Roots Hospitality

Elijah Attard

Roots Hospitality is a lighthearted podcast that shares the personal experiences of the chefs, bartenders and producers that come on each week. Hosted by a chef; it's a humorous and raw look at what it takes to make it in a competitive industry, with a few laughs along the way. read less


62. Jamie Henshall (TNM Creative Media)
Apr 28 2023
62. Jamie Henshall (TNM Creative Media)
From staring out of the QBE building overlooking the city as an Executive Chef, to traveling the world looking for his real father - Jamie has quite the story to tell. Whether it's being pranked by his chef colleagues in the early days to helping grow his clients like Sydney Direct Fresh Produce and Tetsuya to the brands they are today, Jamie's experiences have defined a lot of what TNM has become today. Though a fun team, they are hardworking and dedicated to showcasing your business or talent to highest quality. Jamie has come a long way with his partner Laura Henshall (co-owner of TNM and partner to Jamie) who both came from Manchester to Australia more then 10 years ago. With Laura's talent in public speaking and Jamie's passion for story telling, they came together to start TNM Creative media as a way to help share the stories of people and their brands. Even landing Jamie's first client was a hustle. In order to land Export Fresh, Jamie had to work for 3 months at the Sydney Flemington Markets in order to get to know this pocket of the crazy world. With forklifts buzzing everywhere until the early hours of the morning as most restaurants and venues get in early to collect their fruit and vegetable produce. But with sheer determination, Jamie got his first client. He picked up a camera and got rolling. Jamie and I talk about the day we met, his incredible documentary 'Finding Ali' (would recommend) which he filmed over two years trying to find his father, following an MMA fighter to Miami and starting TNM Creative Media from his own garage. Roots Hospitality is proudly supported by Sydney Direct Fresh Produce. The fruit and vegetable supplier led by Luke Kohler, who has been supplying to Sydney venues for more then 20 years now and still killing it. Episode out now. Follow @roots_hospitality on Instagram for the latest podcast news and guest. Music: By Elijah Attard with samples from 'Ill Kitchen'
58. Martyna Blaut (El Koktel | Warsaw, Poland)
Feb 3 2023
58. Martyna Blaut (El Koktel | Warsaw, Poland)
I hopped over to Warsaw in Poland while traveling around Europe and I was not disappointed. What a beautiful city. Best of all, an incredible bar hidden away in the outskirts that creates a fun and inviting vibe filled with stunningly illustrated menus (done by Martyna herself!) of delicious cocktails. Martyna Blaut is the bartending queen of El Koktel. With her unique perspective on bartending in Poland, Martyna’s passion has driven her around the country. Much like myself, she moved on from following her initial passion of University to pursue a career in hospitality and found a way to incorporate her love for design into the core of El Koktel. When you open the cocktail menu for example, you’re immediately drawn to the beautiful illustrations of each cocktail. I remember I pointed that out, to purely appreciate the talented work of whoever it was. This was followed by an array of unique cocktails that have a personal play on each bartenders experience or backgrounds. Martyna and I reflect on her first sip of alcohol, whether she pursues creativity or leadership, we learn some polish industry phrases and of course, her most in the shit moment. The Roots Hospitality podcast is proudly supported by Sydney Direct Fresh Produce. The fruit and vegetable providore led by Luke Kohler, who has been supplying to Sydney restaurants and venues for more then 20 years and still smashing it out today. Follow @roots_hospitality on Instagram for the most up to date info on the latest guest, news and soundbites. Roots Hospitality theme by me, with music sampled from Ill Kitchen titled The Return. Music For The Trailer: Lateflights by Pryces
55. Rebecca Hawkes (Losaeter Farm, Oslo)
Dec 16 2022
55. Rebecca Hawkes (Losaeter Farm, Oslo)
We jump over to Oslo in Norway for this special episode. Recently when I travelled through Europe and the U.K. I took my podcasting kit along and caught up with people that were doing awesome work. Rebecca Hawkes, the chef and gardener, is no exception. Having travelled as a chef from Norway, to Istanbul, (sometimes working in exchange for accommodation), it’s clear Rebecca’s passion for working with food and it’s relationship with people is important. Food to Rebecca is more then filling you up, it’s a point of nourishment, a reminder that your body thrives on it. Hence her draw to gardening. As a chef, understanding the whole process is incredibly important. Which is why I was lucky to pass by so I could learn more about these guerilla gardening practices.   This farm is above a calming body of water that flows through the city and in November it’ll set when the snow comes. When Rebecca and I had this chat in August this year, they were gearing up to begin the preservation period of farming before the cold snap hits. This is the life of operating a farm during snow climates every year. They pickle cucumbers and zucchinis, salt their cabbages, make oils, brines, vinegars and so on. Similar to that of Faviken. This is life at Losaeter. “A museum without walls.”The Roots Hospitality podcast is proudly supported by Sydney Direct Fresh Produce. The fruit and vegetable providore led by Luke Kohler, who has been supplying to Sydney restaurants and venues for more then 20 years and still smashing it out today. Follow @roots_hospitality on Instagram for the most up to date info on the latest guest, news and soundbites. Roots Hospitality theme by me, with music sampled from Ill Kitchen titled The Return.
Ep. 54 Matt Orlando (AMASS Restaurant)
Dec 5 2022
Ep. 54 Matt Orlando (AMASS Restaurant)
