Mothers' Voice

Moncef Afkir

Moncef Afkir from "We Rise In Love" and "Mothers’ Voice" interviews wellness and spiritual teachers, speakers and leaders, who are mothers, sharing their stories, guidance and practical tools, so you can find your voice, and create balance between your motherhood responsibilities and honoring yourself and your own needs, without feeling guilty of taking time for yourself and without being afraid of not being a good mom. You will also receive parenting tips to raise your kids in a way that will help them embody their true authentic self. Moncef will also interview non-speakers and non-teachers mothers who have inspiring stories or experiences to share :) read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


The love and joy of sharing life with children with Anne Round
Nov 3 2021
The love and joy of sharing life with children with Anne Round
In this episode, Anne Round shares about:Opening and exploring her spiritual path as she raised three children, How to love the stages of transition with children...  from motherhood to mentorhood, How loving herself has kept her in her heart to love her kids as they make their own choices, How understanding that her children are beings of light shifted her parenting style, How raising children is a privilege that she is so grateful to experience Anne Round's website: BIO: Greetings, Anne Round here, introducing myself. I am a transformational being walking my talk practically and magically every day. I am a lover of life and a committed light bearer for humanity. I cherish life as a privilege to be human. On the ground level of this life, I am a re­tired phys­io­ther­a­pist (physical therapist), a wife, a mother of three adult children, a cre­ative, a sailor, a skier, a dancer, an au­thor, and a con­tem­pla­tive with a host of other in­ter­ests and ex­plo­rations. On the cos­mic level, I am a bril­liant light of vi­bra­tional en­ergy, vast, and mul­ti­di­men­sional, just like you are. Here on planet Earth, I re­side in Vic­to­ria, British Co­lum­bia, Canada. My spir­i­tual jour­ney has moved me to­wards med­i­ta­tion, shamanic jour­ney­ing, and var­i­ous en­ergy heal­ing meth­ods. Step by step, the lim­it­ing be­liefs that I had taken up and were re­strict­ing me from know­ing my­self as love in ac­tion have trans­formed. Now I like to flow with life, al­low­ing ease and grace to be my com­pan­ions. I have learned to trust in life. The more I trust and al­low life to un­fold, the eas­ier it be­comes. I walk forth in peace, love, and joy. My creed is that by be­ing the love we are, we are con­tribut­ing to the ex­pan­sion and evo­lu­tion of hu­man­ity. When we ac­knowl­edge that we are love, a part of the fab­ric of the Uni­verse, and a part of na­ture, then we can al­low love to flow into us and ra­di­ate out of us to do its work in the world. Do­ing so with an in­ten­tion for the high­est good and love for all ex­pands every pos­si­bil­ity. This is how we will con­sciously build a new world where the source of all ac­tion is love in­stead of fear. As a life long learner, I have completed Gene Keys Golden Path, Deep Dives and the Gene Keys Guides Programme. Natural Healing Arts and Energy Medicine Intensive with Sharon Forrest Visionseeker and Continuum Workshops on Shamanism and Spirit Medicine with Hank Wesselman  Reiki Courses Level 1 and 2 As an active lover of movement, I participate in Conscious Dance having explored 5Rythmes, Open Floor and Dance of Oneness Tai Chi Walking, running and biking regularly. Know Thyself and Love Thyself is my motto.
