DadMode: Parenting, Gaming, Streaming, Life


"DadMode" is a podcast where two gaming-loving dads discuss everything from live streaming to fatherhood in a humorous and relatable way. Join Josh aka Moorph and Bearded Nova as they share gaming adventures and parenting anecdotes, offering a unique blend of entertainment and insight for fellow gamers with kids.

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Cape May Escapades to Aussie Animals Should You Be Scared
4d ago
Cape May Escapades to Aussie Animals Should You Be Scared
Ever wondered how a simple trip could lead to a brush with Hollywood glamour? We kick off this episode by sharing our child-free adventure to Cape May, New Jersey, where a chance encounter with a Bob Dylan movie set starring Timothée Chalamet brought unexpected hilarity. Between deciding on the best spots to eat and drink, and navigating a minor clash with the film crew, we recount the joy of temporary freedom from parental duties. This light-hearted segment sets the stage for a more profound discussion on the logistics and emotional roller-coaster of family travel, including our upcoming adventures to Washington, D.C., and various conventions, and the novelty of potentially taking a train for the first time with our kids.Switching gears, we dive into the relatable and often humorous struggles of solo parenting. Picture this: juggling kids' routines while your partner is out of town, wrestling with feelings of inadequacy, and debating the best way to surprise your children with a big holiday trip. Should you keep it a secret or manage their expectations in advance? We share our own experiences and differing perspectives on these parenting dilemmas, shaping an engaging dialogue on the varied dynamics within family planning and communication.Finally, we shift to lighter, yet equally entertaining, terrains by exploring the bizarre and deadly creatures of Australia. From the fearsome saltwater crocodile to the deceptively cute blue-ringed octopus, we blend humor with a touch of fear as we discuss why an RV trip might just be the perfect way to resolve marital disagreements. We wrap up by reflecting on our vacation experiences, from spotting seals to revisiting iconic movie settings, and share our thoughts on gaming platforms and the new "Dune" movie. Stay tuned till the end for some fun shout-outs and an invitation to connect with us on social media under DadModePodcast!Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
3 Grumpy Old Men with DamDaniel
May 21 2024
3 Grumpy Old Men with DamDaniel
Ever find yourself chuckling at the absurdities that crop up when you're dubbed the family's designated 'lawn-master'? You're not alone! Join us as we shed the grass-stained shorts for some dad-mode storytelling, dishing out the laughs and mishaps that come with the title. We also dive into the tangled web of names, where Jose brings the house down with tales of mispronunciation while threading the needle on cultural significance. It's a rollercoaster of identity, authenticity, and the occasional stumble over our own online handles.Who knew that a catchphrase could wield so much power, or that the 'yelling old guy' shtick would be a hit? That's the beauty of content creation, a theme we tackle with fervor, musing over the love for our craft and the wild card that is audience feedback. We're peeling back the curtain on our creative process, sharing insights that keep us grounded and true to our unique styles. The chemistry is palpable as we navigate the ups and downs of listener responses and the persona that sometimes takes on a life of its own.But wait, there's more! When creators unite, the sparks fly, and this episode is no exception. We're reminiscing about the camaraderie that fuels our work, with candid talks on collaboration, gaming glory, and the elusive dream of an in-person podcast palooza. From the folks who inspire us to the recognition that's often just beyond reach, this session is a heartfelt shout-out to the digital world's unsung heroes. So grab your headset and settle in for a session of dad jokes, creator confessions, and a generous serving of gaming banter. No quarters necessary, just press play.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Apple v Samsung Debate with DamDaniel
May 15 2024
Apple v Samsung Debate with DamDaniel
Ever found yourself reminiscing about the good old days before your back started complaining and your teenager's phone became an extension of their hand? That's where we kick off our latest chat, reflecting on the double-edged sword of growing older and the constant tug-of-war with technology as a parent. I share my recent foray into laying down the law on phone usage at home, the helpful hand of Google Family, and the unexpected switch from a broken Pixel to an iPhone—cue the Apple vs. Samsung debate.But it's not all cracked screens and parental control; we peel away the polished veneer of the influencer lifestyle, baring the reality of content creation—fake walls and all. Join us as I reveal the juggling act of balancing TikTok fame and family obligations, proving that taking a step back doesn't mean losing your audience. We also trade insights into the often-unspoken shift from creator to salesperson, navigating the tricky waters of sponsorships while staying true to our personal brand.And for all the gamers out there, get ready for a no-holds-barred discussion on everything from the stunning visuals of Grey Zone Warfare to the latest Tarkov update that's got the community buzzing. We share our own gaming mishaps and victories, the highs and lows of in-game camaraderie, and even a little gamer wisdom. So, whether you're here for the daddy dilemmas, tech talk, or just to hear about our latest virtual battles, grab your headphones and join us for a ride full of anecdotes and laughs.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Rising with the Sun and Riding the Waves of Web Woes
May 7 2024
Rising with the Sun and Riding the Waves of Web Woes
Ever wondered how a viral TikTok can stir up a hefty debate on morning routines and work ethics? Well, we're tackling that head-on as we swap stories about our own haphazard starts to the day—be it the white-collar scramble for a tie or the blue-collar search for the steel-toes. It's a candid look at the myths and realities of our daily grinds, sprinkled with a dash of humor and a touch of chaos. But the conversation doesn't stop at coffee and commutes; we delve into the high-wire act of balancing streaming, full-time jobs, and family, all while pondering the role of AI in jazzing up audience interactions. The ebb and flow of motivation play a starring role as we dissect what it takes to jump back into the streaming saddle after a hiatus.Swapping the hustle of convention floors for the ease of our studio mics, we reflect on the shifts in our content creation journey—from live events to the intimate setting of our podcast. The charm of meeting listeners face-to-face has given way to a preference for the straightforward recording sessions we've come to love, albeit with the occasional technical gremlin. But as we navigate the intricacies of platforms like Twitch and TikTok, we're not shy about examining the hurdles of timing, content moderation, and the looming shadow of data privacy issues. Join us for a thought-provoking session that doesn't just stop at social media's future but also casts a critical eye on the influence of voting systems in our political sphere—and the weight of our choices when it's time to cast a ballot.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Navigating the Minefield of Modern Social Sensitivities
Apr 30 2024
Navigating the Minefield of Modern Social Sensitivities
Remember when someone on TikTok dared to suggest gamers over 30 should retire their controllers? We leapt to the defense of every adult who's ever been shamed for their love of gaming in this no-holds-barred discussion on societal expectations and personal freedom. Our conversation extends far beyond the realm of video games, as we tackle how 'wokeness' has penetrated our daily choices – from whom we love to what we eat. We're dishing out a candid take on the importance of championing individual happiness and standing up against racism, all while navigating the choppy waters of social awareness without drowning in the judgment that often accompanies it.The word 'woke' has become a battleground of opinions, and we're not shying away from the fray. Casting a critical eye on the contentious nature of woke culture, especially in the Southern U.S., we dissect its impact on everything from African American history education to the motives behind Hollywood's diversity efforts. With echoes of our own experiences, we reflect on the paradox of today's climate of cautious communication, contrasting with the pre-pandemic days of freer expression. We wrap things up by weighing the significance of our online personas in a world where every like, share, and comment can be as permanent as a tattoo on our digital lives. Tune in for an episode that's as thought-provoking as it is revealing, without an ounce of sugar-coating in sight.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Personal Passions Meets Professional Persona Tales of Integration
Apr 26 2024
Personal Passions Meets Professional Persona Tales of Integration
When my boss dropped the unexpected bombshell of wanting to guest on our podcast to discuss the representation of women and minorities in tech, it sparked an eye-opening dialogue about the tightrope walk of personal branding versus professional image. It's a candid journey through the stories and complexities of intertwining our personal passions with our day jobs. We ponder whether this meshing can unlock doors for authentic connections or if it risks unraveling the carefully woven fabric of our work personas. Plus, we navigate the tricky terrain of social media policies, considering how they shape our online personas while juggling the need to stay genuine to who we are.The plot thickens as we share tales of personal interests like gaming acting as a catalyst for forging friendships beyond the confines of the professional sphere. I open up about a heartwarming transition from customer interactions to a personal bond over shared hobbies, highlighting the unanticipated warmth gaming can bring into our work relationships. We also chuckle over the quirks of online gaming personas and mull over the significance of curating an online presence that honors the crossroads of our professional and personal lives. Join us for a straightforward glimpse into the delights and challenges entwined in the art of harmonizing our work and personal spheres, all while keeping our virtual and real-world identities in sync.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Easter Chocolate Confessions - NOT CHILD SAFE
Apr 16 2024
Easter Chocolate Confessions - NOT CHILD SAFE
Ever wondered how a chocolate egg could turn a pint-sized adversary into your biggest ally? Buckle up, listeners, as we unravel the laugh-out-loud shenanigans of family Easter adventures, including my niece's unexpected partnership and our kid's crafty attempts to keep the Easter Bunny's magic alive. Strap in for a rollercoaster of nostalgia with stories that'll tickle your funny bone and warm your heart, as we traverse the mishaps and mirth of parenting. From stealthy tooth fairy maneuvers to hilarious elf-on-the-shelf concerns, we're serving up a feast of chuckles and candid tales from the dad trenches.Switch gears with us as we reflect on the evolution of our podcast—your go-to haven for laid-back dad banter and real-life parental escapades. This episode peels back the curtain on the dad life experience, offering you a seat at the table where we chat about everything from behind-the-scenes recording quirks to how we let you, our awesome Twitter community, steer the conversation. So, plug in, turn up the volume, and let’s share a few laughs and insights on the delightful chaos that is raising kids, while savoring the unexpected twists that our dad journey—and our social media algorithms—throw our way.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
From Sugar Free Life to the Crystal ball of Retirement
Apr 10 2024
From Sugar Free Life to the Crystal ball of Retirement
Ever had a tech meltdown during a creative project? We know that feeling all too well, which is why we're jazzed to share our latest acquisition: a colossal 14 terabyte external hard drive that's revolutionizing our content creation process. Our latest chat isn't just about tech triumphs though; we're peeling back the curtain on how we shape our podcast's engaging format, from structured dialogues to off-the-cuff banter. We're even putting out a call to action for your input on the discussion styles that hit the right notes for you.Switching gears to a more personal note, I take you through my own health journey, confronting severe liver damage head-on and steering my diet down a healthier lane. It's a transparent tale from succumbing to a sugar-heavy diet, to discovering delight in zero-sugar rum and culinary creativity that doesn't skimp on satisfaction. Plus, we'll explore how these life changes can affect social dynamics, and how to navigate gatherings without abandoning your health goals or your social life. It's all about striking that delicate balance between well-being and still relishing the good times.Lastly, we're unpacking the complexities of financial planning and how it varies across the pond, from U.S. retirement schemes to Australia's superannuation. Our discussion branches out to encompass life insurance tweaks and the offbeat idea of collectibles as inheritance – yes, my Planet Express ship could be someone's treasure down the line. We're also swapping stories with friends about the idiosyncrasies of bequeathing belongings. So if you're a dad trying to stay afloat in the parenting pool, or just someone eager for a hearty mix of tech, health, and fiscal savvy, this episode packs a punch!Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
The Unscripted Adventures of a Parent Turned Streamer
Apr 2 2024
The Unscripted Adventures of a Parent Turned Streamer
Who knew that a child's defiant "no" could be so adorable? As I reminisce about my daughter's latest shenanigans, you'll find yourself chuckling along with our tales of parenting highs and lows, from the bliss of cuddle sessions to the whirlwind of chasing down an independent toddler. We also share a few laughs over the funny moments and unexpected misunderstandings that come with the territory, like the time a policy's lack of age restrictions led to quite the comedic mix-up. If you're navigating the waters of raising a little human or just love a good story about the lighter side of life, this is an episode you won't want to miss.Then, strap in for a ride through the whimsical worlds of Willy Wonka and Bluey, as we compare the chocolatey wonder of a film event to the excitement of a children's attraction right in our own backyard. Plus, we're unpacking the essentials for a successful streaming comeback, from pinpointing the perfect streaming quality to choosing the optimal schedule that doesn't clash with the streaming universe's rush hour. Whether you're a content creator, a movie enthusiast, or just enjoy a good analytical deep dive, we've wrapped up a delightful package of insights and anecdotes for your listening pleasure.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Look Australia is that big and why Kmart rocks with Redrose
Mar 19 2024
Look Australia is that big and why Kmart rocks with Redrose
Ever felt like parenting is akin to herding cats while attempting to build a spacecraft? That's the vibe we're channeling as we transition to Dad Mode in our latest podcast. Our fantastic guest, Red Rose, joins us alongside Torna and her husband, all of whom add a sprinkle of gamer magic to our parenting tales. Prepare to nod in agreement and chuckle as we sift through the rubble of unexpected vet bills and car woes, all while our little ones sprint circles around our weary parental feet. And for the stay-at-home moms out there, we've got your back, sharing insights from the trenches of everyday chaos.Ah, school lunches – those nostalgic trays of sugary delights now replaced by quinoa salads and apple slices. But let's be real, sometimes you just need to toss a fast-food burger into that lunchbox. We cover the tightrope walk of mixing healthy meals with those much-needed indulgences, and how our kids are surprisingly adept at making wise choices from the buffet of life. Listen as we trade stories of our children's food escapades, from the belief that purple cabbage has the kick of a chili pepper to the age-old battle of getting them to eat what's cooked. It's a culinary journey that every parent will relate to, filled with laughter and the occasional desperate plea to the dinner gods.To wrap things up, we stroll down the aisles of retail nostalgia, reminiscing about Kmart's unexpected triumphs down under and Target's retail rollercoaster. We'll share the quirks of our shopping habits influenced by these retail giants, and how our buying decisions are as varied as the Australian landscape. So come for the parenting banter, the lunchbox revelations, and the retail therapy – stay for the sense of camaraderie that only fellow parents and life jugglers can provide. Grab a snack (purple cabbage optional) and tune in for the hilarity and heartwarming stories that only life's daily grind can churn out.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Tales and Tactics from the Trenches with Red Rose
Mar 12 2024
Tales and Tactics from the Trenches with Red Rose
Have you ever wondered what happens when the serene world of gaming meets the uproarious adventure of parenting? In our latest episode, we sit with the fantastic mom and accomplished streamer, Red Rose, to chuckle and commiserate about this very topic. Laughter abounds as we swap tales from the tranquil times before kids, comparing them to our current, anything-but-peaceful lives. Our conversation brings the daily antics of our little ones into sharp relief, from creative wall art to the suspicious silence that often heralds the latest household catastrophe. Parenting isn't just about cleaning up the latest mess; it's about navigating the unique personalities our children bring into the world, and managing their behavior in and out of the house. Rose and I dissect the Jekyll and Hyde nature of kids who transform from public angels to homebound whirlwinds, and we get real about the generous (if not overindulgent) influences of doting grandparents. Meanwhile, we swap strategies on outwitting our offspring in the perpetual game of hide-and-seek with our favorite snacks and setting up chore systems that sometimes work (and sometimes...don't).Rounding off this parental rollercoaster, we delve into the more profound aspects of shaping young minds, from instilling values and encouraging good behavior to recognizing the echoes of our childhood in our parenting styles. Our musings on the pressures and joys of fatherhood, along with Rose's wisdom, make for an episode that's as cathartic as it is entertaining. So, dear listener, whether you're a seasoned pro at the dad game or still figuring out which way the diaper goes on, we're here to remind you: you're not alone, and the controller stays firmly in our hands. Tune in, have a laugh, and remember to hit follow for more Dad Mode adventures.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Getting to know Moorph
Mar 5 2024
Getting to know Moorph
Have you ever fumbled your way through the dark, only to find that the very thing you stumbled over was a hidden treasure? That's exactly what happened to me with Twitch streaming during the peak of our world's health crisis. Join me and my co-host, bearded Nova, as we regale you with tales from the frontlines of digital content creation. This episode is a deep dive into the transformation from novice to pro streamer, complete with the nuts and bolts of lighting, camera angles, and those all-important personal flairs that make a channel uniquely yours.Juggling the kaleidoscope of modern life, career, and our passions for content creation is no easy task, and we're not afraid to get real about it. We'll share the highs and lows we've faced while trying to keep the content train chugging along amid changing work environments and ever-evolving schedules. Taking a leaf from the playbooks of the heavy hitters in the industry, we dissect how to keep that creative fire blazing without succumbing to burnout. If you're a content creator at heart, hunting for that sweet spot where passion meets practicality, we've got a map you might want to see.And for the dads among us, we haven't forgotten the greatest adventure of all – fatherhood. We explore how to navigate the demands of being a parent while still feeding our need to connect and create in the gaming world. So, fellow dads and content creators, if you're looking for camaraderie, inspiration, or even just a good laugh about the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of dad life, you've come to the right place. Let's walk this path together, one podcast episode at a time.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Bearded Nova content journey so far
Feb 27 2024
Bearded Nova content journey so far
Ever wrestled with the symphony of a screaming alarm and a toddler's early morning call to action? Well, join me as we tackle the trials of parenting while chasing our digital dreams in the latest Dad Mode podcast, featuring the one and only Bearded Nova. Together, we'll unpack the seasonal impacts on our daily hustle, and Nova shares his riveting transformation from a laid-back gamer to a structured content creator. Whether you're a fellow parent trying to squeeze gaming into nap times or a night owl aiming to turn those streams into dreams, our candid conversation is filled with relatable moments and valuable insights.From the serene countryside to the electrifying world of Twitch, Bearded Nova recounts his streaming journey that began on the quiet frontiers of Facebook. As we wander through the bustling streets of online communities, we'll uncover the magic of raids, the progression of streaming setups, and the wonders of technological advancements like NDI that can take your content to the next level. For those curious about the steps it takes to transition from casual play to live broadcasting, this heart-to-heart is your behind-the-scenes pass to the dedication it takes to share your gaming world.Let's face it, the tightrope walk between gaming, streaming, and family life is no circus act—it's the reality for many content creators like Nova and myself. In this episode, we get real about the juggle (and occasional struggle) of producing fresh content for TikTok and Twitch while staying true to the joy of gaming. We even dig into the nitty-gritty of streaming resolutions and the commitment necessary to engage with your online tribe and keep the content flowing. So, grab your headphones and a cup of your favorite brew; it's time to explore the rewarding, albeit demanding, adventure of content creation through the eyes of those who live it every day.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Streaming with a Side of Parenthood Crafting Content Amidst Family Life with Guest ChillinwithDev
Feb 20 2024
Streaming with a Side of Parenthood Crafting Content Amidst Family Life with Guest ChillinwithDev
Striking that elusive balance between diaper changes and data streams is no small feat, and I know I'm not alone in this high-wire act. That's why Bearded Nova and I have laid bare our daily triumphs and missteps in synchronizing the rhythms of parenthood with the pulse of content creation. As the sun sets on my night owl habits, I find myself navigating the transition to daytime streaming, aligning my passion for gaming with the patter of little feet off to school and the sacred ritual of family dinners.The ticking clock is a relentless teacher, reminding us that the sands of time wait for no parent — or streamer, for that matter. This episode is an intimate reflection on the sacrifices and shifts I've made, intertwining my child's growth with the evolution of my daily schedule. Admitting to my past rigidity, I share the journey toward a work-life symphony that resonates with the heartbeats of my loved ones. Bearded Nova and I dissect the art of putting family and work before play without losing our sense of self along the way.With a wink and a nod, we wrap up celebrating the joyous chaos of parenting, while reaffirming our allegiance to the gaming world. It's a toast to all the parents who've somehow managed to keep their headsets on without missing a beat of their child's laughter. Join us in the candid celebration and chime in on social media; after all, it takes a village to raise a child, but it takes an extraordinary community to raise a content creator.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
From Gamers to Dads: Embracing the Chaos and Joy of Fatherhood in the Digital Era
Feb 13 2024
From Gamers to Dads: Embracing the Chaos and Joy of Fatherhood in the Digital Era
