Lead Time

Unite Leadership Collective

Lead Time is a podcast of the Unite Leadership Collective, hosted by Tim Ahlman and Jack Kalleberg. The ULC envisions a future in which all congregations fully equip the priesthood of all believers through world-class leadership development at the local level. Lead Time taps into biblical wisdom for practical solutions to today's burning issues. Each podcast confronts real-time struggles facing the local church in a post-Christian culture. Step into the action with the ULC. This is Lead Time
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Real Talk: Does the LCMS Really Need More Pathways to Ordination? with Pastor Joe Baren | Hot Topic Friday
Real Talk: Does the LCMS Really Need More Pathways to Ordination? with Pastor Joe Baren | Hot Topic Friday
Embracing the complexities of modern ministry, Pastor Joe Baren joins us to dissect the vibrant landscape of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, specifically the feedback on his provocative book, "The Ends of the LCMS." His insights reveal a ministry striving to stay relevant amidst an ever-evolving culture, as ministers resonate with his candid observations while raising thoughtful critiques. We navigate through the treacherous waters of reactive church strategies and the quest for proactive engagement in a society that seems to be drifting further from traditional Christian values.Trading the familiarity of the Midwest for the cultural mosaic of Southern California, my own journey echoes the adaptability and resilience required to minister effectively in such a diverse region. Pastor Baren and I explore the surprising spiritual curiosity found in Californians, the necessity of initiating Spanish worship services, and the strategic approaches to bolster biblical literacy. This conversation unveils the profound shifts in church leadership necessary to meet the spiritual needs of a community rich in cultural and linguistic variety.As we wrap up, the focus shifts to the delicate balance of roles within the church community. We discuss the risks of overemphasizing pastoral roles, advocating for collaborative leadership that leverages the myriad of gifts present in the church body. Pastor Baren and I ponder the merits of fewer, more vibrant congregations over a multitude of struggling ones, and we conclude with a heartfelt invitation for leaders to unite under initiatives like the Unite Leadership Collective. It's a call to forge ahead with innovation, while firmly rooted in biblical doctrine, to face the challenges of ministry with grace and tenacity.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
The Intersection of Theology and Leadership in Modern Ministry with Jim Sanft
4d ago
The Intersection of Theology and Leadership in Modern Ministry with Jim Sanft
Explore the dynamic interplay of faith and leadership with Jim Sanft, president of Concordia Plan Services, as we uncover the foundations of his insightful new book, "Leading by Faith." Jim, with his characteristic blend of humility and expertise, peels back the layers on the limitations of a purely mathematical approach to problem-solving and invites us into a world where God's boundless mathematics take the lead. Our conversation navigates the powerful potential of church partnerships within the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, particularly in youth ministry, and how seasoned pastors play a pivotal role in nurturing the confidence of emerging leaders.In a landscape where mentorship and the integration of theological heritage with practical ministry training are the cornerstones, we examine the biblical roots of partnership. Reflecting on the leadership exemplified by Moses and Aaron, Elijah, and Jesus with his disciples, we discuss the 'both and' rather than 'either or' approach that amplifies the impact of collective ministry. Adding to this rich tapestry, we delve into gender diversity in leadership teams, highlighting the importance of different perspectives and the power of iron sharpening iron through constructive conflict.The strategic brilliance behind Concordia Plan Services is also laid bare, as we discuss their adept management of a substantial investment portfolio and the collective bargaining power that provides smaller ministries with much-needed resources. The chapter on leadership journeys is a treasure trove of insights, revealing the humility and trust required in faith-based leadership and challenging conventional wisdom. As we conclude, we honor the transformative influence of individuals like Jim Sanft in the church community and the mission of the Unite Leadership Collective to blend biblical Lutheran doctrine with innovative methods to spread the gospel message.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Are Churches Businesses? | Hot Topic Friday with Candice Hilse
May 24 2024
Are Churches Businesses? | Hot Topic Friday with Candice Hilse
Is your local church functioning with the finesse of a Fortune 500 company? Discover why Candice and I believe that embracing business-like efficiency isn't just practical—it's essential for ministries to thrive. In a provocative conversation, we delve into the symbiotic relationship between spiritual missions and financial acumen. With Jesus's own ministry as our prime example, we expose the parallels between apostolic prudence and the demands of modern church management. We argue that a church, akin to a family-run entity, thrives when it adopts sound fiscal habits, ensuring it remains a beacon of service and community support.Balancing the spontaneous with the systematic is as crucial in ministry as it is in any successful enterprise. Candice and I navigate this complex dynamic, dissecting how too much structure or spontaneity can lead to congregational discomfort or disconnection. The discussion illuminates the consequences of policies that rigidify, suggesting instead a model rooted in adaptability and the recognition of individual talents. Reflecting on how Jesus blended both approaches, we encourage church leaders to foster environments that honor the spirit's movement while sustaining organizational productivity, creating a warm, inclusive community.Finally, a church's liturgy is not immune to the winds of cultural change. We tackle the challenge of preserving tradition while welcoming the new, ensuring that our practices resonate with diverse congregations. We share success stories of ministries that have innovated without sacrificing the gospel's core, and celebrate a board’s bold leadership in action—reaching new milestones of impact while grounded in prayer and faith. Join us for this enlightening journey through the intricacies of church management and leadership, all woven together by the transformative power of living out our faith.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Reviving the LCMS: Talking with a Former LCMS President - Rev. Dr. Jerry Kieschnick
May 21 2024
Reviving the LCMS: Talking with a Former LCMS President - Rev. Dr. Jerry Kieschnick
Join the conversation with Jerry Kieschnick, former President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, as we address the pressing issues confronting our church today. With congregations diminishing in number, Jerry brings a beacon of hope to this tough topic, sharing his storied experiences from establishing the Specific Ministry Pastor program to candid reflections on ministry. Together, we dissect statistics that can no longer be ignored and rally around innovative solutions, like bivocational ministry, to spark revival in our church's community presence and engagement.This episode isn't just about numbers; it's a heart-to-heart on the twelve reasons our beloved LCMS faces decline. We navigate the complexities of staying relevant in a world where traditional church attendance is evolving and emphasize the need for sermons that resonate with the day-to-day lives of our congregation. There's a candid conversation about the aroma of Christ in our communities, especially in times of crisis, and a reaffirmation of the church's role as a welcoming haven, open-armed and ready to serve.We wrap up with a critical look at the shifts in LCMS leadership and what this means for church growth. As we highlight the importance of lay members' involvement and the role of women in the church, we call for a spirit-led reformation, grounded in our core mission of gospel dissemination. This is an invitation to all, especially those with differing viewpoints, to join us in a dialogue that aims to rekindle our love for the church and steer the LCMS towards a future of growth and vitality.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Embracing the Missio Dei and Bridging Divides with Rev. Dr. William Utech
May 15 2024
Embracing the Missio Dei and Bridging Divides with Rev. Dr. William Utech
Embark on a profound exploration of God's mission and its undeniable impact on ministry, as Reverend Dr. William Utech shares his expert insights. Dr. Utech, with his deep roots in confessional Lutheranism, joins me to dissect the Missio Dei concept, revealing how God's mission permeates through the Church's work in our world. Our conversation traverses the historical and contemporary landscape, considering the example set by the apostles and its resounding echo in today's pastoral leadership.Navigating the turbulent waters of church dynamics, we confront polarization and the dire need for kindness and unity within our communities. Dr. Utech's wisdom illuminates the path for cultivating leaders who embrace the priesthood of all believers, highlighting the impressive growth of churches in Ethiopia. Emotional intelligence emerges as a cornerstone of pastoral care, reshaping our understanding of leadership and the indelible social capital it can create within a congregation.As we consider the vibrancy and health of the Church, particularly during times of transition and decline, Dr. Utech casts a vision of hope and resilience. We discuss empowering lay leaders and fostering multiculturalism, indispensable for a Church aligned with the Missio Dei. Together, we champion the call to build multi-ethnic church partnerships, stepping beyond traditional norms to forge a dynamic, inclusive future for the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and beyond. Join us on this journey of discovery, where faith meets practice and tradition embraces transformation.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Revolutionizing Seminary Education: Innovative Paths and Financial Models with Greg Henson of Kairos University
May 10 2024
Revolutionizing Seminary Education: Innovative Paths and Financial Models with Greg Henson of Kairos University
Embark on a transformative journey through theological education as we bring to the forefront an enlightening discussion with Greg Henson, president of Kairos University. Through our conversation, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how Kairos is revolutionizing seminary education with its Competency-Based Theological Education (CBTE) approach, detailed in Greg's latest book. We confront the skepticism about CBTE's academic integrity head-on, illustrating Kairos's unwavering commitment to excellence as affirmed by ATS and HLC accreditations.We grapple with the current landscape of theological education, facing the winds of change in church attendance, funding, and the crucial relationship between seminaries and local communities. Greg and I also illuminate the parallels between today's transition from Christendom to post-Christendom and the early church's own adaptive journey, as chronicled in the Book of Acts. Delving into the CBTE model, we reveal its focus on mentorship and community-based learning, which offers a vibrant and relevant path for today's theological scholars.The episode doesn't end with just insights; it offers a glimpse into a groundbreaking financial model that defies the norms of educational economics. Discover how Kairos's subscription-based tuition model has maintained affordability amidst a sea of rising costs, and ponder how such a revolutionary approach could reshape the financial landscape of education. We also celebrate the power of partnerships and community, as Kairos aligns with institutions like Luther House of Study to forge new, robust discipleship pathways within various faith traditions. Join us for this compelling episode that promises to reshape your understanding of seminary education's present and future.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Innovative Education: Shaping the Future of the Lutheran Church with Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper
May 3 2024
Innovative Education: Shaping the Future of the Lutheran Church with Rev. Dr. Robert Kasper
Reverend Dr. Rob Kasper joins us to share his 41-year odyssey through ordained ministry and how his experiences have shaped his insights into leadership within the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). Listen as he unwraps his journey from the waters of baptism in Wisconsin, through academia at Concordia-St. Paul, to his influential role in the Michigan district, where he’s pioneering methods such as deacon training and alternative seminary education pathways, all while leveraging the Kairos platform to revolutionize learning.Parenting is no small feat, and doing so within the tapestry of faith adds layers of complexity and grace. In our heart-to-heart with Rob, he sheds light on the dual joys and trials of raising children with special needs, emphasizing the support that Christian education and community can provide. This episode isn't just about parenting, though—it's a deep look at the essence of leadership in the church, where humility and self-awareness play starring roles. We uncover the importance of a supportive network, not just for pastors' families, but extending to every family nurtured within a faith-based community. Our conversation with Reverend Kasper takes a visionary turn as we explore the LCMS's approach to addressing pastoral vacancies and fostering new church communities. It’s a candid look at the challenges and proactive strategies that are shaping the future of the church. We also consider the legacy the LCMS aspires to leave—one marked by a fierce commitment to theology, diversity, and global impact. If you're curious about what it takes to nurture leaders at all levels of the church and equip laypeople to play a vital role in its mission, then this episode is an essential listen.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Have You Ever Heard of the LCMS Seminex? With Rev. Dr. Gerhard Bode
Apr 30 2024
Have You Ever Heard of the LCMS Seminex? With Rev. Dr. Gerhard Bode
Have you ever pondered the enduring legacy of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and its century-long journey through peace, growth, and controversy? Reverend Dr. Gerhard Bode joins us to unravel this narrative, revealing the pivotal moments that have shaped the LCMS, especially during the transformative post-WWII era. Dr. Bode's deep well of knowledge brings to life the Synod's pursuit of higher education standards and its commitment to mission work, while also examining the scars left by the Semenex controversy, a true testament to the church's complex history.Our conversation with Dr. Bode ventures into the theological battlegrounds that have tested American Lutheranism, where modern scriptural interpretations have sparked fiery doctrinal debates. We step into the fray of gospel reductionism and higher criticism, pondering the balance between historical veracity and the potency of the unchanged Word. As we navigate these topics, Dr. Bode reminds us how these discussions have shaped ecumenical relationships and challenged the Lutheran Confessions to address contemporary issues without sacrificing the essence of the faith.In a heartfelt discussion about the essence of the LCMS, we reflect on the necessity of doctrinal unity without compromising the missionary zeal that propels the church forward. Dr. Bode underscores the importance of maintaining harmony within the Synod while fostering a passionate outreach, and invites listeners to experience the fervor of Call Day at Concordia Seminary. Join us for an enlightening journey through the past, present, and future of the LCMS, where faithfulness to doctrine and an eagerness for missionary work promise to define the church's trajectory.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Blending Passions and Purpose: Dan Morton's Transition from Corporate to Church Leadership
Apr 26 2024
Blending Passions and Purpose: Dan Morton's Transition from Corporate to Church Leadership
When Dan Morton, with his rich tapestry of corporate experience, steps into the role of campus director at Christ Greenfield, he brings a fresh perspective on leadership that defies conventional boundaries. Our latest episode of Lead Time chronicles Dan's inspiring journey from the adrenaline-fueled world of lending and commercial security into the heart of spiritual community leadership. Together, we reminisce about our harrowing escape from a forest fire during a Boy Scout campout, an event that threw Dan's leadership qualities into sharp relief and catalyzed his future endeavors.As we unravel the threads of passion and service that weave through the fabric of church life, our conversation illuminates the uplifting power of aligning individual talents with the church's mission. With Dan's guidance, we uncover the intricate dance of leading a volunteer-driven organization, where the currency is not money but moral compasses, spiritual nourishment, and the commitment to a cause greater than oneself. It's a dialogue that celebrates the joy of witnessing the transformation of a community as it thrives on the collective energy and dedicated service of its members.Serving others within a church's embrace offers a different kind of fulfillment, and in the symphony of our discussion, we touch on the Great Commission's call to missional living. Dan and I explore the essential yet challenging task of venturing beyond our comfort zones to truly connect and extend the gospel's reach. The spirit of this episode is an invitation to partake in a conversation that's as much about discovering one's individual role in a grander design as it is about embracing the communal journey of faith, service, and leadership. Join us as we weave together stories of transition, purpose, and the relentless pursuit of building a stronger, service-oriented community.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Becoming a Community that Deeply Loves One Another with Rev. Chris Singer
Apr 19 2024
Becoming a Community that Deeply Loves One Another with Rev. Chris Singer
When tragedy strikes, where can solace be found? Chris from Lutheran Church Charities joins us to share how the gentle nuzzles of canine disaster response teams bring a unique kind of comfort to those suffering in the wake of events like the Uvalde shooting. Our heartfelt discussion traverses the bittersweet path of ministry work, revealing the surprising places where Christian outreach finds its home. We grapple with cultural perspectives on pain and the misconceptions about faith's role in shielding us from life's harshest realities, shedding light on Christianity's call to bear one another's burdens.Embarking on a journey of service often leads to places we never expected, and through serving, we find ourselves transformed. This episode delves into the power of community within the ministry, inspired by the unity modeled by the apostles in the book of Acts. As we share stories of growth and unity, the crucial role of grace and the dangers of division within the church are also brought to the fore. Our conversation is an invitation to embrace a collective journey of faith, acknowledging our shared process of following Jesus and growing together.Navigating leadership in the church demands a humble heart and a keen understanding of one's own limitations. We reflect on the importance of emotional intelligence in ministry leadership and how a leader's humility can foster a sense of security and completeness in Christ. In addition, we illuminate Lutheran Church Charities' multifaceted initiatives that extend far beyond their well-known Comfort Dog Ministry. Closing our episode in Phoenix, we leave you with an encouragement to engage with us further, reminding you that through unity and shared vision, the church can rise to meet the challenges of our time with strategic thinking and a culture of love.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Learn from the Culture and Mission of the LCMC with Pastor Mike Bradley
Apr 16 2024
Learn from the Culture and Mission of the LCMC with Pastor Mike Bradley
Discover the heartbeat of Lutheran leadership and governance through the eyes of Pastor Mike Bradley from the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ. This episode promises to unravel the complexities of church structure with a candid look into LCMC's approach that emphasizes a humble, service-oriented leadership style and a strong commitment to scriptural and confessional foundations. We'll delve into the rich blend of confessional, evangelical, and charismatic elements that define the LCMC, and how this unique mix impacts the health and vitality of its congregations.Navigating the intricacies of pastoral conduct, our conversation shifts to the delicate procedures in place for addressing any missteps within the LCMC. Pastor Mike provides an insider's perspective on fostering resolution through relational conversations, steering clear of accusatory measures that often do more harm than good. The episode also peels back the curtain on the rigorous process for certifying pastors and welcoming new congregations, ensuring that leaders are not only well-vetted but also align with the association's core values and practices.Finally, we bridge the distance between ancient faith and modern science as Pastor Mike enlightens us on the intriguing intersection of brain science and Lutheran values. Explore with us how the latest discoveries in neuroscience can enlighten and enhance our spiritual practices and leadership approaches. The Leader Care Initiative is particularly highlighted for its holistic strategy in nurturing leaders through emotional, mental, physical, relational, and spiritual development. Join us for this enriching journey that promises to deepen your understanding of Lutheran governance and inspire your faith.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
What Does 'Confessional Lutheran' Really Mean? with Reverend Dr. Joel Okamoto
Apr 12 2024
What Does 'Confessional Lutheran' Really Mean? with Reverend Dr. Joel Okamoto
Join the conversation with Reverend Dr. Joel Okamoto, as he sheds light on the profound depths of confessional Lutheranism, offering a fresh perspective on what it means to declare "Jesus is Lord" in today's complex world. As we navigate the rich traditions and beliefs that underpin Christian identity, Dr. Okamoto challenges us to consider the living confession of our faith, exploring its manifestations in doctrines such as the Trinity and justification by faith. Our engaging dialogue reveals the common threads that unite varying denominations under the banner of Christianity and invites listeners to reflect on the authenticity of their own spiritual journey.Embark on a theological exploration spanning from the dawn of creation to the anticipated return of Christ, delving into the significance of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection. In this episode, we dissect the implications of the grand narrative of Christianity for the church as a community of believers, examining how Lutheran confessional views intersect with ecumenical conversations. As we address the integral role of sacraments in reinforcing Christian identity, we reveal how confessionalism cultivates a shared faith rich with diverse expressions, emphasizing the enduring relevance of practices that reinforce both faith and community.As we steer through the tumultuous realm of politics and social change, Dr. Okamoto offers invaluable insights into the Christian's role amidst the power struggles and ideologies of our time. We probe the intersection of faith and civic duty, discussing how baptism and confession serve as declarations of allegiance and the importance of serving our neighbors through humble, Spirit-led action. The art of dialogue, inspired by Rappaport's rules, also takes center stage as we learn to approach discussions with the openness and curiosity exemplified by Jesus himself, transforming our interactions into opportunities for mutual understanding and growth.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
What is 'Remnant Theology'? | The Future of Church Identity with Matthew Schultz
Apr 9 2024
What is 'Remnant Theology'? | The Future of Church Identity with Matthew Schultz
Embark on an engaging journey with Matthew Schultz as we tackle the dynamic nature of church life, from the fresh energy of church planting to the revitalization of long-established congregations. Listen closely as we unlock the secrets to creating vibrant faith communities that balance innovation with the timeless message of Jesus' love. We'll reveal how churches are redefining worship spaces to resonate with contemporary audiences, ensuring that the essence of the gospel remains at the forefront of these transformative experiences.Join us for an enlightening conversation that delves into the heartbeat of the church's mission, seen through the lens of Lutheran theology. We dissect the intricate dance between justification and sanctification, considering Martin Luther's vision for a church that doesn't hide from the world but rather reaches out with the good news. Matthew and I probe into the notion of 'remnant theology' and venture into a compelling debate on how true confession is inherently missional.The episode doesn't just stop at theory; it also paints a picture of what growth looks like for churches both flourishing and facing adversity. We explore practices like asset-based community development and how storytelling can empower congregations to become beacons of innovation and learning—transforming them into 'little seminaries'. Whether you're a church leader or simply intrigued by the potential of faith communities, this episode offers a unique perspective on the church's identity and mission.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Viewing the World as Mission Field, not Apostates with Reverend Dr. Robert Newton
Apr 5 2024
Viewing the World as Mission Field, not Apostates with Reverend Dr. Robert Newton
Embark on a captivating exploration with Reverend Dr. Bob Newton, as he narrates his profound journey from a Napa Valley boy entranced by missionary stories to a missiological maestro with a global footprint. As he chats with us, Bob’s experiences unfurl, revealing the transformational power of faith and mentorship on both individual lives and the larger Lutheran church community. His tale transcends mere biography, standing as a beacon for those seeking to understand the ripple effect that one man's dedication to service can create.Our conversation takes a sharp turn into the seismic landscape of modern ministry, where the church grapples with its role in a society that's no longer looking to it for cultural direction. This dramatic shift demands a re-examination of how pastors and congregations interact with their communities, especially in urban centers like downtown San Jose. We probe the delicate balance between upholding doctrine and engaging authentically with the realities of today's mission fields. Bob offers a fresh perspective on how American society itself has become a mission field, challenging the church to navigate its identity in a post-Christendom reality.We wrap up this deep dive with a look at the cutting-edge of seminary education and the innovative paths being carved out by non-residential training programs like DELTO. Bob's insights into the triumphs and challenges of these initiatives shed light on their crucial role in shaping future ministry leaders and serving local congregations. This episode is as much a challenge to the status quo as it is a reaffirmation of the core tenets of the Lutheran faith, emphasizing the universality of atonement and the work of the Holy Spirit. Whether you're a clergy member, a churchgoer, or simply someone intrigued by the evolving intersection of faith and society, you'll find this dialogue both enlightening and thought-provoking.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Are You Struggling with Church Communication? Let's Grow Together with Marlene Lamb
Apr 2 2024
Are You Struggling with Church Communication? Let's Grow Together with Marlene Lamb
Ever wondered how a church can enhance its communication to foster a stronger community? This compelling episode features Marlene Lamb, Communications Director for Christ Greenfield Church, as we dissect the essentials of tailoring your church's message for impact. She brings a wealth of experience, unveiling her approach to navigating the diverse demands of church leadership and communication, particularly in adapting to the new challenges that the pandemic has introduced.Embarking on a journey through the labyrinth of ministry communication, we grapple with the necessity of strategic messaging across various platforms and demographic groups. I share insights into adapting communication styles while Marlene discusses the delicate art of balancing centralized and localized messaging. The conversation extends into the integration of technology, as we scrutinize the role of apps, social media, and websites in creating a hospitable digital space for both newcomers and long-term members of the Christ Greenfield community.To wrap up, our dialogue turns to the broader horizon of Christian worship, contemplating the celebration of multiculturalism within our faith. We highlight the development of Christ Greenfield's Culture Guide, a pivotal tool fostering a unique organizational culture and aiding in decision-making and onboarding. As we close, we reflect on the importance of grace, humility, and inclusivity in honoring the diversity of the global Christian community, aiming to pave the way for a more unified and welcoming church experience for all. Join us and gain invaluable insights into cultivating a communication strategy that resonates deeply with your church community.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Empowering Gen Z: Blending Faith, Leadership, and Culture in Youth Ministry with Becky Chaplin
Mar 29 2024
Empowering Gen Z: Blending Faith, Leadership, and Culture in Youth Ministry with Becky Chaplin
When Becky Chaplin of Faith Lutheran in Las Vegas talks, you can't help but feel her infectious enthusiasm for shaping the lives of young people. Our latest sit-down with this vibrant youth ministry leader reveals her unique approach to connecting faith and leadership with the trials and triumphs of today's teens. It's a conversation that will open your eyes to the challenges they face, from the pandemic's mental health fallout to the everyday hurdles of growing up. Becky's personal tales and insights form an inspiring narrative that champions the transformative power of a caring community standing by our next generation.Imagine blending the emotive lyrics of Taylor Swift with the profound lessons of scripture to create an engaging Bible study experience. That's exactly what's happening at Faith High School, and it's stirring up excitement and growth among the students. But, it's more than just catchy tunes; it's a testament to the pioneering spirit of youth ministry that dares to meet kids where they're at. This episode peels back the layers on why creative methods like this are crucial in nurturing spiritual curiosity and connecting with our youth on a deeper level.And if you think today's teenagers are just about TikTok dances and viral memes, think again. This episode shines a spotlight on the untapped leadership potential within Gen Z, debunking myths of apathy and disengagement as we discuss the empowering effects of involving teens in ministry roles. From planning worship services to spearheading community projects, we're unpacking the positive ripple effect of high expectations and peer influence. Wrapping things up, we look ahead at the innovation needed in church leadership roles, making a compelling case for churches to embrace change and mission-focused strategies to resonate with our rapidly evolving cultural landscape.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Curious Cases: Intersection of the Confessional Lutheran and Modern Challenges with Pastor Mark Renner
Mar 22 2024
Curious Cases: Intersection of the Confessional Lutheran and Modern Challenges with Pastor Mark Renner
When faith meets leadership, the journey is often as profound as the destination itself. This rings true in our enriching exchange with Pastor Mark Renner from St. Mark's Lutheran Church, whose own path took a turn from a non-denominational upbringing to embracing the deep-rooted traditions of conservative Lutheranism. With a backstory that is as compelling as his academic and international missions, Mark unpacks not only his rich family history within the Missouri Synod but also the peaks and valleys of his faith journey that have honed his pastoral calling.The fabric of church life is no stranger to the stains of human complexity, and this conversation boldly addresses such intricacies. Pastor Mark and I wade into the turbulent waters of racism, examining the church's imperative role in fostering healing communities. We tackle the realities of messy ministry through the storytelling lens of Mark's book "Curious Cases," where humor and heartache coexist, and the art of managing conflicts and setting boundaries is a dance every leader must learn. The role of a pastor is never static; it evolves with the needs of the congregation and the rhythm of society. This episode peers behind the curtain to reveal the resilience built from hardship and the practice of deep listening, and how these are central to nurturing a forgiving spirit and guiding congregants toward healing. As we close, we ponder the shifting landscape of church communications, the challenges facing Lutheran educational institutions, and the pressing need for an education that equips ethical, Christ-centered professionals. Join us to glean insights from this heartfelt dialogue that seeks to enrich the spiritual community.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Psalms, Leadership and the Culture of the LCMS with Reverend Dr. Timothy Saleska
Mar 22 2024
Psalms, Leadership and the Culture of the LCMS with Reverend Dr. Timothy Saleska
Reverend Dr. Timothy Saleska, an Old Testament sage, who joins us on Leigh Time to share the intricacies of a faith-driven journey through ministry, family, and community. We weave through Dr. Saleska's narrative, celebrating his recent transitions and examining the profound impact of his past, uncovering how the threads of forgiveness and the lived presence of Christ are essential to the weft of our day-to-day.The elusive nature of forgiveness is laid bare in this heart-to-heart as we consider its power to mend and transform relationships. It's not only about uttering an apology but about the profound journey towards humility and healing. Dr. Saleska enriches this conversation with a biblical lens, guiding us through the emotive aspects of faith—fear, love, trust—and the beauty of being known by God. Our dialogue sails into the sacred waters of prayer, drawing inspiration from Jesus’s own relationship with the Father, to encourage listeners to anchor deeper in their spiritual voyages.We round off our time together with Dr. Saleska by navigating the delicate interplay of influence and intention within church leadership. It's a candid look at the challenges and responsibilities pastors face in today's world, where persuasion and dialogue should eclipse the exercise of power. The episode casts a hopeful vision for a church united not by fear but by the transformative love of the gospel—a call to leadership that's not just heard but felt. As the Phoenix sky clears, we're reminded that parting clouds can reveal not just blue expanses but also the promise of new perspectives and renewed purpose.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org
Conquering Cancer and Strategic Church Growth with Curtis Simonson
Mar 19 2024
Conquering Cancer and Strategic Church Growth with Curtis Simonson
When the trials of life threaten to overwhelm us, it's the voices of resilience that offer the most compelling stories of triumph. Curtis Simonson joins us to share his extraordinary narrative of facing stage four colon cancer, reshaping his life's mission, and the indomitable strength found in faith. His experiences bridge the gap between the strategic thinking of a football coach and the compassionate heart of church leadership, providing a unique perspective on how to value every member of a community and foster an environment where growth and inclusion are paramount.As we converse with Curtis, we uncover the subtle yet significant nuances of leadership messaging and the dangers lurking within echo chambers that lack diversity and accountability. The episode sheds light on the crucial inclusion of women in ministry and the power of shared language and values in answering the profound questions of faith and church mission. Curtis's journey—a testament to strategic church growth, overcoming adversity, and holding onto hope—leaves us with an anticipation of the resurrection and eternal joy that affirms the transformative potential within each of us.JOIN OUR NEW ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM!ENTER CODE - 75ULC2023 for 75% off! Make More with Matt HeslinExplore strategies to thrive financially, build legacy, and enhance life experiences.Listen on: Apple Podcasts   SpotifySupport the Show.Visit uniteleadership.org