The BDX Omaha Podcast

Tyson Kinzle

Welcome to the BDX Omaha Podcast. We like to talk business with business owners. What the best, worst and most rewarding parts of owning a business? We talk about it all! read less


Forged & Refined: Where Grit Meets Pixel | Join Us
Sep 8 2023
Forged & Refined: Where Grit Meets Pixel | Join Us
In a world where tenacity meets innovation, where grit is the currency and ambition runs through your veins like a fine aged whiskey, I stand at the helm of a burgeoning empire, ready to carve out a legacy in the annals of marketing history. No longer content with the confines of mediocrity, I am on the hunt for individuals forged in the crucible of life's harshest arenas - the guardians of our streets, the warriors of our borders.I am calling upon the seasoned veterans of law enforcement and the military, those with a knack for the finer arts that fuel the digital age. I seek the rare breed who have honed their skills in the realms of web design, graphic design, photography, and videography; those who possess the uncanny ability to meld the precision of their training with the boundless creativity of the arts.This is not just another job offer. This is a clarion call to those who dare to venture into uncharted territories, to those who have the mettle to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. This is your chance to be part of something monumental, to leave an indelible mark in a world thirsty for the unique blend of strength and finesse that only you can offer.Step into a realm where mahogany meets silicon, where the old world shakes hands with the new. This is your moment, your opportunity to redefine the boundaries of what's possible. Join me, and together we will craft a narrative that resonates with power, authenticity, and undeniable allure.Are you ready to answer the call?