I’m No Rookie

Ayo Bamgbose

Are you at a crossroads, ready to transition from being a beauty, spa, or wellness therapist or manager to making a mark in the education and training sector? If so, you've found your tribe with 'I'm No Rookie.'

I'm Ayo Bamgbose, your guide and fellow traveller on this exciting journey. With 20+ years of experience in the beauty wellness industry and the educational sector, I understand the nuances, challenges, and incredible opportunities that come with this transition.

This podcast is tailor-made for professionals like us—dedicated, passionate, and eager to extend our impact from the treatment room or management office to the classroom and beyond. I'll bring you insights, stories, and practical strategies to help you navigate this change every week. We'll cover everything from leveraging your expertise to developing new skills, all aimed at empowering you to excel as an educator in our vibrant industry.

Join me on 'I'm No Rookie,' and let's embark on this journey together. It's time to transform your years of experience into a legacy of teaching and mentorship. Are you ready? Let's dive in.

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#67: Why Every Therapist Should Discuss Career Aspirations with your Manager
3d ago
#67: Why Every Therapist Should Discuss Career Aspirations with your Manager
Are you actively shaping your career trajectory, or are you waiting for opportunities to find you? This week, I talk about why we can often be overlooked for career progression and how to communicate our aspirations and goals to management. Whether you're a therapist or a wellness professional, understanding how to articulate your career ambitions is key to not just achieving them but also ensuring they align with the ongoing success of your organisation.What You’ll Discover:Why your voice matter in charting the course of your career, and how might staying silent hold you back.Learn how to pick the perfect moments for impactful conversations about your career path and how to prepare for these discussions.Tips on fostering a supportive dialogue with your managers to help align your personal goals with the organization's objectives.Understand why many businesses prefer to promote from within and how you can position yourself as a prime candidate for upcoming opportunities.Have you heard something today that struck a chord? We love to hear from our listeners. Share your thoughts, insights, or even your own experiences regarding career discussions with management. Remember, your career is a journey that you have the power to direct. Let’s make those crucial conversations count!Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeResources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator? Take the quiz to check if you know what it takes to be an educator in the beauty and wellness industry.Interested in gaining your CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training? Click here for our brochure.
#65: How to Land Your First Beauty Therapy Trainer Role
May 21 2024
#65: How to Land Your First Beauty Therapy Trainer Role
Are you ready to enter the world of spa beauty therapy training and lecturing? Join Ayo as she uncovers actionable strategies for landing your first beauty therapy trainer role!Actionable Tips:Position Yourself Effectively: Highlight transferable skills on your LinkedIn profile and CV that scream "educator".Seek Additional Training: Invest in workshops, seminars, and online courses to enhance your skill set and demonstrate commitment to professional development.Network Like a Pro: Connect with professionals in the education sector to build relationships and uncover new opportunities.Create Your Portfolio: Showcase your expertise through a visually appealing portfolio highlighting educational achievements and training materials.Stay Updated: Keep abreast of industry trends and teaching methodologies to demonstrate a passion for continuous learning.Showcase Results: Highlight the impact of your training efforts through success stories and measurable outcomes.Practice Presentation Skills: Hone your public speaking and facilitation skills to impress potential employers.Landing your first trainer role requires persistence and a proactive approach. Believe in yourself and step boldly into the world of spa beauty therapy training and lecturing.Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeResources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator? Take the quiz to check if you know what it takes to be an educator in the beauty and wellness industry.Interested in gaining your CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training? Click here for our brochure.
#63: 7 Things to Know Before Becoming a Beauty and Spa Trainer or Lecturer
May 7 2024
#63: 7 Things to Know Before Becoming a Beauty and Spa Trainer or Lecturer
Engage with the world of education as we explore transitioning into beauty and spa training or lecturing on this episode of I’m No Rookie! In this episode Ayo shares the 7 things she wished she knew before entering the education and training sector.Discover seven essential insights for aspiring educators:Understanding the Role: Shift your mindset from practitioner to mentor, guiding the next generation of beauty and wellness professionals.Qualifications Matter: Elevate your credibility with formal qualifications like the CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training.Embracing Continuous Learning: Stay ahead of the curve by embracing lifelong learning and staying updated on industry trends and teaching methodologies.Effective Communication: Master the art of communication to engage diverse learners and create a supportive learning environment.Balancing Theory and Practice: Blend theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience to nurture well-rounded professionals.Nurturing Creativity: Encourage creativity and innovation among your students to empower them to stand out in the industry.Building a Supportive Community: Surround yourself with fellow educators, mentors, and industry professionals to share experiences and support each other’s growth.Tune in to the full episode for in-depth insights and practical tips on embarking on this fulfilling journey.Thank you for joining us today on I’m No Rookie. Don’t forget to subscribe for more empowering content, and until next time, keep shining bright!Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeResources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator? Take the quiz to check if you know what it takes to be an educator in the beauty and wellness industry.Interested in gaining your CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training? Click here for our brochure.
#62 Beauty & Wellness Pros, the Education Sector Needs You!
Apr 30 2024
#62 Beauty & Wellness Pros, the Education Sector Needs You!
In This Episode:The Call for Seasoned Professionals: Delve into the reasons why your rich tapestry of experiences in the beauty and wellness realm is not just valuable but vital to the education sector. Ayo discusses the unique space you can fill in the world of beauty education, a realm thirsty for genuine, lived insights and real-world wisdom.The Art of Teaching Through Experience: Remember those lessons that stuck with you because of the stories shared and the passions conveyed by the educators? This episode challenges you to step into those impactful shoes, using your journey to inspire and shape the future faces of beauty.Why Education? Why Now?: With the beauty industry burgeoning, the demand for educators who are not just knowledgeable but passionate and empathetic is skyrocketing. Ayo elucidates why this moment is ripe for experienced professionals like you to transition into education, thereby elevating the industry’s standards and enriching the next generation’s learning experience.The Personal Growth Aisle: Embarking on an educational journey isn't just about imparting wisdom; it's a pathway to personal growth, self-reflection, and reignited passion for the beauty industry. Ayo explores the transformative potential that venturing into education holds for seasoned professionals.The Beginner’s Mindset: Feeling daunted by the prospect of teaching for the first time? Ayo draws parallels between starting as a therapist and beginning to teach, emphasizing that the journey is worth the initial uncertainty and highlighting the abundance of resources and community support available.Empathy in Education: Reflect on your early days of grappling with the complexities of anatomy and physiology. Imagine being the guiding light for someone else through those challenging times, offering not just knowledge but confidence and resilience.Your Potential Impact: The episode rounds off with a compelling call to action for experienced therapists to consider education not just as a career shift but as an opportunity to be mentors, guides, and beacons of hope for the next generation.Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeResources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator?Take the quiz to check if you know what it takes to be an educator in the beauty and wellness industry.Interested in gaining your CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training? Click here for our brochure
#61 How to Know If A Career in Beauty and Wellness Education is Right for You.
Apr 23 2024
#61 How to Know If A Career in Beauty and Wellness Education is Right for You.
Welcome to episode #61, where we delve into the pivotal role of beauty and wellness educators in today's society, where self-care and wellness are more valued than ever. These dedicated professionals equip students with essential knowledge and skills, preparing them for successful careers in the beauty and wellness industry.What Do Beauty and Wellness Teachers and Trainers Do? Beauty and Wellness Educators are at the forefront of teaching students about skincare, makeup application, massage therapy, nutrition, and wellness practices. Their work settings vary widely, from beauty schools and academies to spas, wellness centres, and even freelance consulting. They provide hands-on training, share insights into industry trends, best practices, and regulations, and cultivate students' interpersonal and communication skills necessary for thriving in these industries.The Importance of Beauty and Wellness Educators Educators in beauty and wellness don’t just teach skills; they shape the future of the industry. They are instrumental in providing the technical knowledge, practical experience, and up-to-date industry insights that students need. Beyond technical skills, they help students develop vital interpersonal and communication abilities, from building client relationships to offering exceptional customer service. Moreover, they underscore the importance of self-care and wellness, promoting better physical and mental health for individuals and society at large.Are You Cut Out to Be an Educator? Considering a leap into beauty and wellness education? It's a path filled with unique challenges and immense rewards. To help gauge whether this career suits you, here are some signs you might be ready:Passion for the Subject: A deep knowledge and enthusiasm for beauty and wellness are fundamental.Strong Communication Skills: The ability to convey complex ideas clearly and effectively is crucial.Desire to Make a Difference: Motivation to positively impact students’ lives is a sign of a great educator.Patience and Compassion: Teaching demands patience and a compassionate nature, especially when students face difficulties.Flexibility and Adaptability: The education field is ever-evolving, requiring educators to be open to learning and adapting.Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeResources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator? Take the quiz to check if you know what it takes to be an educator in the beauty and wellness industry.Interested in gaining your CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training? Click here for our brochure.
#60: Why Beauty Therapists Stay Too Long In Their Therapist Role
Apr 16 2024
#60: Why Beauty Therapists Stay Too Long In Their Therapist Role
Welcome to “I’m No Rookie,” the podcast where we unlock the potential within, guiding beauty and wellness professionals through the journey of personal and professional growth. In this episode, we dive deep into the heart of why many beauty therapists remain in their roles longer than beneficial, uncovering the fears and uncertainties that bind them to comfort zones and exploring the boundless opportunities awaiting beyond the familiar confines of the spa.What You’ll Learn:• The psychological and emotional factors that make beauty therapists hesitant to leave their jobs, even when they feel the urge for change.• The impact of comfort and fear on career progression in the beauty and wellness industry.• Real-life insights from therapists who’ve stayed in their positions out of comfort and fear of the unknown.• A detailed exploration of alternative career paths and roles that beauty therapists can transition into, leveraging their existing skills and knowledge.• Transferable skills that therapists possess which are valuable in other industries and roles.• Practical advice on how to pivot from beauty therapy into roles such as training, PR, marketing, product development, and course curriculum design.• Inspiring stories of successful transitions from hands-on therapy to other fulfilling careers within and outside the beauty industry.Featured Segments:• Breaking the Comfort Chain: Understanding why staying too long in one place can be detrimental to your growth and satisfaction.• From Fear to Freedom: How to navigate the emotional hurdles of leaving a comfortable job for new opportunities.• Spotlight on Success: Real stories from former beauty therapists who’ve made the leap into new careers, sharing their challenges, triumphs, and insights.• Pathways to Pivot: Detailed breakdown of alternative career paths, including the skills needed and steps to get there.Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeResources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator? Take the quiz to check if you know what it takes to be an educator in the beauty and wellness industry.Interested in gaining your CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training? Click here for our brochure.
#59: Beauty and Wellness Teacher or Trainer: Which Is Right For You?
Apr 9 2024
#59: Beauty and Wellness Teacher or Trainer: Which Is Right For You?
In This Episode:Discover the burgeoning beauty and wellness industry, now valued at over $1.5 trillion, and understand the critical role educators play in shaping the future of this sector.Explore the rewarding career paths of Beauty and Wellness Teacher and Trainer, including the necessary skills, experiences, and the myriad opportunities each path offers.Unpack the distinction between the CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training to help you choose the right qualification for your career aspirations.Career Spotlight:Beauty and Wellness Teacher: Dive into the role responsibilities, the creativity and patience required, and the promising opportunities for growth from beauty schools to wellness centres.Beauty & Wellness Trainer: Explore the dynamic world of training beauty professionals, the skills needed to excel, and the diverse opportunities available from academies to spas.Featured Segment: Combining Career PathsLearn how merging the roles of teacher and trainer can broaden your horizons, enhance your skill set, and significantly increase your earning potential and job opportunities.Tips for Success:Stay abreast of industry trends and techniques through continuous learning.Foster strong professional relationships and mentorships.Embrace technology and social media to enhance your reach and impact.Be adaptable, welcoming feedback and opportunities for self-improvement.Closing Thoughts: Embarking on a career as a beauty and wellness educator is not just about imparting knowledge; it's about inspiring change, fostering growth, and contributing to the industry's success. Whether you opt for the CIBTAC Level 3 Award or the Level 4 Certificate, your journey will be instrumental in nurturing the next generation of beauty and wellness professionals.Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeResources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator?Take the quiz to check if you know what it takes to be an educator in the beauty and wellness industry. Interested in gaining your CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training? Click here for our brochure
#58: How to Redefine Your Professional Identity: From Beauty Therapist to Educator
Apr 2 2024
#58: How to Redefine Your Professional Identity: From Beauty Therapist to Educator
Have you ever considered switching from performing beauty treatments to teaching them? It’s a big move that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. In this episode, Ayo explains what it takes to smooth this transition and why it’s a game changer for you and the beauty industry.What You'll Learn:How to handle the feelings when moving away from hands-on therapy.Actionable tips to build your new identity as a teacher.The awesome impact you can have on the next generation.Why teaching is a mega opportunity for personal and industry growth.Key Takeaways:Embrace the Change: It’s normal to feel all sorts of emotions. Lean into them.Keep Learning: Grab every chance to learn more about teaching.Find Your Tribe: Connect with others who’ve been in your shoes.Build Your Brand: Use social media to show the world your educator vibe.Opportunities Galore: Teaching opens up new doors you never even thought of.Feeling pumped about the idea of teaching? Ready to shape the future of beauty and wellness? Let’s chat! Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeResources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator?Take the quiz to check if you know what it takes to be an educator in the beauty and wellness industry. Interested in gaining your CIBTAC Level 3 Award and Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training? Click here for our brochure
#57: The Day in the Life of a Beauty Spa Trainer.
Mar 26 2024
#57: The Day in the Life of a Beauty Spa Trainer.
Welcome to the show notes for a very special episode of "I'm No Rookie," in which we dive deep into the world of Beauty Spa Trainers. If you're curious about turning your love for beauty into a career of teaching and inspiring others, this episode is for you.What We Covered:Who is a Beauty Spa Trainer? Find out what it takes to be the one who trains the future stars of the beauty industry.The Journey: How do you go from being passionate about beauty to teaching it? We've got the steps.Qualifications Needed: Spoiler alert - it's more than just knowing how to do a great facial.Experience That Helps: Why your background in beauty matters.Benefits Galore: There's so much more to teaching beauty than you think.A Day in Their Shoes: Get a sneak peek into the daily grind of a Beauty Spa Trainer.Inspiration Ahead: Quotes and insights to fuel your journey in beauty education.Your Next Steps:Are you feeling inspired? Want to know more about becoming a Beauty Spa Trainer or need to chat about your path in the beauty and wellness industry? I'm here for you!Resources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator?Take the quiz to check if you have what it takes to be an educator in the Beauty and Wellness industry.Join us as we explore whether teaching is the right next step for you, aiming to inspire those considering this rewarding career path. Remember, the future of beauty and wellness education starts with passionate professionals like you.Let's Connect:Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTubeDon't just dream about making a change - reach out! Whether you're thinking about becoming a Beauty Spa Trainer or have any questions about navigating your career in the beauty industry, I'm here to help. Thanks for tuning in, and remember - you're no rookie in the game of life. See you in the next episode!
#55: Beyond the Treatment Room: Transferable Skills and Language Shifts from Therapist to Educators
Mar 12 2024
#55: Beyond the Treatment Room: Transferable Skills and Language Shifts from Therapist to Educators
Welcome to "I'm No Rookie," where we unlock the potential beyond the conventional career paths in the beauty and wellness industry. In this episode, your host, Ayo, with over two decades of experience, takes you through a transformative journey from being a therapist or manager to stepping into education and mentorship. This episode is your gateway to a new horizon if you've ever considered leveraging your expertise to mould the next generation.Highlights:Discover the Mindset Shift: Embrace the transformative journey from hands-on therapy to the impactful role of an educator. Learn about the mindset shift required to make this transition successful.Explore Transferable Skills: Uncover therapists' five core skills, which can be seamlessly integrated into an educator's role. Discover how these skills can set the foundation for your new career path, from effective communication to adaptability.Language Evolution: Delve into the fascinating shift in language as you transition from therapist to educator. Understand how terms like 'consultation' and 'treatment plan' evolve into 'assessment' and 'curriculum development,' reflecting your new role.Empowerment Through Education: Discover how becoming an educator empowers the next generation, shaping the future of the beauty and wellness industry.Key Takeaway:This episode is more than just a conversation; it's a call to action for those yearning for growth beyond the treatment room. Your skills, empathy, and dedication to wellness are the keys to empowering the next generation. Whether you're contemplating this transition or ready to take the leap, remember that your journey from skilled therapist to inspirational educator is not just a career shift—it's a chance to reshape the industry and leave a lasting impact.Resources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator?Join us as we explore whether teaching is the right next step for you, aiming to inspire those considering this rewarding career path. Remember, the future of beauty and wellness education starts with passionate professionals like you.Developing Educators Academy: For those looking to dive deeper into the world of education and training, sign up for our brochure here.Please send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTube
#54: How to Build Your Online Presence as an Educator
Mar 5 2024
#54: How to Build Your Online Presence as an Educator
Welcome to another episode of “I’m No Rookie!” where we navigate the vibrant world of education within the beauty and wellness industry. In Episode #54, I discuss the essential steps to carving out your niche online as an educator. Whether you're aspiring to light up the digital world with your professional passion or seeking to enhance your existing online presence, this episode is your guide to making impactful strides forward.Key TakeawaysDiscover Your Content Pillars: Understand the foundation of your online presence by identifying the core subjects you're passionate about. This episode dives deep into how content pillars streamline your focus and resonate with your audience, ensuring your message is consistent and compelling.Choose Your Stage Wisely: Learn the importance of selecting the right platform to connect with your audience. Ayo shares insights on the strengths of various social media platforms and offers advice on picking the one that best aligns with your voice and your audience's preferences.The Art of Engagement: Engagement is not just a strategy; it's the essence of building a community. This episode emphasizes the significance of interaction - from commenting on others' posts to nurturing relationships with your followers. Discover how authentic engagement can elevate your visibility and establish you as a trusted authority in your field.Resources:Quiz: Do you have what it takes to be an educator?Join us as we explore whether teaching is the right next step for you, aiming to inspire those considering this rewarding career path. Remember, the future of beauty and wellness education starts with passionate professionals like you.Developing Educators Academy: For those looking to dive deeper into the world of education and training, sign up for our brochure here.Send me a DM on Instagram.Connect with me on LinkedIn.Subscribe to Course Creators Hub on YouTube
#51 - Why 2024 Should Be a Year of Trying Something Different
Jan 2 2024
#51 - Why 2024 Should Be a Year of Trying Something Different
In this week's episode of "I'm No Rookie," host Ayo Bamgbose makes a passionate case for stepping out of your comfort zone in 2024 and trying new things to spur career growth. Key Topics Covered:The importance of change and evolution in our industryAn anecdote about a practitioner who boosted engagement by 30% after adopting new digital tools Tips for taking "baby steps" out of your comfort zone through self-improvement goals and seeking feedbackStrategies include dreaming bigger about your career ambitions and investing time and money in specialized learningAction points for this month like reflecting on current practices, researching upcoming trends, and creating a clear plan for integrationAction Items:Assess your current services and methods honestly, taking note of any areas needing improvement Stay updated about the latest trends in beauty and wellness through publications, social media, and peersDevelop a step-by-step plan for integrating a new trend or approach into your work Notable Quotes:"Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is not just unrealistic; it's a missed opportunity for growth.""When we challenge ourselves, we discover new talents and open doors to unexpected opportunities." "It's not just about gaining insights; it's about empowering you to bring about tangible, real-world changes."Connect With Us:Instagram: Join our growing community @DevelopingEducators for the latest industry tips and updates.LinkedIn: Network and connect with Ayo and fellow professionals. Connect on LinkedIn.Next Steps:Subscribe to the PodcastLeave a ReviewThank you for joining me today. Share this podcast with a friend or colleague if these insights are valuable. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we continue to explore ways to grow and succeed in our field. Until next time, keep pushing boundaries and claiming your expert status!
#50: Reflecting on 2023 and Embracing 2024
Dec 26 2023
#50: Reflecting on 2023 and Embracing 2024
In this special end-of-year check-in episode, host Ayo Bamgbose chronologically describes her remarkable journey over 2023. She shares insights and lessons from significant milestones like attending two transformative retreats, conquering her fear of swimming, embracing the resilience-building power of boxing, closing the door on a years-long job to pursue her passion, and starting her own business, Developing Educators.Ayo reflects candidly on key lessons around the power of community, protecting/prioritizing time, going with the flow rather than rigid planning, and tapping into personal resilience. Given the unpredictable year, she also offers encouragement and perspective for anyone disappointed or not achieving their original 2023 goals.Additional topics include:Taking intentional time to reconnect and make meaning during the holidaysSetting better boundaries and saying "no" in 2023Getting more comfortable with change rather than clinging to comfort zonesUltimately, Ayo shares her biggest realization from 2023 - that she can do more than she realized. She extends inspiration and excitement about continuing to evolve in the year ahead.Connect With Us:Instagram: Join our growing community @DevelopingEducators for the latest industry tips and updates.LinkedIn: Network and connect with Ayo and fellow professionals. Connect on LinkedIn.Next Steps:Subscribe to the PodcastLeave a ReviewThank you for joining me today. Share this podcast with a friend or colleague if these insights are valuable. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we continue to explore ways to grow and succeed in our field. Until next time, keep pushing boundaries and claiming your expert status!
#49: Calling In Your Comeback: Put Yourself First This New Year
Dec 19 2023
#49: Calling In Your Comeback: Put Yourself First This New Year
In this episode on levelling up your standards and boundaries...You’ll discover:Why Acknowledging Areas for Growth is the First Step towards positive changeHow to gain clarity on your definition of “better” across life facetsWhy firm boundaries create space for health and fulfilmentSimple starter strategies to put yourself firstInspiration to take small but mighty steps towards the future you deserveKey insights:Happiness comes from within the firstProgress requires self-compassion along the wayJust start where you are - action beats perfectionYou teach others how you expect to be treatedBalance benefits every area, not just selfEmpowering quotes:"Where focus goes, energy flows.""You cannot pour from an empty cup.""No more excuses...conquer this year on your terms.""Honor your potential by making wellbeing the priority."Think:What does my ideal life truly look like, and what steps can I take today to inch closer?Try:Five Minute JournalingScheduling Non-Negotiable Self CareInstituting Margin-Protecting RulesConnect With Us:Instagram: Join our growing community @DevelopingEducators for the latest industry tips and updates.LinkedIn: Network and connect with Ayo and fellow professionals. Connect on LinkedIn.Next Steps:Subscribe to the PodcastLeave a ReviewThank you for joining me today. Share this podcast with a friend or colleague if these insights are valuable. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we continue to explore ways to grow and succeed in our field. Until next time, keep pushing boundaries and claiming your expert status!