Rising Femme with Monique Harding

Monique Harding

Rising Femme with Monique Harding, Strengths Driven Business Coach and Therapist. A podcast to help you master your mind so that you can rise higher in all areas of your life, love and leadership. Together with inspired guests, we’ll unpack what it really takes to level up your impact and income. Expect cosy riffs that mess with your stuck thinking, powerful story shares and the practical tools and tips you need to embody your best self today across business, relationships, money and more. I’ll show you how to step into your power and create the inner resources so that you become your own success story.

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Stop making Everything about you
May 26 2024
Stop making Everything about you
As business owners, we often overlook the social influences around us, and in doing so, we do our ideal clients a huge injustice. Incorporating these influences into your business, sales process, marketing, and messaging will change your approach fundamentally.The cultural values influence how people purchase and how businesses operate. Individualist cultures tend to think linearly—cause and effect—whereas collectivist cultures think systemically—considering interconnectedness and interdependencies.For example, linear thinking might lead you to believe that if a client isn’t responding, it’s because of something you did wrong. Systemic thinking, however, would prompt you to consider the client’s history with sales, their current life circumstances, and broader social influences.It's crucial to adopt a systemic thinking approach, which can prevent you from making quick, narrow judgments. Instead, consider multiple realities and influences that could be affecting your business interactions.For practical application, start asking yourself, “What else could be true here?” This question encourages you to consider various perspectives and possibilities, broadening your understanding of any given situation. Additionally, use circular questioning to gain insights from different viewpoints. For instance, ask yourself, “What would my coach think about this?” This can help you see things from a new angle and access different problem-solving strategies.By thinking systemically, you can address the root causes of problems in your business rather than just the symptoms. Apply this to your messaging too. Ensure you’re considering not just the immediate needs of your clients, but also the broader context of their lives and the ripple effects of their decisions.In my program, Establish, we dive deep into psychology-informed sales and messaging, using a sociological lens to truly understand and connect with your clients.  Drop me a DM on Instagram if you have any questions or want to learn more.If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
Structure supports your success
May 19 2024
Structure supports your success
If you think talking about business structure is going to be boring or irrelevant, let me stop you right there. In this episode, my goal is to make you rethink the very foundations of your business and why they are crucial for your success. Often, when clients come to me, especially those in one-on-one partnerships, they think they need to work on mindset or advanced strategies, but the truth is, it usually boils down to foundational issues.When working closely with clients, I get an intimate look at their business operations. Many are making multi-six figures or have just hit six figures and are looking to scale. They think they need to focus on psychological insights and robust strategies, which are important, but often they neglect the foundational structures that support everything else.I’ve seen businesses where folders are a mess, processes are non-existent, and unnecessary conversations are rampant. Imagine having a system where everything has a place and everyone knows their role—sounds great, right? This clarity can transform your business. Even if you think you're doing okay, revisiting your structure can prevent you from chasing your tail and feeling overwhelmed.Inconsistencies in results often stem from structural issues. Without a solid foundation, you’ll only do proactive work when desperate, which isn't sustainable. Market and sell consistently, add value year-round, and avoid showing up only when you need to make sales. Wasting time is another common problem. If your business lacks structure, you'll spend excessive time on repeat communications.. Remember, time is our most precious resource.To start improving your structure, join my program,  Establish, which kicks off next week. Let’s build a business that’s not only profitable but also runs smoothly, giving you more time to do what you love. Drop me a DM on Instagram if you have any questions or want to learn more.If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
Make more sales doing this
May 12 2024
Make more sales doing this
Today, we're diving into the nuances of connecting deeply with your audience and driving sales. While structured approaches are vital, I find that rigid rules often fall short in the diverse landscape of business. Instead, let's explore lenses and principles. Messaging isn't one-size-fits-all; it's about understanding your unique business and audience.In my upcoming coaching intensive,  Establish, we'll dissect these philosophies further. For instance, self-identification is key. Help your audience see themselves in your narrative. Take Sarah, one of my fab clients, a mortgage broker, who prompted me to check my rates with a simple question. It's about compelling them to engage.Secondly, be intentional. Know why you're creating content. Is it to build trust or establish authority? Each piece should serve a purpose in guiding your audience through their journey.Lastly, consider what your dream client needs to know. Do they need reassurance, clarity on their starting point, or insight into your offer's value? By addressing these questions, you guide them towards a decision.These principles transcend trends and provide a solid foundation for your business strategy. In  Establish, I'll dive deeper, offering practical examples and guidance. Remember these core principles as you craft your messaging and content—they're your compass in the ever-changing world of business Establish, my program is currently on the roll and is designed to guide business owners in refining their offerings, so check  it out.If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
When nothing feels like it's working
May 5 2024
When nothing feels like it's working
