the mentl space

It's time for open, honest conversations about mental health. It's time for us all to thrive.

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Is positive psychology the key to happiness in work and in life?
Mar 27 2024
Is positive psychology the key to happiness in work and in life?
The world of work isn’t happy, and it’s getting unhappier by the day, but can positive psychology turn the tide? That’s one of the questions we put to Dr. Louise Lambert, Head of Happiness Policy, Programming, and Research with HappinessMatters, on the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast. Our conversation delves into the intricate aspects of well-being, touching on the quest for happiness, both personally and professionally, the influence of positive psychology, and the pressures in society that shape our perceptions of contentment. We explore the importance of adopting evidence-based strategies for enhancing well-being inside companies.We discuss the various pathways to happiness, such as engaging in activities that bring fulfillment, finding meaning and purpose through volunteering or spiritual beliefs, and nurturing relationships to foster personal growth. Dr Lambert discusses the concept of personal responsibility in well-being, distinguishing between individual accountability and the role of external factors in shaping one's happiness at work and in relationships.The professor underlines the need for individuals and organisations to embrace strategies aiming to promote a positive environment and overall life satisfaction. This podcast is a must-listen for any organisation wanting to make change.Key Ways Companies Can Improve Wellbeing: 1. Implement evidence-based strategies for enhancing well-being.2. Encourage a balanced approach to happiness, incorporating activities that bring fulfillment and meaning.3. Foster positive relationships and personal growth opportunities.4. Advocate for removing barriers to career progression within the organisation.5. Support employee resilience and well-being through constructive feedback and optimism-building initiatives.
The magic of mentoring on mental health
Mar 25 2024
The magic of mentoring on mental health
If you look at any recent research it will tell you that our young people are struggling with their mental health. Whether it’s the Cigna Vitality Report, the World Happiness Report, or the Mental State of the World 2023 report,  younger generations who are entering the world of work are not thriving.With that as a backdrop, the role of mentorship has never been more vital.And so, on the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast, we explore a new partnership between Gates Hospitality and Dubai College of Tourism, aimed at providing mentorship to students venturing into one of the most dynamic and fast-paced hospitality and tourism sectors in the world.Naim Maadad, CEO and founder of Gates Hospitality, and Elham Bolooki, Experiential Learning Manager at DCT, underscored the importance of mentorship in preparing the next generation of professionals.The collaboration encompasses various initiatives, such as guest speaker sessions, industry visits, intern recruitment, and the innovative Culinary Arts Apprenticeship program, emphasizing the diverse opportunities for mentorship within the industry. Naim's unpacks why he is so dedicated to attracting new talent while promoting mental well-being among individuals entering the industry.And, Ellen's insights into preparing students for the realities of the industry further highlight the proactive role of educational institutions in equipping learners with the necessary skills and knowledge. Their conversation explores the transformative power of mentorship in shaping the future workforce and fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.By offering guidance, support, and practical experiences, mentors play a pivotal role in nurturing talent, building resilience, and instilling valuable skills in individuals entering the workforce.  Five Ways to Be a Mentor1. Provide Guidance  Offer direction, advice, and insights to help mentees navigate challenges and make informed decisions.2. Share Experiences: Share personal experiences, both successes and failures, to provide valuable lessons and perspectives.3. Offer Support: Be a supportive presence for mentees, offering encouragement, feedback, and solutions to overcome obstacles.4. Encourage Growth: Foster a culture of learning and growth by challenging mentees to expand their skills, knowledge, and capabilities.5. Lead by Example:Demonstrate leadership qualities, integrity, and professionalism to inspire and motivate mentees to strive for excellence in their endeavors.
It’s time to break the parent trap at work for new mums
Mar 14 2024
It’s time to break the parent trap at work for new mums
For any new parent life, especially their new life, is a challenge, lack of sleep, new responsibilities and changing relationship dynamics. But add to those pressures the need to leave one’s baby and return to work and you’ve reached a whole new level. And yet, this is a dilemma faced by all working mums, everywhere.So, in the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast, we sat down with Lamisse Muhtaseb, the HR director and people, inclusion and purpose lead at Deloitte Middle East, discussed the importance of initiatives in supporting working parents, particularly focusing on mothers returning from maternity leave. The conversation, which took place at the Wellbeing at Work Summit in Dubai, shed light on the challenges faced by working mothers in balancing career aspirations with family commitments, highlighting the need for organizations to prioritize the well-being and support of returning parents.5 Ways Companies Can Support Working Parents 1: Breaking Gender StereotypesLamisse emphasized the societal expectations and biases faced by working mothers, pointing out the unequal pressures placed on women to choose between career and family. She highlighted the disparities in how men and women are viewed when it comes to balancing personal and professional life, stressing the need to challenge these traditional norms and create a more inclusive work environment.2: Empowering Returning Parents The discussion revolved around the Returnity program, designed to facilitate the smooth transition of parents back into the workforce after taking time off for family responsibilities. Lamisse highlighted the importance of personalized support systems for returning parents, allowing them to tailor their return plans based on individual needs, including considerations for well-being, work-life balance, and career progression.3: Fostering a Supportive CultureLamisse underscored the significance of nurturing a supportive culture within organizations, where working parents, especially mothers, feel empowered to articulate their challenges and seek the necessary assistance. By creating a supportive ecosystem that prioritizes employee well-being and recognizes the diverse needs of parents, companies can cultivate a more inclusive and compassionate work environment.4: Promoting Mental Health AwarenessThe conversation delved into the mental health implications for mothers returning from maternity leave, with Lamisse sharing personal experiences and highlighting the importance of open dialogue and support mechanisms for addressing mental health challenges. By destigmatizing discussions around mental well-being and providing accessible resources, organizations can better support the holistic needs of returning parents.  5: Driving Organizational ChangeLamisse emphasized the role of organizational leadership in driving change towards a more inclusive and supportive workplace for working parents. By piloting initiatives like Raternity and actively seeking feedback from returning parents, companies can adapt their policies and practices to better accommodate the evolving needs of a diverse workforce, ultimately fostering a culture of empathy, flexibility, and empowerment.Listen NowBy addressing the challenges faced by returning parents, promoting mental health awareness, and advocating for gender equality in the workplace, organizations can pave the way for a more compassionate and sustainable work culture that values the well-being and success of all employees.