Heal past wounds with the power of the unconscious mind with Karyn Kulenovic
Apr 28 2021
Heal past wounds with the power of the unconscious mind with Karyn Kulenovic
In this episode, Karyn Kulenovic shows how the unconscious mind can create patterns and blocks that can affect the different areas of our life. She shares how to direct it to break free from the illusion of limitation and separation it created based on past experiences, and create profound changes in your life. She also discusses how to connect with your children on a deeper level and help them open themselves even more. Karyn's website: Free Gift - The Rapid Breakthrough Masterclass Series: Find us: Support our work: Karyn Kulenovic helps highly sensitive and intuitive people of all ages to disengage from abundance-blocking beliefs and conditioned responses by accessing their intuition and unconscious mind. She helps her clients restructure the way they experience their history, thoughts, and emotions, which boosts their attraction patterns and puts them on an inevitable path to success.As a Credentialed Teacher and Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Mental & Emotional Release® (MER), Hypnotherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, and Reiki, Karyn uses a combination of Education, Coaching, Energy Healing, and Integrative Psychology to help her clients accelerate their path to quick and lasting change.As a mother of two highly sensitive and intuitively gifted children, Karyn has developed practical and creative ways to support parents in teaching their kids to manage their energy and embrace their intuitive gifts.Karyn leads the Healing in Bloom Community via her Life By Design Vlog, Integrated Empath Masterclasses, and Intuitive Child Group. She offers various digital products, one-to-one, and group services
Get out of your mind and into your body with JourneyDance™ with Toni Bergins
Apr 23 2021
Get out of your mind and into your body with JourneyDance™ with Toni Bergins
Toni Bergins shares about JourneyDance™, and how Dance and movement can help you heal and express your true self freely with more love. She also discusses how to take care of yourself as a Mother, and model that to your children, in a way that will inspire them to express their true self. Toni's website: Free Gift - I Hold My Heart: Find us: Support our work: Toni Bergins, MEd, founder & creator of JourneyDance™ and the Embodied Transformations Method coaching program anchors her professional practice at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, where she has been on faculty and a Luminary Program Presenter for over 25 years. As an artistic alchemist and passionate catalyst, Toni has helped thousands of people break out of their boxes and move into new stories through embodied practice and emotional empowerment. Toni’s humor, wild expressiveness and authenticity make JourneyDance™ accessible to all, and she has trained over 1000 JourneyDance™ Teachers internationally. Toni has led programs and trainings at Kripalu, Omega Institute, Esalen Institute, 1440 Multiversity, Open Center, Wanderlust, LoveLight, BlessFest, Unifier and many teaching centers internationally, and has been featured in magazines, books and podcasts. She has a popular live JourneyDance™ DVD, a clothing line, a new Online Teacher Training and a private coaching practice. Her debut album of original songs called Never Too Late was released in 2019.
Living your mission while balancing the 3D World with Susan Kennard
Apr 21 2021
Living your mission while balancing the 3D World with Susan Kennard
Susan Kennard talks about stepping into the journey to living your mission, and finding balance between taking care of your self, your children and contributing to the world. She shares how to best guide your children to express their true self and connect to their mission. You will also experience a powerful Activation with Light Language to open your Heart. Susan's website: Free Gifts: Find us: Support our work: Susan Kennard who is known as a spiritual scientist originally trained in psychology and psychotherapy over 20 years ago. In the last 10 years added many energy healing modalities to her practice. Susan has an extensive tool box which has allowed her to create her own unique way of working. Susan has been a therapist for 20 years and in that time has specialised in helping people to clear their trauma. She has practices in London’s Harley St, East Sussex and International Skype. She speaks about her work and research at conferences and events all over the UK and at the European Energy Conference. She is a specialist in PTSD and has worked with many veterans and those who have experienced significant trauma.Susan has a clear channel to spirit and the higher realms making her work fast, direct and accurate. She is a medium and channel and now over the last year works with her galactic guides. She channels, tones and speaks light language to help others heal their heart field allowing them to create and manifest more easily. Susan noticed that when trauma is cleared, more success and love is able to come into your life. She is the founder of Sparkle to Success, 60 seconds of colour and many other classes that she runs live and online.