Having walked through professional kitchens since he was 16, Matt has worked with the best and come up in the culinary world alongside some incredible chefs too. We chat about his time under Thomas Keller and the military like style in which Keller conducted his brigade.  We chat about meeting Rene Redzepi at the Fat Duck, looking up to Charlie Palmer as one of his inspirations (Matt still wore black socks after Charlie drilled it into him), jumping on at NOMA in 2005 only a year after it had been opened and running with 5 chefs before opening up AMASS in a deserted industrial looking complex. Matt’s proudest achievements has been creating an ego free kitchen filled with universal contributions from all team members, running the restaurants farm to a synergetic level with the menu, developing new sustainable practices that hadn’t been thought of (like using melted down candles to fill egg cartons and use them as fire starters for the Barbeque). Being in this place and driving forward with a simple ethos, has led Matt Orlando on a path driven to creating a world where you can operate under the word “responsible” and actually mean it. It’s an inspiring chat filled with raw reflections of his time cooking at some of the worlds best restaurants, his humbling experiences as a young chef de partie (“those fucking potato chips”) for Charlie Palmer, we check out the restaurant farm and talk about where everything is heading to next. The Roots Hospitality podcast is proudly supported by Sydney Direct Fresh Produce. The fruit and vegetable providore led by Luke Kohler, who has been supplying to Sydney restaurants and venues for more then 20 years and still smashing it out today. Follow @roots_hospitality on Instagram for the most up to date info on the latest guest, news and soundbites. NOTE: Matt and I did this interview in late September 2022. In November 2022, AMASS restaurant announced its closure, effective immediately. Music by Roots Hospitality with samples from artist Ill Kitchen.
Ep. 50 Mo Zhou (Restaurant Gaea)
Oct 7 2022
Ep. 50 Mo Zhou (Restaurant Gaea)
Ever been stitched up while doing a pop up at a house on a mountain in China with no electricity? How did Mo get out of it? Sometimes I don't think he even knows. It was almost as if he had repressed it until I mentioned the Yunnan Provence.  But when Mo reflects on what he calls "the wildest pop up he has ever done", he could only laugh in how he found himself in that situation to begin with. Mo started his culinary career as an apprentice at Attica, which helped shape his appreciation for produce on all levels and to think outside the normal in order to tease his customers expectations. In doing so, it's clear that Mo enjoys challenging himself to improve and defy even his own initial standards.  Take for example, he has challenged himself to come up with a new degustation menu every month without repeating a single dish. This means that even during the past two years with the opening and closures in Melbourne, he pushed 19 new menu’s. Which is insane to do during such a chaotic time. But this is a testament to Mo, whose creativity continues to inspire and influence chefs such as myself, to change our perspective on dining and what it means to provide an exceptional hospitality experience. Roots podcast is proudly supported by Sydney Direct Fresh Produce. The fruit and veg supplier led by Luke Kohler, who has provided Sydney with some of the best and local produce since he was 16 years old and still smashing it today. For more of the latest news and hospitality updates follow @roots_hospitality on Instagram or head to the website over at by Charlie Fester
Ep. 43 Martin Hudak (Sammy Jr. & Maybe Sammy)
May 6 2022
Ep. 43 Martin Hudak (Sammy Jr. & Maybe Sammy)
Martin Hudak has only been in Australia from 2018, but since then, he has certainly created  a big impact on the hospitality bar scene. With venues (co-owned) like Maybe Sammy, Dean & Nancy and Sammy Junior under his belt, it’s clear Martin and the teams are on an unstoppable path to pave the future of what a bar experience can be. Maybe Sammy even hit the 22nd spot, on the Worlds 50 Best Bar list last year and took out the Best Bar in Australasia award. But when you’re resume boasts venues like The Savoy (serving guests like Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin), and you’re winning the International World Coffee Cocktail Championship… you wouldn’t expect anything less. Martin hails from a small town in Slovakia where he originally grew up with a passion for acting, which his parents said wouldn’t be a good career. He took their advice and turned to hospitality, in particular, bartending. He started by doing a few cocktail comps and began to love it. This passion would take him all around the world where it landed him a spot for the American Bar at the Savoy in December 2014, working under Erik Lorincz. Here, Martin says, he learned everything. Care, attention and what it means to be pushed to the limit. After a few years of refining his craft, he competed in the World Coffee Championships one last time (after trying a few years previously) and took out first place in 2017. That year, the American Bar also took out the best bar in the world.  On the back of that fame Martin came to Australia where he met old friends Andrea Gauldi and Stefano Catino who were running Maybe Frank at the time. When you listen to the chat Martin and I have, he shares the story of how they all met a few years prior, before setting up one of the best bars in Australia which opened in 2018. And the rest is history. You can hear Stefano’s story on the Roots Podcast too, check out episode 17 while you are here. Martin recently released his first book Spiritual Coffee, which you can purchase at Sammy Junior or through the links on Martin’s instagram at @martinhudak. Spiritual Coffee celebrates Martin’s love for coffee and cocktails, with a rich history outlining how the two came together, along with plenty of delicious recipes of course. Martin and I did a giveaway competition in the leadup to the episode, which you’ll hear us announce during the conversation. While busy smashing goals with his many venues, and releasing his new exciting book, Martin is also the brand ambassador for Mr. Black Spirits, doing pop ups and lectures on the value of coffee cocktails around the world. The Roots Hospitality podcast is proudly supported by Sydney Direct Fresh Produce. The fruit and vegetable providore led by Luke Kohler, who has been supplying to Sydney restaurants and venues for more then 20 years and still smashing it out today. Follow @roots_hospitality on Instagram for the most up to date info on the latest guest, news and soundbites. Music Intro: Roots Hospitality Theme by Charlie Fester.