Books Watchman Nee The Orthodoxy of the Church E.H. Broadbent The Pilgrim Church Bible Verses See Episode #88: “The Seven Churches (4): Thyatira: The Apostate, Pagan, Roman Church” =========== RECORDING Recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, 24 April 2024
The Seven Churches (3): Pergamos, the Worldly Church
Apr 18 2024
The Seven Churches (3): Pergamos, the Worldly Church
The more you study the prophecy of the seven churches in Revelation 2-3, the more you have to be convinced that only God Himself could have written this book; only He could have so accurately foreseen the history of the professing church, as it is depicted in this prophecy, from the end of the first century all the way until the Lord’s return. Moreover, having a clear view of the prophetic history of these churches will help us see where we need to be in terms of our church fellowship, namely, in the fellowship of the church in Philadelphia. In this episode we consider the third of these churches, Pergamos. This church signifies the church from the fourth through the sixth centuries, that is, the church as it was turning away from Christ and being corrupted by the world. This stage of the church is also depicted in the Parable of the Tares in Matthew 13:24-30. =========== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube ===========                                                                   RESOURCES Website Books Watchman Nee The Orthodoxy of the Church E.H. Broadbent The Pilgrim Church Online Darby on Matthew 24 Previous Episodes Episode #35: “The End of Amillennialism” (1) Bible Verses See Episode #87: “The Seven Churches (3): Pergamos, the Worldly Church” =========== Recording Recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, 17 April 2024
The Seven Churches (2): Ephesus & Smyrna, the Early Church & the Suffering Church
Apr 11 2024
The Seven Churches (2): Ephesus & Smyrna, the Early Church & the Suffering Church
In Revelation 2-3 the Lord first deals with the seven churches, which show us prophetically the history of the entire church age, before going on in the remaining chapters of Revelation to judge the world and Satan. This is in keeping with the principle the Apostle Peter gives us, that “judgment begins with the house of God” (1 Pet. 4:17). On the one hand, before God the churches are golden lampstands, shining out God’s testimony, and we really need to appreciate them in this way. But even so, on the other hand, they exist practically on the earth according to their actual condition, and the Lord judges them on that basis in chapters 2-3 of the book of Revelation. In this episode of the podcast, we consider the first two of these churches, Ephesus & Smyrna. These represent, respectively, the church at the end of the first century and the suffering church of the 2nd and 3rd centuries. =========== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube ===========                                                                   RESOURCES Online Darby on Acts 20 Books Watchman Nee The Orthodoxy of the Church E.H. Broadbent The Pilgrim Church Previous Episodes Episode #63: “Could We Be Disciplined When We See the Lord?” (1) Bible Verses See Episode #86: “The Seven Churches (2): Ephesus & Smyrna, the Early Church” =========== Recording Recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, 10 April 2024
Christ in You: The Need for Ministry (4) & the New Testament Fellowship (1)
Mar 26 2024
Christ in You: The Need for Ministry (4) & the New Testament Fellowship (1)
This episode begins by highlighting the ministries of three servants of the Lord who helped the saints enter into the experience of Christ as their life, and recommending their books to the saints: T. Austin Sparks, Mary McDonough, and Andrew Murray. I then go on to encourage readers to study the writings of J.N. Darby, who focused more on the objective aspect of the truth, and also the 1917 edition of the Scofield Study Bible. Finally, I recommend the ministry of Brother Titus Chu, which has been a great help to me personally. He was a co-worker of Witness Lee, and currently serves the Lord in the Great Lakes area of the United States and Canada, and oversees as well. The last segment begins to consider the question of just what is, and what is not, the New Testament Fellowship of the believers in Christ. =========== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube ===========                                                                   BOOKS RECOMMENDED IN THIS EPISODE For the list of books referred to in this episode, please see its page on our website: Episode #84: “Christ In You: The Need for Ministry” (4) & "The New Testament Fellowship" (1) OTHER RESOURCES A Bible Chart, based on Mary McDonough’s “3 Circle” diagrams A Chart of God’s Full Salvation Video How I Found the New Testament Fellowship Previous Episodes of the Podcast Episode #80: The Bible in One Verse Episode #82: “Christ In You: The Need for Ministry” (2) Episode #83: Christ In You: The Need for Ministry (3) BIBLE VERSES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE See Episode #84: “Christ In You: The Need for Ministry” (4) & "The New Testament Fellowship" (1) =========== Recorded in Chicago, Illinois on the Lord’s Day Evening, 24 March 2024
Christ In You: The Need for Ministry (3)
Mar 19 2024
Christ In You: The Need for Ministry (3)
Which ministry we choose to receive will to a large extent decide our life. Those who receive the ministry of the pope will be Catholics, those who receive what Mohamed taught will be Muslims, etc. For those of us who are Bible-believing Christians, the ministry we choose to receive will to a large extent determine how well we are able to go on with the Lord. So, in this episode I share how I came to appreciate the ministry of Witness Lee, and testify of the help I received through him. He labored to bring the saints into the experience of Christ living within us as our hope of glory (Col. 1:27), which is the central point of the entire Bible. This was an enormous help to me personally in my walk with the Lord, and while we do not exalt any man, I am so very grateful to the Lord for allowing me to receive this help, and to Brother Lee for serving us as he did. =========== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube ===========                                                                   RESOURCES Video How I Found the New Testament Fellowship Previous Episodes of the Podcast Episode #80: The Bible in One Verse Episode #81: Christ In You: The Need for Ministry (1) Episode #82: “Christ In You: The Need for Ministry” (2) Publications Witness Lee The All-Inclusive Christ The Life and Way for the Practice of the Church Life Watchman Nee The Orthodoxy of the Church David Canfield Writings on the Turmoil Among the Churches Bible Verses See Episode #83: “Christ In You: The Need for Ministry” (3) =========== Recorded in Chicago, Illinois Wednesday, 13 March 2024
God’s Purpose (2): Christ Enlarged in Our Experience
Feb 15 2024
God’s Purpose (2): Christ Enlarged in Our Experience
As the believers in Christ, we should always grow and be enlarged in our experience of Christ as our life, and in our realization and enjoyment of Christ as everything to us. This is just like the Children of Israel in the Old Testament, in their journey from Egypt to the Good Land: In each stage of their journey, their experience of God’s provision for them, and of His purpose for them, became richer and higher. So, in this episode of the podcast we consider how their journey typifies our experience of being enlarged in Christ. =================== RESOURCES REFERRED TO IN THIS EPISODE Previous Podcasts            Episode #78: “God’s Purpose & Our Growth In Christ” Books Witness Lee, The All-Inclusive Christ David Canfield, Writings on the Turmoil Among the Churches, Full Version Writings on the Turmoil Among the Churches, Abridged Version Download the Intro to this book in PDF Format =================== BIBLE VERSES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE For a list of Bible verses referenced in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website: Episode #79: “God’s Purpose (2): Christ Enlarged in Our Experience” =================== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE  =================== FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube =================== RECORDING This edition of the program was recorded in Chicago, Illinois on the Lord’s Day, 4 February 2024.