A Monk's Guide to Fearless Living
Mar 13 2024
A Monk's Guide to Fearless Living
(please note this was recorded in a loud outside environment)In a world plagued by conflict and instability, finding ways to not just survive but thrive amidst chaos is a universal challenge. So ‘the mentl space’ podcast turned to the wisdom of Gelong Thubten, best-selling author of Handbook for Hard Times, A Monk's Guide to Fearless Living for some insights on how to navigate the road ahead.We sat down at the Emirates Literature Festival with the meditation teacher to the likes of Tilda Swinton and Benedict Cumberbatch on Dr Strange, to get his unique perspective on coping with hardships and finding resilience in trying times.Thubten's Origin StoryThubten's journey into monkhood stemmed from a period of deep burnout after living a hectic and unhealthy lifestyle as an actor, leading to physical and mental health issues. This pivotal moment prompted him to delve into meditation as a means of coping, eventually leading him to a Buddhist monastery in Scotland, where he found solace and purpose in the monastic life.The Cycle of Suffering and ResilienceReflecting on the perpetual nature of suffering, Thubten highlights the Buddhist philosophy of breaking free from the cycle by transforming one's relationship with hardships. He emphasizes the importance of not just enduring suffering but reshaping our responses to it, a key aspect of his teachings on navigating difficult times.Evolution of Mental Health DiscourseThubten discusses the changing landscape of mental health conversations over the years, noting a greater acceptance and openness towards topics like burnout and stress. He recalls a time when discussing such issues was stigmatized, contrasting it with the present, where more people are vocal about their mental well-being, reflecting a positive shift in societal attitudes.Paradox of Comfort and DiscomfortIn a paradoxical observation, despite living in the most materially comfortable era, the prevalence of mental discomfort and burnout remains high. Thubten acknowledges this global phenomenon, pointing out the dichotomy of unprecedented economic opportunities coexisting with heightened mental health challenges, a complex reality shaping our modern existence.Path to Resilience and Inner PeaceOffering insights on handling suffering and turmoil, Thubten underscores the significance of mindfulness and reframing one's perspective on adversity. As a meditation teacher and author, his teachings focus on equipping individuals with the tools to navigate uncertainty with courage and find inner peace amidst external chaos.Listen Now As individuals seek harmony amidst chaos, Thubten's conversation offers wisdom in navigating the turbulent seas of life
Why embracing workplace well-being is embracing better productivity
Feb 29 2024
Why embracing workplace well-being is embracing better productivity
Two and a half hours a week. Doesn’t seem much but it could be game-changing for organisations seeking to optimise.That was the premise of Cigna Healthcare’s 5% Pledge, which our panel of independent judges in ‘the mentl awards 2023’ named as their winner in the Outstanding contribution in healthcare to mental health category.On the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast we sit down with Lianne Braganza D’Sylva, the Chief Marketing Officer and Customer Experience Lead at Cigna Healthcare Middle East and Africa, to dive into the inspiration for the campaign, both the personal and the professional, and the insights it has offered up.The Pressures of PerfectionismThe podcast explores several significant moments and reflections on mental health. Lianne shares her definition of mental health, emphasising the importance of starting the day positively and being able to navigate through stress while maintaining productivity.One key aspect discussed was the need to avoid self-judgment on challenging days and adopt a mindset that allows for a fresh start each morning. Lianne touches on her journey of self-realisation, especially in managing the pressure of perfectionism, a realisation that was prompted by her experience as a mother.The episode also delves into the impact of external factors on mental health. She shares how her work on stress awareness campaigns and personal experiences, like supporting her mother through illness, reshaped her perspective on mental health, empathy, and understanding the struggles individuals carry beyond the surface.Mental health challenges of the Sandwich GenerationWe explore the concept of the "sandwich generation," individuals caught between caring for young children and aging parents, highlighting the unique challenges faced by expats in balancing personal and professional responsibilities across long distances. And, of course, we discuss the importance of organisational support and flexibility for employees facing such complex situations.This conversation underscores the critical need for organisations and individuals to actively prioritise mental health and well-being.By acknowledging the impact of external pressures, fostering empathy, and creating supportive work environments, a culture that values mental health can be cultivated. This episode serves as a reminder of the importance of self-compassion, understanding individual challenges, and working towards a more inclusive and supportive approach to mental health in both personal and professional spheres.
Discover six pillars of mental well-being for the modern world
Feb 12 2024
Discover six pillars of mental well-being for the modern world
$8.5 trillion… According to the Global Wellness Institute (GWI) estimates the global wellness economy will hit that figure by 2027. By then, the wellness industry here in the UAE is predicted to grow to $5.5 billion. It’s clear from the figures that more and more of us are beginning to focus on ourselves and how we can live better.  In the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ we drill down into what is driving that industry and what we can expect to see in the years ahead. Our guest Ayuko Suzuki, Director of Spa and Wellness at Madinat Jumeirah in Dubai, shares her personal journey and the origins of her interest in wellness, stemming from her cultural background in Japan and a pivotal moment when her father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, leading her to embrace a holistic approach to wellness. We unpack the evolution of wellness beyond traditional spa treatments to encompass integrated wellness, which includes pillars such as mental wellness, mindful movement, internal well-being, recovery, advanced therapy, technology integration, and regenerative medicine.  Ayuko dives into the challenges posed by technology on mental health and provides insights on mitigating the negative impacts, advocating for practices like setting boundaries with technology use and incorporating mindfulness techniques to achieve mental clarity. She offers her insights on the importance of sleep in the context of wellness and explores both the detrimental effects and potential benefits of technology on sleep patterns.  Listen to the podcast to discover her personal strategies for maintaining a balanced relationship with technology, prioritizing mental well-being and cultivating an empty mind for better sleep quality and overall wellness.
Thomas Erikson: What my setbacks taught me about success
Feb 6 2024
Thomas Erikson: What my setbacks taught me about success
What do you do when everything goes to hell? That was the question put to Thomas Erikson, best-selling author of ‘Surrounded by Idiots’ as ‘the mentl space’ podcast dove into his personal journey and the challenges he’d faced that led to him writing ‘Surrounded by Setbacks’.While perhaps best known as ‘the idiot whisperer’, the most-translated Swedish author ‘still alive’, sat down with podcast host Scott Armstrong at the Emirates Literature Festival to discuss his strategies for coping with setbacks, a deep dive on the nature of personal responsibility, and how he personally defines success.Of course, we do delve into human behavior and personality types. In his book (Idiots), Erikson presented a model categorizing individuals into four distinct behavioral styles: Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue. Each color represents different communication and interaction preferences.The Red personality is described as assertive and decisive, often taking charge of situations. Yellow individuals are sociable and enthusiastic, valuing relationships and creativity. Greens are analytical and detail-oriented, favoring a logical and systematic approach. Blues are empathetic and supportive, focusing on harmony and cooperation.Erikson's book helps readers understand these personality types, enabling them to communicate more effectively with others by recognizing and adapting to different behavioral styles.Among the key takeaways for leaders was the need to understand the human beings working for them."What we tend to forget about is we need to go back to looking at the individual. Looking at you, Scott, what do you need? Yeah, let's have a chat about that. What would you like to have in order to be the best productive force in this organization?"And, the author rejected lazy characterizations of Gen Z saying: "Young people don't want to be treated as young. They want to be treated as people. You need to sit down with the individual because young people are also Reds or yellows or greens or Blues and they have different drivers. Some have a theoretical driver meaning a a motivational factor which is beneath the surface. Some people who are young would like to see quick results. Some are more patient. You have to go, you know, employee by employee by employee and say ‘OK So what do you need?’”For more on the role of leadership (and self leadership) and Erikson’s views on the world at large dive into this witty, poignant, touching and insightful conversation
From illness to art: Meet the mental health hero inspiring hope
Jan 29 2024
From illness to art: Meet the mental health hero inspiring hope
On the latest episode of 'the mentl space' podcast, we shine the spotlight on the remarkable story of Emirati Adel AlFalasi, winner of the Mental Health Hero at 'the mentl awards 2023.'Adel's journey is a testament to the resilience and strength of the human spirit, serving as an inspiration to many. The episode delved into the challenges he faced, the pivotal moments in his life, and the impact of receiving the prestigious award.Mental Health StigmaAdel's journey began with the stigma surrounding mental health in his community. Growing up, he experienced mental health struggles, which were misunderstood and attributed to supernatural causes. The lack of awareness and education about mental health only exacerbated his challenges. Adel candidly shared his experiences of hearing voices and the difficulty of being misunderstood by his family and community, who perceived his condition as possession or black magic.His turning point came when he experienced a stroke and sought medical attention, ultimately leading him to the care of the inspirational Dr. Nahida Nayaz Ahmed. This opened new avenues of exploration into his creativity, particularly through art. The pivotal moment where his artwork was exhibited, marked a significant shift in his perception of his own talents and abilities. The positive reception and feedback he received at the conference were transformative, instilling in him a newfound confidence and enthusiasm for his creative endeavors.A Beacon of HopeListen now to Adel Al Falasi's powerful story, which we hope can be as a beacon of hope and empowerment, challenging the boundaries of stigma and isolation associated with mental health. Through his courage and openness, Adel has not only transformed his own life but also ignited a ripple effect, inspiring others to speak up, seek help, and embrace their creative talents.
Is quitting alcohol the secret to achieving your goals?
Jan 19 2024
Is quitting alcohol the secret to achieving your goals?
What are your goals in life? Want to be a better parent? Start a business or get promoted at work? Feel fitter or embrace your own wellbeing and enjoy better mental health.Or perhaps it’s all of above for 2024. While no one thing by itself could achieve all of those goals, is there a first step you can take that puts you on the path to those goals?Well in this episode of ‘the mentl space podcast’ we explore how the desire to have a family and overcome seeming infertility led to the birth of not only three healthy children but also a business for Erika Blazeviciute Doyle, founder of Drink Dry, after she gave up alcohol, a habit which still plays a part in many expats lives.Are you one of the five types of people who could benefit from less alcohol in your lives, and what are the benefits? Parenting goalsIndividuals who are looking to be better parents and feel the growing conversation and increasing awareness around this. They may feel guilt about not being as present for their children as they would like to be due to work commitments or a blended lifestyle, and seek to have the energy and presence to play with their children and show up as the best version of themselves.Young Entrepreneurs and Business ProfessionalsThose who are focused on building their careers or businesses and seek mental clarity and sharpness to pursue their life missions. They may be part of the business crowd and are driven by the need for more time to achieve their professional goals.Fitness EnthusiastsPeople whose whole existence revolves around fitness and their fitness goals. Cutting out alcohol may align with their physical health and well-being objectives, such as monitoring calorie intake and maintaining their physical appearance.Wellness and Well-being SeekersIndividuals who are focused on overall wellness and well-being, and are interested in products that contribute to their holistic health beyond just physical aspects. Those Seeking to Have It AllConsumers who do not necessarily fit into a single bracket and may possess characteristics of multiple segments, such as being both an entrepreneur and a parent, or being interested in fitness along with other aspects. Listen to the Podcast NowDive in and explore, in a judgement-free conversation, what considering alternatives to alcohol may do for you.
The adventurers' guide to mental health
Dec 13 2023
The adventurers' guide to mental health
The corporate world is often described as a jungle – but what can the C-Suite learn from those who have operated in the most extreme locations on the planet? In the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast we sit down with two remarkable guests Professor Mark Hannaford and Nikki McLeary. Each brings a wealth of experience from the worlds of extreme adventure and medicine, offering insights on human capability and the transformative power of extreme environments.Mark Hannaford's role as an adventurer, pioneer, entrepreneur, and founder of World Extreme Medicine has seen him create a global network focused on delivering medical training for extreme environments. Mark began World Extreme Medicine 20 years ago to ensure the safety of clients on risky expeditions by training medics for challenging environments.His organisation runs the World Extreme Medicine Conference in Scotland. This event has attracted the likes of Jane Goodall and Tom Cruise, showing the interest and support from varied sectors, emphasizing the desire to share knowledge widely and break down silos between different disciplines.Mark emphasizes that despite the seemingly glamorous depiction of expeditions, the real conditions are tough. The lessons learned from these experiences are valuable for life and overcoming daily challenges.Nikki McCleary, adventure scientist and science lead for World Extreme Medicine, is recognised for her expertise in human performance science. Nikki offers mechanisms to help individuals excel, emphasizing the importance of healthcare settings where extreme medicine aids both technical and non-technical skills development for healthcare professionals.She describes the 'Expedition Method' created in the UAE, which applies lessons from the wild to improve communication, complex problem-solving, and strategic thinking in traditional workspaces, educational settings, and healthcare institutions.Nikki believes the core skills learned in extreme environments, be it communication or problem-solving, have applications beyond the field, impacting everyday life and work in powerful, transformative ways.This episode is a journey into human resilience, leadership. Whether you're a professional seeking innovative strategies or simply intrigued by extreme adventures and their lessons, this episode promises to shift your perspective and inspire you to think beyond conventional boundaries.
Founder mental health crisis: It’s time to write a more successful story
Dec 11 2023
Founder mental health crisis: It’s time to write a more successful story
Why do 9 out of 10 founders fall at a hurdle? Is it a lack of hard work? A shortage of vision? Low drive? Lower ambitions?Perhaps some could be guilty of that, but 90 percent? The maths is off, particularly in a world that glorifies ‘hustle culture’ in entrepreneurship – the idea that entrepreneurship means you never rest, you never stop, you never sleep. But is there another path to success?  Here Scott Armstrong, the founder of mentl, sits down with Lubna Forzley, CEO and founder of ‘Stories’ which aims to support the mental health of entrepreneurs through coaching and support. Stories was recently awarded ‘Most innovative mental health tech’ in ‘the mentl awards 2023’, our inaugural annual mental health awards celebrated with a gala dinner at the St Regis Downtown.  The latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast, features insightful conversations for founders with Lubna who navigates complex topics such as mental health, leadership, coaching, and entrepreneurship with a fresh perspective.  Perfect for inspiring and empowering founders, this episode is packed with wisdom that can help entrepreneurial minds thrive in their journeys. Here are five key tips for founders extracted from the conversation: 1. Challenge Hierarchy in Leadership: Lubna draws attention to the often-hierarchical nature of corporate leadership and underscores the importance of moving towards flat structures that eliminate fear and foster open relationships between founders and investors. 2. Coach for Success: Pointing out that everyone needs leadership coaching, Lubna argues for the vital role of coaching in turning around struggling startups and elevating the performance of successful ones, equating it to learning new skills for continuous improvement. 3. Align Your Actions With Purpose: A recurrent theme is the alignment of a founder's day-to-day actions with their core purpose. Lubna stresses that misalignment leads to burnout and that founders should have the courage to drop activities that don't align with their “why”. 4. Embrace Personal Transformation: Reflecting on her own experiences with Gabor's program, Lubna discusses the transformative journey of becoming nonjudgmental, curious, and pain-embracing – traits that are invaluable for personal growth and effective leadership. 5. Normalise Mental Health Support: Lubna promotes the idea of normalising mental health conversations and support, aspiring for a future where access to coaching and therapy is as regular and accepted as any other health service – highlighting its critical role in overall well-being and success. The passion Lubna brings to the conversation on entrepreneurship goes far beyond conventional business talk, emphasising the importance of personal development, compassionate leadership, and purpose-driven action for founders looking to leave a lasting impact. Listen to the podcast now.
How living with Maasai warriors changed my life
Nov 30 2023
How living with Maasai warriors changed my life
So as COP 28 begins in the UAE you’ll hear a lot about three letters E, S and G. For the uninitiated that stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and are a measure of the sustainability of companies and countries. On the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast we ask what is the link between ESG and mental health, particularly in the workplace?  And talk to a guest who has, a surprising, trailblazing sustainability story. David Shepley is an inspiring individual whose life has been dedicated to conservation and cultural education. And now he’s taken the mission to prove that sustainability is the only true path to profitability as the Director of Sustainability with FIVE Hotels and Resorts.  In less than a year since joining, he has led FIVE to earn the highest ESG Rating in the world through ISS, securing the only ‘A’ rating across all sectors. Within FIVE’s ‘A’ Rated ESG program, Shepley works with his colleagues to maintain FIVE’s 100% LEED Platinum operational hotel portfolio, first-in-the-world 3 Star SPIRE Smart Building Ratings, and 6 ISO systems (9001, 14001, 22000, 27001, 450001, 50001).  Championing the UAE’s ‘Year of Sustainability’, David guides FIVE’s ongoing agreement with DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority) and I-REC (International Renewable Energy Certification Foundation) which secured 100% renewable electricity for FIVE’s Dubai hotels in 2022.  As a sustainability ambassador, he also cultivates local and global relationships with charitable hospitals, animal welfare societies, NGOs, and public and private sector partners On the mentl space, we learn of David's journey from a passionate teen with a keen interest in wildlife conservation to a committed advocate for sustainable community development. He describes his transformational experiences with the Maasai people in East Africa, focusing on empowering them educationally, socially, and economically. At 16, he visited a remote Maasai community where he embraced the human aspect of conservation. He participated in social and economic programs aimed at creating sustainable income streams, such as a honey-producing business led by the local women. This initiative supported biodiversity and eco-tourism, and redefined women's roles in the community by making them breadwinners of a new business. He shifted his aspirations from pure wildlife research to a more people-centered approach, where he became involved in education and cultural exchange. Through seminars and educational workshops, he sought to equip and empower the local communities, rather than following old conservation models that overlooked local engagement. As he assimilated with the Maasai, learning their language and customs, he realized that his true passion lay in cultural collaboration and contributing to missions that support the environment and uplift people. After this transformative experience, he decided to enhance his understanding of economics to tie it to meaningful missions with a focus on environmental care, rather than isolating himself in research or fieldwork.  His mission at FIVE focuses on collaboration and execution, Shepley works to propel FIVE’s brand while implementing cutting-edge projects and building best-in-class systems underpinning environmental, social and governance excellence.  This includes David’s responsibility of driving the ‘sustainability mindset’ revolution through FIVE’s ideation and training programs while working with senior management to develop corporate frameworks and policies in line with global excellence.  His story emphasises the vital interconnection between conservation and community development, and cultural respect.
the mentl space: live - Life, work and how to be better
Nov 21 2023
the mentl space: live - Life, work and how to be better
How important is your humanity in the office? How can leaders inspire themselves and their teams to succeed? And, what really works in workplace wellbeing? These were just three of the questions ‘the mentl space: live’ discussed as our podcast hit the road for the first of a series of free community events.  We drew together a panel of experts to tackle the conversation in front of a live audience filmed at LVL Wellbeing in Dubai.  Podcast host, and mentl founder, Scott Armstrong was joined by Calvin Lee-Pickett, CEO & founder at Calvin James Recruitment, Charlotte (Charlie) Spurway, psychologist and therapist and Sam Harvey, chief performance officer with LVL Wellbeing. On the podcast they discussed a range of topics including the paradox of increasing loneliness despite the economic opportunity available in today's world, the importance of maintaining biodiversity and creating deeper connections, the challenges and potential solutions within hierarchical company structures, and the navigation of the contemporary job market with its cultural complexities. They addressed issues including boosting employee satisfaction through rewards and freedom of choice and how reflective leadership can increase business success over the next decade. The panel discussed the importance of creating a psychologically safe space for teams by sharing personal experiences and taking a leap of trust, and the conversations reflected on the evolving nature of the corporate world, highlighting how companies and individuals alike must adapt and transform to seize new opportunities. They also dove into personal growth stemming from hardship, how taking responsibility for one's part in relationships and events can lead to prosperity and how to avoid the stagnation of blame. And, they delved into the impact of family background and core or limiting beliefs on current behaviors, acknowledging the potential influence of childhood and parenting on adult life.  Top 10 insights from the podcast:  1. It is the joint responsibility of both the employer and employee to create an optimal workspace for performance.2. Employers need training to better understand employee motivations and issues, which will benefit the business overall.3. By unpacking negative core beliefs about ourselves and others, we can become more empathetic and emotionally intelligent, allowing us to understand behavior better.4. To improve oneself, it's important to make swift behavior changes and engage in deep introspection to discover true personal identity and purpose.5. Understanding how limiting beliefs from childhood can impact adult behavior can help in developing a deeper understanding of oneself and others.6. Recognizing and changing unhealthy coping mechanisms can improve communication and emotional responses in difficult situations.7. Continue advocating for the wellness movement as it is beneficial for all involved and should be an ongoing effort.8. In a fast-paced environment, it's important to take a step back sometimes and reassess why you're doing what you're doing.9. Embrace a co-created culture within teams, which can lead to more enjoyable and beneficial perks for team members.10. Fulfillment can be derived from helping people perform and feel better through vulnerability.
Transforming mental health through compassion
Oct 13 2023
Transforming mental health through compassion
How do we build a future where individuals feel seen, heard, and valued?We glorify hustle culture, we work - or are worked - to burnout while we unwittingly embrace and accept increasing isolation. Is each individual now an island disconnected from the mainland of humanity? Does the essence of human connection risk being overshadowed? Or, like a startup, can we solve for this, not with technology but with compassion.In a latest episode of the ‘the mentl space’ podcast, host Scott Armstrong had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Nahida Nayaz Ahmed, a renowned consultant psychiatrist and pivotal in many of the major initiatives on mental health in the UAE.Throughout the conversation, Dr. Nahida shared her insights and experiences, emphasising the transformative power of words and the importance of creating compassionate and inclusive environments. Let's delve into some of the top moments from this enlightening interview.Dr. Nahida joins ‘the mentl space’ podcast also as a judge for ‘the mentl awards 2023’.Our black tie gala dinner at the St Regis Downtown hotel in Dubai on November 10 will hero individuals, initiatives and industries and institutions across the public and private sector who are tackling the stigma of mental health and creating cultures where people thrive.For tickets to our evening of inspiration and insight email awards@mentl.spaceThe importance of connection and community for mental health and well-beingDr. Nahida focused on the significance of human connection and the impact it has on our mental well-being, especially in the workplace where we, on average, spend a third of our lives.Speaking about the power of words, she told the podcast, "You know, your words could mean so much, especially if you're in a leadership role, create positivity, create compassion and kindness in your atmosphere around you and then that just proliferates itself."Dr Nahida underscored the importance of fostering supportive communities and nurturing relationships to promote mental health.Shifting focus in psychiatry: From institutionalisation to functional recoveryDr. Nahida discussed the need to shift the focus in psychiatry from treatment in institutions to functional recovery in the community. She highlighted the potential for individuals with mental illnesses to lead fulfilling lives when provided with purpose and avenues to seek it. Dr. Nahida shared a powerful example of a patient who experienced a significant transformation through rehabilitation and reintegration, stating, "Giving them that purpose or avenues to seek purpose for what they do when they wake up in the morning. I think that's incredible."The urgent need for increased support and awareness of mental health issuesDr. Nahida expressed her concern about the lack of support and awareness surrounding mental health issues, particularly among younger individuals.She stressed the importance of advocacy and the role of leadership in prioritizing mental health in healthcare systems. Dr. Nahida commended the UAE's leadership for their vision and support, stating, "We are profoundly blessed to have that kind of leadership and vision that would say yes, we are here to support you and put our mental health as a priority in healthcare."The need for compassionThe interview with Dr. Nahida Nayaz Ahmed sheds light on the importance of compassion and passion for advocacy and her dedication to improving mental health initiatives serve as an inspiration to all.As we navigate the complexities of mental health, let us remember the profound impact our words and actions can have on those around us, and strive to create a society that prioritises understanding, and inclusivity.
