Fitness Fiasco

Fitness Fiasco

Have you ever found yourself blindly following the advice of so-called "experts" without really knowing why? If you have, then you need to start listening to the Fitness Fiasco podcast. This show is all about questioning the status quo and critical thinking when it comes to health and fitness. The hosts, Mike, Erik and Rob, are always exploring the latest fitness fads and fashions to see if they really hold up to scrutiny. And more often than not, they find that the industry is full of poorly educated charlatans who are just trying to make a quick buck. So if you're tired of being taken for a ride by the fitness industry, then give Fitness Fiasco a listen. You won't regret it. read less
Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness


010 Macro Mastery: Crafting & Executing Your Personalized Nutrition Plan with Erik
Oct 19 2023
010 Macro Mastery: Crafting & Executing Your Personalized Nutrition Plan with Erik
In this enlightening episode, Erik pulls back the curtain on the precise science and art of calculating macros tailored just for you. He begins by unveiling the foundational steps: determining your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and considering the activity factor, paving the way to understanding how many calories your body truly needs.But it's not just about the numbers. Erik delves deeper, highlighting the roles of protein, carbs, and fats in your diet and how they align with your individual goals. The episode transitions seamlessly from theory to practical application: learn how to effectively weigh, measure, and track your food, ensuring you consistently hit your macro targets.If you've ever been curious or even overwhelmed by the idea of "counting macros," Erik breaks down this seemingly complex topic into manageable, actionable steps. By the episode's end, you'll have the tools and knowledge to craft and confidently embark on your customized food-life journey. Dive in and unlock the key to optimizing your nutrition for better health, performance, and overall well-being!Send us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
009 Blitz: Fasting
Oct 2 2023
009 Blitz: Fasting
In this succinct episode, Erik takes just 10 minutes to deliver a comprehensive overview of fasting, shedding light on its potential benefits and drawbacks for both health and athletic performance. Erik efficiently explores the various dimensions of fasting, giving listeners a balanced perspective on this popular health trend.Whether you’re curious about how fasting can impact your wellbeing or athletic capabilities, Erik’s insights provide a well-rounded understanding, helping you decide whether incorporating fasting might be the right choice for your lifestyle and goals. Don't miss this quick yet in-depth exploration to gain a clearer, more informed view on the role of fasting in health and performance!Send us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
008 How to Choose your Gym: Prioritizing Logistics
Sep 29 2023
008 How to Choose your Gym: Prioritizing Logistics
Dive into this insightful episode where we dissect the crucial factors in selecting the right gym. We highlight why logistics and price often play a more significant role in this decision than state-of-the-art equipment and, in some cases, even quality coaching. We delve into the importance of choosing a gym that aligns with your schedule and budget, emphasizing that the most beneficial gym is the one you can consistently attend.While the allure of top-notch amenities and elite coaches can be tempting, the convenience and sustainability of a gym that fits seamlessly into your life can yield the most profound, long-lasting fitness results. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just embarking on your fitness journey, this episode is packed with practical advice to help you make the most informed and beneficial choice in selecting your fitness sanctuary. Listen in and equip yourself with the knowledge to prioritize what truly matters in your pursuit of fitness!Send us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
007 Building a Butt in Only 11 Minutes!
Sep 27 2023
007 Building a Butt in Only 11 Minutes!
Tune into this succinct 11-minute episode where we delve into Rob's four major tenets of effective glute building. Despite the brief run time, this episode is densely packed with actionable advice and expert insights to help you sculpt stronger, fuller glutes. Rob lays out each principle clearly, including one crucial, often-overlooked element essential for developing this powerful muscle group.Whether you're a fitness enthusiast aiming to enhance your workout routine or someone new to fitness looking to shape up, this concise episode provides valuable tips and knowledge to assist you in your butt-building journey. Don’t miss out on these game-changing insights that can help you optimize your workouts and achieve your fitness goals more effectively!Send us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
006 How Many Times a Week Do You Need To Workout?
Sep 25 2023
006 How Many Times a Week Do You Need To Workout?
Dive into an episode packed with insights as we explore one of the most common questions in fitness: "How many times a week should I work out?" Our hosts, leveraging their extensive knowledge in exercise physiology and nutrition, break down the components that should influence your workout frequency, such as fitness goals, individual lifestyle, current fitness level, and the type of workouts you enjoy.Whether you’re aiming for muscle gain, weight loss, improved endurance, or maintaining overall wellness, understanding the optimal workout frequency can be a game changer. This episode will guide listeners on how to find the right balance to avoid overtraining while maximizing results, and will provide practical tips and personalized approaches to create a sustainable and effective workout routine.So, if you are looking to optimize your fitness journey and tailor your workouts to your individual needs and goals, this episode is a must-listen!Send us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
005 Program Review - Dissecting the "Total Body Sweat" Workout
