Thoughts Of Some Guy In Ohio

Jason Cline

My goal is to capture a lot of different ideas or topics in regards to Faith, Life and the Church. I am a Pastor, with a passion for teaching God's word and also helping people to have a relationship with Christ. Yet, I am also human and live in the same world that you do and I don't want to ignore the real and daily struggles we all face. Through this I hope to offer you hope and maybe some guidance in this life and the one to come. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


The Journey of Faith Balancing Hope, Fear, and Eternal Choices
May 7 2024
The Journey of Faith Balancing Hope, Fear, and Eternal Choices
As I sat through a funeral that felt more like a fire and brimstone sermon, I was struck by the profound impact our words and understanding of faith can have on others. This experience sparked a heartfelt conversation with our guest about the nuanced dance between God's grace and His justice, an exploration that led us from the tough lessons of Pharaoh's stubbornness to the transformative journey of the Israelites. We've all encountered moments where the divine complexities of love, mercy, and holiness seem at odds, and in this episode, we unravel these threads, guided by both personal narratives and scriptural insights.Wrestling with the warning against hard-heartedness, we find resonance in the message of Hebrews 3:7-19, where the call to stay open to God's voice echoes not just for skeptics but for believers as well. I unpack the subtle dangers of spiritual consumerism in modern faith, contrasting it with the profound narrative of Jonah—a reluctant prophet whose story reminds us that redemption is within reach if we choose to listen and act. Whether you're steadfast in your beliefs or questioning, our dialogue offers a fresh perspective on staying receptive to the transformative work of God in our lives.Facing the sobering truths of eternal separation from God, we share a message of hope rooted in Jesus' ultimate sacrifice. We touch upon the uncomfortable topic of hell, not to instill fear, but to illuminate the vibrant hope that exists in choosing a life with God. Through candid reflections on personal transformations and the relentless pursuit of God's redemptive love, this episode invites you to consider the profound impact of grace in our lives and the life-changing decision that lays before each of us. Join us as we delve into these deep waters, offering a beacon of hope amidst the stormy seas of faith.
Heartfelt Encounters and the Quest for Divine Direction
Apr 8 2024
Heartfelt Encounters and the Quest for Divine Direction
As the sun casts off the chill of winter at Elkhorn Camp, the blossoming of spring brings a bevy of new beginnings and hearty adventures. You'll feel the pulse of anticipation for the summer camps, and the vibrant tales from recent retreats that have left an indelible mark on our campers and community. We're rolling up our sleeves for the 'man camp', where the theme 'chain reaction' promises to ignite a series of inspiring events, complete with steak dinners, pickleball tournaments, and the ever-thrilling axe throwing. Our campfire stories this time include a heartfelt recount of prayer's power threading through our search for a new head cook, who has now joined our camp family as if by divine appointment. Listen in for a sneak peek into our outdoor education camps and the local church's gracious aid, fueling the dreams of many eager young minds.Are you standing at one of life's many intersections, looking for the path that leads to clarity and purpose? Let's traverse these roads together, as we glean wisdom from the biblical story of David and apply it to our own life's tapestry. In this episode, you'll hear heartfelt experiences that shine a light on the universal journey through uncertainty and the towering questions that loom over us. We'll wrap our hands around the notion of seeking divine navigation and the solace found within a supportive community. With stories that remind us of our shared human experience, we offer an invitation to those contemplating a deeper faith commitment or simply seeking a listening ear, reaffirming that within this journey, we are never truly alone. Join us by the metaphorical campfire for a time of connection and reflection, and leave with your spirit warmed and your resolve strengthened.
From Eden to Resurrection: Tracing the Path of Redemption and Grace
Mar 18 2024
From Eden to Resurrection: Tracing the Path of Redemption and Grace
Embark with us on a profound exploration of faith that begins at the very dawn of human existence. We take a deep look at the Easter story's origins in Genesis, revealing a narrative of redemption and reconciliation that spans from the Garden of Eden to Christ's resurrection. Join me as we navigate through the creation story to uncover the profound connection between the first act of disobedience and the restorative journey that culminates with Jesus's ultimate sacrifice.As we traverse the pivotal moments of the Easter narrative, we reflect on the parallels between our daily struggles and those of biblical times. The story of Adam and Eve's fall from grace not only sets the stage but also mirrors our own encounters with temptation and the emotional turmoil that follows. We then transition into the New Testament, where Jesus, in the Garden of Gethsemane, takes the first steps toward mending the rift caused by the original sin, a path that leads us through his teachings and to the cross.Feeling unworthy is a common thread in the tapestry of human experience, especially when it comes to matters of faith. This episode illuminates the transformative power of grace and the freedom that Jesus's sacrifice offers. We invite you to contemplate the significance of this gift and the boundless love it represents, encouraging a heartfelt reflection on the liberation and salvation found in the Gospel message. Join us in this heartfelt episode as we seek to understand the extraordinary choice made by Jesus for humanity.
Embracing Belief and Obedience: The Transformative Power of Faith
Mar 4 2024
Embracing Belief and Obedience: The Transformative Power of Faith
Have you ever witnessed the incredible transformation that occurs when someone shifts from doubt to unwavering faith? Jeff's powerful opening prayer in our latest episode sets the stage for a journey into the essence of believing loyalty and the relentless pursuit of obedience to God's Word. We share touching testimonies, including my own path from agnosticism to belief, that reveal the life-changing influence one person can have on another's faith journey. Navigating the treacherous waters of modern life calls for an anchor, and we find it in the legacy of biblical obedience. Our conversation sails through the importance of planting faith's seeds within the family unit, discussing how scriptural teachings from Deuteronomy to Isaiah guide us in interweaving spiritual wisdom into the tapestry of daily interactions. We confront the challenges head-on, from the fear of discussing Jesus with our children to the broader anxiety of sharing our faith with the world, offering insights on how to approach these conversations with confidence and authentic zeal.As we draw our episode to a close, the call to arms resonates deeply as we urge you to become valiant 'dragon slayers' in your own life's narrative. Reflecting on the stories of biblical figures like Abraham and David, we illustrate how their steadfast obedience led to monumental victories. With a closing prayer, we challenge you to embody this same spirit, aligning your actions with your convictions, and building a formidable legacy of faith and obedience for the ages. Join us, alongside Jeff, in this profound exploration of what it means to live a life loyal to the commands of God.
Living Faith: Unity, Action, and Authenticity in the Christian Community
Feb 26 2024
Living Faith: Unity, Action, and Authenticity in the Christian Community
Embark on a journey through the teachings of James, where the lines between faith and action blur into a lifestyle of unity and righteousness. We promise that by tuning in, you'll uncover the potency of a community united in love, especially during the trials that test our bond and beliefs. Our reflections on the church's vital role in this tapestry interweave support with the gospel's transformative message. The mission field, we argue, lies as much in our neighborhoods as it does overseas, with every day presenting a new opportunity for believers to fulfill their calling.Ever questioned the true hallmark of a living, breathing faith? Our discussion on the synergy of faith and works reveals that the trials we encounter are not just hurdles to overcome but mirrors reflecting the resilience of our belief in God's unchanging goodness. Through the lens of both Paul and James, we illuminate how authentic faith naturally manifests in our deeds, our generosity, and even in the restraint of our tongues. This episode is not just a conversation but an invitation—to act, to serve, and to embody the very principles we profess.As we wrap up with a focus on authenticity, we dissect the significance of aligning our lifestyle and speech with our faith, aware that inconsistency can erode the strongest of testimonies. We share insights on controlling the tongue, embracing heavenly wisdom, and the humility required to avoid judgment. Our mission and vision are more than just words; they're about transforming 'me' into 'we', creating a community that's compellingly equipped to introduce others to Jesus. Join us as we commit to this shared vision, where every action and word is a step toward a world that recognizes His need now more than ever.
Finding Common Ground in Faith Amidst a Divisive Advertisement
Feb 13 2024
Finding Common Ground in Faith Amidst a Divisive Advertisement
When a Super Bowl ad featuring Jesus sparked a firestorm of commentary, I found my friends and community deeply divided. The depiction of Christ washing the feet of marginalized individuals became a catalyst for reflection on servanthood and the true teachings of Jesus—a conversation I knew we needed to have. We begin by navigating through the fervor the commercial provoked, addressing concerns about the financial implications and the controversial decision to portray Jesus alongside members of the LGBTQ community, as well as those at Planned Parenthood. Throughout the discussion, I maintain that the act of Jesus washing his disciples' feet transcends historical context, reminding us of the profound call to serve without judgment.In a world where quick judgments on social media can overshadow deeper understanding, I take a step back to explore how we can harness such cultural moments to foster genuine conversation about faith. I share insights on love, compassion, and the transformative power of Jesus's teachings, emphasizing that His call to love often requires us to actively engage and form personal connections. The episode doesn't shy away from challenging the modern evangelism landscape, probing the effectiveness of passive media strategies versus the impact of true interpersonal sharing of the Gospel. With a passion for unity among believers, I underscore the necessity of approaching our faith with both humility and a readiness to discuss—using this ad as a springboard for deeper connections and understanding.
Living a Faith That Acts: Embracing Love, Community, and Service
Feb 12 2024
Living a Faith That Acts: Embracing Love, Community, and Service
Discover the transformative power of a church community that reaches out with love and action. In our latest installment of the 'Connect' series, we delve deeply into the balance between nurturing our internal church family and embracing the wider world with open arms. Inspired by Thomas Reiner's "Autopsy of a Deceased Church," we uncover the dangers of becoming too inwardly focused and how such an approach can signal a church's downfall. We take a chapter from the book of James, examining how trials can strengthen our unity and faith, pushing us to forge connections that extend far beyond church walls.As our conversation progresses, we confront the sin of favoritism head-on, guided by the profound wisdom found in James 2. The 'royal law' of loving our neighbors as ourselves isn't just a lofty ideal; it's a practical call to action for every believer. We dissect the Good Samaritan parable, becoming increasingly aware of the breadth of who our neighbors truly are and the depth of love we are called to show them. This episode isn't just about understanding Jesus' sacrifice and love; it's about reflecting it in our own lives, creating a ripple effect of kindness and compassion across our communities.Finally, we demonstrate that faith is not just a feeling but a force for good when combined with decisive action. Through the inspiring stories of Abraham and Rahab, the Brown Bag Diner initiative, and personal reflections, we reveal how leadership and service are intertwined. Whether you're a long-time churchgoer or just curious about the impact a faith community can have, this episode is an invitation to not only believe passionately but to also live out those beliefs in ways that can truly transform lives, including our own. Join us for a heartfelt and challenging exploration into the essence of what it means to live a faith that breathes and acts.
The Church's Collective Heartbeat
Feb 5 2024
The Church's Collective Heartbeat
As we peer into the shadow of our own experiences, Groundhog Day whimsically reminds us that whether spring comes early or not, the warmth of community within the church is a constant. This episode is steeped in the heartwarming narratives and deep reflections about the essence of "we" over the isolated "I" in our faith walk. Together, we traverse the ancient paths of the letter of James, finding timeless wisdom that encourages believers to seek strength in unity, particularly when facing the inevitable distances and difficulties life throws our way. Navigating through the shared struggles and celebrations of our spiritual family, we realize that perseverance and collaboration aren't just buzzwords; they're lifelines. We unpack how the early church, with its own set of challenges, was called to stand united, a call that reverberates through the ages to our modern communities. From coaching a spirited children's basketball team to tackling the complexities of church split by denominational lines, this conversation shines a light on the power of collective action and the transformative outcomes that emerge when we choose to bear each other's burdens.In this gathering of hearts and minds, we also highlight the pivotal role of community groups within the church, where the transition from individualism to a collective spirit flourishes. The poignant tale of an anonymous giver's two nickels becomes our reminder of why the church exists—to ensure that no soul is left out or feels forgotten by God. With practical insights and stirring metaphors, we explore how we can support one another in a way that spreads the load evenly, ensuring that all members can lean on a robust, supportive network. By the end of our journey together, you'll be inspired to shift from the solitary "me" to the empowering "we," and join hands in prayer, support, and fortification of our shared faith.