Hey there, let's pause for a sec and take a breath. It's totally normal to feel stuck, down, or even self-loathing at times. But here's the thing: feeling like we're not seeing the results we want is just part of the journey. There are ups, downs, and moments when it feels like nothing's paying off.In this episode, let's talk about those timelines we set for ourselves. Spoiler alert: they're arbitrary. So maybe it's time to cut yourself some slack and focus on the progress you've made, instead of fixating on where you think you should be. Also, let's consider why you might be feeling stuck. Sometimes, staying put feels safer than taking that leap into the unknown. It's like we're afraid of what success might mean for our identity, so we unconsciously hold ourselves back. It's worth digging into what's really driving that fear of moving forward. Have you ever thought that maybe you've moved the goalposts without realizing it? Us high achievers have a habit of hitting one target and immediately setting our sights on the next one. But if we never stop to celebrate our wins along the way, it's easy to feel like we're always falling short. Maybe even keep a weekly reflection practice to stay grounded in your progress. Trust me, celebrating those micro-moments can make a world of difference.And hey, remember that version of you from a few years ago? They'd be blown away by how far you've come. So cut yourself some slack, celebrate your wins, and keep moving forward—one step at a time. You're doing better than you think. Establish, my program is currently on the roll and is designed to guide business owners in refining their offerings, so check  it out.If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
Curious browsers to paying clients - Strengths Driven Foundations #4
Apr 28 2024
Curious browsers to paying clients - Strengths Driven Foundations #4
Reflecting on my own journey, I realized the importance of solid foundations after facing some growing pains in my business. Going back to basics doubled my business in just under nine months. It's like gold, I tell you. So, let's talk sales. Turning curious browsers into paying clients is an art, and it starts with understanding how you like to be sold to. There's an energetic component to sales that's often overlooked. Understanding how you prefer to be sold to can inform your approach to selling to others. I've found that aligning my sales approach with my natural communication style boosts confidence and builds authority. It's not about pushing a sale; it's about creating meaningful connections.Next, consider your conversion process. It's not one size fits all. Your business model and unique strengths should dictate your strategy. Whether it's through funnels, personalized outreach, or sales calls, find what works best for you. And let's not forget the spectrum of intimacy in sales. Different communication channels offer varying levels of connection. Mixing it up keeps your audience engaged and allows for deeper relationships.By considering factors like your preferred mode of communication and the level of intimacy you want to establish with your audience, you can create a more effective sales strategy. Sales may seem daunting, but it's one of my favorite topics to explore and I'm excited to delve deeper into it with my audience, especially those who are part of my Established program.If you're curious about Establish, my program is designed to guide business owners in refining their offerings, so check  it out.If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
The Millionaire Mindset
Mar 31 2024
The Millionaire Mindset
This week’s topic is about cultivating a millionaire mindset, drawing from common questions I receive from clients and my own curiosity about successful individuals. You see, in the coaching world, we love celebrating our clients' wins, but what really sets them apart? Well, after years of observation and experience, I've narrowed it down to seven core traits. I highlight the importance of recognizing patterns in our behaviour and thoughts, while we operate in habitual patterns, we have the choice to change and embody traits of successful individuals, regardless of background or experience.I share seven key traits observed in successful entrepreneurs. Firstly, successful entrepreneurs are self-leading and self-accountable. They approach challenges with openness and curiosity, always seeking new perspectives. Their visionary energy propels them forward, even in the face of setbacks. They understand the power of scripting their thoughts and spend time consciously examining them.Moreover, they hold steady, knowing that results take time. They focus on effort rather than immediate outcomes, understanding that consistency is key. Importantly, they play to their strengths, leveraging their unique abilities to drive success.And finally, they prioritise relationships, understanding that collaboration and support are essential on the journey to success. So, if you're ready to level up and embody the millionaire mindset, it's time to take action. Whether it's joining my Luminate program or reaching out for a chat, let's work together to unlock your full potential. Remember, it's not just about time—it's about what you do with it that truly matters. If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
Femme Founded - Getting savvy on socials with Social Media Manager, Shannon Segall
Mar 27 2024
Femme Founded - Getting savvy on socials with Social Media Manager, Shannon Segall
Join me this week for a dynamic conversation with Shannon Segall, your go-to social media manager and mentor, specialising in empowering female-led brands and freelancers to shine online. With a background in Instagram marketing, Shannon witnessed its transformative power in elevating brands globally. Based in Australia, Shannon's journey from corporate life to entrepreneurship reflects her dedication to digital empowerment.Shannon offers insights into social media management's evolution, stressing its role in brand awareness and community building. She discusses aligning strategies with brand objectives and understanding the target audience for engagement. We explore common business mistakes and advocate for value-driven content over sales-centric approaches. Shannon highlights content repurposing for efficiency and offers productivity tips. Finally, she shares advice on integrating lifestyle into entrepreneurship and achieving balance amidst work and travel aspirations.For more inspiration and tips, check out her upcoming webinar on March 28th to master Crafting Connection-Worthy Content and unlock exclusive access to her Makana VIP Social Media Strategy service. You can also visit her website and podcast  The Tropical Social Podcast and connect with her on Instagram @shannonsegallIf you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
