Transform Your Life with Teresa and Tonya


Transform Your Life with Teresa & Tonya is a heartfelt and inspiring podcast that chronicles the personal journeys of two friends, Teresa and Tonya, who have dramatically changed their lives through bariatric surgery. With a focus on weight loss, wellness, and the ups and downs of life before and after surgery, this podcast offers a unique blend of personal stories, expert advice, and supportive tips for those considering or navigating the path of weight transformation.

Teresa Parent and Tonya Spanglo, having experienced the challenges and triumphs of bariatric surgery firsthand, share their insights, lessons learned, and the lifestyle changes that have helped them maintain their health and happiness.

Each episode features discussions on topics ranging from the emotional aspects of weight loss and the importance of mental health to practical advice on nutrition, exercise, and navigating social situations.

This podcast is more than just a weight loss podcast; it's a community where listeners can find motivation, encouragement, and understanding. Whether you're curious about bariatric surgery, in the midst of your own weight loss journey, or looking for ways to support a loved one, Teresa and Tonya invite you to join them in transforming your life, one episode at a time.

Unlock the key to lasting transformation with the Transformation Academy membership

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Bariatric Surgery: Reality Vs. Expectations
May 24 2024
Bariatric Surgery: Reality Vs. Expectations
In today's episode, hosts Teresa and Tonya dive deep into the topic of bariatric surgery: comparing their expectations vs. the realities. They open up about the unexpected changes in their food tolerances, from suddenly disliking certain foods like lettuce and meat to navigating the evolving nature of their diets. They reflect on hidden health issues that surfaced post-surgery and the unique challenges they faced in understanding their bodies both before and after the weight loss procedure.Together, Teresa and Tonya debunk common misconceptions about bariatric surgery, including the myth of limited food intake and the reality of managing larger portions over time. They highlight the importance of personalized dietary plans and mentally prepare listeners for the emotional rollercoaster that follows surgery, touching on topics like food addiction, social awkwardness, and body dysmorphia.Lastly, amidst the tales of triumphs and tribulations, Teresa and Tonya underscore the significance of mental health support and the power of building a resilient mindset. Join us as we explore these varied and deeply personal experiences, offering support and insights to those on their own weight loss journeys. Feeling Stuck on Your Weight Loss Journey? This is your exclusive invitation to the Transformation Academy with Teresa and Tonya: Pop Recovery Systems:
Understanding Bariatric Surgery: Myths, Facts, and Personal Stories
May 3 2024
Understanding Bariatric Surgery: Myths, Facts, and Personal Stories
Welcome back to another empowering episode of "Transform Your Life with Teresa and Tonya." Today, in episode 8, we’re diving deep into the world of weight loss surgery, debunking some common myths, and sharing personal stories that highlight the journey before and after surgery. We'll discuss the reality of bariatric surgery, addressing misconceptions such as whether it's covered by insurance, the food you can eat post-surgery, and the myth that this surgery is just an easy way out. Teresa and Tonya will share their own experiences with insurance challenges and the medical necessity of their procedures, as well as the profound impact that surgery has had on their quality of life. Whether you're considering bariatric surgery or just curious about the process, this episode is packed with insights to guide you through the mental, emotional, and physical aspects of this life-changing decision. Join us as we unpack these topics and encourage everyone to celebrate non-scale victories along their transformative journeys. Whether it's traveling more comfortably or fitting into a different clothing size, every step forward is a victory worth celebrating. Let’s jump right in!Feeling Stuck on Your Weight Loss Journey? This is your exclusive invitation to the Transformation Academy with Teresa and Tonya: Pop Recovery Systems:
Intimacy After Extreme Weight Loss
Apr 26 2024
Intimacy After Extreme Weight Loss
In episode 7 of Transform Your Life, hosts Teresa and Tonya open up about their transformational weight loss journeys, not shying away from the intimate details. Dive deep into a candid conversation on how shedding pounds and undergoing skin removal surgery have redefined their experiences with intimacy and sex.With honesty and vulnerability, our hosts highlight the pivotal role of self-confidence and the power of feeling desirable, touching on the positive affirmations and unwavering support from their partners. They emphasize the importance of fostering a supportive environment where feeling loved and accepted by a partner can lead to a richer and more satisfying intimate relationship.Teresa and Tonya tackle the tough topics, too: from the blowback of sharing personal challenges to the mental burden of obesity. They discuss the transformative mental and emotional relief that accompany weight loss, making room for presence, engagement, and enjoyment of life's pleasures, both big and small. As they address the challenges of finding intimacy while grappling with past struggles of negative body image, Teresa and Tonya illustrate the powerful effect of media representation on self-perception, underscoring the significance of self-acceptance and happiness at any size.Feeling Stuck on Your Weight Loss Journey? This is your exclusive invitation to the Transformation Academy with Teresa and Tonya: Pop Recovery Systems: