The Safety Link Podcast by Kenyon Manley


Welcome to " The Safety Link Podcast", this podcast is dedicated to keeping you the blue-collar safety professional, informed in all aspects of life that I consider a part of Safety. Dive into the world of safety with us as we explore topics crucial to your everyday life. From personal safety to workplace safety, we cover it all. Get ready for valuable tips, practical advice, and intriguing discussions designed to empower you in navigating life's hazards. Whether you're a blue-collar worker, a safety professional, or simply safety-conscious, this podcast is tailored for you.

Each episode, we will attempt provide valuable tips, strategies, and practical advice to empower YOU with the knowledge necessary to navigate through potential risks and hazards of everyday LIFE. Whether you're a safety manager, project manager, husband or wife, CEO, foreman, superintendent, craft employee, first responder, nurse, or simply an individual who wants to prioritize safety, this podcast is for you.

Join us as we interview safety professionals, renowned speakers, and other professional experts to discuss case studies, personal experiences or share real-life stories that attempt to shed light on the importance of being vigilant and proactive about the different aspects of safety.

As the creator and host of "The Safety Link Podcast", I firmly believe that awareness is the key to understanding and prevention. By staying informed and implementing the suggested best practices and measures, you'll be better equipped to safeguard yourself, your loved ones, as well as the people YOU serve on a daily basis in any given circumstance.

Tune in to "The Safety Link Podcast" and embark on a journey towards a secure and more confident LIFE. Your safety and well-being are my priority!

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Navigating the Balancing Act: Vanessa Colette on Mastering Work-Life Harmony in the Construction Industry
Mar 25 2024
Navigating the Balancing Act: Vanessa Colette on Mastering Work-Life Harmony in the Construction Industry
Balancing a bustling household and a career in safety, Vanessa Colette takes us behind the scenes as a mother that is expecting and a safety coordinator at Long Building Technologies, where her dedication to structure and consistency is as essential as a hard hat on a construction site. As a mother and a safety coordinator navigating the trials of the pandemic and a demanding profession, Vanessa candidly reveals the routines and leadership strategies that keep her life in equilibrium. Her story isn't just about overcoming hurdles; it's a masterclass in harnessing personal strengths to thrive in the midst of chaos, both on the job and at the family dinner table.The tightrope walk of work-life balance is a familiar act to many but add the pressures of a male-dominated field like construction, and it's a whole new performance. In our discussion, Vanessa sheds light on the transformative journey of the industry, from the evolution of parental leave to the increasing recognition of women's invaluable contributions. Her insights are not just thought-provoking; they are a call to action for more inclusive and mentally aware professional environments, celebrating the progress while acknowledging the miles we've yet to travel.Ending on a note of profound gratitude, our conversation with Vanessa Colette transcends the personal narrative and taps into the collective wisdom of our communities. Her experiences are a mosaic of the resilience, growth, and support that shape our lives. As she anticipates the arrival of a new family member, Vanessa's story is a beacon of hope for anyone juggling the demands of work with the richness of family life, reminding us that we're all part of a larger village, each contributing to the tapestry of shared knowledge and experience.Support the Show.Thanks for joining us at The Safety Link Podcast. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Apple, Facebook, and YouTube. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!! Again, Thank You.
Fostering Community Resilience from Soil to Soul with Sheena Schuler
Feb 14 2024
Fostering Community Resilience from Soil to Soul with Sheena Schuler
Have you ever considered how a seed, carefully nurtured, can blossom not just into a plant but also into a cornerstone of community strength? That's precisely the journey my cousin Sheena Schuler, a dedicated community care practitioner, and I embarked upon in our latest conversation. Sheena's tapestry of life experiences weaves together a powerful narrative of fostering safety, self-sufficiency, and overcoming the deep-seated issues of medical apartheid and food insecurity through compassionate local action.In the pockets of every neighborhood lies the potential for growth and healing. Sheena and I uncover the therapeutic joys of gardening, a simple yet profound act that can teach us about patience, care, and the rewards of reaping what we sow. The significance of tuning in to our inner wisdom unfolds as we discuss the importance of aligning our lifestyle choices with our innate connection to nature. Sheena's insights into the natural childbirth process, supported by midwives and doulas, remind us of the transformative power of embracing our biological heritage and trusting our bodies.Our heartfelt exchange culminates in the shared belief that grace and transformative support are the cornerstones of not only surviving but thriving through life's most pivotal moments. The stories Sheena shares are a testament to the impact a single person's compassion can have, extending far beyond their immediate presence. Wrapping up with mutual appreciation, we underscore the necessity of these dialogues for sustaining our collective journey toward enriched community living, promising to keep the conversations, our gardens and communities—growing.Support the Show.Thanks for joining us at The Safety Link Podcast. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Apple, Facebook, and YouTube. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!! Again, Thank You.
Harnessing the Power of Habits: Insights into Formation, Reinforcement, and Transformation with Stephanie Crowe from
Nov 27 2023
Harnessing the Power of Habits: Insights into Formation, Reinforcement, and Transformation with Stephanie Crowe from
Have you ever pondered about the power of habits and how they shape our everyday lives - from the good ones to the seemingly harmless yet subtly harmful habits? We've got just the right episode for you! Join us and our inspiring guest, kenyana, as we navigate the fascinating world of habit formation and learning. Embark on a powerful journey as kenyana shares her story about her father's determination to learn typing with two fingers and how it transformed their family's future.Hanging on to old habits can be as addictive as munching on that packet of chips after a long day. Have you ever wondered about what triggers such behaviors? Our exploration takes us into the role of dopamine in creating habits and how it's linked to addiction. We also discuss good habits like wearing a seatbelt and the potential role of artificial intelligence in reinforcing such habits. Ever heard of cognitive dissonance? It's that conflicting feeling you get when trying to kick an old habit, and we've got interesting insights on that too.Finally, we delve into the intricacies of habits and their formation. Despite logical thinking, sometimes we find ourselves indulging in habits that could potentially be harmful - like eating a cheeseburger while driving. We look at how employing positive reinforcement can help redirect these habits towards a healthier path. Our discussion also highlights the contextual nature of habits and the importance of safety training in inculcating safe habits. We wrap up by discussing the concept of undistracted driving, the importance of continuous learning, and recommending two illuminating books - "The One Minute Manager" and "Atomic Habits". Tune in to our episode to learn more about the power of habits and their transformation!Support the Show.Thanks for joining us at The Safety Link Podcast. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Apple, Facebook, and YouTube. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!! Again, Thank You.
Navigating Life's Journey: A Tale of Brotherly Love, Family Legacy and Personal Growth
Nov 21 2023
Navigating Life's Journey: A Tale of Brotherly Love, Family Legacy and Personal Growth
Growing up in a single-parent household, my brother Eric and I had to rely on one another and the love of our family. With the guidance of positive role models in our village, we grew into the men we are today. Join us in a heartwarming chat as we share our personal stories, emphasizing the power of brotherly love, and the importance of our village. Listen to Eric as he sheds light on the defining roles his wife and children play in his life, and how his family became his 'why'. Our childhood journey wasn't easy, but it taught us the importance of self-care, personal growth, and the balance of our personal and professional lives. We'll talk about our experiences as fathers, the legacy of our great uncle and the first African-American quarterback, Willie Thrower, and discuss the need for safety and care in all aspects of life. We also touch upon the opportunities in education and construction industries, particularly for students in automotive, diesel, heavy equipment, and robotics fields. As we wrap up this emotionally compelling episode, we delve into our rich family history, the impact of education on our success, and the importance of leaving a lasting legacy for future generations. We express our love, gratitude, and the importance of staying accountable to each other. Be prepared to be inspired and moved as we open our hearts about our upbringing, family bonds and the lessons we've learned along the way. Join us on this journey, as we hope to connect, resonate, and inspire you through our stories.Support the Show.Thanks for joining us at The Safety Link Podcast. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Apple, Facebook, and YouTube. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!! Again, Thank You.
Embracing Life and Grief: A Deep Personal Conversation with Safety Professional Joe Martinez
Oct 2 2023
Embracing Life and Grief: A Deep Personal Conversation with Safety Professional Joe Martinez
Has the hustle and bustle of your workplace ever made you pause and wonder about the importance of mental health? This week, we've got Joe Martinez, safety professional at Glacier Construction, sharing his journey in the safety industry, which includes a stint at OSHA, and how he uses mindfulness to foster a positive work environment. Joe's experiences offer a fresh perspective on dealing with challenges in the workplace, emphasizing the integral role of mental health in the construction industry.We're digging deep into the concept of mindfulness in the workplace, as Joe passionately advocates for mental health and supportive environments. He shares his transformation from a labor worker to a safety professional, proving that positivity and kindness can revolutionize a work setting. However, the conversation doesn't end there. We switch gears and delve into his personal life, discussing how he balances career growth with personal loss. Joe also reveals how his family has shaped him into the man he is today. Finally, we unfold a very personal chapter of Joe's life - the memory of his late daughter, Quinny, and the beautiful symbolism of butterflies in his life. We talk about the strength found in grief, understanding our true purpose, and the importance of asking for help. This conversation is a reminder that we all have the capacity to find beauty in our struggles, and how embracing difficult times can lead to personal growth. Join us for this deep, heartfelt conversation with Joe Martinez. You don't want to miss it!Support the Show.Thanks for joining us at The Safety Link Podcast. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Apple, Facebook, and YouTube. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!! Again, Thank You.
Cultivating a Culture of Care through Workplace Safety with Perry Silvey
Sep 19 2023
Cultivating a Culture of Care through Workplace Safety with Perry Silvey
Could we all use a little more safety in our lives? As we navigate through the chaos of life, Perry Sylvie, a seasoned veteran of BT Construction and B-Trenchless, joins us to demonstrate how safety measures and inspections are more than just checkboxes on a list - they are crucial lifelines that keep our workspaces humming and our hearts ticking. Perry kicks off his day with a prayer and a verse, a testament to his faith and a gentle reminder to us all to carry a piece of our personal care routines into our daily grind. His 19-year-long love journey with his wife, Stephanie, beautifully underscores the importance of genuine connections and feelings in our lives. The conversation then pivots to the power of relationships in fostering safety. Perry enlightens us with his insights on building trust with employees and crafting a culture of care that transcends mere compliance. We delve into the intriguing concept of thinking inside the box, a strategic approach aimed at shielding employees and averting the normalization of deviance. Perry's experiences and the questions he poses present a clear view of the ground reality. We then shift gears to the Trenching and Excavation Safety Task Force, a critical outfit that helps disseminate the safety message to the most vulnerable workers. Perry discusses the upcoming October 4th event featuring OSHA and how such initiatives help reach out to field workers. We discuss strategies to elevate the Safety Task Force with the backing of the National Utility Contractors Association. As Perry shares his journey from the military to becoming a safety professional, we gain insight into how this transition shapes his management style. So, lend your ear to this enriching conversation and learn how workplace safety can foster a culture of care and trust.Support the Show.Thanks for joining us at The Safety Link Podcast. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Apple, Facebook, and YouTube. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!! Again, Thank You.