The transformative power of exercise on the mind
Sep 27 2023
The transformative power of exercise on the mind
We’re bombarded constantly with messages about how we should be exercising, especially with a view to our self-image and aesthetics.But does the power of exercise go beyond skin deep? What is the impact beyond the shallow comparison of social media images? Can exercise actually make you smarter? And, what do the scientists, rather than the influencers, tell us?  On ‘the mentl space’ podcast we sat down with Dr. Brendon Stubbs of King’s College London, a renowned expert in the field of exercise and mental health for more than two decades. Dr Stubbs had travelled to Gulf for the regional launch of Mind Games, a massive experiment carried out with global sports brand Asics, to determine whether physical exercise really can boost the performance of the brain. And the results were surprising… Profound transformations Dr. Stubbs shared inspiring stories with the podcast from participants in the Mind Games experiments, highlighting the incredible impact of exercise on individuals. He emphasised, "Engaging in physical activity and exercise has a plethora of benefits on people's physical, mental, and cognitive health." The studies conducted by Dr. Stubbs revealed impressive cognitive enhancements and an enhanced state of mind among participants. The mind-body connection The podcast also touched upon the powerful connection between exercise and mental health. Dr. Stubbs highlighted the importance of exercise in improving mental well-being, "Exercise transforms not only your physical health but also your mental well-being." The research conducted by Dr. Stubbs showcased significant reductions in anxiety levels and improvements in confidence among participants. Breaking barriers and tackling isolation Dr. Stubbs salso hed light on the role of exercise in breaking the silence surrounding mental health and fostering a sense of community."Exercise and community play a vital role in tackling isolation and mental health challenges." Through exercise, individuals can find support, connection, and a sense of belonging, ultimately leading to improved mental well-being. The power of physical activity in the workplace The conversation also explored the transformative impact of physical activity on employee performance and well-being. Dr. Stubbs stressed the need for employers to prioritise physical activity, stating, "Your employees are your asset. Supporting them to engage in physical activity can sharpen their mind performance, reduce burnout, and decrease sickness days." Incorporating exercise into the workplace can create a happier, more productive workforce. Tune into ‘the mentl space’ podcast now The podcast highlighted the profound transformations that exercise can bring to our lives. From cognitive enhancements to improved mental well-being, exercise has the power to positively impact every aspect of our physical and mental health.  Dr. Stubbs' research and inspiring stories showcased the importance of exercise in breaking barriers, fostering community, and enhancing workplace performance. It is clear that exercise is not just about physical fitness but also about nurturing our mental well-being.  Listen / watch the podcast now and learn what the science has to teach us. Chapter List:  Chapter 1: Tips For Building A Healthy Exercise Routine- Timestamp: 00:00 Chapter 2: Exploring The Impact Of Exercise On Cognitive Function In Elite Performers: The Mind Games Experiment- Timestamp: 02:47 Chapter 3: Mind Uplift: The Minimum Threshold For Mental Health Improvement Through Exercise- Timestamp: 17:23
The power of human connection and the search for our authentic selves
Sep 20 2023
The power of human connection and the search for our authentic selves
What does it mean to be human? How can we live a life in tune with our authentic selves? And…are we all just a little bit weird? In a thought-provoking episode of ‘the mentl space’ we bring you a captivating conversation with the insightful and inspiring Andrew Stotter-Brooks.  Drawing on his experience from a career spanning decades, most recently as Vice President Learning and Development for Etihad Airways, and now as Chief Learning Officer for Weird Human, the conversation delves into the essence of humanity, the interview explores the significance of surprising encounters, the power of influence, and the importance of human connection.  Andrew's profound insights shed light on the unique role we play in a world dominated by AI, emphasising the need to embrace our individuality.  He joins ‘the mentl space’ podcast also as a judge for ‘the mentl awards 2023’ which aims to hero individuals, initiatives and industries and institutions across the public and private sector who are tackling the stigma of mental health and creating cultures where people thrive. The power of human connection and encouragement Andrew emphasises the importance of connectivity and the influence it holds, saying: "Don't underestimate the power of just connecting with another human being."  Andrew believes that deep and intense connections can inspire individuals to reach out and connect with others, creating a ripple effect of positivity. He passionately expresses, "Letting them know they're not alone, genuinely couldn't say it any better than that." This sentiment highlights the transformative power of human connection and the encouragement it brings. Embracing our uniqueness in a world dominated By AI Andrew delves into the topic of AI and its increasing presence in our lives. He believes that as AI takes over various tasks, our unique ability to connect and build rapport with others becomes even more crucial. Andrew asserts, "The only thing we're going to be left with is really our own ability to connect and build rapport with people." He emphasises the importance of directing AI to solve problems, highlighting the role of human decision-making and problem-solving skills. Watch or listen now This episode offers profound insights into the power of human connection and influence. Andrew's experiences and perspectives shed light on the transformative impact we can have on others through genuine connections. As AI continues to advance, Andrew reminds us of the importance of embracing our uniqueness and harnessing our ability to connect deeply with fellow human beings.  As we say at mentl: “Together we thrive.”Enter 'the mentl awards 2023' today - but hurry the deadline for nominations expires at 11.59pm on September 30.Chapter List: Chapter 1: Embarking On A Quest To Uncover The Essence Of Humanity - 00:00Chapter 2: The Importance Of Meeting Others' Needs - 03:38Chapter 3: Unexpected Career Opportunity And Frustrations Of Working Internationally - 07:14Chapter 4: Concerns About Connecting With Others In The Digital Age - 11:15Chapter 5: The Importance Of Relationships And Asking Questions In Achieving Success - 14:53Chapter 6: Importance Of Open Communication And Reflection - 18:33Chapter 7: Harnessing The Power Of AI: Proceed With Caution - 22:21
Disability didn't define me, but discrimination almost broke me - now I‘m fighting back
Sep 8 2023
Disability didn't define me, but discrimination almost broke me - now I‘m fighting back