Apr 6 2023
005 Program Review - Dissecting the "Total Body Sweat" Workout
In the fifth installment of The Fitness Fiasco Podcast, Rob leverages his expertise as a university lecturer to evaluate a fitness influencer's program called "Total Body Sweat." He meticulously assesses each component of the program, from the warm-up to the cool-down, scrutinizing exercise selection, rest intervals, supersets, and the overall flow of the workout.Offering granular suggestions and broader critiques, Rob aims to provide practical improvements for the program while also highlighting areas where the workout tends to falter. These program critique episodes are essential listening for students and trainers seeking to hone their exercise programming skills.Don't miss Episode 5 of The Fitness Fiasco Podcast to dive into the "Total Body Sweat" workout analysis and learn the dos and don'ts of effective exercise programming.Rob's Handwritten notes grading the program - Total Body SweatSend us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
004 Demystifying Metabolism: Understanding TDEE, BMR, and TEF
Apr 3 2023
004 Demystifying Metabolism: Understanding TDEE, BMR, and TEF
Join Erik, our resident registered dietitian, in this engaging episode as he breaks down the complex components of metabolism, guiding listeners through the intricacies of key terms - TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), and TEF (Thermic Effect of Food).Erik expertly clarifies these concepts while debunking common myths associated with each component. He emphasizes the power we hold in manipulating these metabolic variables and explains how our health choices can impact them. By making these concepts accessible to non-dietitians and non-exercise physiologists, Erik empowers listeners to better understand the factors that influence their metabolism and overall well-being.Tune in to this episode of The Fitness Fiasco Podcast to gain valuable insights into metabolism and learn practical ways to optimize your health through informed decision-making.BMR Calculator - us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
003 Program Review: Critiquing the "Power Legs and Abs" Workout
Mar 31 2023
003 Program Review: Critiquing the "Power Legs and Abs" Workout
In the third episode of the Fitness Fiasco podcast, Rob kicks off an ongoing series where he leverages his vast experience in programming workouts and educating at various academic levels to critically assess exercise programs published by popular influencers.In this episode, Rob dissects the "Power Legs and Abs" program, providing a comprehensive and honest, albeit occasionally harsh, evaluation of its warm-up, workout, and cool-down phases. He also offers his expert input on possible modifications and suggestions for salvaging the program's redeeming aspects.Join us for Episode 3 of Fitness Fiasco to uncover the truth behind the "Power Legs and Abs" workout, and learn how to discern between effective and overhyped exercise programs in the world of fitness influencers.Rob's Handwritten notes grading the program - Power Legs and Abs NotesThis podcast is sponsored by Train 8Nine - us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
002 Flexible Dieting: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Lifestyle
Mar 28 2023
002 Flexible Dieting: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Lifestyle
In the second episode of the Fitness Fiasco podcast, Erik takes the lead to discuss the powerful concept of Flexible Dieting. Drawing from his extensive experience with thousands of clients from diverse backgrounds, he emphasizes the importance of discovering a personalized eating style that works for you.Erik shares valuable insights from his global teaching experiences, highlighting the critical role education plays in helping individuals find a diet that suits their unique needs. By embracing a flexible approach to nutrition, listeners can learn to balance health, satisfaction, and sustainability in their dietary choices.Join us for Episode 2 of Fitness Fiasco to explore the world of Flexible Dieting and learn how to craft a tailored nutrition plan that supports your lifestyle and goals.This podcast is sponsored by Train 8Nine - us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.
001 Social Media & Fitness: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Mar 20 2023
001 Social Media & Fitness: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Welcome to the first episode of the Fitness Fiasco podcast! In this premiere, hosts Mike, Erik, and Rob dive into the powerful impact of social media and influencers on our lives and the fitness industry. They explore how these digital forces can inspire both positive and negative behavior, and discuss the precautions individuals should take when following fitness influencers online.Our hosts also delve into the responsibilities they hold as educators within the social media space. From debunking misinformation to promoting evidence-based approaches, they reveal their commitment to guiding listeners on their fitness journeys with honest, reliable advice.Tune in to Episode 1 of Fitness Fiasco to gain valuable insights into the intersection of social media and fitness, and learn how to make informed decisions amidst the digital noise.This podcast is sponsored by Train 8Nine - us a voice note, check out show notes and more at our site: Mike - Erik - Rob - Fitness Fiasco Podcast provides general information on health, wellness, and fitness and should not be regarded as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. No doctor/patient relationship is established through this podcast. Listeners are responsible for their use of any information or resources shared in this podcast or associated materials. This podcast's content should not supplant consultations with qualified health care professionals concerning any existing medical conditions. It is crucial for listeners to avoid disregarding or delaying professional medical advice based on the information provided in the podcast. Remember to consult your health care provider for personalized guidance on your health and wellness journey.