Embracing Transformation: The Journey to Salvation Through Jesus Christ
Jan 29 2024
Embracing Transformation: The Journey to Salvation Through Jesus Christ
Imagine the profound transformation that awaits when you encounter Jesus Christ. This episode is a journey through scripture and personal testimonies, unraveling the life-altering experiences of those who witnessed His miracles. With each story, we uncover the truth about salvation—it's not about moral goodness, but through belief in Him. We delve into the teachings of Jesus to Nicodemus, revealing the essential steps of being born again, baptism, and the call to repentance. But it's more than just understanding; it's about embracing Jesus' offer of salvation and responding with a convicted heart that's ready for change.Witness the ripple effect as we discuss the church's mission to spread the gospel and the individual's role in this divine commission. From the immediate transformation of a janitor to the deeper convictions of seasoned believers, every encounter with the message of Jesus Christ holds the power to revolutionize lives. We share stories that illustrate the importance of not only receiving the gospel but also the impact of sharing it, fostering a community that invests, builds, and multiplies faith. This episode is a testament to the transformative journey of being sent and responding with a conviction that reshapes our very existence.Finally, we pause to reflect on the cherished memories of a children's minister whose dedication and energy were a beacon of God's love. Their story serves as a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the urgency of embracing God's offerings—forgiveness, transformation, and the hope of eternal life. We extend a call to action for all, from those yet to commit to long-standing believers, to deepen their faith and assist others in their spiritual growth. Through prayer and commitment, we invite you to make the conscious choice to lead a life rooted in Christ, experiencing the ultimate fulfillment He promises.
Embracing Faith: A Journey from Desperation to Divine Healing
Jan 17 2024
Embracing Faith: A Journey from Desperation to Divine Healing
Imagine carrying a burden for twelve long years, feeling isolated and desperate. That's the reality our latest episode unravels, as we share the stirring biblical account of a woman whose faith led her to a miraculous healing by Jesus. Her unwavering conviction reminds us of the often untapped potential residing in our belief and the boldness required to overcome societal constraints. We dissect this narrative, not just emphasizing the power of faith but also inciting a self-reflective journey on avoiding spiritual complacency. Our dialogue promises an awakening to the essence of maintaining a fervent heart in pursuit of the Divine, assuring that God's grace is accessible even amidst our imperfections.Transitioning from inspiration to life application, we dissect the robust nature of faith and its role in personal transformation. The episode is a clarion call to activate one’s faith, as tiny as a mustard seed, to navigate life’s greatest trials. We weave through the teachings of Matthew, Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians, and Luke, anchoring our insights on the supremacy of divine strength over human wisdom. The stories and personal experiences we share will challenge you to not only seek inner metamorphosis but to also extend that hand of change to others. Join us in embracing the understanding that profound shifts in our existence are cultivated not by self-made strategies but through a deep, transformative relationship with God.
Embracing Grace: Stories of Community Support, Transformation, and New Beginnings
Jan 2 2024
Embracing Grace: Stories of Community Support, Transformation, and New Beginnings
Let me share with you the strength I found within our church family, a beacon of support that has remarkably seen us all through personal trials and communal triumphs alike. This episode is a tapestry woven from threads of gratitude, spiritual deepening, and the transformative journey of faith that each one of us treads. We reflect on the poignant beauty of our acapella worship service, the success of our Brown Bag Diner initiative, and how these experiences reinforce our church's bond with the wider community. With the new year looming, we look forward to the self-improvement resolutions that beckon, inspired by the drive that powers successful enterprises like Planet Fitness, and we embrace the fresh start that 2024 promises to each of us.Gracing this episode with their presence, our guests guide us through a historical labyrinth, from the streets of ancient Crete, we highlight the profound impact of grace on a believer's life. We navigate the moral aspirations of living a life reflective of God's goodness amidst our human frailties and ponder the magnetic pull of grace that persistently calls us to transformation. I get personal, recounting the pivotal moment at fifteen when I surrendered my life to God's direction, a testimony to the idea that it's never too late for a second chance. As we prepare to bid farewell to the hardships and missteps of 2023, we do so with a message of hope, renewal, and the unwavering opportunity for a new beginning, no matter where we are on our spiritual path. Join us as we explore how embracing grace at our most undeserving moments can lead to a life of profound change and fulfillment.