If Jessica Smith’s life was a Hollywood movie then the story would have gone like this, a child born with a disability overcomes adversity to beat everyone in her school at swimming. She swims so well she swims all the to the Paralympics, there she achieves her dream, music plays as she swims off into the distance happily ever after.But Jessica Smith’s story is far more raw, far more unacceptable, far more painful and thus far more human and far more inspiring.  In the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast host Scott Armstrong had the privilege of diving, forgive the pun, into a life forged not by her physical situation, not by the body she was born with, but by people’s reactions, society’s prejudices and even elite sports indifference to inclusivity. It’s a story that saw Jessica battle with mental health, it’s a story that nearly killed her. But, appropriately enough for a children’s author, the story did not end there. Now a global inclusivity advocate Jessica is on a mission to have open and honest conversations about diversity, about attitudes, and is determined to inspire future generations.  Throughout this conversation, Jessica shares her inspiring and emotional journey and highlighted the importance of embracing differences, changing conversations on leadership, moving forward with responsibility, and pursuing gender equality.  Her insights shed light on the challenges faced by marginalised communities and the need for a more inclusive society.  She joins ‘the mentl space’ podcast also as a judge for ‘the mentl awards 2023’ which aims to hero individuals, initiatives and industries and institutions across the public and private sector who are tackling the stigma of mental health and creating cultures where people thrive.Learn more about 'the mentl awards 2023' at Embracing Differences Inspiring The Younger Generation Through Technology And Acceptance:Jessica emphasised the significance of engaging with younger generations to foster acceptance and understanding. She shared, "But that has allowed a different conversation with the younger generation, a conversation about technology, a conversation about that is so cool that you are so different and we want to be like you." Her experiences in schools have shown that children are now more open-minded and less fearful, creating an environment where differences are celebrated rather than stigmatised. The Changing Conversation On Leadership And Tokenism In Companies Discussing the evolving conversation on leadership, Jessica acknowledged the progress made but also highlighted the persistence of tokenism. She expressed her frustration, stating, "So, let's get Jess in to come and talk and we'll tick that box and we'll take a photo. Fantastic. So, is that frustrating? Yes and no." Despite the challenges, Jessica recognised the importance of being part of the first step towards change and educating organisations on the need for genuine inclusion. Moving Forward With Responsibility Jessica emphasised the responsibility she feels to share her story and help others. She explained, "I think it's about perseverance and I think it's about trying to be accepting of what the reality has been for me as a female living with a disability." Rather than succumbing to anger or bitterness, Jessica chooses to focus on acceptance and resilience, inspiring others to do the same. Optimism In Pursuit Of Gender Equality In Society And Sport When discussing gender equality, Jessica expressed optimism while acknowledging the work that still needs to be done. She stated, "We need to be talking abou
Is there a mental health crisis in the hospitality industry?
Aug 31 2023
Is there a mental health crisis in the hospitality industry?
We’ve come to expect service with a smile, after all, isn’t the customer always right? But what about the people behind the smiles? Long hours, difficult conditions, sometimes even more difficult customers, hospitality as one commentator recently wrote ‘is not for the faint hearted’. In this special roundtable edition of ‘the mentl space’ podcast -  part of our partnership with Gates Hospitality – we shine a light on well-being in the hospitality industry. We welcome to the table four guests each with a wealth of experience perspective. Naim Maadad, Chief Executive and founder of Gates Hospitality, he’s also ChairmanAustralian Business Council and Treasurer & Board Member of the UAE Restaurants Group Tapan Vaiyda is a veteran of the industry, he is CEO of PJP Investments Group, owner-operators of Papa John's in the UAE & Saudi Arabia. With 36 years’ experience across Middle East & India, Tapan has been associated with the development of hundreds of restaurants across these markets with brands including Papa John's, Chili’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Outback Steakhouse… it is a long list. Samantha Wood is a food writer, founder of an event organiser and communications consultant with nearly three decades of experience in the UK and the Middle East. And Jessica Smith, is a leading global disability inclusion consultant, a former Australian Paralympic Swimmer, a public & motivational speaker a children’s author and recipient of the ‘Medal of the Order of Australia’. Both Naim and Jessica are also judges for ‘the mentl awards 2023’ which aims to hero organisations that promote well-being and have honest open conversations about mental health. During the round table we dive into: - The lack of places for industry leaders to seek support and solutions for mental wellness in the workplace.- The need for open communication and a supportive environment to address mental health issues.- The stigma and cultural biases surrounding mental health that prevent people from seeking help in the hospitality industry.- The physically demanding nature of the hospitality industry and its impact on mental well-being.- The challenge of addressing mental health issues without relying solely on medication. And, we explore solutions, such as:- Establish forums or leadership conferences where industry leaders can discuss and understand the seriousness of mental health issues.- Appoint a well-being officer or consultant who is available for team members to reach out to privately and assess their needs for support or change.- Foster open communication and create a workplace culture that encourages discussions about mental health without embarrassment or stigma.- Provide practical support, such as focusing on the importance of sleep and addressing the physical demands of the industry.- Encourage companies and industry veterans to prioritise the well-being of their teams and provide necessary support and resources. Listen now: Chapters: 00:00 The Importance Of Employee Well-being In Customer Service04:33 The Changing Dynamics Of The Restaurant Industry: A Commentator's Perspective08:12 The Role of Leaders in Fostering a Positive Work Environment12:45 Challenges and Potential of Casual and Part-time Work in the Gaming Industry17:20 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Hospitality Industry21:56 Strategies for Empowering Leaders and Encouraging Discussion on Industry Challenges26:30 The Importance of Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace30:15 The Potential for Change and Collaboration in the Industry with Generation Alpha
How dark is it on the dark side?
Aug 25 2023
How dark is it on the dark side?
In the latest episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast, Scott Armstrong delves into the pressing issue of mental health within the PR and communications industry. According to the research presented in the episode, a shocking 70 percent of professionals working in PR and communications reported struggling with their mental health. This figure is more than twice the global average and paints a picture of the industry's mental well-being. The statistics indicate that mental health issues are pervasive and demand urgent attention.Exploring the factors contributing to these alarming statistics with Scott is Kate Midttun, CEO and founder of Acorn Strategy and Chairperson of MEPRA, the Middle East PR Association.They discuss the need for agencies to advocate for mental health and implement strategies that yield tangible results. Kate highlighted the significance of agencies taking a stand and supporting their employees' well-being to reduce the high percentage of mental health struggles within the industry.Kate is also a judge in ‘the mentl awards 2023’ which aims to hero individuals, institutions and industries, public and private sector projects, which tackle the stigma of mental health and help create cultures where people can thrive.“Mental health is so important,” said Kate. “At the end of the day, we are all just humans, everyone is on their own journey and mental health affects everyone.  “Whether or not you're trying to help support someone else through it, or, whether personally you've got your own struggles. “I think the awards are really, really important for addressing that and making sure that people are recognising what excellence looks like in mental health. “Until we recognise and celebrate excellence, we're not going to achieve it.”The episode also focused on the importance of recognising mental health as a business fundamental rather than a mere "nice to have." MEPRA research revealed that 45 percent of professionals surveyed admitted that their mental health struggles had a direct impact on their ability to perform their work effectively. These findings underscore the urgent need for organisations to prioritise mental health support and create a conducive environment for their employees.While the statistics paint a grim picture, the conversations also shed light on the positive side of the conversation surrounding mental health. By openly discussing mental health issues, the industry is making progress in breaking the stigma and fostering a supportive environment. The increased dialogue surrounding mental health is seen as a positive step towards addressing the challenges faced by professionals in the PR and communications field.This episode is a call to action for industry leaders and organisations to actively contribute to the conversation and take concrete steps to support their employees' mental well-being.  By prioritising mental health, the industry can create a more inclusive and supportive environment that allows professionals to thrive.Chapter List:1. High Prevalence Of Mental Health Issues In The PR Industry (00:00)2. Addressing Mental Health In The Workplace (05:23)3. Shifting Towards A Long-term Perspective (10:32)5. The Importance Of Community In Overall Health And Well-being (21:02)6. Promoting Work-life Balance And Boundaries (26:05)7. The Importance Of Two-way Empathy In The Industry (29:38)8. The Importance Of Discussing Mental Health And The Need For Progress (32:12)9. The Importance Of Individualized Access And Support In EAP Programs (35:49)
Our children are beating themselves up
Aug 18 2023
Our children are beating themselves up
“It’s the pressure, the pressure they are putting on themselves, they are so hard on themselves.”In a world that seemingly accelerates on a daily basis, understanding the realities of young people and their mental well-being is increasingly vital. Recent research in the Cigna 360 Wellbeing Survey showed that Gen Z are currently the most stressed generation on the planet, while a recent study by Dove showed that younger children are struggling with their mental health, tied to an addiction to social media.  In this episode of ‘the mentl space’ podcast Scott Armstrong sits down with Jasmine Navarro, a family wellbeing expert, to explore the challenges our children are dealing with. One of the standout moments is the discussion on empowering children to find their own answers. Jasmine emphasises the importance of listening and questioning, allowing children to discover their own solutions. This approach not only empowers them but also fosters a sense of independence and self-confidence. By giving children the space to speak and be heard, we can help them develop their own emotional intelligence and problem-solving skills. Another significant moment in the episode revolves around the impact of social media on teens' mental health and the challenges faced by parents. Scott and Jasmine engage in a thought-provoking conversation about the role of social media in today's society.  They acknowledge that while social media can be a powerful tool for communication, it also poses risks to mental well-being. The podcast encourages parents to have open conversations with their children about social media usage, helping them understand the potential consequences and make informed choices. The episode also touches upon the journey of grief and purpose, highlighting personal loss and professional transformation. Through Jasmine's story, listeners can gain insights into the power of self-discovery and acceptance. Her experience serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to find purpose and meaning. This narrative resonates with individuals who may be going through similar struggles, offering hope and inspiration. This episode offers valuable insights into empowering children, navigating social media, and finding purpose amidst grief. By exploring these topics, the podcast encourages listeners to engage in open conversations, develop emotional intelligence, and foster a supportive environment for mental well-being.  A must-listen for anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the realities faced by today's youth and the strategies to support their mental health.Timestamp chapters: 03:45: Personal Struggles With Depression And Feeling Alone 07:27: Personal Loss And Professional Transformation: A Journey Of Grief And Purpose 13:55: A Gentle Approach To Helping Teenagers Embrace Their Emotions And Self-language 19:00: The Importance Of Leading By Example And Developing A Personal Routine