Adopted: The Whole Story


Sharing my personal story about being adopted, including the ups and downs of my unique life journey. I will also be interviewing other adoptees to explore how adoption has shaped their lives. This podcast is a supportive space for sharing experiences, providing hope, and connecting with others who can relate.

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The Many Colors of Adoption A Conversation with Author Elena Hall
May 14 2024
The Many Colors of Adoption A Conversation with Author Elena Hall
Elena, our guest for this heartwarming episode, offers a rare and authentic window into the world of adoption—spanning the journey from her early days in Russia to the intricate relationships and identity explorations that followed. Adoption is not a monochromatic experience, and Elena's literary contributions—"Through Adopted Eyes" and children's literature—are testament to the kaleidoscope of stories within the adoptee community. Her candid reflection on her positive adoption story, the nuances of personality development, and the "gray areas" in adoption challenges us to reframe our understanding.  Whether you're intimately familiar with adoption, seeking to support someone who is, or you're simply here to gain a new perspective on identity and community, this episode promises a mix of heartfelt stories, laughter, and education. Join us for a session that's as enlightening as it is emotive, with a guest whose wisdom and warmth are as impactful as her written words.Elena's Books on Amazon - click the title below to go to Amazon:Through Adopted Eyes - Collection of Memoirs from AdopteesThrough Adopted Hearts - Collection of Memoirs from Birth and Adoptive ParentsAdoption is Both - For Younger Children and Adoptive FamiliesElena Hall - Instagram “Elena S Hall is a LMSW, adoptee, author, and speaker who has a passion for adoption advocacy that stems from her faith and family. Her goal is to promote healing and growth within the adoption community and empower others to share their own stories.” Want to be a guest on Adopted The Whole Story - Email us!Contact Adopted: The Whole Story Email me / Subscribe / Ask Questions at Follow on Instagram Check in on Facebook Thanks for listening and don't forget to fall in love with your journey!
The Night Changed My Life -  A Teen's Voiceless Feelings
Apr 30 2024
The Night Changed My Life - A Teen's Voiceless Feelings
On today's intimate episode of "Adopted: The Whole Story," I take you down the raw and often untold path that shaped me emotionally.Through a personal story of running away and a night gone all wrong - I will dive into the deep-seated challenges of understanding and expressing our feelings in a world that doesn't always validate them. You'll hear about my own turbulent teenage years, marked by confusion, pain, and a longing to understand my identity—emotions that many who share my experience of adoption will relate to.Join me as we navigate the complexities of acknowledging and embracing our emotions, and perhaps find solace in knowing you're not alone in the struggle to process these overwhelming experiences.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THINGS I MENTIONED THAT HELPED ME:Ed Mylet - I listen to him to weekly to feel empowered, motivated, and know that anything can happen with effort and proper mindset. He has great interviews with all types of people and also provides straight yet caring talks about being a becoming a better version of yourself. Youtube - Heslop - I am trying to master meditation! This channel really helps me with meditating, being grateful, and positive affirmations. If you have a hard time thinking of things to be grateful or telling yourself positive affirmations than this channel is a great way to start.Youtube - to the Podcast: @adopedthewholestory and get the Free Emotion Wheel downloadContact Adopted: The Whole Story Email me / Subscribe / Ask Questions at Follow on Instagram Check in on Facebook Thanks for listening and don't forget to fall in love with your journey!