The Ensaun Experience

Faisal Ensaun

Have you ever thought that there's more to life than what you've been allowed to believe? Do you desire to create a life based on freedom, connection, joy, possibilities, purpose, and legacy? A life where you could do the things that truly matter to you?Welcome to The Ensaun Experience! Where we take a deep dive into how you can level up in business and life without compromising your joy, peace, health, and relationships. Where you discover your true potential! To find out more information about the Ensaun Experience go to There you can discover a whole world of transformation!! Are you ready to discover your vision? Check out read less


Just BEING PRESENT is not enough for a fulfilling life... here's why
May 24 2024
Just BEING PRESENT is not enough for a fulfilling life... here's why
In this episode, we dive into the profound topic of presence and why simply being present is not enough to lead a fulfilled life. Join us as we explore how meditation, mindfulness, and nature are not just tools for feeling present, but powerful methods for reconnecting with our true selves.Discover the three key components that are essential for truly experiencing presence:1. Body: Feeling good in our bodies is crucial, as pain and discomfort can be major distractions. Learn how to cultivate physical well-being to support your journey towards presence.2. Mind: Our minds are energetic components of our bodies. We'll discuss the importance of paying attention to the stories we tell ourselves and training our minds to stay present, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.3. Emotions: Emotional regulation is vital for experiencing presence. Understand how unprocessed emotions and past traumas can hold us back and how working through them can lead to true freedom and fulfillmentAs a high-performance coach, I guide my clients through healing past traumas and reshaping the stories they carry. This episode will provide you with insights and practical strategies to break free from the invisible chains that hinder your potentialTune in to learn how to work on your inner self and achieve success by deeply understanding and integrating these components into your life. This is more than just a podcast episode—it's a journey towards true presence and fulfillment.Register for the upcoming Vision Building Workshop that will be on May 30th at 9am EST at more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
This Is The Main Reason Why You Are Struggling
May 20 2024
This Is The Main Reason Why You Are Struggling
In this inspiring video, filmed in Ontario, Canada against the backdrop of a beautiful sunny day, Faisal outlines the common reasons why people struggle to move forward in their personal and professional lives, emphasizing the lack of clarity in their goals, strategies, and understanding of their own identity. He then introduces a free, live two-hour coaching session designed to help participants build a powerful vision for their future, including overcoming past obstacles, defining clear long-term goals, and providing tools to enhance performance and networking opportunities with like-minded individuals. The session is particularly targeted towards entrepreneurs, investors, and multifamily investors looking to build an extraordinary life with purpose, love, connection, and fulfillment while leaving a lasting legacy.00:00 Welcome to Ontario: A Glimpse into a Beautiful Day00:24 The Core Reason Behind Your Struggle00:42 Unveiling the Power of Clarity in Life and Business01:50 Introducing the Vision Building Workshop03:00 Diving Deep: What the Workshop Will Cover04:13 Networking and Collaboration Opportunities04:53 How to Register for the Vision Workshop05:29 Closing Thoughts and InvitationFor more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
Journey to Self Discovery Practices for Inner Connection
May 11 2024
Journey to Self Discovery Practices for Inner Connection
Welcome to The Ensaun Experience, where we delve into the realms of personal growth and inner peace. In this episode, we uncover five essential practices that can transform your life.Join us as we explore the power of solitude and its profound impact on connecting with your core self. Discover how spending time alone, free from distractions, can help you process emotions and thoughts influenced by past experiences.Next, we delve into understanding emotional triggers and taking charge of your physiological and emotional responses through conscious breathing and mindfulness techniques.Then, we expand our perspective by learning and engaging with diverse viewpoints, allowing us to understand ourselves, others, and the world on a deeper level.We also discuss the crucial role of social support and surrounding yourself with individuals who share and support your values and aspirations.Finally, we emphasize the significance of establishing routines that foster personal growth, aligning with your spiritual, social, and personal aspirations.Tune in as we guide you through these transformative practices, aiming to cultivate joy, connectedness, and a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.Join us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.00:00 Introduction to Personal Growth Practices00:19 The Power of Solitude: Connecting with Your Core Self00:53 Understanding Emotional Triggers and Their Impact02:09 The Importance of Being Present with Your Emotions06:51 Expanding Your Perspective: Self, Others, and the World10:11 The Role of Social Support in Personal Development11:15 The Significance of Routines in Achieving GrowthFor more fantastic training like this one, make sure to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss another episodeConnect with me on Facebook and don’t miss out on the incredible content we share daily at -- you ready to build your vision and level up in business and life? Check out more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
