Nov 15 2023
Episode 10 - Sharon Weston - The Past, Present, and Future of Blenderized Tube Feeds
Episode 10 - The Past, Present, and Future of Blenderized Tube FeedsIn this episode of Nutrition Pearls: the Podcast, Melissa Talley and Bailey Koch host dietitian Sharon Weston. Sharon is a Registered Dietitian and Board Certified Specialist in pediatric nutrition. She works with a variety of specialities within GI and takes a special interest in blenderized formulas at Boston Children’s Hospital. As a recognized authority on the dietary and nutritional management of blended foods, Sharon is a frequently invited speaker at GI conferences. She has contributed her expertise to articles related to blenderized formula including: Stir, Shake or Blend: A Comparison of Methods Used to Reduce Viscosity of Blenderized Tube Feedings, JPGN July 1, 2022, and Determining Viscosity of Blenderized Formula: A Novel Approach Using the International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework, JPEN 2020. During this episode she will discuss blenderized feeds and nutrition considerations and management. Resources:1. Cassandra Walia, Megan Van Hoorn, Angela Edlbeck, Mary Beth Feuling, The RegisteredDietitian Nutritionist’s Guide to Homemade Tube Feeding, Journal of the Academy of Nutritionand Dietetics, Volume 117, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 11-16.2. Bobo. (2016). Reemergence of Blenderized Tube Feedings. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 31(6),730–735.3. Bennett, Hjelmgren, B., & Piazza, J. (2020). Blenderized Tube Feeding: Health Outcomes andReview of Homemade and Commercially Prepared Products. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 35(3),417–431.4. Epp, Blackmer, A., Church, A., Ford, I., Grenda, B., Larimer, C., Lewis‐Ayalloore, J., Malone, A.,Pataki, L., Rempel, G., & Washington, V. (2023). Blenderized tube feedings: Practicerecommendations from the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Nutrition inClinical Practice. Pearls is supported by an educational grant from Reckitt Mead Johnson NutritionProduced by: Megan Murphy NASPGHAN - Council for Pediatric Nutrition