PREVIEW: Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe (1849)

Dark Classics

Aug 16 2021 • 4 mins

Annabel Lee, lyric poem by Edgar Allan Poe, published in the New York Tribune on Oct. 9, 1849, two days after his death. Thought to be written in memory of his young wife and cousin, Virginia, who died in 1847, the poem expresses one of Poe’s recurrent themes—the death of a young, beautiful, and dearly beloved woman.

Encyclopedia Britannica. (2011, February 25). Annabel Lee | poem by Poe.


Intro Music:

Title: “Dark Classics Piano Progression”

Creator: Jonathan Hamlett

Source: Direct Permission

License: Direct Permission

Title: “Dark Smile”

Creator: Crowander

Source: Free Music Archive (

License: CC BY-NC 4.0 (

Title: “Thunderstorm - higlights”

Creator: Thalamus Lab

Source: (

License: CC BY 3.0 (

Outro Music:

Title: “Dark Classics in Reverse”

Creator: Jonathan Hamlett

Source: Direct Permission

License: Direct Permission


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