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391: ⏫️ Clare A. revisits
3d ago
391: ⏫️ Clare A. revisits
🔸 Sit down, shut up, hold on!2️⃣Pod boppins. We’re allowed to have concerns? 🎓 What I'd like to do differently: Must remember to stretch before calls w Clare! We haven't done IFS in ~6 months, so when "This way, not that way" parts show up, I don’t feel like I have much room to challenge them. But I do wonder “how much of this part's role is diversionary?” Is the future/giggling just a more pleasant place to be? I wonder what percentage of journeyers have this kind of instant, visual access to these realms. 5? It’s hard for me to know how to guide other than “I'll hang out with you while you travel” 2️⃣ I could have worded it better, but my confidence in her and this process is strong. Maybe I was talking to my own skeptical parts… they’re saying “where’s the sadness, where’s the hurt, are we having too much fun, are we being distracted?” … maybe. But the only way out is through. Meaning, evn if that’s the case, we’ll find out only by continuing to notice and engage from where we are. Some of that confidence comes from knowing that Clare's “people pleaser” parts aren’t extreme. She’s not doing this for me! Her “personal development” parts work hard, but she’s not beating down my door to do this work. -----🗳 Send anonymous feedback to James: Feedback Form😀Come chat with us: Discord🙏PLEASE help Internal Family Systems reach more people. Subscribe, give a rating, or comment here: ItunesYouTubeHow to leave a review - iPhone 👉 Find your ACE score with this one-page questionnaire
381: ⏫️ Mio A. revisits
May 10 2024
381: ⏫️ Mio A. revisits
🔸 The cost of youthfulness; making sense of “You’re ugly” 2️⃣ The precious house, where the little girl was almost strangled to death. 🔹 Parts: P Everything is my fault, im a monster, im selfish.P Afraid of change, the new relationship, having someone say he loves meP ”I'm able to make somebody feel good??” Afraid I will soar too highP/E? I’ll go under if someone leaves (and if i'm not ugly).E knotted up, fear stricken, awaiting ultimate punishment. Nothing stays, nothing to hold on to, everything leaves. Maybe 5-8 2️⃣ Ice cold exclusion, utter despair and painPanic: “if he sees behind the mask, sees how ugly I am, then he will leave me too” E: 6, 7, 8 - grandma disappearing is all my fault. Taking on gaurdian's shame. Have to put on a mask to show the world What a good granddaughter I am, Grandad and mom never talked to me about it. Nasty kettle. Bottomless guilt. Mom will do anything to tame that strong will. Wants a desert, place without walls, nothing hard, without judgement, can sink into sand. 🎓 What I'd like to do differently: Don’t know. Maybe not much. Felt bad ending the call where we did but it didn’t seem too disruptive. Not sure how to handle when a part says “don’t leave” and I'm like “ok time to go”. I’ll try to get Mio in again soon, but I'm also curious how she handles it on her own. 2️⃣ Kept my foot on the gas the whole time; not stopping to check with every protector. Felt right. -----🗳 Send anonymous feedback to James: Feedback Form😀Come chat with us: Discord🙏PLEASE help Internal Family Systems reach more people. Subscribe, give a rating, or comment here: ItunesYouTubeHow to leave a review - iPhone 👉 Find your ACE score with this one-page questionnaire
379: ⏫️ Olivia A. revisits
May 4 2024
379: ⏫️ Olivia A. revisits
🔸 1️⃣ Beyond committed. The art and science of figuring out your entire self 2️⃣ Deep down bad parts. It’s crazy the way kids are treated.📌 1️⃣ Olivia Followed up: i will say-- i actually wish i talked more about this on the pod but the mdma aftermath isn't always a treat, there are actually some big feelings of turmoil afterwards, you kind of feel like your life is a mess for a couple weeks because stuff is hitting you. i felt that way and my friend also felt that way... but the ensuing clarity and breakthroughs are worth it it's like you're ripped open a bit and then enable to heal though the healing still requires a good amount of work or at least it did in my case, i found it hard to even do my job for a week, and i was constantly feeling like, how do i figure out this maze of feels?! james: 
Ive not experienced that negative side, but maybe I had less I was needing (or willing) to heal Olivia: 