Ever wonder what it's like to suddenly shift gears from gaming and streaming to diaper changes and midnight feedings? Nerd Storm joins us this week, bringing the raw and often humorous realities of new fatherhood to the table. We embark on a heartfelt journey through the terrain of modern parenting, laughing at the unpredictability of life with kids while embracing the profound instinctual shifts that come with the title 'Dad.' From the transformative moment of birth to the evolution of discipline tactics with each new addition to the family, we're serving up a candid look at the highs and lows that shape us as fathers.Buckle up for a discussion that's equal parts chaos and charm, as we traverse the world of baby gear, the challenges of stay-at-home parenting, and the unexpected lessons our children teach us. We dive into everything from the life-saving grace of the change table to the communal vigilance at family gatherings. With my own tales of the elusive 'dad look' and adapting to my child's piercing preferences, we explore the emotional rollercoaster that is fatherhood and reflect on the bittersweet passage of time as we watch our kids grow.Striking the balance between parenting and content creation is an art, and this episode paints a picture of just how it's done. I open up about the renewed passion for creating a legacy through streaming, and how the arrival of little ones can reignite the drive for success. But it's not all work—there's play too. We chat about connecting with our kids over Star Wars Lego and the joy of shared family interests in gaming and pop culture. So, whether you're a dad, a content creator, or someone who appreciates the hilarity of parenting, this episode promises to connect, entertain, and maybe even inspire.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
When Streaming and Content Creation ruins relationships
Feb 6 2024
When Streaming and Content Creation ruins relationships
Ever wondered how the buzz of content creation can shake up the family tree? In our latest heart-to-heart, we share the raw truths about balancing live streams with life's curveballs. As dads and gamers, we've ridden the rollercoaster of time management, feeling the highs of community building and the lows of missed family dinners. We get real about the sacrifices and the necessity of forging pacts with our partners to keep our home lives and streaming schedules in sync.But let's face it—not all of us will become streaming moguls, and that's okay. We dive into the nitty-gritty, showing that even without the allure of internet fame, involving our families in our digital endeavors can turn potential neglect into a shared adventure, whether through charity streams or cooperative gaming nights. We also reflect on the worth of personal time, and how stepping away from the screen to cherish those close to us can sometimes be the most rewarding play of all.To cap it off, we embrace the beautiful mess that is parenting in the age of the internet. We swap stories of juggling the joys of fatherhood with the demands of our careers, without letting our passion for gaming and content creation fall by the wayside. For those who've chuckled and nodded along with us, we're extending the invitation to join the banter on our socials. Remember, it's not game over—it's just a pause before the next level.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
From Preteen Negotiations to Stepfamily Bonds with Guest ChillinwithDev
Jan 30 2024
From Preteen Negotiations to Stepfamily Bonds with Guest ChillinwithDev
When Dev, a vibrant mom and content creator, joined us on the Dad Mode podcast, the conversation bloomed with insights you won't want to miss. Her journey started at 20, diving headfirst into the transformative world of parenting, and in this episode, she shares the rollercoaster ride that is motherhood. We laugh at the quirky battles, like negotiating with preteens or teaching them to drive, and ponder the impact of the digital age on our kids. It's an honest look at how growth doesn't just happen to our children but to us as parents, reshaping our identities and challenging us in ways we never anticipated.As we swap tales of juggling parenting hats, it's clear that the notion of fixed parental roles has sailed into the sunset. Our chat navigates the ever-shifting responsibilities in modern homes, where work schedules and personality traits mean today's dads might be tomorrow's homework helpers—or vice versa. Through laughs and earnest reflection, we stress the importance of communication and flexibility in parenting partnerships. It's a candid exploration of the balancing act we all perform, ensuring our families thrive amid the chaos of daily life.The episode rounds off with a heartfelt discussion on the complexities of co-parenting and step-parenting. From the comedic genius of a child using tampons as band-aids to the poignant moments of acceptance from step-children, these stories underscore the creativity and resilience of blended families. We share not just the challenges but the triumphs of these relationships, highlighting the bonds formed that transcend biology. So, ready your hearts and your humor for a podcast that delves deep into the realities and the joys of modern fatherhood, and everything that comes with it.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Gentle Parenting - Does it work?
Jan 23 2024
Gentle Parenting - Does it work?
Ever wondered if being too gentle with your kids is setting them up for a fall in the real world? That's the burning question Bearded Nova and I grapple with in our latest Dad Mode discussion. Together, we uncover the intricacies of gentle parenting and its potential to underprepare our children for life's not-so-gentle knocks. From temper tantrums to setting boundaries, we're serving up unfiltered opinions peppered with a healthy dose of humor, as we reflect on our experiences and the broader impacts of parenting styles on resilience.As we navigate through the maze of modern parenting, we're confronting the bubble wrap syndrome head-on. Are we stifling our kids' social skills and world understanding by being overprotective? This episode isn't afraid to explore the pitfalls of helicopter parenting and permissive upbringings, drawing on personal childhood stories. We're all about embracing the grittier side of parenting, advocating for a balanced approach that allows for skinned knees and learned lessons, paving the way for well-adjusted little humans.Rounding out our candid conversation, parenting isn't just about guiding - it's about stepping back when necessary. We dive into the complexities of fostering independence, the nuanced dance of discipline with the 'dad voice', and the joy of rewarding our kids in ways that strengthen our bonds. As we juggle parenthood, careers, and even our gaming hobbies, we're charting a course through the whirlwind of fatherhood. Strap in for a real talk about raising the next generation with a firm grip on love, discipline, and yes, even the gaming controller.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
The Fatherhood Frontier: Embracing Legacy and Laughter in the Digital Age
Jan 16 2024
The Fatherhood Frontier: Embracing Legacy and Laughter in the Digital Age
Ever wondered how the digital age is reshaping the art of fatherhood? This episode, we sit down with Nerd Storm to swap stories that span from the life-altering news of a new baby to the day-to-day hilarity of parenting. We embrace the full spectrum of fatherhood, discussing how the arrival of a little one morphs personal aspirations and transforms what it means to leave a legacy.Parenthood is a collection of both monumental milestones and laugh-out-loud daily experiences – and we're here to unpack them all. Join us as we reminisce about growth spurts that have our kids towering over us, and dive into the diaper tales that every parent knows all too well. We talk baby gear – separating the must-haves from the marketing fluff – and chuckle over the nuances that only come with the territory of raising tiny humans. Stepping beyond the confines of our own homes, we address the balancing act of work, content creation, and family life. Discover how we integrate these worlds with practical tactics like shared calendars and ensuring our families always come first. Hear how Nerd Storm's journey through content creation evolved post-fatherhood and how these digital footprints we're creating will one day serve as cherished legacies for our children. Filled with warmth and genuine insight, this episode is an invitation to connect with the joys and juggling acts of modern parenting.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries:
Mastering the Art of Tech-Savvy Parenting
Jan 9 2024
Mastering the Art of Tech-Savvy Parenting
Ready to step up and navigate the digital jungle as a parent? This episode is packed with insightful discussions with Lt Col Smash, a fellow dad, and gamer, on the challenges and solutions to online parenting. Get valuable insights on kid-friendly applications such as Kinzoo and Facebook Messenger for Kids, and tools like Google Family Link to keep your little ones safe while they explore the vast digital world.We're not just talking tools here, we're also addressing the hard stuff - the ethical implications of making money off young people, the potential pitfalls of popular streaming platforms, and the need to understand the rules that govern these digital spaces. Discover how the Xbox family control system can help you filter content and maintain a secure online environment for your kids. The conversation doesn't shy away from the reality of raising kids in the internet's "infancy" and the challenges it presents to modern parenting. Communication is key! Join us as we stress the importance of fostering conversations with your kids about their online activities. Learn how a 'clean slate' can benefit young adults entering the job market and how their online decisions can impact it. Whether you're a parent, an educator, or just someone interested in how the digital age impacts our kids, this episode holds valuable information for you. Let's step into the shoes of our tech-savvy kids and navigate the tricky world of parenting in the age of technology together.Support the Show.Josh aka Bearded_NovaI'm from Australia and am what you would call a father who games. I have 5 kids so not as much time to game as I used to. But I still game and stream when I can. So come join me on Twitch in chat as we chill out.Business Inquiries: Josh aka MoorphI'm a US-based husband and father of two boys. I work full-time and have been a content creator since 2000. I'm a YouTube partner, Twitch and LiveSpace streamer who founded a content creation coaching company called Elev8d Media Group ( I'm a blogger, streamer, podcaster, and video-er(?).Business Inquiries: