Eyes Wide Open Life Podcast

Rocco Jarman

Join poet, philosopher, artist, and mindfulness coach Rocco Jarman as he explores the important questions about the human experience at the levels of Self (intrapersonal), Relationships ( inter-personal) and Other (society), while unpacking scientific or mystical concepts in ways that can be understood and practically applied by anyone ready to do the work.  A member of THE WALLED GARDEN NETWORK family of podcast.Rocco is the creator and facilitator of the popular self-development courses.The podcast episodes are a mix of philosophy, poetry, inner-child work and emerging research that is both grounded in psychology and pragmatic science, without compromising on the primacy of interpersonal connection and the subtle yet beautiful mechanics of the human condition.

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#058 Actualisation and the Power of Self-Permission
Nov 28 2023
#058 Actualisation and the Power of Self-Permission
In this episode I discuss Actualization, unpacking what I mean by this, and the Power of Permission, which we need to give ourselves, to pursue our intents, to take mastery of our life and our choices, to enter courageously into a conversation with the Universe and with the reality of our lives, where it becomes okay to 'fail', so that we can learn, grow and develop.Indirectly I also discuss in some detail what the entire project of the Eyes Wide Open Life podcast is about, what my motivations and intentions are, and what my main thesis in all of my work is, which is found throughout the @rocco.jarman humanitarian art project on Instagram and the Courses and Coaching I deliver via Eyes Wide Open Life. I also cover:feedback loopsself-measurement and reflectionradical honesty and vulnerabilitypeerlessnessthe false attraction and pursuit of wisdom vs the more authentic project of actualization and discovery of selfIf you take nothing else away from this episode, this is the part i hope truly lands:I believe, and in many ways, Iam living proof, that the pursuit and attainment and the successful negotiation of all the obstacles that stand in the way of self-mastery and self-liberation, is at bottom, psychological.  That is, our pursuit or failure to achieve connection, is as a result of the ideas we carry, ideas we have been infected with through conditioning, the ideas we have failed to challenge and correct in ourselves.  Ideas about love, acceptance, forgiveness, worthiness, power, belonging, divinity, and consciousness, are the ideas we need to get straight, and redundant impediments like shame, guilt and the confusion between Fear and Danger, between Pain and Injury, between Discomfort an unbearability, that discernment, is KEY.Sign up to my Substack: eyeswideopenlife.substack.comemail info@eyeswideopenlife.com
#048 Letting Go and Walking Away
Jun 8 2023
#048 Letting Go and Walking Away
In our ongoing arc of shorter episodes processing necessary endings to make way for new beginnings, we look at the reality that some people are not open to growth or the level of self-honesty we need for connection and security. Sometimes reconciliation fails when the other person is not ready to have that level of conversation or that level of self-ownership.There is still a way to process this with grace and compassion, as much for yourself as it is for them. We cannot please our way to happiness, and we cannot hold space for the weakness in others forever without incurring a cost to our own projects of growth.  Sometimes we have to choose ourselves.This episode explores the way to find closure in that unfolding circumstance and how to Let Go and Walk Away. Anything that does not bring us alive, is too small for us. Goodbye, I cannot love you, because you never were a friend to me.Goodbye, I cannot keep you, because you were unsafe to yourself.Goodbye, I cannot care for you, because I cannot love you the way that you expect me to love. I can only love the way that is true in my heart, and for all the light I can wish into these eyes, I cannot see how you are true in yours. Goodbye,I cannot hold for you,Because you are weak in the placeswhere I choose to be defenceless.Goodbye,I cannot trust you, because you are so reliable, to be the same as this, on any day,when the wind stops blowing your way.So reliable, to raise the flags of victimhood when we should be taking turns, adjusting the sails, adjusting our course,and toiling at the oars. Goodbye.I cannot love you, because.Because you don’t care for my ’because’, and yours has taken up all the room in our shared harbour.Sign up to my Substack: eyeswideopenlife.substack.comemail info@eyeswideopenlife.com
#047 The Art of Brokering Reconciliation
Jun 4 2023
#047 The Art of Brokering Reconciliation
This episode explores the art of this ceremonial necessity of Reconciliation - and how it is possible only if it is mutual, but that we can lead with the invitation.In a second of a 4 part series on ending cycles, and the ceremonies of closure and processing we need to observe to allow ourselves to fully move forward.Reconciliation is not about trading forgiveness, it is about Understanding. It's about acknowledging our past actions and working through the consequences they have had on our relationships. It requires courage to recognize our own failings and willingness to improve upon them. It is not an act performed in solitude, but rather, a willing dance between two, stepping in rhythm with one another.We never get taught the art of reconciliation. It is an art, and its canvas and easel are acknowledgement of the human experience of the other, and an acceptance of the necessary relationship between boundaries and healing, and of the appreciation of relative perspective.My FriendMy friend. I do not ask you for forgiveness, nor for an apology. In that currency, let there be no farebetween us. I do not want for forgiveness, for I must forgive myself.Do not ask me for forgiveness;it was our great mistake to believe it is another’s to give. I will tell you what it is that I want,what my heart truly desires,it is reconciliation;between me and the all, and also between all things with each Other.And I see fit to begin here, between you and I. To be reconciled, we would earn and give the blessingof being seen more fullyand thereby understood. Being that it always was ever and only ignoranceand painthat lead us to the first wounding and the first spite. And I would know that you are no longer ignorant, because I feel that I am not.I have learned firstly that we are not always right, and that even when we are, we are not always kind.And secondly, that good walls make good neighbors,but the boundary needs careful mendingfrom both sides.And I would make a stile between your fieldsand mineand with you, share its keep. And I would know,that you, by grace,learned how to hold the pain you were given to carry, or perhaps how to let it go.Because i know that I have. And most of all,there are treasures and keys and secrets and rare signsand gems of humour that of all the people on this wide earth, I can only share with you. © Rocco Jarman , March 2023Sign up to my Substack: eyeswideopenlife.substack.comemail info@eyeswideopenlife.com
#046 Processing Forgiveness
May 31 2023
#046 Processing Forgiveness
In this deeply personal episode, I invite you to delve with me into profound themes of loss, transformation, forgiveness, and personal growth. Drawing from my own experiences and reflections encapsulated in a powerful piece I wrote about forgiveness, which is not just a bunch of words, but a vehicle that many friends and clients have found profound utility in, in their own journeys, getting ready to let go of who we were and what got us, here, and those we loved and who loved us into the person we are today. We look into the heart of the human experience and the transformative power of letting go.The episode reflects on the essential role that loss and tension play in our personal transformation. Together, we explore the profound notion of "I release you, so that you may release me," discussing the interconnectedness of forgiveness, compassion, and self-love.We unpack the concept of wholeness, not just as a state of being but as a gift that we give and receive. As we each embrace our unique paths, we learn to honor our scars as symbols of resilience, carriers of understanding, and harbingers of transformation.Join me for this soul-nourishing episode that promises to leave you with a newfound appreciation for your personal journey and the transformative power of release. As we journey through a thoughtful exploration of love, loss, and growth, we are reminded that we are free, we are whole, and above all else, we are human.Loss is a necessary part of change, change a necessary part of Growth.The secret aim of all tension is Transformation.Transcript of PRAYER FOR LETTING GO:  https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfAv4hvVKW/Sign up to my Substack: eyeswideopenlife.substack.comemail info@eyeswideopenlife.com