i'm definitely willing to believe it's different for everyone my friend for instance, i dont think she would even say she did a lot of work to get to her breakthrough she was just a mess for 2 weeks and then had kind of a sudden realization 🔹 Parts: P: holds tension, clenching chest, hanging on to sense of dread. Needs manager not rush on to new shineyP: manager “if I don’t watch this how will I learn” a person glued to the screenP: tape playing, carrying the memories. I love my memories!P: managers are bad! Read the IFS book! 🎓 What I'd like to do differently: 1️⃣ Do differently? No; whatever got me here, to this place, with this person, makes me glad I did everything the way did. Cynical part's answer: quit Live IFS, start Live MDMA. 2️⃣ It’s been 2+ weeks of high stress / high stakes stuff for me. I've been increasingly concerned about the effects on my health, multiple ailments reappearing. Today was *my* do whatever day, finally vacation day. I just lounged around, fed the crows, stretched a lot, ate what & when I wanted, skipped exercise (and that ~hour of call prep I normally do). So this was fitting. When I start getting sick, my “figure it out” part takes over, researching like mad, making a project out of it, documenting everything, reviewing old notes. But lately I've been working with it more, taking it seriously, and allowing that process to complete. Then I actually arrive at “I've read enough, made enough todos and appts, time for that part to rest. Let's try calm, space, and see what intuition (now more informed) brings. -----🗳 Send anonymous feedback to James: Feedback Form😀Come chat with us: Discord🙏PLEASE help Internal Family Systems reach more people. Subscribe, give a rating, or comment here: ItunesYouTubeHow to leave a review - iPhone 👉 Find your ACE score with this one-page questionnaire
372: Mio A. revisits
Apr 13 2024
372: Mio A. revisits
🔸 Hot date heartache. Making it safe to want. 🔹 Parts: P: the deep well. Feeling left out, parts that are hurt. i’m not acceptable, there’s something wrong with me, im ugly, old, unlovable. longing to be loved and recognized but asking for it will bring ridiculeP: scared, hopeless, it will swallow me up. The want is too big. P: judge. who do you think you are, you want too much. Judging the anger of:E: (same as first?) angry 2 year old hitting her sister. felt robbed, little sister sucked up all the oxygen. Needs told she’s adorable and lovable and amazing! Wants to be held and also let go. I have to be angry cuz if not, I will die. Cut the cords to the surveillance apparatus.P: angry, being punished by GodE: 6-7 yo experience the loss. angry. Everything I do is wrong! Am I really this monster? Shunted away 🎓 What I'd like to do differently: Faster targeting. I know I sound off, a little short. Not feeling tip-top today. And parts increasingly frustrated w my yielding to story-telling. Maybe we should start charging by the hour. Joke. But I imagine the constraint of a 1-hour time limit used by most professionals has its upsides. “Yes you could tell me a story… and now we have 48 minutes to do the work…” I'm not complaining from a “waste my time” part, that’s not it. More like “I could serve better if I had some policy here”. -----🗳 Send anonymous feedback to James: Feedback Form😀Come chat with us: Discord🙏PLEASE help Internal Family Systems reach more people. Subscribe, give a rating, or comment here: ItunesYouTubeHow to leave a review - iPhone 👉 Find your ACE score with this one-page questionnaire
371: Theresa A. revisits
Apr 12 2024
371: Theresa A. revisits
🔸 Family loss. She needed there to be more of a network 🔹 Parts: P: minimizer. This is fine now, nothing to see here. Family image protector. Never look back. Doesn’t want a bunch of whining, it’s weak to be bothered by things that aren’t horrible. “Self like” is not gonna get the job doneE: kid from whom something was taken. There weren’t other adults. I want my auntie. Too much focus on her. Nobody explained. 🎓 What I'd like to do differently: Once I was certain about Theresa’s connection w exile, I relaxed and let some other of my parts (who love talking shop w T) step in. Maybe not ideal. But definitely better than starting a session that way. As for the concept of "inviting the Self of someone else’s parts", it's never felt right to me. If someone was not good to me, who am I serving by imagining they were? Self can do anything for its parts; “I am here, I can go to where you are, and here’s how I would help” builds trust and heals, in the present. Or Self can "see that these were parts of [other person], and have compassion for their system”, in the present. But I think "imagine he was good to you" risks invalidating a part's experience. Responding to “she needed those relationships not to end” I could have reiterated, "what did she need from someone (you), given those relationships were ending." -----🗳 Send anonymous feedback to James: Feedback Form😀Come chat with us: Discord🙏PLEASE help Internal Family Systems reach more people. Subscribe, give a rating, or comment here: ItunesYouTubeHow to leave a review - iPhone 👉 Find your ACE score with this one-page questionnaire