Bully This - A Hero's Journey

Elliot Uriah

A podcast from two guys who survived hard times, how they got through it and became successful adults, and how you can, too.Astonished by the cruelty and suffering captured by the documentary film “Bully,” Tyler Copenhaver-Heath immediately knew he had to be a part of the solution. But how? His friend, Clifford Starks, also wanted to join the effort, so they started talking about how to help put a stop to the unwanted, intentional, and repeated attacks bullying victims endure: shoving, rumors, name-calling, exclusion, cyberbullying, and more.For the men, the mission is personal. The successful entrepreneurs, ASU grads, and martial arts training partners (Starks is a professional middleweight fighter), grew up knowing adversity. Copenhaver-Heath barely had enough money to get by. And Starks was among the one in five youth in the United States who experience bullying.Acutely aware of the pain, shame, and damage bullying causes, they want children and families to know that there is always help, that there’s always a solution.“It’s maddening to me that any child had to suffer the way Alex Libby and other students did in the documentary ‘Bully’ by Lee Hirsch. Punched. Shoved. Poked. Called names. Isolated. Deeply alone and with his suffering invisible to a school staff that failed him, he withdrew from friends, family, and his grades slipped. He was giving up. Imagine how much sooner children will reach their full potential when they’re full of confidence and curiosity, instead of dread and worry? Helping just one kid hang on through a tough time would be amazing. And if we help one, more are sure to follow. The magnitude of that is awe-inspiring,” Copenhaver-Heath said.The podcast “Bully This” brings the two men together, along with experts in the field, to talk about their individual life experiences, bringing forward proven insights children and families can put to use right away to make a difference. Former bullies and bullying victims alike will share how they made the journey from troubled youth to successful adults, and what it is they think would have made a difference.Statistics link bullying to increased life struggles, including mental health, substance use, poor eating habits, sleep disruptions, and more. They also show bullied kids are themselves at risk of becoming bullies, and that bullies also need intervention – role modeling and tangible skills they can use to build confidence, empathy and meaningful friendships.Not ones to sit on the sidelines, the Copenhaver-Heath and Starks are stepping out of the training ring and onto the airwaves to fight for those who may feel they can’t fight for themselves.“Bully This” brings real-life techniques and inspiration to help young people and their families feel seen, heard, included, experience kindness and gain positive reinforcement – key strategies in bullying prevention.Through their podcast, Copenhaver-Heath and Starks hope to spread resilience one kid, one family at a time, to be voices that uplift and give strength through times of struggle.Stark’s will tell you “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” It’s a favorite quote of his from Robert Scheuller, and one he lives by.“Being great within is about being your very best self and treating others with the respect they deserve. It is also about knowing as a person that you deserve proper respect as well, and to come from a place of love and empathy,” Starks has said.Listen to “Bully This” wherever you find your favorite podcasts.

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Bullied to Advocate: Lisa Arnett's Journey Through Foster Care and the Quest for Reform
May 6 2024
Bullied to Advocate: Lisa Arnett's Journey Through Foster Care and the Quest for Reform
Lisa Arnett's story is a testament to human endurance and the transformative power of advocacy—a narrative we had the privilege of exploring in our latest episode. Her journey through the foster care system, her fight against homelessness, and her triumph over abuse is an inspiring call to action for foster care reform. As we unpack the complexities of a system fraught with challenges, from the 'foster care to prison pipeline' to the heart-wrenching realities of aging out without support, Lisa's voice offers an intimate understanding of the resilience needed to survive and the courage required to advocate for change.Against the stark backdrop of system-induced disparities, we engage in a candid conversation about the psychological impacts of inequality on foster youth and the importance of self-advocacy. Lisa's military background and work with nonprofits paint a vivid picture of what it takes to rise above deeply ingrained societal barriers. Her appearance on Dr. Phil serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need for a support system for at-risk youth. By weaving in celebrated stories like Anthony Trucks's, we underscore the extraordinary potential that empathy and understanding can unlock, even in the face of overwhelming adversity.In closing, we celebrate the strong community ties formed through our shared commitment to advocacy. A heartfelt thank you goes out to our listeners, whose support fuels our ongoing quest to shine a light on issues like foster care reform and sex trafficking awareness. As we reflect on the challenges and strides made, we remain steadfast in our mission to foster resilience and enact meaningful change, one conversation at a time. Join us in this movement towards a more compassionate and just world for foster children everywhere.
A Symphony of Strength Lenny J's Battle with Bullying
Apr 10 2024
A Symphony of Strength Lenny J's Battle with Bullying
When the melodies we cherish become the very thing for which we're ridiculed, the journey of a musician can be a battlefield of the soul. Shawn Mendes' story of triumph over those who once mocked him serves as the backdrop to our heart-to-heart with the remarkable Lenny J, who sheds light on his own musical voyage, the strength found in unity within the music realm, and the dark shadow cast by online trolls. Drawing from his work with luminaries like Nick Jonas and Mendes himself, Lenny J imparts wisdom on nurturing a culture of support and deflecting the harsh glare of internet negativity through the healing power of music.Navigating the jagged path from conformity to individuality isn't for the faint of heart. This episode peels back the layers of childhood pressures, the courage required to embrace your uniqueness, and the treacherous consequences of a herd mentality. From the unnerving role mainstream media plays in upholding a bullying culture to the bittersweet exposure of talent shows, our discussion takes a turn towards the authenticity needed in artistic endeavors, daring to bare the soul without the armor of societal acceptance.In the grand dance of ambition and self-care, it's the persistent heart that beats the loudest. As we unwrap tales of personal responsibility, the unyielding pursuit of musical aspirations, and the quest for a harmonious life rhythm, the melody of our conversation resonates with anyone who's ever grappled with the tightrope walk of chasing dreams. The crescendo builds as we speak to the transformational power of overcoming adversity, a reminder that the echoes of our struggles can become the anthems of our triumphs, inspiring a chorus of voices to rise in solidarity.
Bullied to Champion: The Knockout Impact of Mentorship and Resilience
Feb 14 2024
Bullied to Champion: The Knockout Impact of Mentorship and Resilience
When Taylor Swift turned the scars of bullying into the stardust of stardom, it wasn't just a fairytale—it was a roadmap for triumph. This season, we're kicking off with a bang, celebrating our ascent into the podcasting elite and our recent accolade for Best Co-hosts, all while preparing to unravel the success stories that emerged from adversity's tight grip. We're joined by Ryan Diaz, an MMA dynamo, who throws a one-two punch into the heart of bullying, sharing how the very thing that once tormented him became his catalyst for greatness.The mats of the gym become our classroom as we navigate the balance of mental focus and relentless drive in the pursuit of passions. It's a place where unexpected kindness meets the warrior's spirit, and where the community's embrace substitutes the support some never received at home. We also dissect the mentorship magic that turns intimidation into empowerment for the newbies stepping into the ring, and how adversity, an often-unwelcome coach, might be the very thing sculpting future successes.Wrap up with us as we lace up for the tougher rounds of life and sport, delving into the essence of mental toughness and when to toe the line between perseverance and self-care. Beyond the sweat and cheers, we meet the unassuming heroes like Scott Neeson, whose humility in helping others shines a spotlight on the genuine worth of giving back. We're left with the undeniable truth that the lessons learned in MMA about mentorship and community reach far beyond the gym walls, molding not only fighters but individuals who are armored for life's most daunting battles.