B the Church

Chad McBeam

Episodic podcast discussing all things faith and Christianity related with an emphasis on being actively in ministry efforts to live out the purpose of the BODY of Christ (aka the Church) in tangible ways that point the communities around us back to God and Jesus. On this podcast you'll find a variety of special bonus programming with unique focuses, such as our workday morning devotional series, "...But God" and our lifestyle conversational series "Ark of Inclusion" or our series highlighting those who do well to live out their faith in "Latent Treasures". read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


BTC Presents "Latent Treasures" w/ guests Larry and Dianne Huffman - Part 1. He Bought You for a Price - Two Chaplains Share Their Journey
Feb 8 2022
BTC Presents "Latent Treasures" w/ guests Larry and Dianne Huffman - Part 1. He Bought You for a Price - Two Chaplains Share Their Journey
Our guests today are chaplains with their local county fire department. They have had that role for roughly 17 years now. Prior to that they were in leadership and ministry of their church for over 20 years.One might think they have always had this great foundation of faith and theology which led them down this path but you’ll soon learn their experience was quite the opposite.In case you were under the impression that we can script out our lives and plan all the plot twists ourselves, you might wanna stay tuned in!Both Larry and Dianne’s lives are a triumphant example of how wonderful and powerful God’s love for each of us is. Both experienced significant trauma as children, both had exposure to quote unquote CHURCH as children, but the messages never connected. Both of them were about to switch cities with each other on the exact same day as one joined the Navy and the other was headed to University - but as God’s sovereignty would have it, the University plans changed, allowing the two of them to meet shortly after.And while we’d love to say the rest is history after they met, their relationship was anything but smooth in the early years. This story has so many lessons of value, I have a feeling almost anyone who will ever hear this episode will learn from and relate to some aspect of their stories.This show is special, not only in the ways it show’s God’s presence in our lives and how he cares for us, but also because Larry and Dianne are good friends of mine…in fact they are my uncle and aunt respectively and both have had a personal impact in my faith development as well as I enjoyed a few years in their youth ministry when I was a young lad.
Remembering the Old Days
Sep 21 2021
Remembering the Old Days
Today we have a shorter show for you, but one with some fascinating insights and much to chew on, especially in relation to how easy it is for us to take this life for granted. While every generation has struggles, I often find myself in awe of how tough our ancestors were. How much grit they had, how resilient and loyal they were and how willing they were to fight for and work for what they believed in. To say it lightly, there was very little sidelines living back in the Old Days. Life was hard and it was all hands on deck every day of the year.Welcome to episode 5 of the B the Church Podcast… Remembering Days of Old…I often find myself wondering how much we really appreciate how blessed we are to live in  modern times. Obviously these days are not exactly super easy to manage with COVID lingering and political divisions being as gapingly wide as maybe ever in American history, but we still have it quite good!I recently came across some information from the 1500’s on a friend’s social media page and was blown away by some of the realities of the time as well as how those realities influenced our language still to this day.  I have not fact checked each of these but I do know some of them are in fact true, and it seems reasonable to me that the rest are also true based on what I do know of this time in history.So today is a little less biblical in theme (at least directly) but as we dive into this short list of how things used to be in the old days, I think we all have much to be thankful for and to celebrate. I have a couple of other thoughts as well, but I’ll save them for the end!When you think you’re having a bad day, just reflect on how life could be very different if you were born in the OLD DAYS!www.ROYALCFOServices.com
Get to Know "B the Church"
Sep 1 2021
Get to Know "B the Church"
In this introductory episode of the podcast, you’ll find we plan to discuss all kinds of things relative to the active Christian walk, as we work and submit to become more like Jesus each day. We also discuss the Word, encourage everyone to understand its immeasurable value and urge each other to be in it daily knowing that even when the WORD is tough to digest, it will still be worth the effort. We’ll also be inviting many respected guests to join us as we tackle some of the tough questions and topics of daily life, whether more macro in scale or one seemingly more micro and personal.Periodically, you’ll see that we have special episodes, like our LATENT TREASURES show. These shows will always be identified with the same episode title format, followed by the episode’s specific subtitle and will also have consistent episode level cover art. This way you’ll be able to identify each of those shows as specific to their continual theme.Our hope is that this broadcast and all of our various shows will engage you, intrigue you, challenge you, grow you and allow you a chance to interact with us in your own journey of life in a way that may ultimately help draw you nearer to the God who created you. For we are confident both of you will experience deep joy and peace each time you encounter each other and grow closer together!Links mentioned in the show:www.bthechurch.orgwww.https://www.facebook.com/bthechurch19chad@bthechurch.orgwww.royalres.net