Second Act with Barbara Brooks

Barbara Brooks

Like a mixtape straight from the 80s, this show is jam-packed, blending talks, tips, and tools on entrepreneurship, career, and life at 40+ all with a dash of pop culture flair. I’m Barbara Brooks, your pro-age|solo-ager host, inspo speaker, and visionary behind SecondAct|Women - a company and community of badass women in their 40s, 50s, and 60+. Tune in weekly for juicy conversations, stories, and tips served with a side of sass. Because, let’s face it, 50 is the new fabulous! From conquering the startup scene later in life to smashing age bias in the boardroom, we’ve got your back. Menopause, parent caregiving, and those ”life is lifing” moments? Yep, we’ve been there too. Our squad of pros and fierce femmes [and allies] spill the tea, offering practical wisdom you can immediately put into action. Whether you’re hustling in the entrepreneurial world, climbing the corporate ladder (or maybe just taking a leisurely stroll), or diving headfirst into your midlife adventure, the Second Act show is your ultimate guide to thriving in middlescence. Join us as we flip the bird to stereotypes and embrace the power of women in their 40s, 50s, and beyond who are rewriting the rules of success and having a blast while at it. It’s time to raise a glass to resilience, creativity, and all-around badassery in the world of business and beyond! read less