Releasing Ourselves From Old Patterns with Athena Allread
Apr 19 2021
Releasing Ourselves From Old Patterns with Athena Allread
Athena Allread shares about the process of opening your heart to releasing old patterns, so you can have more access to your power and freedom. She shares inspiring insights and practical guidance to help bring awareness to the old patterns and move through the discomfort/pain coming to the surface to be healed. She also talks about how to create a safe space for you that allows you to go through your healing process with ease and grace. Athena's website: Free Gift - Soul Medicine: Find us: Support our work: Athena Allread is a writer and practicing shaman in the quaint beach town of Lewes, Delaware. Athena incorporates traditional shamanic techniques such as soul retrieval and shamanic journey into a fusion of past life regression work, intuitive reading and Spirit therapy, reiki healing. She helps individuals navigate and free themselves from mental, emotional, and physical manifestations of dis ease. After navigating her own loss and divorce Athena is passionate to share her experience and the tools that supported her and hundreds of her clients through her writing. She is co owner of Lanikai Wellness studio in Milton, Delaware and mother of Lark, Wolf, and Kai. Athena enjoys dancing, writing, teaching, part time modeling, meditating with the sea and empowering others to work with their own loving helpers of the Spirit World on their unique journeys toward healing.
Free Yourself From Other’s Emotional Baggage with Gabrielle Spencer
Apr 7 2021
Free Yourself From Other’s Emotional Baggage with Gabrielle Spencer
Gabrielle Spencer shares inspiring insights about freeing yourself and taking back your power when you feel tired and overwhelmed of taking in all the family’s emotional baggage. She shares practical guidance for you to create a safe space to connect to your emotional body, to deal more consciously with daily life triggers, to support your healing journey, and to hold space for your children when they are ready to receive your support. She also talks about navigating the current times challenges and creating more abundance when you are a provider for your family. Gabrielle's website: Harmonious Home Free Gift: Find us: Support our work: Gabrielle Spencer is known as the “Practical Spiritualist” and the “Heart Harmonizer” who activates your soul’s mission-driven purpose, to maximize your impact in the world & ignite your legacy of personal and professional wealth & abundance. She is a multidimensional intuitive channel and high frequency healer & activator who accesses the ancient formulas, keys and codes needed to assist you to clear your multi-dimensional heart, spirit, mind and soul’s consciousness to connect you with your full force of gifts and abilities by dramatically raising your frequency. She provides NOW moment guidance for your quickest path to clearing out what is keeping you from reclaiming your own soul’s purpose and abundance! Get ready to receive multi-dimensional and universal harmonics to shift you into the Conscious Wealth Creator you are meant to be!
Self-Empowerment & Divine Feminine Awakening with Kasey & Brad Wallis
Jan 21 2021
Self-Empowerment & Divine Feminine Awakening with Kasey & Brad Wallis
Kasey & Brad Wallis are Conduits for an advanced intelligence named Julius, renowned speakers, global workshop leaders, and facilitators of consciousness and why we are here. In this episode, you will learn about: Kasey and Brad’s story of connecting and channeling Julius Embracing change and giving birth to the new Co-creation between the Feminine and Masculine energies Attributes of the Divine Feminine energy Shifting from Self doubt to Self empowerment Shifting from the mindset of “change is hard” to the energy of easement Releasing the fear of missing out on opportunities Kasey & Brad Website: Find us: Support our work: For over 10 years now, the Wallis’ have been inviting people worldwide to embrace their true limitlessness. Originally Kasey was trained as an award-winning platform stylist and hairdresser of 35 years, and Brad was drafted to play for a professional baseball team. They came together because of a car accident in 2007. Now they have a completely different approach to teaching by facilitating people to heal all limitations and fear and instead release their creative flow. For over a decade they have been transforming thousands of lives.Today Brad is the author of several books, while he and Kasey travel the country speaking, leading workshops and being interviewed. Through their programs, retreats, online courses, and personal readings, they guide and support people in eliminating judgement, resistances and lack in their life. This high wisdom and practical guidance aids people in their journey to becoming aligned with their inner wisdom, clarity and profound creation.
Connecting to Earth's Consciousness and Energy with Rachel Pfotenhauer
Nov 10 2020
Connecting to Earth's Consciousness and Energy with Rachel Pfotenhauer
Rachel Pfotenhauer holds an M.A. in Counseling and is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Psychic, Theta and BodyIntuitive practitioner and Earth Channel. In this episode, she shares about: Her journey of becoming Earth Channel, Benefits of stepping into Earth’s energy, Clearing density and trauma held in the physical body, How our Spiritual Ascension relates to our connection to Earth, Earth connection benefits on children's growth, Rachel's motherhood journey and how it transformed her life and helped her awaken to her true self, "Connecting to Earth" guided meditation. Rachel's website: Find us at: Support our work: Rachel has worked with clients dealing with various conditions from PTSD to relationship issues for nearly 20 years. Currently, Rachel is doing work as an energetic healer, channeling Earth’s potent energy, resulting in vast improvements or complete healing of a wide variety of hard-to-heal conditions, including auto-immune issues, chronic pain, depression, PTSD, suicidal ideation and anxiety. Her work is especially powerful for spiritual expansion. She offers remote group healing weekly and in  intensive series via zoom. Rachel conducts classes/retreats on how to cultivate intuition, self-awareness and how to connect to Earth energy. Students learn how to hear, sense and/or see Earth consciousness in their daily lives.
Activating the Unique Expression of the Divine Feminine with Susanne Billander
Oct 26 2020
Activating the Unique Expression of the Divine Feminine with Susanne Billander
In this episode with Susanne Billander, you’ll learn about:Susanne’s story of her own divine feminine and sexual awakenings, The different expressions of the divine feminine that lives within women and men, Few examples of the key that opens the feminine energy in different people, The abundant expression of receiving, Activate the alchemist who turn every receiving into gold, Talk about the Transmutation process through inquiring into one’s conscious and unconscious relationship with receiving, Susanne shares about her Motherhood experience. Susanne's website : Susanne's free gift : Find us : Susanne Billander has been a solopreneur since the age of 23, which has given her the freedom to create an international abundant playground to express her multidimensional coaching and teachings. Susanne is a womb for people who like to birth to their unique expression of abundant living. With a finger on the collective pulse, she offers individual and group programs with different themes: living aligned with one’s unique expression of love, motherhood, business/work, sexuality and health. Susanne is the author of the book “META – Health – Consciously healing your body and soul”, in which she helps people find the underlying conflict behind physical symptoms of the body and discover the individual multidimensional healing process.Living in an eco-paradise in Costa Rica and traveling to be with her loved ones is her expression of abundant living.
Enhancing Human-Earth Relationship with Helen Claire Harmon
Oct 19 2020
Enhancing Human-Earth Relationship with Helen Claire Harmon
Helen Claire Harmon, Ph.D. is a thought leader and teacher who believes we’re ready to renew Earth and heal ourselves in the process. In this episode, she shares about: How parenting changed her professional focus from scholarship in the history of religion to many kinds of teaching work on the human-Earth relationship, The unfoldment of our purpose path, Helping children to deepen their connection to Mother Earth, Turning to nature for grounding, stability and encouragement, Guiding teens in finding who they are on this ever-changing landscape, Supporting each other in nurturing ourselves and the planet. Find Helen: HumansAndEarth.comFind us: Through the Humans & Earth podcast, e-courses, one-on-one mentoring, and retreats and other immersion experiences, Helen Claire Harmon supports people who love Earth and are discerning their next-level contributions to the thriving of people and the planet. Helen Claire has extensive experience with both her own and clients’ paths of discerning their service, and with the health issues that may be experienced by empaths, sensitives, lightworkers, and those with deep connections to nature. Clients are drawn to her empathy, intuition, and ability to help them see the value of their calling.She is a flower essence practitioner certified through Woman Rising, and a writer, gardener, permaculturist, wife, and mother. She holds three humanities degrees, including an Ivy League Ph.D., and brings her expertise in the history of the human-Earth relationship to her work of mentoring its regeneration.