DFYANT Freestyles Podcast


I am the artist known as DFYANT. This podcast is me publishing my twice weekly 15 minute freestyles. Two Rap and two stand up comedy. So enjoy and listen to the constant improvement week to week. No BS nothing written, truly free freestyles (commercial free). LOVE! I am doing this podcast for two reasons. 1, to show you that freestyling is possible and that you can achieve your goals with practice and growth. 2, to get back to where I used to be with freestyling and surpass where I was even then.  My name is DFYANT my music is available to stream on all streaming platforms. Also you can check out my music videos on youtube. And I have merchandise at DFYANT.org. Enjoy and reach out to me on all social media @therealDFYANT. MUCH LOVE. BTW just started to add Comedy Freestyles twice a week so have fun come back and comment with what you think. Don’t forget to like and follow. Keeping with the theme, “FREE”-style, I am keeping this Podcast FREE and commercial free. PEACE!! read less