BTS of a $61,242 sellout launch - The Reality {part two}
Mar 24 2024
BTS of a $61,242 sellout launch - The Reality {part two}
This is part two of my Sellout launch podcast which I will take you behind the scenes to unravel the outcomes of my recent launch strategy, offering insights into what went on behind the microphone. Delving into the launch strategy, I emphasize the importance of transparent communication and nurturing relationships pre-launch.Engaging in pre-launch conversations with potential clients, I shared details about my program, Luminate, weeks ahead of the official launch event. This personalized approach, diverging from traditional templates, fostered confidence and authenticity, as I deeply believed in the value of my offering.Mindset work was pivotal, involving daily practices to align with the essence of my offer and co-create its success. Launching the event with marketing across various channels, including podcasts and DM conversations, yielded significant results. The program sold out, generating $61,242 in Luminate revenue, with additional revenue from private coaching sessions. Flexible payment options and personalized interactions further enhanced the launch's success, fostering trust and integrity throughout the process. Reflecting on this journey, I acknowledge the importance of fluidity, responsiveness, and authentic connection in achieving business goals. Overall, this launch exemplifies the power of embodying one's values and co-creating success with clients.If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
Femme Founded - Why you should care about inclusion with Racial Equity Coach, Annie Gichuru
Mar 13 2024
Femme Founded - Why you should care about inclusion with Racial Equity Coach, Annie Gichuru
I’m so excited to welcome Annie Gichuru, a racial equity coach, partners with The Beautiful You Coaching Academy, guiding entrepreneurs to build inclusive businesses. Her program, REPRESENTED, promotes racial diversity and equity. With a background in HR and coaching, she brings compassion and expertise to her work.In this podcast with Annie, we explored the nuances of inclusivity in online business, particularly focusing on the unconscious biases and microaggressions that can occur.Annie highlighted two camps of business owners: those who are new to the work of inclusivity and are afraid of making mistakes, and those who consider themselves inclusive but may still unintentionally exclude others. We delved into the importance of being open to learning and understanding the experiences of people of color in business. Microaggressions, subtle negative statements that make individuals feel disrespected, were discussed in depth, along with their impact on relationships and business. Annie emphasized the need for a calling-in approach, granting grace for mistakes and providing resources for learning and growth.  Throughout our conversation, the overarching theme was the necessity of continuous self-exploration and improvement in creating truly inclusive spaces in business.Discover Annie's invaluable resources! Explore her Microaggressions Guide and delve into her transformative program!You can also connect with her on Instagram or check her website.If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
The block between you and your next income goal
Feb 18 2024
The block between you and your next income goal
It's essential to recognize when something feels like a roadblock between your vision and its realisation. In this episode, I delve into the barriers that may be obstructing your path to achieving your business goals and offer actionable strategies to overcome them.If you've established yourself in your field and crafted solid offers, it's unlikely that the problem lies with your products or services. You're probably already an expert in your niche, so let's confidently own that expertise. Pricing and strategy are also unlikely culprits, especially if you've aligned them with your strengths and goals. The primary issue may lie in how effectively you're connecting with your ideal clients. Your messaging needs to resonate with them on a deep level, addressing their desires and concerns.Too often, we fall into the trap of using expert language or focusing too much on what clients need rather than what they want. Remember, your goal is to meet your clients where they are and guide them towards the transformation they seek. Often, working with a coach who can offer an external perspective can be immensely beneficial in navigating these challenges. By refining your messaging and aligning it with your clients' aspirations, you can bridge the gap between your current reality and your income goals.Regularly reassess your communication strategies and adapt them to better serve your clients. Stay connected to their evolving needs and preferences, and never underestimate the power of clear, compelling messaging in driving business growth.If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.
When the Business is YOU
Feb 11 2024
When the Business is YOU
For those of us in the coaching, consulting, or solopreneur businesses, where our names are the brand, there's an intense emotional connection. Unlike conventional businesses, we have the freedom to set our own rules and rhythms. But with this freedom comes responsibility. We navigate a delicate balance between personal and professional life in our marketing and content.Crafting a coherent personal brand story is essential. Crafting content anchors helps maintain this balance, guiding what we share and why. Sharing personal aspects aligning with our ideal client's values fosters connection and trust. However, it's crucial to differentiate between personal and professional boundaries. The transition from personal to professional branding demands coherence. As I learned, misaligned branding can confuse our audience and dilute our message. Every aspect of our business, from sales to delivery, must reflect our values seamlessly. Authenticity is key; mismatched strategies lead to disconnection and burnout. Aligning business structure with personal strengths fosters growth and fulfillment.To those seeking to scale a strengths-based business, Luminate offers a transformative opportunity. By aligning our business with our essence, we can increase impact, profitability, and personal fulfillment. If you're ready to transition from one-on-one work to a scalable model, Luminate might be your next step. If you loved this episode LET ME KNOW, take a screenshot, share it on your story and tag @moniqueharding_WORK WITH MONIQUE; Interested in being coached by me in 2024?. Check out if its for you.