The Lone Leader - Unspoken

Grant Difford

Grant Difford talks about the Unspoken. Those moments of doubt, triumph and loss when leading a business alone. Let’s be alone together. read less


#10. Understanding the Role of Routine
Mar 17 2024
#10. Understanding the Role of Routine
In this episode of Unspoken, I dive into a critical yet often taken-for-granted aspect of our lives - routines. It is through our routines where we gain a certain level of certainty amidst life's uncertainty, but what happens when such routines break? That's what I explore in today's episode. Without a doubt, routines are closely linked with habits and our environment. How we fare on these will significantly impact our daily operations and even our overall life direction. Sharing a personal anecdote, I elucidate the challenges and potential transformations that come with a major routine shakeup when my wife started a new career, disrupting our established routines. Often, these changes may seem agonizing, but they can also present opportunities for efficiency and effectiveness. Using tools like Trello for planning and prioritization can help in managing such shifts and determining where to focus your time and energy. It allows you to adapt to changes and manage potential work or life stress without losing sight of your commitments. Making sure to maintain a balance between fluidity and structure in your daily life is essential. While 80% of your activities might be pre-determined, the remaining 20% can be adaptable, offering room for exciting surprises. Lastly, I'll share how forward-thinking and organizing your life can prevent overwhelming feelings that may hinder personal or business progression. Join me, Grant Difford, in this episode of Unspoken, as we understand routines better and put them to work in our favour.
#9. 5 Questions That Define Everything
Mar 12 2024
#9. 5 Questions That Define Everything
In today's episode of "Unspoken", I delve into the power of five simple but profound questions that can set the course of your life. As relayed through a remarkable email from a close friend, these inquiries help any individual understand their current lifestyle, motivations, and aspirations. Commencing with questions about the listener's present circumstances, the conversation challenges listeners to introspect and pinpoint their locations in the landscape of life. Are you locked in a mundane job, or savouring moments with your family on a beach? Are you grappling with financial woes or battling personal demons? This episode not only prompts listeners to question their current situations but also asks them to investigate the motives that led to their current circumstances. It advocates a sense of accountability by propelling individuals to consider the choices and decisions that orchestrated their current reality, regardless of whether it is perceived as good or bad. While making sense of the past and present, the conversation shifts gears towards future aspirations. Do you envisage yourself relaxed on a beach sipping margaritas, or perhaps you want to taste success in a particular arena? The discussion cautions listeners to align their aspirations with their passion rather than following societal stereotypes. Navigating aspirations, the conversation narrows down to the most profound question: Why? It encourages listeners to identify what fuels their desires to attain a particular life or a certain level of success. What drives you to the life you want, or are you prey to the bewitching allure of social media success?
#7. The Power of Moments
Feb 29 2024
#7. The Power of Moments
Do you often feel as though you're stuck in a universe entirely concocted by your mind? This episode delves deep into the concept of our mental universe and how it shapes our perspectives and decisions, particularly within a business setting. In this episode, I explore the concept of the never-ending labyrinth that is our mind, dotted with varied stories, beliefs, and feelings; some real, many imagined. As we kickstart this new month, Grant cautions against being consumed by our mental constructs, advising listeners to approach each day with the notion of a reset, leaving behind the triumphs and losses of the previous day while embracing the present moment. The perspective of viewing life as a series of moments, just like pedal strokes on a bike, is a compelling analogy that encapsulates the essence of life's ups and downs. Grant encourages embracing the certainty of unexpected twists, turns, flats, and hills as the inevitables of life. The goal is not to outdo these obstacles but, rather, to keep moving forward and accumulating these moments one after the other. I end this episode by throwing an intriguing challenge for all his listeners. As the new month begins, instead of perceiving it as a long timeline, he asks us to break it down into days. Ask simple questions "What can I do today?" "What does this moment look like?" "What can I control?" By focusing on, controlling and conquering our immediate surroundings, we take hold of our mental universe one grain of sand at a time. So, are you ready to explore the universe within your mind and to understand the power of moments? Tune in to this potent episode of Unspoken with Grant Difford, and you just might find your answers.
#6.The Hidden Value of Boring in Business
Feb 28 2024
#6.The Hidden Value of Boring in Business
Aiming for a 'big ticket' day is the usual ambition of many. However, real progress is often about the grind - setting up your to-do list, devising a plan with the resources and energy that you have, and being persistent in your journey towards your goal. It's not always about the big, game-changing opportunities. Sometimes, success is in the mundane and everyday tasks or ‘business as usual’ that nobody likes but are crucial for the bigger picture. One key lesson for all entrepreneurs and business owners is that success takes time. Just like an athlete doesn't become an Olympic champion in a day, entrepreneurs won't be successful in their first week. Real success lies in laying solid foundations, making informed decisions, and learning from mistakes. Despite how mundane this process might seem, each step carries the potential to yield the greatest outcome. Take, for instance, a brief interaction on LinkedIn. A message that introduced a whole new concept that led to massive research, content creation, and potentially, a new audience. It's one small interaction that could be a game-changer later down the line. Or take the example of diving into the tedium that is cost forecasting. A dreary yet essential task that helps reframe the future business perspective. This podcast aims to remind you that no matter how boring your tasks might seem, it is these very tasks that drive the actual growth of a business. What appears to be simple and consistent actions could compound over time and deliver enormous value. "Boring" in business often equates to value. Behind every tedious task is a potential success story waiting to happen.
#5. Harnessing the Power of Purpose
Feb 27 2024
#5. Harnessing the Power of Purpose
In this episode, I explore the intricate relationship between energy, purpose, and effectiveness in managing and growing a business. As an entrepreneur myself, I share my experiences in dealing with the early morning worries and the satisfaction of ticking off daily accomplishments, no matter how small. I emphasize that energy, though not commonly discussed in relation to running businesses, plays a crucial role in achieving success. Using a personal technique of adopting a positive mindset, I illustrate the importance of recognizing the day's achievements rather than focusing on the tasks left unattended. The value of this approach extends beyond just managing work-related stress, it counters the negativity and pessimism that can often overwhelm us in challenging times. I delve into the various sources of energy, the different forms it assumes, and its pivotal role in increasing personal productivity and business growth. Furthermore, the episode highlights the critical function of 'purpose' as a constant source of energy for entrepreneurs. I expound on the idea that purpose acts as a consistent motivator, especially during testing times, helping to maintain focus and determination. Reflecting on my personal experiences, I endorse a balanced lifestyle, embracing small achievements while maintaining an unbiased outlook on failures and hurdles. Join me, as I encourage you to identify your source of energy and determine whether it is adequate to meet your objectives. Explore and understand how harnessing your energy, driven by your purpose, can lead you to the meaningful success you're striving for in your business journey.