Mastering Boundaries: The Power of Saying No and Protecting Your Space
Apr 18 2024
Mastering Boundaries: The Power of Saying No and Protecting Your Space
This script delves into the concept of boundaries and the importance of being able to say no, linking it to the allocation of one's limited time, energy, and resources. The speaker shares personal experiences and insights on how saying yes to something inherently means saying no to something else, emphasizing the need for clear boundaries to manage personal and professional life effectively. The discussion includes the types of boundaries (internal and external), the impact of upbringing and environment on one's ability to set boundaries, and strategies for modeling and teaching boundaries to others, particularly children. Additionally, the importance of vision and identity in establishing boundaries and making decisions aligned with one's goals and values is highlighted, alongside the impact of external influences on one's thoughts and emotions. The speaker advocates for selective engagement with people and content that supports positive personal growth and the development of a strategy and vision for one's life to guide decision-making and boundary-setting.For more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
Understanding Confidence: Skills, Roles, and Self-Belief
Apr 11 2024
Understanding Confidence: Skills, Roles, and Self-Belief
In this training session, I dive deep into the concept of confidence, starting with my misconceptions that once led me to equate confidence with mere appearance and slowly evolving to recognize its deeper roots in skill sets and specific roles. I outline three key types of confidence that we commonly encounter: skill confidence, role confidence, and self-confidence. I explain how confidence grows with competence, where skill confidence emerges from proficiency in particular skills, and role confidence stems from our identities or jobs. However, I identify self-confidence as the most profound form, emphasizing it as a belief in one's reliability and effectiveness in facing new challenges. I reflect on how children naturally exhibit this self-confidence, a trait that adults tend to lose due to over-reliance on external systems and expectations. I share insights on reconnecting with our inherent nature and the creative power within us, advocating for introspection, continuous learning, and challenging long-held beliefs as pathways to rediscover and strengthen our core confidence. To conclude, I invite the audience to share their experiences with developing confidence across different facets of their lives, aiming to foster a deeper understanding and application of confidence in both personal and professional contexts.For more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
How Honesty Boosts Productivity: A Guide to Effective Living
Mar 28 2024
How Honesty Boosts Productivity: A Guide to Effective Living
How Honesty Boosts Productivity: A Guide to Effective LivingFaisal Ensaun, a high-performance coach, delves into the profound connection between honesty and productivity, emphasizing its significance in various aspects of life. He articulates that honesty serves as a foundational element for effectiveness and productivity, transcending traditional productivity tools like time management systems.Breaking down the concept, Faisal identifies three key areas where honesty drives productivity: well-being, relationships, and work/business. He stresses the importance of being truthful with oneself about personal growth and self-care routines, acknowledging areas for improvement and aligning actions with long-term goals. In relationships, honesty entails facing difficult conversations, setting boundaries, and nurturing connections to enhance overall life quality.Moreover, Faisal advocates for honesty in evaluating one's work or business endeavors, urging individuals to assess whether their efforts contribute meaningfully to their desired life outcomes. He encourages reflection on whether time investments align with personal values and aspirations, emphasizing the need to make proactive decisions to realign if necessary.Throughout the discussion, Faisal underscores the introspective nature of honesty, emphasizing that individuals alone hold the insight into their internal experiences and life satisfaction. He advocates for a holistic evaluation of one's life, urging listeners to confront challenges with honesty to pave the way for greater productivity and fulfillment.00:00 Unlocking Productivity Through Honesty00:55 Exploring the Core Areas of Honesty01:04 Deep Dive into Well-being and Growth03:37 Navigating Relationships with Honesty06:59 Honesty in Work and Business: A Path to Fulfillment08:53 Making Decisions and Taking Action11:46 Reflection and Encouragement for Personal GrowthFor more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
Breaking Mental Barriers
Mar 21 2024
Breaking Mental Barriers
In this video, I dive deep into understanding and overcoming the fears that hold us back, focusing specifically on the psychological aspects rather than the physical dangers. I share my realization that while fear is essential for physical protection, it becomes a barrier when it corrupts our mindset, stopping us from progressing in life. I discuss four main fear-based barriers I've encountered: the fear of loss, the fear of hardship, the fear of judgment from others, and the fears rooted in my internal narratives. Through personal reflection, I've learned how to change my story, altering my perception of fear to take bold steps toward living a life aligned with my true self. I highlight the importance of separating my deep-seated identity from these fears, explaining how overcoming them has led me to a more fulfilled, purpose-driven life.00:00 Diving Into the Depths of Fear01:48 The Power of Mind Over Fear01:59 Learning from Conferences: Business and Identity03:05 Exploring the Four Major Fears03:13 Fear of Loss: The Anxiety of Starting New06:17 Confronting the Fear of Hardship11:28 The Impact of Others' Judgments12:46 Voices in Our Heads: The Ultimate Battle17:32 Embracing Your True Self and PurposeFor more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
Illuminating Joy and Banishing Suffering
Mar 14 2024
Illuminating Joy and Banishing Suffering
In this talk, I delve into the idea that suffering arises from a lack of peace, similar to how darkness is simply the absence of light. I explore the nuanced difference between momentary happiness and deep-seated peace, the latter of which I argue is a more profound and stable form of contentment. Through personal anecdotes, I illustrate how physical pain, like a severe toothache experienced before a family trip, while unpleasant, didn't equate to suffering for me due to an underlying sense of peace and happiness in my life. I distinguish between pain and suffering, arguing that while pain is an immediate signal indicating something is amiss—be it physical or emotional—suffering usually denotes a deeper existential unrest, often ignored or masked by distractions. I share my journey towards finding peace, which involved confronting both physical and emotional pains head-on, engaging in self-exploration, and finding meaningful ways to address internal conflicts. I conclude by emphasizing the importance of being present and aligned with one's values and surroundings as a way to mitigate suffering and cultivate a life of peace.For more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
Overcoming Fear and Embracing Authenticity
Feb 29 2024
Overcoming Fear and Embracing Authenticity
Today I introduce our upcoming group coaching session that will focus on fear. I share my reflections on fear as an inherent aspect of our human identity, stressing the necessity to differentiate between natural fears and those learned fears that hold us back. Central to my discussion is the delicate balance between embracing risk in business and personal endeavors while remaining true to one's self. I share my personal story about planning a significant lifestyle change involving a trip that is more about adopting a new way of living rather than a temporary escape. It's this journey that helps me illustrate the concepts of authenticity and attachment, inspired by the teachings of Dr. Gabor Mate. I delve into the importance of recognizing our own unique qualities and values to lead a life that's genuinely aligned with our deepest selves. This involves navigating the complexities of maintaining social bonds and seeking community acceptance as we strive for personal authenticity. I close with an encouragement to all to find courage in their authenticity, to purposefully shape a life that not only aligns with their values but also enriches their sense of self and connection with others.For more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page:
Vision, Values, and Discipline
Feb 22 2024
Vision, Values, and Discipline
Are you struggling to stay motivated and achieve your goals? In this episode, I delve deep into the concept of motivation, emphasizing its transient nature and strong ties to personal vision and values. I argue that a lack of motivation often indicates a detachment from one's goals and values. However, by maintaining a clear vision and frequently revisiting your goals, you can sustain your focus. Discipline, continuous learning, and a robust support network are key to fostering enduring motivation. But how do you enforce discipline in activities that you dislike? The answer is simple - align your discipline and efforts with your interests and passions! By doing so, you can unlock your full potential and achieve success in your endeavors. To further illuminate my discussion, I provide real-life anecdotes and recommended resources, including Brendan Burchard's book, The Motivation Manifesto. By understanding the importance of vision, values, and discipline, you can become the master of your own destiny. Join me in this episode as we explore the key elements of motivation.For more amazing training like this one, subscribe to my channel! Ready to discover your Vision? head over to For daily inspiration and motivation follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn : Facebook page:​ Instagram Page:​ LinkedIn Page: