The Unstuck Podcast with Tony Gilmore

Tony Gilmore

On the Unstuck Podcast, we believe that every person is created with a unique purpose, a divine spark nestled within their soul. Our mission is to help you ignite that spark, fueling your passion and setting you on a path towards a life of significance.

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


The Struggle is Real (Freedom Series)
Apr 22 2024
The Struggle is Real (Freedom Series)
Episode 12: Breaking Free from Addictions and HangupsOh, dear friend, let me tell you about the liberating power of breaking free from the chains of addiction and hangups. In this transformative episode of the Unstuck Podcast, we delve deep into the struggle to live a life free from the burden of addictions that hold us back from reaching our full potential.Are you tired of being trapped in the vicious cycle of addiction? Does it feel like you're carrying a heavy load that keeps pulling you down? Take heart, for this podcast episode is here to guide you towards the path of freedom and redemption.In our conversation, we explore the root causes of addiction and the hindrances that keep us stuck in unhealthy patterns. But fear not, for we also shed light on the powerful strategies and insights that can help you break free and experience the abundant life that you were meant to live.During this soul-stirring episode, we'll cover:Identifying the underlying issues: We'll help you dig deep into your heart and understand the root causes of your addictions and hangups. Remember, my friend, true healing can only come from addressing the core issues that drive our addictive behaviors.Gaining biblical wisdom: As we walk this journey together, we'll draw upon the immutable truths and timeless wisdom of the Scriptures. The Bible, my dear one, is a wellspring of guidance and encouragement, offering us the unwavering compass we need to navigate life's trials and temptations.Practical steps towards liberation: We won't leave you stranded, my friend. We'll equip you with practical tools and actionable steps to break free from the chains of addiction. From establishing healthy habits to seeking support from a community of like-minded individuals, we'll explore various ways to help you find the freedom you yearn for.It's time to let go of the weight that binds you, to step into the light of freedom and restoration. This episode of the Unstuck Podcast is here to remind you that healing and transformation are possible. May you find comfort in knowing that you are not alone on this journey. Together, we will rise above our addictions and uncover the freedom that awaits us.Remember, my dear friend, your path to freedom starts now. Tune in to Episode 12 of the Unstuck Podcast and prepare to embark on a life-changing journey of breaking free from addictions and hangups. You are destined for a life of purpose and joy, and we are honored to walk this road with you.