The Passover (2)
Jan 14 2024
The Passover (2)
In the entire Bible the fullest, most complete picture of the redemptive work of Christ in is the Passover, through which God rescued the Children of Israel from slavery in Egypt. In the New Testament we have the plain words concerning redemption, which give us the proper teachings about this matter, but our understanding of redemption, and how it is applied to us, will become much richer as we consider the Passover. So, in this podcast we continue with our study of the Passover, by considering, first, the difference between what the Israelites were told to do on the outside of their house, and what they were told to do within their house, to keep the Passover. We also consider who was qualified to eat of the Passover, as well as how, after we keep the Passover, we must also keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread. =================== RESOURCES REFERRED TO IN THIS EPISODE Previous Podcasts Episode #75: The Passover (1) Notes “The Passover: Without and Within the House” (1) =================== BIBLE VERSES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE For a list of Bible verses referenced in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website: Episode #76: “The Passover” (2) =================== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE  =================== FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube =================== RECORDING This edition of the program was recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Friday, 12 January 2024.
“Out of Egypt”  (3)
Dec 18 2023
“Out of Egypt” (3)
Of all the books of the Bible, Exodus gives us the fullest picture of God’s redemptive work. This book begins with God’s people in slavery in Egypt, but ends with the glory of God appearing among His people in the tabernacle in the wilderness; what a wonderful picture of redemption is this! From this we see that the purpose of Christ’s redemptive work in the New Testament is not merely to save us from our sins, but to deliver us from the world (Acts 2:40, Gal. 1:4), today’s Egypt, and the authority of Satan, today’s Pharaoh (John 12:31; 2 Cor. 4:4), so God can gain His kingdom on the earth and build up the church as His dwelling place. So, in this podcast we come once again to the book of Exodus, focusing on the struggle the Children of Israel went through to leave Egypt behind, including how Pharaoh bargained with Moses, offering him compromises to get the Children of Israel to stay in the land. All of this provides many important lessons for us as those who seek to follow Christ today (1 Cor. 10:5-6). =================== MORE RESOURCES Previous Podcasts Episode #54: “Out of Egypt”: (1) The Struggle to Forsake the World Episode #55: “Out of Egypt”: (2) Bargaining With Pharaoh Episode #57: Our Heart, Leaving Egypt, & Lot’s Choice Books C.H. Mackintosh, Genesis to Deuteronomy: Notes on the Pentateuch C.I. Scofield, The Old Scofield Study Bible, 1917 Edition =================== BIBLE VERSES For a list of Bible verses referenced in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website: Episode #74: “Out of Egypt” (3) =================== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE  =================== FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube =================== RECORDING This edition of the program was recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Friday, 16 December 2023.
Jesus and the Scriptures
Dec 6 2023
Jesus and the Scriptures
Today so many feel we cannot trust that the Bible really is the word of God. This may be especially true among certain kinds of scholars; they claim the text of the Scripture has been corrupted, and anyway, that so many of the stories in the Bible are merely historical myths and symbolism, so we should not take it too seriously in any event. There is, however, one witness more than any other who rebuts such claims, and that is Jesus Christ Himself. Therefore, in this episode of the podcast we consider how no one ever trusted so much in the Bible and its integrity, nor did anyone ever take it in such a literal, historical way, as He did. This should surely strengthen our faith in the Bible, and also guide us today, as the followers of Christ, to take the Bible, not as mythology, but for what it truly is: as the unique, revealed, literal word of God. =================== RESOURCES REFERRED TO IN THIS EPISODE BOOKS G.H. Pember, The Great Prophecies, Volume 1 (1887) Philip Mauro, Life in the Word: Order the Print edition (1909) Philip Mauro, Life in the Word: Download the Free Online Edition =================== BIBLE VERSES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE For a list of Bible verses referenced in this episode of the podcast, please visit its page on our website: Episode #73: “Jesus and the Scriptures” =================== OUR WEBSITE SUBSCRIBE SEND US A NOTE  =================== FOLLOW US ON… Facebook YouTube =================== RECORDING This edition of the program was recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Tuesday, 5 December 2023. Note: The audio for this episode has also replaced that from Episode #1 of the podcast.